Pautina 129af23858 Rollback Culpa for useprofile 3 月之前
api.adcomments.php 375dd1719b PRINCESS_FAST_REPLIES option implemented 1 年之前
api.adcommfr.php 375dd1719b PRINCESS_FAST_REPLIES option implemented 1 年之前
api.address.php d9afc52086 city/streets directories modules controllers refactored 4 月之前
api.aerialalerts.php 40e15c241a aerial alerts: alarm map now more responsive 9 月之前
api.androidapp.php e9e61d13fd contract dates basically refactored 2 年之前
api.announcements.php 90c2b12f2f announcements preview larger window 3 年之前
api.annoyance.php 2c9ed71135 apartment build flag added for build passports 3 年之前
api.apachezen.php 9b3cb1a9f0 better PHP errors detection 2 年之前
api.arpdiag.php d6c3437b8b arpdiag: fixed some cosmetic issues 2 年之前
api.askoziamonitor.php 938ee6e671 pbxmon looks like it works 2 年之前
api.assignreport.php 93fbb3799c agent user count stats implemented 4 年之前
api.asterisk.php 7184a7e91e manual merge of pullreq #742 2 年之前
api.astral.php 45b9a5db21 small astral update 4 月之前
api.autocredit.php 1ad2ec21c8 autocredit now takes into account the number of tags assigned to the user to calculate the additional cost of virtual services 1 年之前
api.backups.php e22903927d new label around file modification time 1 年之前
api.badkarma.php 6bf7ab3cfd RemoteAPI: new karmaguard callback implemented 3 年之前
api.banksta2.php a7cb5f80c1 Banksta2: Processed recs cache invalidation before each bank statement processing 1 年之前
api.bankstamd.php 41e87f75dc existing classes documentation update 4 年之前
api.branches.php 92172f7542 Fix traffic statistics for branches 2 年之前
api.btrxcrm.php f131bcc975 OpenPayz: fixed performance issues, paysystems data now cachable, search form now called by separate control 1 年之前
api.buildpassport.php 2c9ed71135 apartment build flag added for build passports 3 年之前
api.callmeback.php 7ff7278b44 callmeback: fixed performance issues on processed calls rendering 9 月之前
api.callshistory.php 970feff862 some logging is here 11 月之前
api.cap.php a49de66550 crime and punishment: penalty percent now is affected by power tariffs price 1 年之前
api.capabdir.php 1df829896c sigreq: fixed empty field on capability creation form 10 月之前
api.cardpay.php ebb1a69140 remoteapi: paycardsqueue call now controlled by PAYMENTCARDS_ENABLED option 6 月之前
api.cemetery.php 0ced145e19 oops 3 年之前
api.cess.php 7d6970d2c5 Add login field for megogo module and some translate fix 4 月之前
api.chartmancer.php e164ac3d31 Naar en sjel sakte kveles 4 月之前
api.cobainsshotgun.php 653448efdc now user is able to back into default shotgun report. Fix for pullreq #703 3 年之前
api.compat.php 39c210ae49 json_validate PHP 8.3 legacy backport 4 月之前
api.condet.php 6666e0ba77 condet: id column in report 5 月之前
api.contractdates.php d8dc4f914e form fix 2 年之前
api.corporate.php e3ab2f489d optimization. use global config 4 年之前
api.corps.php 8a779b207b delete default order doctype to avoid id offset 1 年之前
api.crontabeditor.php 6779ebcc6c crontab editor: now may works on Debian 12 1 年之前
api.cudiscounts.php 38e9dc44a6 CUD_ONLY_TAGID option implemented 11 月之前
api.custmaps.php 21e792fab7 new placemark layers on mapon, tasksmap moved to separate lib, fixed generic map container size parameters 3 年之前
api.customfields.php b171749d1e doc update 6 月之前
api.darkvoid.php 7206b780db new messenger proto 4 月之前
api.dbconnect.php 88b975bb3e few ugly fixes for 8.2 compat 2 年之前
api.dbf.php ed0d8e14ea maybe now its end? 4 年之前
api.dbmon.php 3749451628 dbmon filters itself 3 年之前
api.ddt.php 227ad5d50b DDT: forced tariffs charge credit term fixed 5 月之前
api.dealwithit.php 748a6b08db some optimisation for module dealwithit 4 月之前
api.deferredsale.php 1411085fb6 basic defsale functionality works and ready for testing 1 年之前
api.deploy.php 9d7449be1d fixed encoding 1 年之前
api.devconsole.php a20946a242 devconsole basically refactored 11 月之前
api.dhcp.php feaf01e757 better static dhcp networks handling 2 年之前
api.dhcppl.php 96752eebef pl_dhcp: rewritten from scratch, zen mode implemented 1 年之前
api.dhcpzen.php 32d3b5e0e1 dhcp zen mode implemented 3 年之前
api.diff.php b07032b34d fixed phpdoc format 4 年之前
api.discounts.php dcacea1e10 DealWithIt: setdiscount action implemented 7 月之前
api.districts.php 41e87f75dc existing classes documentation update 4 年之前
api.documents.php 4d72dcfc80 hotfix: Uncaught TypeError: Unsupported operand types: string / int 1 年之前
api.docx.php b6bd70535f yep 6 年之前
api.dreamkas.php 2ab666fcb9 DreamKas, JunGen, MultiGen, Visor, UKV, WCPE classes moved to separate autoloadable libs 3 年之前
api.dreamkasnotifications.php 2ab666fcb9 DreamKas, JunGen, MultiGen, Visor, UKV, WCPE classes moved to separate autoloadable libs 3 年之前
api.dshaper.php 41e87f75dc existing classes documentation update 4 年之前
api.envy.php cd36c398fb envy: {PORT} scripts macro implemented, devices - new port field added 1 年之前
api.eventview.php 841a656f1b eventview: event IP search implemented 5 月之前
api.exhorse.php 12884a80ef exhorse financial reports now requires REPORTFINANCE right 1 年之前
api.extcontras.php 5d24ee8103 PON: FD12XX SNMP templates fixes Added ability to display the interface name prefix, like "pon/0/0/" Added new option to FD12XX SNMP templates for adjusting the interface name prefix displaying 2 年之前
api.extnets.php 41e87f75dc existing classes documentation update 4 年之前
api.fastping.php 0027032c79 fastping ready for testing 2 年之前
api.fdbarchive.php 484f5458cc small fix for OLTs 2 年之前
api.fga.php fe91c19f9d localizable advices? 3 年之前
api.filestorage.php b194c54aa3 file types allowed again 2 年之前
api.friendship.php 41e87f75dc existing classes documentation update 4 年之前
api.fundsflow.php e54a418cb5 Fees Harvester: Forgot to add the ONLINE_SHOW_LAST_FEECHARGE data cache updating to the fees harvesting routine 10 月之前
api.fwtbt.php 248603d8ae AskoziaMonitor replaced with new universal PBXMonitor class 2 年之前
api.garage.php ec07b1aa66 System health: database info now shows tables engine and collation 11 月之前
api.generatecard.php 0d4819a466 вылезла ошибка какого-то банана на 7.4 4 年之前
api.globalmenu.php ab46040635 salary: fixed fired employee rendering in task view, some new skin ready just as proof of concept 2 年之前
api.globalsearch.php 38a1ccc26b most modules which works with payment IDs was patched 2 年之前
api.gmaps.php d640852e0b POWMAP_ENABLED option implemented with power outages map module, maps API updated 2 年之前
api.gravatar.php 4fd847f05b UBIM: multiple UX/UXD improvements, avatar control added 4 月之前
api.gres.php c2427a4417 rename property for agentsExtInfo 4 月之前 40ed12e3d3 lot of cosmetics 9 月之前
api.hlstv.php fb3ec3e6c2 OmegaTV API URL changed 2 年之前
api.ic.php 07b158b3d6 now with cherry flavour! 5 月之前
api.idlelogout.php a24ef93e58 and again 4 年之前 f6fc52890d insurance added to darkvoid notification area 3 年之前
api.ipaclmgr.php 5f02b087fd ipaclmgr: fixed IP ACL deletion logging 2 年之前
api.ipauthdenied.php beb3f8d52f ability of disabling IP authorization for userstats implemented 3 年之前
api.ipchange.php a24ef93e58 and again 4 年之前
api.itsatrap.php a24ef93e58 and again 4 年之前
api.ldap.php a24ef93e58 and again 4 年之前
api.lmaps.php d640852e0b POWMAP_ENABLED option implemented with power outages map module, maps API updated 2 年之前
api.loginform.php 0e578eb797 new passwords inputs implemented 1 年之前
api.lousytariffs.php 9864122a7d Lousy tariffs refactored 1 年之前
api.manifestator.php a08a35baf6 manifestor custom data setter implemented 1 年之前
api.mapon.php 79e0f4114e mapon: added rendering of current vehicle speed and battery voltage 3 年之前
api.maponapi.php ed0d8e14ea maybe now its end? 4 年之前
api.mapscommon.php 2f889c676e cleanup 2 年之前
api.mapscompat.php e1cae82549 leaflet draft. not usable yet 5 年之前
api.meaculpa.php 4daa3a9960 API Stigma: added imageLink renderer 1 年之前
api.megogo.php 7d6970d2c5 Add login field for megogo module and some translate fix 4 月之前
api.messagesqueue.php 973028d52b SendDog: ability to run manually implemented 2 年之前
api.metabolism.php fb13db3486 module finance report code cosmetics, old analytics part deprecated and destroyed 2 年之前
api.migration.php 0b2a21588f PHP 8.2 compatibility in progress 2 年之前
api.mobilesext.php 0d503473b6 AskoziaNum class replaced with new universal PBXNum class, CallsHistory moved to separate lib 2 年之前
api.morph.php 59820fe1dc fix of type error with PHP82 1 年之前
api.mrnn.php c4aed37c0d olltv tariffs basic mgmt 3 年之前
api.mtsigmon.php 1ff757a20f mtsigmon is now autoloadable too 3 年之前
api.multigen.php 92ce743c30 add verefy attribute value is no macros 10 月之前
api.multigenecn.php 48c06d468c usability improved 2 年之前
api.mysql.php 003254242b sqldebug module basically works, current run queries buffer seems ok 2 年之前
api.nasmon.php 17ba68985b and manual refresh too 2 年之前
api.networking.php a00bfd7e2f NMLEASEMARK_ADDITIONAL option implemented, sources parsed MACs array merging improved 4 月之前
api.nyanorm.php dc61c76b79 NyanORM reformatting after PR #851 5 月之前
api.oefails.php 352ecbc488 oefails now using omaeurl for receiving raw data 4 年之前
api.olltv.php b17eedd0ea fix: Array and string offset access syntax 2 年之前
api.olltvservice.php 3481c560e9 olltv ready for testing 3 年之前
api.oltattractor.php f39e8b3671 OLTAttractor: lookupOnuIdxValue method implemented to help onuIdx lookups in future 7 月之前
api.omaeurl.php 1344ae44ad OmaeURL and Reminder: Debugging features refactored and expanded 1 年之前
api.omegatv.php 0b64b388c2 rollback - need to review whole code 2 年之前
api.onepunch.php 4de167b797 Developers console: fixed issues with empty SQL query results, module refactored 11 月之前
api.onubase.php 7f8357b866 Module PONizer: Fixed interface parsing for FD12xx OLTs 4 年之前
api.onudelete.php ad34dea8f8 wow, looks like thats all 4 年之前
api.onuderegister.php ad34dea8f8 wow, looks like thats all 4 年之前
api.onudescribe.php ad34dea8f8 wow, looks like thats all 4 年之前
api.onudlp.php 0273f68615 Update api.onudlp.php 1 年之前
api.onuelp.php c6dc7e1e21 Update api.onuelp.php 1 年之前
api.onumaster.php da976d2853 ONU Master module: middle level of huyovost 1 年之前
api.onureboot.php ad34dea8f8 wow, looks like thats all 4 年之前
api.onuregister.php 82580f4f6d ONUREG_CUSTOM_ZTE_C6XX_GPON, ONUREG_CUSTOM_ZTE_C6XX_EPON, ONUREG_CUSTOM_HUAWEI_GPON options implemented 4 月之前
api.opayz.php 5c444f17ee cosmetics 1 年之前
api.opdenied.php ad34dea8f8 wow, looks like thats all 4 年之前
api.ophanimflow.php 6e37c9c754 OphanimFlow: preventing previous month traffic shifts 4 月之前
api.payments.php 38a1ccc26b most modules which works with payment IDs was patched 2 年之前
api.pbxcdr.php bcc20dcbe3 TelePony in progress now 2 年之前
api.pbxmonitor.php 18aa4c1f67 fixed some issues with pbxmonitor calls filtering 2 年之前
api.pbxnum.php 48a381c523 log format sample for the future 2 年之前
api.percity.php bb1246fd91 0.8.1 rev 5268 8 年之前
api.phonebook.php bcc20dcbe3 TelePony in progress now 2 年之前
api.photostorage.php 797b361c03 photostorage: fix issue with partially uploaded and missing files validation attempts 1 年之前
api.pixelcraft.php 44b43d2a8f oops 9 月之前
api.policedog.php ad34dea8f8 wow, looks like thats all 4 年之前
api.polls.php 25e578cefd PID mechanics looks like it works 2 年之前
api.pollsexport.php 3b8f28be37 polls export: data minification update 1 年之前
api.pollsreport.php 25e578cefd PID mechanics looks like it works 2 年之前
api.pollvoteadmin.php ad34dea8f8 wow, looks like thats all 4 年之前
api.ponbdcom.php fbaa5ad8c7 Fix undefined uniOperStatusIndex 3 月之前
api.ponbdcomgp.php bada535987 Removed unneeded parameter from method call 2 年之前
api.ponboxes.php e94ae7cc39 ponbox geo editing logging 3 年之前
api.pongcomel5610.php 434385636d PONizer: Added some workaround for GCOMs signal processing when some abracadabra comes from OLT instead of correct data. 1 年之前
api.pongcomgl5610.php 434385636d PONizer: Added some workaround for GCOMs signal processing when some abracadabra comes from OLT instead of correct data. 1 年之前
api.ponhuaweigpon.php 9a45064fe0 latest ONU signals report 2 年之前
api.ponifdesc.php ad34dea8f8 wow, looks like thats all 4 年之前
api.ponizer.php c109ad8f26 PONizer: display a notification that the displayed signal is cached from a dead OLT 6 月之前
api.ponizerlegacy.php 695388668b PONIZER_NO_IP_COLUMN option implemented, ponizer legacy view now uses OLTAttractor 2 年之前
api.pononumap.php 670ba3df78 pononumap: bad signal filter implemented 9 月之前
api.ponproto.php e1e840655d use global option for ONU MAC-Serial case 3 月之前
api.ponsfe90bt.php 718ce8adf4 PONSFE90BT HAL lib: Fixed monkeypatching =) 10 月之前
api.ponstels11.php 02c7ee1795 PONizer: Stels/C-Data naming refactored C-Data FD16xxS polling implemented 2 年之前
api.ponstels12.php 02c7ee1795 PONizer: Stels/C-Data naming refactored C-Data FD16xxS polling implemented 2 年之前
api.ponstels16.php 88cb86b91b PONizer: Added some workaround for C-Data FD16xxS FDB processing when some abracadabra comes from OLT instead of correct data. 1 年之前
api.ponvsol.php 86b1992def Ponizer: ponvsol HAL undefined array key fix 11 月之前
api.ponzte.php 5634dcf616 parsing interfaces also seems working 8 月之前
api.ponzteepon.php 9a45064fe0 latest ONU signals report 2 年之前
api.ponztegpon.php 9a45064fe0 latest ONU signals report 2 年之前
api.powertariffs.php 297a60247a Power Tariffs daysleft fixes... again... 1 年之前
api.printcard.php 9f15c2732b fix undefined index - когда в шаблоне не задано описание полей 7 年之前
api.printreceipt.php d9506560c9 BarcodeQR google API library replaced with native-GD QRCode lib 9 月之前
api.processmon.php 20a4197550 processmon now shows currently running process PIDs and can kill selected processes by name 2 年之前
api.prostotv.php feeb06f1bd prostotv basic api in progress 4 年之前
api.pseudocrm.php 129f9b97a6 PSEUDOCRM_ACT_IN_PROFILE option implemented 3 月之前
api.ptv.php 8047649313 prostotv seems it works 3 年之前
api.qrcode.php 5b1979e62c issue with QR code generation on PHP <5.4 fixed 7 月之前
api.realipcontrol.php 10300a23dc realipcontrol: multiple gray IP masks with comma separator support, small help, class moved into separate lib 2 年之前
api.realms.php ad34dea8f8 wow, looks like thats all 4 年之前
api.reminder.php f8b275a569 Reminder: Quick fix of the "Undefined index: pbi_only / Undefined index: pbi_sms" 11 月之前
api.reportbuilds.php bfd8b9369b new build passport icon, navigation to build passport from builds directory 2 年之前
api.reportmaster.php 64be20c325 ReportMaster: taskbar visibility indicator added for available reports list 5 月之前
api.reportstreets.php 9e661ca03a better message on no streets in directory 3 年之前
api.routeros.php ad34dea8f8 wow, looks like thats all 4 年之前
api.salary.php 550a0942a8 salary: fixed stupidity around hiding hobs without price assigned implementation 4 月之前
api.saymyname.php 0b9a270cd5 hotfix: better SayMyName exceptions handling 2 年之前
api.selling.php 4aef2cb4d1 Проверка ввода геоданных, а также косметика по коду 7 年之前
api.senddog.php 9b469a8615 senddog telegram contacts update 3 年之前
api.senddogadvanced.php b4096a57c7 I like to patch it, patch it I like to patch it, patch it I like to patch it, patch it I like to - patch it 2 年之前
api.senddogproto.php 78e41e7611 default senddog SMS services moved to separate libs 3 年之前
api.sigmap.php ba5067fc30 signups map now renders streets with city name too 2 年之前
api.sigreq.php 1df829896c sigreq: fixed empty field on capability creation form 10 月之前
api.smartup.php f09886e865 trying to improve performance of smartup remoteapi callback 4 年之前
api.smsdirections.php ad34dea8f8 wow, looks like thats all 4 年之前
api.smshistory.php 8ab09d409f Change color for smshostory Status 2 年之前
api.smsserviceapi.php 78e41e7611 default senddog SMS services moved to separate libs 3 年之前
api.smszilla.php 2bf73b3040 SMSZilla: new filter tariff change and new template macro {TARIFFNM} and {TARIFFNMPRICE}} implemented 4 月之前
api.snmphelper.php df6dd62ca0 supress some warning due upgrade 7 月之前
api.sormyahont.php e9e61d13fd contract dates basically refactored 2 年之前
api.speedcontrol.php 1034a3f551 speedcontrol module: refactored 11 月之前
api.sphinxsearch.php ef6c4f5f7f just for beauty 2 年之前
api.sqldebug.php 003254242b sqldebug module basically works, current run queries buffer seems ok 2 年之前
api.stardust.php 65036030e4 StarDust ZA WARUDO mode implemented 1 年之前
api.stealthtariffs.php a94b5279ee better stealth 1 年之前
api.stickynotes.php bdb7097513 StickyNotes: better controller 1 年之前
api.stickynotify.php 2c92c898d8 RemoteAPI: taskmannotify action implemented 1 年之前
api.stigma.php 4daa3a9960 API Stigma: added imageLink renderer 1 年之前
api.switchcash.php ad34dea8f8 wow, looks like thats all 4 年之前
api.switches.php 1d4f52d957 SWITCHES_LIST_COMPACT option implemented 3 月之前
api.switchesqinq.php ad34dea8f8 wow, looks like thats all 4 年之前
api.switchgroups.php ad34dea8f8 wow, looks like thats all 4 年之前
api.switchhistory.php ae74d0bd26 better switchhistory, smszilla numbers list export, part of olltv implementation 3 年之前
api.switchlogin.php ad34dea8f8 wow, looks like thats all 4 年之前
api.switchportassign.php 7fd7cbd0af switchport assigns refactor in progress 1 年之前
api.switchportreport.php 556020dd2e SWITCHPORT_IN_PROFILE refactor in progress 1 年之前
api.switchsonic.php 1f0a5a4a85 switchsonic works and ready for testing 3 年之前
api.switchuplinks.php 06002c8773 now switch uplinks data flushes 1 年之前
api.swpoll.php df6dd62ca0 supress some warning due upgrade 7 月之前
api.systemhwinfo.php 692d1a88e4 backport from WR 6 月之前
api.tagcloud.php 548326fc10 tagcloud report now can optional display tagged users 3 年之前
api.taskbar.php 86246371e1 TB_QUICKSEARCH_ENABLED and TB_QUICKSEARCH_INLINE options implemented 3 月之前
api.taskflow.php 2f889c676e cleanup 2 年之前
api.taskman.php 7dbf2df472 TASKMAN_RENDER_ONU_SIGNAL and TASKMAN_SEND_ONU_SIGNAL options implemeted 4 月之前
api.taskmannotify.php 2c92c898d8 RemoteAPI: taskmannotify action implemented 1 年之前
api.taskmantracking.php 2c2ce9947e tasks tracking now displays days count 3 月之前
api.tasksduplicates.php 9a0b5f4bfb advices without translit now 3 年之前
api.taskslabortime.php ece785c49a unified advices interface implemented 3 年之前
api.tasksmap.php 2c1b09310b mapon module now can render tasks for anyone employee 3 年之前
api.tasksqualrep.php 0690d20412 task qual report calls stats now renders only active employee 2 年之前
api.taskstates.php 84f782e1e8 taskflow: task state selector cosmetic issue fix 5 月之前
api.telegram.php ecad3bfa3f apiSendAction method implemented 6 月之前
api.telepathy.php ed0d8e14ea maybe now its end? 4 年之前
api.telepony.php 03379e1f65 wdyc: min number len increased to 9 6 月之前
api.templatize.php 20a3917387 {CFIELD:XX} macro now works in html and docx document templates 2 年之前
api.ticketing.php cd8eaeab30 helpdesk: fixed ticket creation/reply logging 1 年之前
api.tinyollama.php 2670116aed minimal ollama API implementation looks like it works 6 月之前
api.traffstats.php 069e6ab912 Use OPHANIM for Mikrotik traff stats and graphs 5 月之前
api.trassirserver.php 5fa153205a option TRASSIR_DEBUG implemented 3 年之前
api.trinitytv.php e102dab16d TrinityTV: devices with empty mac deletion workaround 2 年之前
api.tsupport.php ad34dea8f8 wow, looks like thats all 4 年之前
api.ubcache.php 658e0fd756 typo 4 月之前
api.ubconfig.php c35385fa8b minor performance improvements 3 年之前
api.ubillingmail.php ad34dea8f8 wow, looks like thats all 4 年之前
api.ubillingmessagehelper.php 236200bf72 message helper separated to own lib 4 年之前
api.ubillingphpmail.php 3adf396a8c fixed permissions warning on pullreq #674 4 年之前
api.ubillingvisor.php 13aaaac28b visor: better support for WolfRecorder >=0.1.0 6 月之前
api.ubmessenger.php 8b65f54c00 why not? 4 月之前
api.ubrouting.php abd33ae183 Vyacheslav is rescued 4 月之前
api.ubstorage.php e76cfaf5da 0.6.4 rev 4234 10 年之前
api.uhw.php d1cd7f0a36 uhw report now little bit clean 4 月之前
api.ukvsystem.php 45260e2318 UKV: separate UKVUED user editing right implemented 7 月之前
api.universalqinq.php b1ce7984dc skip ajax string if wrong svlan_id was set 1 年之前
api.updates.php f55d92ada5 better autoupgrade logging 7 月之前
api.userdata.php 8de0127df5 typo 5 月之前
api.userprofile.php 129af23858 Rollback Culpa for useprofile 3 月之前
api.userreg.php c54f5addd4 UserReg: Added ability to assign some user tags right along with the registration process 8 月之前
api.usersearch.php 2d9e71aafd usersearch: more legacy look 9 月之前
api.userside.php 1cdf300656 Hiding dead users buildings 6 月之前
api.usertags.php e34cd0e30a VirtualServices Added "Archived" field Refactored "Create" and "Edit" forms for better UI experience 1 年之前
api.usms.php 9e4387b33b SendDog: race condition on large SMS queue fixed? 2 年之前
api.vlan.php ad34dea8f8 wow, looks like thats all 4 年之前
api.vlanchange.php ce95dc8766 wrong argument 2 年之前
api.vlanmanagement.php 3f253b38e1 Update api.vlanmanagement.php 1 年之前
api.vservices.php e34cd0e30a VirtualServices Added "Archived" field Refactored "Create" and "Edit" forms for better UI experience 1 年之前
api.warehouse.php 82c17266a7 wh: fixed check for non zero contractor id on income edits 6 月之前
api.watchdog.php 87a8346307 Watchdog: SMS silence mode implemented 2 年之前
api.watchdoginterface.php 87a8346307 Watchdog: SMS silence mode implemented 2 年之前
api.wdyc.php c57f4d1c1f wdyc: yet another try to fix nerative reaction time 1 年之前
api.whiteboard.php ad34dea8f8 wow, looks like thats all 4 年之前
api.whois.php 56e4264fa0 public response raw data getter 2 年之前
api.whsales.php 3d7bee9513 whsales: now ignores mistake and cancellation outcomes 2 年之前
api.wificpe.php 2ab666fcb9 DreamKas, JunGen, MultiGen, Visor, UKV, WCPE classes moved to separate autoloadable libs 3 年之前
api.wolfdispatcher.php 86fecf43dc WolfGram not required if UbillingTelegram class initialized 2 年之前
api.wolfrecorder.php e451b16995 wolfrecorder API: fix of exceptions syntax, new camerasIsIpPortFree method implemented 5 月之前
api.workaround.php 2c2ce9947e tasks tracking now displays days count 3 月之前
api.workicons.php 2647b5323c Traffstats: rendering of OphanimFlow explict period charts implemented 9 月之前
api.ymaps.php d640852e0b POWMAP_ENABLED option implemented with power outages map module, maps API updated 2 年之前
api.youtv.php db7c0f4e79 Add module YouTV 3 年之前
api.ytv.php 7f42018073 Fix YouTV 3 年之前
api.zabbix.php ce46606316 Added implementation of Zabbix 3.xx API Added ability to fetch users traffic graphs from Zabbix Several new non-mandatory alter.ini options 5 年之前
api.zenflow.php 11022f6a62 meeeh 4 月之前