UBinstaller.sh 19 KB

  1. #!/bin/sh
  2. #
  3. # Per aspera ad astra
  4. #
  5. DIALOG=${DIALOG=dialog}
  6. FETCH="/usr/bin/fetch"
  7. APACHE_VERSION="apache24"
  8. APACHE_DATA_PATH="/usr/local/www/apache24/data/"
  9. APACHE_CONFIG_DIR="/usr/local/etc/apache24/"
  10. APACHE_INIT_SCRIPT="/usr/local/etc/rc.d/apache24"
  11. APACHE_CONFIG_PRESET_NAME="httpd24f8.conf"
  12. APACHE_CONFIG_NAME="httpd.conf"
  13. PHP_CONFIG_PRESET="php8.ini"
  14. #some remote paths here
  15. DL_PACKAGES_URL="http://ubilling.net.ua/packages/"
  16. DL_PACKAGES_EXT=".tar.gz"
  17. DL_UB_URL="http://ubilling.net.ua/"
  18. DL_UB_NAME="ub.tgz"
  19. DL_STG_URL="http://ubilling.net.ua/stg/"
  20. DL_STG_NAME="stg-2.409.tar.gz"
  21. DL_STG_RELEASE="stg-2.409"
  22. set PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:$PATH
  23. # config interface section
  24. clear
  25. $DIALOG --title "Ubilling installation" --msgbox "This wizard helps you to install Stargazer and Ubilling of the latest stable versions to CLEAN (!) FreeBSD distribution" 10 50
  26. clear
  27. #new or migration installation
  28. clear
  29. $DIALOG --menu "Type of Ubilling installation" 10 75 8 \
  30. NEW "This is new Ubilling installation"\
  31. MIG "Migrating existing Ubilling setup from another server"\
  32. 2> /tmp/insttype
  33. clear
  34. $DIALOG --menu "Choose FreeBSD version and architecture" 16 50 8 \
  35. 142_6L "FreeBSD 14.2 amd64"\
  36. 141_6K "FreeBSD 14.1 amd64"\
  37. 140_6K "FreeBSD 14.0 amd64"\
  38. 134_6K "FreeBSD 13.4 amd64"\
  39. 133_6K "FreeBSD 13.3 amd64"\
  40. 2> /tmp/ubarch
  41. clear
  42. #configuring stargazer release
  43. clear
  44. $DIALOG --menu "Choose Stargazer release" 16 50 8 \
  45. 409REL "Stargazer 2.409-release (stable)"\
  46. 409RC5 "Stargazer 2.409-rc5 (legacy)"\
  47. 409RC2 "Stargazer 2.409-rc2 (legacy)"\
  48. 2> /tmp/stgver
  49. clear
  50. #configuring LAN interface
  51. ALL_IFACES=`grep rnet /var/run/dmesg.boot | cut -f 1 -d ":" | tr "\n" " "`
  52. INTIF_DIALOG_START="$DIALOG --menu \"Select LAN interface that interracts with your INTERNAL network\" 15 65 6 \\"
  55. do
  56. LIIFACE_MAC=`grep rnet /var/run/dmesg.boot | grep ${EACH_IFACE} | cut -f 4 -d " "`
  57. LIIFACE_IP=`ifconfig ${EACH_IFACE} | grep "inet " | cut -f 2 -d ' ' | tr -d ' '`
  59. done
  60. INTIF_DIALOG="${INTIF_DIALOG} 2> /tmp/ubiface"
  61. sh -c "${INTIF_DIALOG}"
  62. clear
  63. #configuring internal network
  64. TMP_LAN_IFACE=`cat /tmp/ubiface`
  65. TMP_NET_DATA=`netstat -rn -f inet | grep ${TMP_LAN_IFACE} | grep "/" | cut -f 1 -d " "`
  66. TMP_LAN_NETW=`echo ${TMP_NET_DATA} | cut -f 1 -d "/"`
  67. TMP_LAN_CIDR=`echo ${TMP_NET_DATA} | cut -f 2 -d "/"`
  68. echo ${TMP_LAN_NETW} > /tmp/ubnetw
  69. echo ${TMP_LAN_CIDR} > /tmp/ubcidr
  70. #NAT etc presets setup
  71. clear
  72. $DIALOG --title "Setup NAS" --yesno "Do you want to install firewall/nat/shaper presets for setup all-in-one Billing+NAS server" 10 40
  73. NAS_KERNEL=$?
  74. clear
  75. case $NAS_KERNEL in
  76. 0)
  77. #if setup NAS kernel with preconfigured firewall
  78. #configuring WAN interface
  79. ALL_IFACES=`grep rnet /var/run/dmesg.boot | cut -f 1 -d ":" | tr "\n" " "`
  80. EXTIF_DIALOG_START="$DIALOG --menu \"Select WAN interface for NAT that interracts with Internet\" 15 65 6 \\"
  83. do
  84. LIIFACE_MAC=`grep rnet /var/run/dmesg.boot | grep ${EACH_IFACE} | cut -f 4 -d " "`
  85. LIIFACE_IP=`ifconfig ${EACH_IFACE} | grep "inet " | cut -f 2 -d ' ' | tr -d ' '`
  87. done
  88. EXTIF_DIALOG="${EXTIF_DIALOG} 2> /tmp/ubextif"
  89. sh -c "${EXTIF_DIALOG}"
  90. clear
  91. EXT_IF=`cat /tmp/ubextif`
  92. ;;
  93. 1)
  94. EXT_IF="none"
  95. ;;
  96. esac
  97. #some passwords generation or manual input
  98. PASSW_MODE=`cat /tmp/insttype`
  99. case $PASSW_MODE in
  100. NEW)
  101. #generating mysql password
  102. GEN_MYS_PASS=`dd if=/dev/urandom count=128 bs=1 2>&1 | md5 | cut -b-8`
  103. echo "mys"${GEN_MYS_PASS} > /tmp/ubmypass
  104. #getting stargazer admin password
  105. GEN_STG_PASS=`dd if=/dev/urandom count=128 bs=1 2>&1 | md5 | cut -b-8`
  106. echo "stg"${GEN_STG_PASS} > /tmp/ubstgpass
  107. #getting rscriptd encryption password
  108. GEN_RSD_PASS=`dd if=/dev/urandom count=128 bs=1 2>&1 | md5 | cut -b-8`
  109. echo "rsd"${GEN_RSD_PASS} > /tmp/ubrsd
  110. ;;
  111. MIG)
  112. #request previous MySQL/Stargazer/rscriptd passwords
  113. clear
  114. $DIALOG --title "MySQL root password" --inputbox "Enter your previous installation MySQL root password" 8 60 2> /tmp/ubmypass
  115. clear
  116. $DIALOG --title "Stargazer password" --inputbox "Enter your previous installation Stargazer password" 8 60 2> /tmp/ubstgpass
  117. clear
  118. $DIALOG --title "rscriptd password" --inputbox "Enter your previous installation rscriptd password" 8 60 2> /tmp/ubrsd
  119. clear
  120. $DIALOG --title "Ubilling serial" --inputbox "Enter your previous installation Ubilling serial number" 8 60 2> /tmp/ubsrl
  121. ;;
  122. esac
  123. LAN_IFACE=`cat /tmp/ubiface`
  124. MYSQL_PASSWD=`cat /tmp/ubmypass`
  125. LAN_NETW=`cat /tmp/ubnetw`
  126. LAN_CIDR=`cat /tmp/ubcidr`
  127. STG_PASS=`cat /tmp/ubstgpass`
  128. RSD_PASS=`cat /tmp/ubrsd`
  129. ARCH=`cat /tmp/ubarch`
  130. STG_VER=`cat /tmp/stgver`
  131. case $PASSW_MODE in
  132. NEW)
  133. UBSERIAL="auto"
  134. ;;
  135. MIG)
  136. UBSERIAL=`cat /tmp/ubsrl`
  137. ;;
  138. esac
  139. # cleaning temp files
  140. rm -fr /tmp/ubiface
  141. rm -fr /tmp/ubmypass
  142. rm -fr /tmp/ubnetw
  143. rm -fr /tmp/ubcidr
  144. rm -fr /tmp/ubstgpass
  145. rm -fr /tmp/ubrsd
  146. rm -fr /tmp/ubextif
  147. rm -fr /tmp/ubarch
  148. rm -fr /tmp/stgver
  149. rm -fr /tmp/insttype
  150. rm -fr /tmp/ubsrl
  151. #last chance to exit
  152. $DIALOG --title "Check settings" --yesno "Are all of these settings correct? \n \n LAN interface: ${LAN_IFACE} \n LAN network: ${LAN_NETW}/${LAN_CIDR} \n WAN interface: ${EXT_IF} \n MySQL password: ${MYSQL_PASSWD} \n Stargazer password: ${STG_PASS} \n Rscripd password: ${RSD_PASS} \n System: ${ARCH} \n Stargazer: ${STG_VER}\n Ubilling serial: ${UBSERIAL}\n" 18 60
  153. AGREE=$?
  154. clear
  155. case $AGREE in
  156. 0)
  157. echo "Everything is okay! Installation is starting."
  158. # preparing for installation
  159. mkdir /usr/local/ubinstaller/
  160. cp -R ./* /usr/local/ubinstaller/
  161. cd /usr/local/ubinstaller/
  162. #######################################
  163. # Platform specific issues handling #
  164. #######################################
  165. #FreeBSD 10+ need to use CC and CXX env with clang
  166. export CC=/usr/bin/clang
  167. export CXX=/usr/bin/clang++
  168. #FreeBSD 13.3/14.0 requires specific CXXFLAGS env
  169. export CXXFLAGS=-std=c++11
  170. case $ARCH in
  171. 140_6K)
  172. #14.0K contains PHP 8.3 binaries
  173. APACHE_CONFIG_PRESET_NAME="httpd24f8.conf"
  174. PHP_CONFIG_PRESET="php8.ini"
  175. # FreeBSD 14.0 requires custom clang flags
  176. # or gcc13 build
  177. # export CC=/usr/local/bin/gcc13
  178. # export CXX=/usr/local/bin/g++13
  179. # export LD=/usr/local/bin/g++13
  180. # export CXXFLAGS=-std=c++11
  181. ;;
  182. esac
  183. #botstrapping pkg ng
  184. pkg info
  185. #=======================================================
  186. #Selecting stargazer release to install
  187. case $STG_VER in
  188. 409RC5)
  189. DL_STG_NAME="stg-2.409-rc5.tar.gz"
  190. DL_STG_RELEASE="stg-2.409-rc5"
  191. ;;
  192. 409RC2)
  193. DL_STG_NAME="stg-2.409-rc2.tar.gz"
  194. DL_STG_RELEASE="stg-2.409-rc2"
  195. ;;
  196. 409REL)
  197. DL_STG_NAME="stg-2.409.tar.gz"
  198. DL_STG_RELEASE="stg-2.409"
  199. ;;
  200. esac
  201. #check is FreeBSD installation clean
  202. PKG_COUNT=`/usr/sbin/pkg info | /usr/bin/wc -l`
  203. if [ $PKG_COUNT -ge 2 ]
  204. then
  205. echo "UBinstaller supports setup only for clean FreeBSD distribution. Installation is aborted."
  206. exit
  207. fi
  208. # install prebuilded binary packages
  209. $DIALOG --infobox "Software installation is in progress. This takes a while." 4 60
  210. cd packages
  212. #check is binary packages download has beed completed
  213. if [ -f ${ARCH}${DL_PACKAGES_EXT} ];
  214. then
  215. echo "Binary packages download has been completed."
  216. else
  217. echo "=== Error: binary packages are not available. Installation is aborted. ==="
  218. exit
  219. fi
  220. tar zxvf ${ARCH}${DL_PACKAGES_EXT} 2>> /var/log/ubinstaller.log
  221. cd ${ARCH}
  222. ls -1 | xargs -n 1 pkg add >> /var/log/ubinstaller.log
  223. #back to installation directory
  224. cd /usr/local/ubinstaller/
  225. #installing stargazer
  226. $DIALOG --infobox "Stargazer download is in progress." 4 60
  227. cd ./distfiles/
  229. #check is stargazer sources download complete
  230. if [ -f ${DL_STG_NAME} ];
  231. then
  232. echo "Stargazer distro download has been completed."
  233. else
  234. echo "=== Error: stargazer sources are not available. Installation is aborted. ==="
  235. exit
  236. fi
  237. $DIALOG --infobox "Compiling Stargazer." 4 60
  238. tar zxvf ${DL_STG_NAME} 2>> /var/log/ubinstaller.log
  239. $DIALOG --infobox "Compiling Stargazer.." 4 60
  240. cd ${DL_STG_RELEASE}/projects/stargazer/
  241. ./build >> /var/log/ubinstaller.log 2>> /var/log/ubinstaller.log
  242. /usr/local/bin/gmake install >> /var/log/ubinstaller.log 2>> /var/log/ubinstaller.log
  243. $DIALOG --infobox "Compiling Stargazer..." 4 60
  244. #and configurators
  245. cd ../sgconf
  246. ./build >> /var/log/ubinstaller.log
  247. /usr/local/bin/gmake >> /var/log/ubinstaller.log 2>> /var/log/ubinstaller.log
  248. /usr/local/bin/gmake install >> /var/log/ubinstaller.log 2>> /var/log/ubinstaller.log
  249. $DIALOG --infobox "Compiling Stargazer...." 4 60
  250. cd ../sgconf_xml/
  251. ./build >> /var/log/ubinstaller.log 2>> /var/log/ubinstaller.log
  252. /usr/local/bin/gmake >> /var/log/ubinstaller.log 2>> /var/log/ubinstaller.log
  253. $DIALOG --infobox "Compiling Stargazer....." 4 60
  254. /usr/local/bin/gmake install >> /var/log/ubinstaller.log 2>> /var/log/ubinstaller.log
  255. $DIALOG --infobox "Stargazer installed." 4 60
  256. # adding needed boot options
  257. cat /usr/local/ubinstaller/configs/rc.preconf >> /etc/rc.conf
  258. perl -e "s/LAN_IFACE/${LAN_IFACE}/g" -pi /etc/rc.conf
  259. # copying prepared configs
  260. cd /usr/local/ubinstaller/configs/
  262. cp -R ${PHP_CONFIG_PRESET} /usr/local/etc/php.ini
  263. cp -R stargazer.conf /etc/stargazer/
  264. cp -R bandwidthd.conf /usr/local/bandwidthd/etc/
  265. #setting up default web awesomeness
  266. cp -R inside.html ${APACHE_DATA_PATH}/index.html
  267. # database specific issues handling
  268. case $ARCH in
  269. 133_6K)
  270. # MySQL 8.0 requires custom config
  271. cp -R 80_my.cnf /usr/local/etc/mysql/my.cnf
  272. echo "MySQL 8.0 config replaced"
  273. ;;
  274. 134_6K)
  275. # MySQL 8.0 requires custom config
  276. cp -R 80_my.cnf /usr/local/etc/mysql/my.cnf
  277. echo "MySQL 8.0 config replaced"
  278. ;;
  279. 140_6K)
  280. # MySQL 8.0 requires custom config
  281. cp -R 80_my.cnf /usr/local/etc/mysql/my.cnf
  282. echo "MySQL 8.0 config replaced"
  283. ;;
  284. 141_6K)
  285. # MySQL 8.0 requires custom config
  286. cp -R 80_my.cnf /usr/local/etc/mysql/my.cnf
  287. echo "MySQL 8.0 config replaced"
  288. ;;
  289. 142_6L)
  290. # MySQL 8.0 requires custom config
  291. cp -R 80_my.cnf /usr/local/etc/mysql/my.cnf
  292. echo "MySQL 8.0 config replaced"
  293. ;;
  294. esac
  295. # start services
  296. ${APACHE_INIT_SCRIPT} start
  297. /usr/local/etc/rc.d/mysql-server start
  298. #Setting MySQL root password
  299. mysqladmin -u root password ${MYSQL_PASSWD}
  300. ######################
  301. # unpacking Ubilling
  302. ######################
  303. $DIALOG --infobox "Ubilling download, unpacking and installation is in progress." 4 60
  304. cd /usr/local/ubinstaller/distfiles/
  306. #check is ubilling distro download complete
  307. if [ -f ${DL_UB_NAME} ];
  308. then
  309. echo "Ubilling download has been completed."
  310. else
  311. echo "=== Error: Ubilling release is not available. Installation is aborted. ==="
  312. exit
  313. fi
  314. mkdir ${APACHE_DATA_PATH}billing/
  315. cp ${DL_UB_NAME} ${APACHE_DATA_PATH}billing/
  316. cd ${APACHE_DATA_PATH}billing/
  317. tar zxvf ${DL_UB_NAME} 2>> /var/log/ubinstaller.log
  318. chmod -R 777 content/ config/ multinet/ exports/ remote_nas.conf
  319. chmod -R 777 userstats/config/
  320. # updating passwords and login in mysql.ini
  321. perl -e "s/mylogin/root/g" -pi ./config/mysql.ini
  322. perl -e "s/newpassword/${MYSQL_PASSWD}/g" -pi ./config/mysql.ini
  323. #userstats
  324. perl -e "s/mylogin/root/g" -pi ./userstats/config/mysql.ini
  325. perl -e "s/newpassword/${MYSQL_PASSWD}/g" -pi ./userstats/config/mysql.ini
  326. #alter
  327. perl -e "s/rl0/${LAN_IFACE}/g" -pi ./config/alter.ini
  328. # and in stargazer.conf
  329. perl -e "s/newpassword/${MYSQL_PASSWD}/g" -pi /etc/stargazer/stargazer.conf
  330. # change rscriptd password
  331. perl -e "s/secretpassword/${RSD_PASS}/g" -pi /etc/stargazer/stargazer.conf
  332. # change default mukrotik presets password
  333. perl -e "s/newpassword/${MYSQL_PASSWD}/g" -pi ./docs/presets/MikroTik/config.ini
  334. # OpenPayz may be?
  335. perl -e "s/mylogin/root/g" -pi ./docs/openpayz/config/mysql.ini
  336. perl -e "s/newpassword/${MYSQL_PASSWD}/g" -pi ./docs/openpayz/config/mysql.ini
  337. # creating stargazer database
  338. $DIALOG --infobox "Creating initial Stargazer DB" 4 60
  339. cat docs/dumps/stargazer.sql | /usr/local/bin/mysql -u root --password=${MYSQL_PASSWD}
  340. # starting stargazer
  341. $DIALOG --infobox "Starting Stargazer" 4 60
  342. /usr/sbin/stargazer
  343. #changing stargazer admin default password
  344. /usr/sbin/sgconf_xml -s localhost -p 5555 -a admin -w 123456 -r " <ChgAdmin Login=\"admin\" password=\"${STG_PASS}\" /> "
  345. $DIALOG --infobox "Stargazer default password changed." 4 60
  346. #stopping stargazer
  347. $DIALOG --infobox "Stopping Stargazer." 4 60
  348. killall stargazer
  349. # restoring clean ubilling SQL dump
  350. $DIALOG --infobox "Restoring Ubilling database" 4 60
  351. cat docs/dumps/ubilling.sql | /usr/local/bin/mysql -u root -p stg --password=${MYSQL_PASSWD}
  352. $DIALOG --infobox "Installing OpenPayz database preset" 4 60
  353. cat docs/dumps/openpayz.sql | /usr/local/bin/mysql -u root -p stg --password=${MYSQL_PASSWD}
  354. # apply hotfix for stargazer 2.408 and change passwords in configs
  355. cat /usr/local/ubinstaller/configs/admin_rights_hotfix.sql | /usr/local/bin/mysql -u root -p stg --password=${MYSQL_PASSWD}
  356. perl -e "s/123456/${STG_PASS}/g" -pi ./config/billing.ini
  357. perl -e "s/123456/${STG_PASS}/g" -pi ./userstats/config/userstats.ini
  358. perl -e "s/123456/${STG_PASS}/g" -pi ./docs/openpayz/config/openpayz.ini
  359. #preconfiguring dhcpd logging
  360. cat /usr/local/ubinstaller/configs/syslog.preconf >> /etc/syslog.conf
  361. touch /var/log/dhcpd.log
  362. /usr/local/etc/rc.d/isc-dhcpd restart > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
  363. /etc/rc.d/syslogd restart > /dev/null
  364. perl -e "s/NMLEASES = \/var\/log\/messages/NMLEASES = \/var\/log\/dhcpd.log/g" -pi ./config/alter.ini
  365. $DIALOG --infobox "dhcpd logging configured." 4 60
  366. #first install flag setup for the future
  367. touch ./exports/FIRST_INSTALL
  368. chmod 777 ./exports/FIRST_INSTALL
  369. # unpacking ubapi preset
  370. cp -R /usr/local/ubinstaller/configs/ubapi /bin/
  371. chmod a+x /bin/ubapi
  372. $DIALOG --infobox "remote API wrapper installed" 4 60
  373. # unpacking start scripts templates
  374. cp -f docs/presets/FreeBSD/etc/stargazer/* /etc/stargazer/
  375. chmod a+x /etc/stargazer/*
  376. echo "default user initialization scripts installed."
  377. # changing mysql and interface parameters
  378. perl -e "s/mylogin/root/g" -pi /etc/stargazer/config
  379. perl -e "s/newpassword/${MYSQL_PASSWD}/g" -pi /etc/stargazer/config
  380. perl -e "s/rl0/${LAN_IFACE}/g" -pi /etc/stargazer/OnConnect
  381. perl -e "s/em0/${LAN_IFACE}/g" -pi /usr/local/bandwidthd/etc/bandwidthd.conf
  382. perl -e "s/NETW/${LAN_NETW}\/${LAN_CIDR}/g" -pi /usr/local/bandwidthd/etc/bandwidthd.conf
  383. #editing sudoers
  384. echo "User_Alias BILLING = www" >> /usr/local/etc/sudoers
  385. echo "BILLING ALL = NOPASSWD: ALL" >> /usr/local/etc/sudoers
  386. #symlink magic
  387. mkdir /etc/stargazer/dn
  388. chmod -R 777 /etc/stargazer/dn
  389. ln -fs ${APACHE_DATA_PATH}billing/multinet /usr/local/etc/multinet
  390. ln -fs ${APACHE_DATA_PATH}billing/remote_nas.conf /etc/stargazer/remote_nas.conf
  391. mkdir ${APACHE_DATA_PATH}billing/content/dn
  392. chmod 777 ${APACHE_DATA_PATH}billing/content/dn
  393. ln -fs /usr/local/bandwidthd/htdocs ${APACHE_DATA_PATH}band
  394. #creating rc.script
  395. cp -R /usr/local/ubinstaller/configs/rc.billing /usr/local/etc/rc.d/billing
  396. chmod a+x /usr/local/etc/rc.d/billing
  397. $DIALOG --infobox "Ubilling rc script installed." 4 60
  398. #ugly hack for starting stargazer without NAS-es
  399. echo "" > /etc/stargazer/remote_nas.conf
  400. #kernel options setup
  401. case $NAS_KERNEL in
  402. 0)
  403. cat /usr/local/ubinstaller/configs/loader.preconf >> /boot/loader.conf
  404. cp -R /usr/local/ubinstaller/configs/firewall.conf /etc/
  405. chmod a+x /etc/firewall.conf
  406. cat /usr/local/ubinstaller/configs/rc-fw.preconf >> /etc/rc.conf
  407. cat /usr/local/ubinstaller/configs/sysctl.preconf >> /etc/sysctl.conf
  408. #update settings in firewall sample
  409. perl -e "s/USERS_NET/${LAN_NETW}/g" -pi /etc/firewall.conf
  410. perl -e "s/CIDR/${LAN_CIDR}/g" -pi /etc/firewall.conf
  411. perl -e "s/EXT_IF/${EXT_IF}/g" -pi /etc/firewall.conf
  412. perl -e "s/INT_IF/${LAN_IFACE}/g" -pi /etc/firewall.conf;;
  413. 1)
  414. echo "no NAS setup required";;
  415. esac
  416. #disabling mysql>=5.6 strict trans tables in various config locations
  417. if [ -f /usr/local/my.cnf ];
  418. then
  419. perl -e "s/,STRICT_TRANS_TABLES//g" -pi /usr/local/my.cnf
  420. echo "Disabling MySQL STRICT_TRANS_TABLES in /usr/local/my.cnf done"
  421. else
  422. echo "Looks like no MySQL STRICT_TRANS_TABLES disable required in /usr/local/my.cnf"
  423. fi
  424. if [ -f /usr/local/etc/my.cnf ];
  425. then
  426. perl -e "s/,STRICT_TRANS_TABLES//g" -pi /usr/local/etc/my.cnf
  427. echo "Disabling MySQL STRICT_TRANS_TABLES in /usr/local/etc/my.cnf done"
  428. else
  429. echo "Looks like no MySQL STRICT_TRANS_TABLES disable required in /usr/local/etc/my.cnf"
  430. fi
  431. if [ -f /usr/local/etc/mysql/my.cnf ];
  432. then
  433. perl -e "s/,STRICT_TRANS_TABLES//g" -pi /usr/local/etc/mysql/my.cnf
  434. echo "Disabling MySQL STRICT_TRANS_TABLES in /usr/local/etc/mysql/my.cnf done"
  435. else
  436. echo "Looks like no MySQL STRICT_TRANS_TABLES disable required in /usr/local/etc/mysql/my.cnf"
  437. fi
  438. #Multigen/FreeRADIUS3 preconfiguration
  439. cd ${APACHE_DATA_PATH}billing
  440. cp -R ./docs/multigen/raddb3/* /usr/local/etc/raddb/
  441. RADVER=`radiusd -v | grep "radiusd: FreeRADIUS Version" | awk '{print $4}' | tr -d ,`
  442. sed -i.bak "s/\/usr\/local\/lib\/freeradius-3.0.16/\/usr\/local\/lib\/freeradius-${RADVER}/" /usr/local/etc/raddb/radiusd.conf
  443. cat ./docs/multigen/dump.sql | /usr/local/bin/mysql -u root -p stg --password=${MYSQL_PASSWD}
  444. cat ./docs/multigen/radius3_fix.sql | /usr/local/bin/mysql -u root -p stg --password=${MYSQL_PASSWD}
  445. perl -e "s/yourmysqlpassword/${MYSQL_PASSWD}/g" -pi /usr/local/etc/raddb/sql.conf
  446. #adding current hostname to fix resolve issues
  447. CURR_HOSTNAME=`hostname`
  448. echo " ${CURR_HOSTNAME} ${CURR_HOSTNAME}.localdomain" >> /etc/hosts
  449. #starting stargazer
  450. $DIALOG --infobox "Starting Stargazer" 4 60
  451. /usr/sbin/stargazer
  452. #initial crontab configuration
  453. cd ${APACHE_DATA_PATH}billing
  454. if [ -f ./docs/crontab/crontab.preconf ];
  455. then
  456. #generating new Ubilling serial or using predefined
  457. case $PASSW_MODE in
  458. NEW)
  459. /usr/local/bin/curl -o /dev/null ""
  460. NEW_UBSERIAL=`cat ./exports/ubserial`
  461. $DIALOG --infobox "New Ubilling serial generated: ${NEW_UBSERIAL}" 4 60
  462. ;;
  463. MIG)
  465. $DIALOG --infobox "Using Ubilling serial: ${NEW_UBSERIAL}" 4 60
  466. ;;
  467. esac
  468. #loading default crontab preset
  469. crontab ./docs/crontab/crontab.preconf
  470. $DIALOG --infobox "Installing default crontab preset" 4 60
  471. #updating serial in ubapi wrapper
  472. perl -e "s/UB000000000000000000000000000000000/${NEW_UBSERIAL}/g" -pi /bin/ubapi
  473. $DIALOG --infobox "New serial installed into ubapi wrapper" 4 60
  474. else
  475. echo "Looks like this Ubilling release is not supporting automatic crontab configuration"
  476. fi
  477. #installing default htaccess file with compression and client-side cachig optimizations
  478. cd ${APACHE_DATA_PATH}billing
  479. if [ -f ./docs/webspeed/speed_hta ];
  480. then
  481. cp -R ./docs/webspeed/speed_hta ${APACHE_DATA_PATH}billing/.htaccess
  482. else
  483. echo "Looks like this Ubilling release does not containing default htaccess preset"
  484. fi
  485. #stopping stargazer again to prevent data corruption and force server rebooting
  486. $DIALOG --infobox "Stopping stargazer" 4 60
  487. killall stargazer
  488. # Setting up autoupdate script
  489. if [ -f ./docs/presets/FreeBSD/ubautoupgrade.sh ];
  490. then
  491. cp -R ./docs/presets/FreeBSD/ubautoupgrade.sh /bin/
  492. chmod a+x /bin/ubautoupgrade.sh
  493. else
  494. echo "Looks like this Ubilling release does not containing automatic upgrade preset"
  495. fi
  496. $DIALOG --title "Ubilling installation has been completed" --msgbox "Now you can access your web-interface by address http://server_ip/billing/ with login and password: admin/demo. Please reboot your server to check correct startup of all services" 15 50
  497. ;;
  498. 1)
  499. echo "Installation has been aborted"
  500. exit
  501. ;;
  502. esac
  503. # I am the chosen one, keep till the rising sun