readme.txt 1.2 KB

  1. Documentation for adding a module to the sppdgTcllib library
  2. Last modified by djs, 05/10/04
  3. 0) In the source code module you are adding to the library, put this line of code:
  4. package provide myModule 1.0
  5. 1) checkout the sgraph project
  6. 2) copy the files, bootstrap, and into the directory of your new module.
  7. 3) Edit the file to reflect your module files
  8. 4) Edit the file to reflect your module files
  9. 5) create a pkgIndex file using the pkg-mkIndex command
  10. 6) checkout sppdgTcllib from cvs
  11. 7) create the modules sub-directory under sppdgTcllib
  12. 8) copy all of your modules files into the new sun-directory.
  13. 9) Add the new directory into cvs
  14. 10) Add the new files into cvs
  15. 11) Commit the changes to cvs
  16. 12) At this point everything is in cvs. Now install the new library for use.
  17. 13) edit the sppdgTcllib and files and add (append) to them the
  18. new sun-directory paths
  19. 14) run
  20. ./bootstrap
  21. ./configure --prefix=//sppdgfs/software/lib/common
  22. make
  23. make install
  24. mv //sppdgfs/software/lib/common/lib/sppdgTcllib* \
  25. //sppdgfs/software/lib/common
  26. rmdir //sppdgfs/software/lib/common/lib