Isto eliminará a páxina "recipe docs=\"AUTHORS ... \""
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10:51 < n4dir> quickly give me the download link for lame, if you want 10:52 < kelsoo1> AUTHORS is buried and no News that I could find 10:52 < kelsoo1> 10:52 <+fpbot> “LAME (Lame Aint an MP3 Encoder) - Browse /lame at” 10:52 < n4dir> as said, something like AUTHORS COPYING NEWS README CHANGELOG is what you search for 10:52 < n4dir> if it ain't there, don't write it inside docs= 10:54 < n4dir> i can't find a download location there. 10:54 < kelsoo1> But AUTHORS is the just not in the top directory 10:55 < kelsoo1> 10:56 < n4dir> ok. i would pick those: COPYING ChangeLog LICENSE README 10:57 < n4dir> probably USAGE too. 10:57 < n4dir> the ones i mentioned first i run in all the time. 10:57 < n4dir> and, most important: 10:57 < kelsoo1> they hide the direct link. 10:57 < n4dir> if there ain't no AUTHORS, just don't insert it. 10:58 < n4dir> if there ain't no README, just don't insert it. 10:58 < kelsoo1> Thats what I did. removed it from the recipe line docs="yadda yadda" 10:58 < n4dir> if there ain't no ChangeLog, but there is a CHANGELOG, use that *instead" 10:59 < n4dir> kelsoo1: i think when i started i just left docs=" " pretty blank. 10:59 < kelsoo1> lol 10:59 < n4dir> there was a default, perhaps README, which was kinda always there. Perhaps. 10:59 < kelsoo1> yeah That's what I mean about needing a master recipe file 11:00 < n4dir> cleaning that up is an annoying task. wget source, unpack source, look at source, edit recipe. For hours ... always the
same procedure. urgh
11:00 < kelsoo1> with comments 11:00 < n4dir> might well be mprodrigues has one at notabug, though without much comments. 11:01 < n4dir> kelsoo1: seriously, you did that five times, then the "docs= " thing is pretty clear 11:01 < n4dir> it is very confusing in the beginning. at least it was to me 11:02 < kelsoo1> Where is he? I hope he's OK seeing the shit that's happening in Brazil 11:02 < n4dir> was wondering too, and more than once 11:05 < kelsoo1> dump this to a file and stick it somewhere on notabug 11:05 < kelsoo1> this chat 11:05 < kelsoo1> each time we hit a snag we should document it 11:06 < n4dir> no clue how to properly copy and paste in irssi, nor how to log irssi.
Isto eliminará a páxina "recipe docs=\"AUTHORS ... \""
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