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- QTau editor (updated version with support for eCantorix2 and UTAULOID support)
- Note editor inspired by Vocaloid, UTAU and Cadencii, uses Qt.
- * License: GPLv3
- * External Dependencies: Qt 5, Jack, libsmf, libsamplerate
- * OS: GNU/Linux, Windows (needs to be cross compiled using GNU Guix)
- Chat rooms can be found on IRC:
- * [#qtau on irc.rizon.net](https://kiwiirc.com/client/irc.rizon.net/#qtau): QTAU development, usage, and general chat
- * [##linux-utau on chat.freenode.net](https://kiwiirc.com/client/chat.freenode.net/##linux-utau): A chatroom for anything involving singing synthesis on Linux
- The following repos contain dependencies:
- * https://notabug.org/isengaara/sinsy
- * https://notabug.org/isengaara/ecantorix-sinsy-ng
- * https://notabug.org/isengaara/world
- * https://notabug.org/isengaara/sekai