123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516 |
- #----------------------------------------------*-TCL-*------------
- #
- # gui.tcl
- #
- # Support functions for TNT GUI construction.
- #
- # ::gui::guiBuildComboBox
- # ::gui::guiBuildButton
- # ::gui::guiPopupWarning
- # ::gui::guiBuildLabelEntry
- # ::gui::guiCheckbox_create
- # ::gui::guiCheckbox_add
- # ::gui::guiCheckbox_destroy
- # ::gui::guiPopdownBusy
- # ::gui::guiPopupBusy
- # ::gui::guiPopupFile
- # ::gui::guiCloseResults
- # ::gui::guiSetCursorBusy
- # ::gui::guiSetCursorNormal
- # ::gui::guiBuildNmeValList
- # ::gui::drainEventQueue
- #
- # Copyright 2002-2004 Mayo Foundation. All Rights Reserved
- # $Id: gui.tcl,v 1.11 2004/07/20 14:51:55 techenti Exp $
- #
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------
- package provide gui 2.0
- namespace eval ::gui:: {
- variable busyLabel
- variable rbInfo
- variable ButtonCount 0
- variable CheckboxCount 0
- variable LabelCount 0
- variable ComboCount 0
- variable _annotateFlag 1
- variable f1
- variable tf1
- variable tf3
- variable _groundFrame
- variable _activeFrame
- variable rectCondCB
- variable circCondCB
- variable trapCondCB
- variable permittivityCB
- variable ltangentCB
- variable _tree
- variable _treect 0
- variable _title ""
- variable _canvas
- variable _canvasDraw_visitor
- variable _xSectionObjectList
- variable _xSectionIndexList
- ######################################
- # Groundplane variables
- ######################################
- variable _gname
- variable _gthickness
- ######################################
- # Dielectric variables
- ######################################
- variable _dname
- variable _thickness 0
- variable _permittivity 1.0
- variable _permeability 1.0
- variable _lossTangent 0.0
- ######################################
- # Rectangular dielectric variables
- ######################################
- variable _dRname
- variable _dpermittivity 1.0
- variable _dpermeability 1.0
- variable _dlossTangent 0.0
- variable _dwidth 1
- variable _dheight 1
- variable _dnumber 1
- variable _dpitch 0
- variable _dxoffset 0
- variable _dyoffset 0
- ######################################
- # Rectangular conductor variables
- ######################################
- variable _rname
- variable _rconductivity copper
- variable _rwidth 1
- variable _rheight 1
- variable _rnumber 1
- variable _rpitch 0
- variable _rxoffset 0
- variable _ryoffset 0
- ######################################
- # Circular conductor variables
- ######################################
- variable _cname
- variable _cconductivity copper
- variable _cdiameter 1
- variable _cnumber 1
- variable _cpitch 0
- variable _cxoffset 0
- variable _cyoffset 0
- ######################################
- # Trapezoidal conductor variables
- ######################################
- variable _tname
- variable _tconductivity copper
- variable _ttopwidth 1
- variable _tbotwidth 1
- variable _theight 1
- variable _tnumber 1
- variable _tpitch 0
- variable _txoffset 0
- variable _tyoffset 0
- ######################################
- # Counter for ground-plane
- ######################################
- variable _grndCount 0
- ######################################
- # Counter for dielectrics
- ######################################
- variable _dielCount 0
- ######################################
- # Counter for ground-plane
- ######################################
- variable _condCount 0
- variable _nodename ""
- variable _nodedirectory ""
- variable _currentNode ""
- variable scaleFactor
- variable xrange
- variable yrange
- variable selectedObject
- variable _tagSelected ""
- variable _previousColor black
- variable _cValList
- variable _pValList
- variable _ltValList
- variable _printerName princess
- variable _colorMode color
- variable _savePrinterName
- variable _saveColorMode
- variable _num_c_segs 10
- variable _num_p_segs 10
- namespace export _xSectionObjectList
- namespace export _xSectionIndexList
- namespace export f1
- namespace export tf1
- namespace export tf3
- namespace export _nodename
- namespace export guiBuildButton
- namespace export guiOpenExisting
- namespace export guiOpenNew
- namespace export guiBuildComboBox
- namespace export guiBuildLabelEntry
- namespace export guiBuildNmeValList
- namespace export guiCheckbox_create
- namespace export guiCheckbox_add
- namespace export guiCheckbox_destroy
- namespace export guiCreateElements
- namespace export guiPopdownBusy
- namespace export guiPopupBusy
- namespace export guiPopupFile
- namespace export guiPopupResultsFile
- namespace export guiPopupWarning
- namespace export guiSetCursorBusy
- namespace export guiSetCursorNormal
- namespace export guiSetupPrinter
- namespace export guiGenRLinputFiles
- namespace export guiRunRLbatch
- namespace export guiRunRLgraphical
- namespace export guiGenCAPinputFiles
- namespace export guiRunCAPbatch
- namespace export guiRunCAPgraphical
- namespace export guiPrintPS
- namespace export guiReadNewConductivityList
- namespace export guiReadNewLossTangentList
- namespace export guiReadNewPermittivityList
- namespace export guiRunFee2dDisplay
- namespace export guiRunFee2dRun
- namespace export guiRunFee2dPlotTranParameter
- namespace export guiSaveFee2d
- namespace export guiRunSweepMMTL
- namespace export guiRunIterateMMTL
- namespace export guiSave
- namespace export guiSaveAndRun
- namespace export guiSaveAs
- namespace export guiSaveGraphicAndRunOld
- namespace export guiSim2hspicew
- namespace export gui_toggleAnnotation
- namespace export guiViewPlotP
- namespace export guiViewTheGraph
- # Canvas functions
- namespace export _canvas_zoom
- namespace export _canvas_zoom_fit
- namespace export _canvas_zooming_mode
- namespace export _canvas_zoomStart
- namespace export _canvas_zoomMove
- namespace export _canvas_zoomEnd
- namespace export _canvas_redraw
- namespace export _canvas_toggleAnnotation
- namespace export _canvas_select
- namespace export _canvas_print
- namespace export _helpModCom
- namespace export _helpDelComp
- namespace export _helpMovComp
- namespace export _helpAddComp
- namespace export _helpSweep
- namespace export _helpIterate
- namespace export _helpRunSimulation
- namespace export _helpSaveRunSimulation
- namespace export _helpMaterialLists
- namespace export _helpFiles
- namespace export _helpFEE2D
- #-------------------------------------------------------------
- # Routines called by xmission.
- #-------------------------------------------------------------
- namespace export _mmtlCreateMain
- namespace export _runAndSend
- }
- ##################################################################
- # Bulid a ComboBox widget.
- # parent : parent widget
- # varg : variable that contains the value
- # labelStrg: label
- ##################################################################
- proc ::gui::guiBuildComboBox { parent varg labelStrg } {
- set lb [Label $parent.l$::gui::ComboCount -text $labelStrg]
- set sb [ComboBox $parent.s$::gui::ComboCount \
- -textvariable $varg \
- -values {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10} \
- -width 10]
- incr ::gui::ComboCount
- grid $lb $sb -sticky news -padx 4 -pady 4
- grid $lb -sticky e
- }
- ##################################################################
- # Build a button.
- ##################################################################
- proc ::gui::guiBuildButton { parent txt cmmnd helptxt} {
- set but [Button $parent.but$::gui::ButtonCount \
- -text $txt -borderwidth 8 \
- -helptext $helptxt \
- -command $cmmnd \
- -relief link]
- incr ::gui::ButtonCount
- return $but
- }
- proc ::gui::guiPopupWarning { mssge } {
- tk_dialog .tkw "Warning" $mssge warning {} "OK"
- }
- ##################################################################
- # Build a LabelEntry widget.
- # parent : parent widget
- # varg : variable that contains the value
- # labelStrg: label
- ##################################################################
- proc ::gui::guiBuildLabelEntry { parent varg labelStrg } {
- set lab [Label $parent.lab$::gui::LabelCount -text $labelStrg]
- set ent [Entry $parent.ent$::gui::LabelCount -textvariable $varg -width 10]
- incr ::gui::LabelCount
- grid $lab $ent -sticky new -padx 4 -pady 4
- grid $lab -sticky e
- }
- proc ::gui::guiCheckbox_create {win {title ""}} {
- set ::gui::rbInfo($win-current) ""
- set ::gui::rbInfo($win-count) 0
- frame $win -class Checkbox
- grid rowconfigure $win 0 -weight 1
- grid columnconfigure $win 0 -weight 1
- if { $title != "" } {
- label $win.title -text $title
- pack $win.title -side top
- }
- frame $win.border -borderwidth 2 -relief groove
- pack $win.border -side top -expand true -fill both
- bind $win <Destroy> [ list ::gui::guiCheckbox_destroy $win ]
- return $win
- }
- proc ::gui::guiCheckbox_add { win choice varble {command ""}} {
- set cmnd [format {set %s 0} $varble]
- eval $cmnd
- set name "$win.border.rb[incr ::gui::rbInfo($win-count)]"
- checkbutton $name -text $choice -command $command \
- -variable $varble
- grid $name -row $::gui::CheckboxCount -sticky w
- incr ::gui::CheckboxCount
- }
- proc ::gui::guiCheckbox_destroy { win } {
- unset ::gui::rbInfo($win-count)
- unset ::gui::rbInfo($win-current)
- }
- ##################################################################
- ##################################################################
- proc ::gui::guiPopdownBusy {} {
- destroy $::gui::busyLbl
- }
- ##################################################################
- ##################################################################
- proc ::gui::guiPopupBusy { wdgt txt } {
- set ::gui::busyLbl [toplevel .busyLbl]
- set lbl [Label $::gui::busyLbl.busyLbl -width 100 -height 50 \
- -fg red -bg black \
- -justify center -text $txt]
- pack $lbl -side top -expand false
- grab $::gui::busyLbl
- update
- }
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # ::gui::guiPopupFile
- #
- # Pop up a non-modal dialog showing the contents of a file.
- # Make it non-modal, so that users can have more than one up
- # at the same time. This implies that it chooses a unique name
- # and destroys itself when done.
- #
- # Handy for displaying results from simulation runs.
- #
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------
- proc ::gui::guiPopupFile { filename } {
- # Check that filename exists
- if { ! [file exists $filename] } {
- ::gui::guiPopupWarning "$filename doesn't exist!"
- return
- }
- # Create dialog with unique name
- set i 1
- while { [winfo exists .result$i] } {
- incr i
- }
- set dlg .result$i
- Dialog $dlg -title $filename -modal none -transient 0 \
- -homogeneous 1 -side bottom -anchor e -default 0 -cancel 0
- $dlg add -text Close -command [list destroy $dlg]
- set sw [ScrolledWindow [$dlg getframe].sw]
- set txt [text $sw.text]
- $sw setwidget $txt
- pack $sw -padx 4 -pady 4 -expand true -fill both
- # Read data
- if { [catch {set fp [open $filename "r"]} result] } {
- set data "<empty>"
- } else {
- set data [read $fp]
- close $fp
- }
- # Display data
- $txt delete 1.0 end
- $txt insert end $data
- $txt see 1.0
- $dlg draw
- }
- ##################################################################
- ##################################################################
- proc ::gui::guiSetCursorBusy {f1} {
- eval $f1 configure -cursor watch
- update
- }
- ##################################################################
- ##################################################################
- proc ::gui::guiSetCursorNormal {f1} {
- eval $f1 configure -cursor left_ptr
- update
- }
- ##################################################################
- # Build the material/value list.
- ##################################################################
- proc ::gui::guiBuildNmeValList { parent valList labelString varble} {
- global $valList
- set lst ""
- foreach { name value } [ eval array get $valList ] {
- set val [format "\{%s %s\}" $name $value]
- append lst "$val "
- }
- set lb [label $parent.lb$::gui::ComboCount -text $labelString]
- set sb [ComboBox $parent.sb$::gui::ComboCount \
- -textvariable $varble -width 10 \
- -values $lst ]
- incr ::gui::ComboCount
- grid $lb $sb -sticky news -padx 4 -pady 4
- return $sb
- }
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # ::gui::_drainEventQueue
- #
- # Windows has a rather odd bug with the native file-open
- # dialog, which Tk uses for tk_getOpenFile and tk_getSaveFile.
- # If you double-click on a filename, the Windows dialog only
- # consumes 1.5 clicks (<down><up><down>), then closes the
- # dialog. The remaining half click (<up> event) propagates
- # down to the window below. Since this application has a
- # number of buttons on the main window, it is common to have
- # these buttons fire their command event after double-click
- # selecting a file.
- #
- # Several workaround hacks are described in comp.lang.tcl,
- # including draining the event queue, revectoring bindings
- # for a fraction of a second, and even some C code patches
- # to Tk.
- #
- # This code uses [grab] to direct all events to an
- # inoccuous widget (a label), drains the event
- # queue by calling [update], then releases the grab.
- # The draining widget must be mapped, so we search
- # [winfo children .].
- #
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------
- proc ::gui::drainEventQueue {} {
- # Search for a mapped Label widget in children of "."
- set wlist [winfo children .]
- while { [llength $wlist] > 0 } {
- set w [lindex $wlist 0]
- set wlist [lrange $wlist 1 end]
- # If we've got a mapped Label Widget, drain the queue
- if { [winfo ismapped $w] } {
- if { [winfo class $w] eq "Label" } {
- grab $w
- update
- grab release $w
- return
- }
- # Not a label, but ismapped, so add chldren to search
- set wlist [concat $wlist [winfo children $w]]
- }
- }
- # if we fall through, then there wan't a suitable widget.
- # Tough luck.
- }