#31 popup customizations

3 سال پیش باز شده توسط Tealk · 1 دیدگاه

It would be great if you could customize the pupup a little bit e.g.:

  • Disable the "Since install" section
  • "On this Page" should also show what was blocked without the click on "show urls in popup
    • on/off service
    • on/off type
    • on/off url
It would be great if you could customize the pupup a little bit e.g.: - Disable the "Since install" section - "On this Page" should also show what was blocked without the click on "show urls in popup - on/off service - on/off type - on/off url
Tealk نظر 3 سال پیش

Here is another add-on which provides a nice overview

Here is another add-on which provides a nice overview
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