123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354 |
- from lxml.etree import Element, tostring
- from math import log2, floor
- from transform.bytes import calculateTableChecksum, generateOffsets
- import struct
- import log
- from format import formats
- from data import Tag
- import tables.tableRecord
- import tables.glyphOrder
- import tables.head
- import tables.os2
- import tables.post
- import tables.name
- import tables.maxp
- import tables.gasp
- import tables.loca
- import tables.dsig
- import tables.hhea
- import tables.hmtx
- import tables.vhea
- import tables.vmtx
- import tables.cmap
- # import tables.gdef
- # import tables.gpos
- import tables.gsub
- # import tables.morx
- import tables.glyf
- import tables.svg
- import tables.sbix
- import tables.cbdt
- import tables.cblc
- class TTFont:
- """
- Class representing a TrueType/OpenType font.
- """
- def __init__(self, chosenFormat, m, glyphs, flags):
- """
- Covers the entire routine for assembling a TrueType/OpenType font with forc input data.
- """
- glyphFormat = formats[chosenFormat]["imageTables"]
- self.tables = {}
- try:
- # not actually tables
- # ---------------------------------------------
- self.glyphOrder = tables.glyphOrder.GlyphOrder(glyphs)
- # headers and other weird crap
- # ---------------------------------------------
- log.out('[head] ', 90, newline=False)
- self.tables["head"] = tables.head.head(m)
- log.out('[OS/2] ', 90, newline=False)
- self.tables["OS/2"] = tables.os2.OS2(m, glyphs)
- #log.out('[post] ', 90, newline=False)
- #self.tables.append(tables.post.post(glyphs))
- # maxp is a semi-placeholder table.
- log.out('[maxp] ', 90, newline=False)
- self.tables["maxp"] = tables.maxp.maxp(glyphs)
- log.out('[gasp] ', 90, newline=False)
- self.tables["gasp"] = tables.gasp.gasp()
- # loca is a placeholder to make macOS happy.
- #
- # CBDT/CBLC either doesn't use loca or TTX doesn't want
- # an empty loca table if there's no glyf table (CBDT/CBLC
- # fonts shouldnt have glyf tables.)
- if glyphFormat is not "CBx":
- log.out('[loca] ', 36, newline=False)
- self.tables["loca"] = tables.loca.loca()
- # placeholder table that makes Google's font validation happy.
- log.out('[DSIG]', 90)
- self.tables["DSIG"] = tables.dsig.DSIG()
- # horizontal and vertical metrics tables
- # ---------------------------------------------
- log.out('[hhea] ', 90, newline=False)
- self.tables["hhea"] = tables.hhea.hhea(m)
- log.out('[hmtx] ', 90, newline=False)
- self.tables["hmtx"] = tables.hmtx.hmtx(m, glyphs)
- log.out('[vhea] ', 90, newline=False)
- self.tables["vhea"] = tables.vhea.vhea(m)
- log.out('[vmtx]', 90)
- self.tables["vmtx"] = tables.vmtx.vmtx(m, glyphs)
- # glyph-code mappings
- # ---------------------------------------------
- # single glyphs
- log.out('[cmap] ', 90, newline=False)
- self.tables["cmap"] = tables.cmap.cmap(glyphs, flags["no_vs16"])
- # ligatures
- ligatures = False
- # check for presence of ligatures
- for g in glyphs:
- if len(g) > 1:
- ligatures = True
- if ligatures:
- if formats[chosenFormat]["ligatureFormat"] == "OpenType":
- log.out('[GSUB] ', 36, newline=False)
- self.tables["GSUB"] = tables.gsub.GSUB(glyphs)
- # glyf
- # ---------------------------------------------
- # glyf is used as a placeholde to please font validation,
- # table dependencies and the TTX compiler.
- #
- # CBDT/CBLC doesn't use glyf at all
- if glyphFormat is not "CBx":
- log.out('[glyf] ', 36, newline=False)
- self.tables["glyf"] = tables.glyf.glyf(m, glyphs)
- # actual glyph picture data
- # ---------------------------------------------
- if glyphFormat == "SVG":
- log.out('[SVG ]', 36)
- self.tables["SVG "] = tables.svg.SVG(m, glyphs)
- elif glyphFormat == "sbix":
- log.out('[sbix]', 36)
- self.tables["sbix"] = tables.sbix.sbix(glyphs)
- elif glyphFormat == "CBx":
- log.out('[CBLC] ', 36, newline=False)
- self.tables["CBLC"] = tables.cblc.CBLC(m, glyphs)
- log.out('[CBDT]', 36)
- self.tables["CBDT"] = tables.cbdt.CBDT(m, glyphs)
- # human-readable metadata
- # ---------------------------------------------
- log.out('[name]', 90)
- self.tables["name"] = tables.name.name(chosenFormat, m)
- except ValueError as e:
- ValueError(f"Something went wrong with building the font class. -> {e}")
- def test(self):
- """
- A series of tests determining the validity of the font, checking certain
- variables between font tables that must agree with each other (as opposed to
- checking issues that exist solely within a certain table).
- """
- # certain bits in head.macStyle and OS/2.fsSelection must agree with each other.
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- macStyleBold = self.tables["head"].macStyle.toList()[0]
- fsSelectionBold = self.tables["OS/2"].fsSelection.toList()[5]
- macStyleItalic = self.tables["head"].macStyle.toList()[1]
- fsSelectionItalic = self.tables["OS/2"].fsSelection.toList()[0]
- if macStyleBold != fsSelectionBold:
- log.out(f"💢 The Bold bit in head.macStyle (bit 0: {macStyleBold}) does not agree with the Bold bit in OS/2.fsSelection (bit 5: {fsSelectionBold})", 91)
- if macStyleItalic != fsSelectionItalic:
- log.out(f"💢 The Italic bit in head.macStyle (bit 1: {macStyleItalic}) does not agree with the Italic bit in OS/2.fsSelection (bit 0: {fsSelectionItalic})", 91)
- # number of glyphs in an sbix strike must be equal to maxp.numGlyphs.
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- maxpNumGlyphs = self.tables["maxp"].numGlyphs
- if "sbix" in self.tables:
- strikes = self.tables["sbix"].strikes
- for num, s in enumerate(strikes):
- if len(s.bitmaps) != self.tables["maxp"].numGlyphs:
- log.out(f"💢 the number of bitmaps inside sbix strike index {num} (ppem: {s.ppem}, ppi: {s.ppi}) doesn't match maxp.numGlyphs. (sbix strike: {len(s.bitmaps)}, maxp.numGlyphs: {self.tables['maxp'].numGlyphs}).", 91)
- def toTTX(self, asString=False):
- """
- Compiles font class to a TTX-formatted string.
- """
- # start the TTX file
- # ---------------------------------------------
- root = Element('ttFont', {'sfntVersion': '\\x00\\x01\\x00\\x00', 'ttLibVersion': '3.28'}) # hard-coded attrs.
- # get all of this font's tables' TTX representations and append them to the file.
- root.append(self.glyphOrder.toTTX())
- for tableName, t in self.tables.items():
- root.append(t.toTTX())
- # the TTX is now done! (as long as something didn't go wrong)
- # choose whether to get the result as a formatted string or as an lxml Element.
- if asString:
- return tostring(root, pretty_print=True, method="xml", xml_declaration=True, encoding="UTF-8")
- else:
- return root
- def bytesPass(self):
- """
- Represents a single compile pass to bytes.
- (Just a WIP/placeholder right now.)
- """
- # offset table (ie. the font header)
- # --------------------------------------------------------------
- # (this should be fine and complete)
- numTables = len(self.tables)
- searchRange = (2 ** floor(log2(numTables))) * 16
- entrySelector = int(log2(floor(log2(numTables))))
- rangeShift = numTables * 16 - searchRange
- offsetTable = struct.pack( ">IHHHH"
- , 0x00010000 # sfntVersion, UInt32
- , numTables # UInt16
- , searchRange # UInt16
- , entrySelector # UInt16
- , rangeShift # UInt16
- )
- # table record entries
- # -------------------------------------------------------------
- initialTables = []
- originalLengths = []
- checkSums = []
- tags = []
- # get all of the table data
- for tableName, t in self.tables.items():
- #print(f"converting {tableName} to bytes...")
- # convert to bytes
- try:
- tableOutput = t.toBytes()
- except ValueError as e:
- raise ValueError(f"Something has gone wrong with converting the {tableName} table to bytes. -> {e}")
- initialTables.append(tableOutput[0])
- originalLengths.append(tableOutput[1])
- # get a checksum on that data
- try:
- checkSums.append(calculateTableChecksum(tableOutput[0]))
- except ValueError as e:
- raise ValueError(f"Something has gone wrong with calculating the checksum for {tableName}. -> {e}")
- # also add a tag.
- tags.append(tableName)
- # calculate offsets for each table
- initialOffset = (len(self.tables) * 16) + 12 # 16 = tableRecord length, 12 = offset table length.
- tableOffsets = generateOffsets(initialTables, 32, initialOffset, usingClasses=False)
- tableRecordsList = []
- for n, t in enumerate(initialTables):
- tableRecordsList.append(tables.tableRecord.TableRecord( tags[n]
- , checkSums[n]
- , tableOffsets["offsetInts"][n]
- , originalLengths[n]
- ))
- #print(tableRecordsList)
- tableRecordsList.sort()
- tableRecords = b''
- for t in tableRecordsList:
- tableRecords += t.toBytes()
- return offsetTable + tableRecords + tableOffsets["bytes"]
- def toBytes(self):
- """
- Compiles font class into a fully formed TrueType/OpenType font.
- (WIP)
- """
- log.out('first compilation pass...', 90)
- firstPass = self.bytesPass()
- log.out('calculating checksum...', 90)
- initialCS = calculateTableChecksum(firstPass)
- checkSumAdjustment = (0xB1B0AFBA - initialCS) % 0x100000000
- self.tables["head"].checkSumAdjustment = checkSumAdjustment
- log.out('last compilation pass...', 90)
- lastPass = self.bytesPass()
- return lastPass