123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318 |
- import struct
- import array
- from lxml.etree import Element
- from math import floor, log2
- def makeTTXSubtable(tag, attrs, cmapGlyphSet):
- subtable = Element(tag, attrs)
- for g in cmapGlyphSet:
- if not g.alias:
- subtable.append(Element("map", {"code": hex(g.codepoints.seq[0]), "name": g.name() }))
- else:
- subtable.append(Element("map", {"code": hex(g.codepoints.seq[0]), "name": g.alias.name() }))
- return subtable
- def makeGlyphIDArray(glyphs):
- """
- makes a glyph
- """
- pass
- class cmapFormat0:
- """
- Class representing cmap subtable format 0.
- (Subtable representing codepoints from U+0 - U+FF.)
- - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/cmap#format-0-byte-encoding-table
- """
- def __init__(self, glyphs, platformID, platEncID, language):
- # check if the glyphs are one-byte, reject them if they are not.
- for g in glyphs:
- if g.codepoints.seq[0] > int('ff', 16):
- raise ValueError(f"Creating cmap subtable format 0 has been rejected. A glyph whose codepoint is greater than U+FF was given. cmap Subtable Format 0 must have codepoints less than or equal to U+FF.")
- self.format = 0 # hardcoded
- self.platformID = platformID
- self.platEncID = platEncID
- self.language = language
- self.glyphs = glyphs
- def toTTX(self):
- return makeTTXSubtable( "cmap_format_0",
- { "platformID": str(self.platformID)
- , "platEncID": str(self.platEncID)
- , "language": str(self.language)
- }
- , self.glyphs
- )
- def toBytes(self):
- beginning = struct.pack( ">HHH"
- , self.format # UInt16
- # length (in bytes) of the subtable. (it's a static length!)
- , 262 #UInt16
- , self.language # UInt16
- )
- # initialise list with a fixed size
- glyphIdArray = [0x00] * 256 # MAYBE: I presume that no value is 0x00.
- for id, glyph in enumerate(self.glyphs):
- glyphIdArray[id] = glyph.codepoints.seq[0]
- return beginning + array.array('B', glyphIdArray)
- class cmapFormat4:
- """
- Class representing cmap subtable format 4.
- (Subtable representing codepoints from U+0 - U+FFFF.)
- - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/cmap#format-4-segment-mapping-to-delta-values
- """
- def __init__(self, glyphs, platformID, platEncID, language):
- # check if the glyphs are two-byte, reject them if they are not.
- for g in glyphs:
- if g.codepoints.seq[0] > int('ffff', 16):
- raise ValueError(f"Creating cmap subtable format 4 has been rejected. A glyph whose codepoint is greater than U+FFFF was given. cmap Subtable Format 4 must only have codepoints less than or equal to U+FFFF.")
- self.format = 4 # hard-coded.
- self.glyphs = glyphs
- self.platformID = platformID
- self.platEncID = platEncID
- self.language = language
- def toTTX(self):
- return makeTTXSubtable( "cmap_format_4",
- { "platformID": str(self.platformID)
- , "platEncID": str(self.platEncID)
- , "language": str(self.language)
- }
- , self.glyphs
- )
- def toBytes(self):
- reservedPad = 0 # hardcoded
- endCode = []
- startCode = []
- idDelta = []
- idRangeOffset = []
- segCount = 0
- # generate segments
- for id, glyph in enumerate(self.glyphs):
- thisGlyphCodepoint = glyph.codepoints.seq[0]
- lastGlyphCodepoint = self.glyphs[id-1].codepoints.seq[0]
- if id == 0:
- segCount +=1
- startCode.append(thisGlyphCodepoint)
- else:
- # check if it's continuous with the last glyph.
- if thisGlyphCodepoint != (lastGlyphCodepoint + 1):
- endCode.append(lastGlyphCodepoint)
- startCode = thisGlyphCodepoint
- segCount += 1
- else:
- pass
- # TODO: learn how to calculate idDelta and idRangeOffset
- # TODO: add terminating entries to these arrays.
- # Generate a bunch of metadata. these calculations are what they are (and they're tested to be correct).
- segCountX2 = segCount * 2
- searchRange = 2 * (2 ** floor(log2(39)))
- entrySelector = floor(log2(searchRange / 2))
- rangeShift = 2 * segCount - searchRange
- rangeShift = max(rangeShift, 0)
- reservedPad = 0 # hard-coded
- startCode = []
- endCode = []
- idDelta = []
- currentDelta = 0 # just for the upcoming loop
- for g in range(0, len(self.glyphs)):
- if g == 0:
- startCode.append(self.glyphs[g].codepoints.seq[0])
- else:
- if self.glyphs[g].codepoints.seq[0] == self.glyphs[g-1].codepoints.seq[0] + 1:
- currentDelta += 1
- else:
- endCode.append(self.glyphs[g-1].codepoints.seq[0])
- idDelta.append(-currentDelta) # deltas in this should be negative
- currentDelta = 0
- beginning = struct.pack( ">HHHHHH"
- , self.format # UInt16
- # length # UInt16
- , self.language # UInt16
- , segCountX2 # UInt16
- , searchRange # UInt16
- , entrySelector # UInt16
- , rangeShift # UInt16
- )
- # beginning + startCode + endCode + reservedPad + idDelta
- # TODO: create bytes representations of these and compile.
- # idRangeOffset[segCount] # UInt16. Offsets into glyphIdArray or 0.
- # glyphIdArray[] # Array of UInt16s.
- return b'' # placeholder
- class SequentialMapGroupRecord:
- """
- Class representing a SequentialMapGroup Record in a cmap Subtable Format 12.
- This is only used during bytes compilation.
- """
- def __init__ (self, startCharCode, endCharCode, startGlyphID):
- self.startCharCode = startCharCode
- self.endCharCode = endCharCode
- self.startGlyphID = startGlyphID
- def toBytes(self):
- return struct.pack(">III"
- , self.startCharCode # UInt32
- , self.endCharCode # UInt32
- , self.startGlyphID # UInt32
- )
- class cmapFormat12:
- """
- Class representing cmap subtable format 12.
- (Subtable representing codepoints from U+0 - U+FFFFFF.)
- - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/cmap#format-12-segmented-coverage
- """
- def __init__(self, glyphs, platformID, platEncID, language):
- # check if the glyphs are four-byte, reject them if they are not.
- for g in glyphs:
- if g.codepoints.seq[0] > int('ffffff', 16):
- raise ValueError(f"Creating cmap subtable format 12 has been rejected. A glyph whose codepoint is greater than U+FFFFFF was given. cmap Subtable Format 12 must only have codepoints less than or equal to U+FFFFFF.")
- self.format = 12 # hard-coded.
- self.glyphs = glyphs
- self.platformID = platformID
- self.platEncID = platEncID
- self.language = language
- def toTTX(self):
- return makeTTXSubtable( "cmap_format_12",
- { "platformID": str(self.platformID)
- , "platEncID": str(self.platEncID)
- , "language": str(self.language)
- , "format": str(self.format)
- , "reserved": "0"
- , "length": "0"
- , "nGroups": "0"
- }
- , self.glyphs
- )
- def toBytes(self):
- startCode = 0
- endCode = 0
- startGlyphID = 0
- sequentialMapGroup = []
- for g in range(len(self.glyphs)):
- if g == 0:
- startCode = self.glyphs[g].codepoints.seq[0]
- startCodeID = g
- else:
- if self.glyphs[g].codepoints.seq[0] != self.glyphs[g-1].codepoints.seq[0] + 1:
- endCode = self.glyphs[g-1].codepoints.seq[0]
- sequentialMapGroup.append(SequentialMapGroupRecord(startCode, endCode, startGlyphID))
- startCode = self.glyphs[g].codepoints.seq[0]
- startGlyphID = g
- subtableLength = 16 + 12*len(sequentialMapGroup)
- numGroups = len(sequentialMapGroup)
- beginning = struct.pack(">HHIII"
- , self.format # UInt16
- , 0 # Reserved, UInt16
- , subtableLength # UInt32
- , self.language # UInt32
- , numGroups # UInt32
- )
- smgBytes = b'\0'
- for smg in sequentialMapGroup:
- smgBytes += smg.toBytes()
- return beginning + smgBytes
- class cmapFormat14:
- """
- Class representing cmap subtable format 14.
- (Subtable indicating the usage of variation selectors.)
- This is only capable of implementing Variation Selector 16 (U+FE0F) right now.
- - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/cmap#format-14-unicode-variation-sequences
- """
- def __init__(self, glyphs):
- self.format = 14 # hard-coded
- self.glyphs = glyphs
- self.platformID = 0 # hard-coded
- self.platEncID = 5 # hard-coded
- # platEncID 5 = cmap subtable 14 in platID 0. It just means that.
- # no other platID or platEncID should be used for this subtable.
- def toTTX(self):
- cmap14 = Element("cmap_format_14", { "platformID": str(self.platformID)
- , "platEncID": str(self.platEncID)
- , "format": "14"
- , "length": "0"
- , "numVarSelectorRecords": "1"
- })
- for g in self.glyphs:
- if not g.alias:
- cmap14.append(Element("map", {"uvs": "0xfe0f", "uv": hex(g.codepoints.seq[0]), "name": g.name()}))
- else:
- cmap14.append(Element("map", {"uvs": "0xfe0f", "uv": hex(g.codepoints.seq[0]), "name": g.alias.name()}))
- return cmap14
- def toBytes(self):
- return b'\0' # placeholder