123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351 |
- open Seppo_lib
- open Alcotest
- let set_up = "setup", `Quick, (fun () ->
- Mirage_crypto_rng_unix.use_default ();
- Unix.chdir "../../../test/"
- )
- let tc_scanf = "tc_scanf", `Quick, (fun () ->
- Scanf.sscanf "37s" "%is" (fun i -> i)
- |> check int __LOC__ 37
- )
- let tc_regexp = "tc_regexp", `Quick, (fun () ->
- let rx = Str.regexp {|^[^\n\t ]\([^\n\t]+[^\n\t ]\)?$|} in
- assert (Str.string_match rx "a" 0);
- assert true
- )
- let tc_markup_xml = "tc_markup_xml", `Quick, (fun () ->
- [
- `Start_element (("", "foo"), []);
- `Start_element (("", "bar"), []);
- `Start_element (("", "baz"), []);
- `End_element;
- `End_element;
- `End_element;
- ]
- |> Markup.of_list |> Markup.pretty_print |> Markup.write_xml
- |> Markup.to_string
- |> check string __LOC__ "<foo>\n <bar>\n <baz/>\n </bar>\n</foo>\n"
- )
- let tc_redir_if_cgi_bin = "tc_redir_if_cgi_bin", `Quick, (fun () ->
- let r : Cgi.Request.t = {
- content_type = "text/plain";
- content_length = None;
- host = "example.com";
- http_cookie = "";
- path_info = "/shaarli";
- query_string = "post=uhu";
- request_method = "GET";
- remote_addr = "";
- scheme = "https";
- script_name = "seppo.cgi";
- server_port = "443";
- raw_string = Sys.getenv_opt
- } in
- let assrt_redir request_uri exp =
- match exp , r |> Iweb.redir_if_cgi_bin ~request_uri with
- | Some exp, Error (`Found, h,_) -> h |> List.assoc "Location" |> check string __LOC__ exp
- | None, Ok _ -> ()
- | _ -> failwith __LOC__
- in
- assrt_redir "/cgi-bin/seppo.cgi" (Some "/seppo.cgi");
- assrt_redir "/cgi-bin/sub/seppo.cgi" (Some "/sub/seppo.cgi");
- assrt_redir "/seppo.cgi" None;
- assrt_redir "/sub/seppo.cgi" None;
- ()
- )
- let tc_login = "tc_login", `Quick, (fun () ->
- Iweb.ClientCookie.name |> check string __LOC__ "#session";
- let tit = {|> U " h & ' u <|}
- and tok = "ff13e7eaf9541ca2ba30fd44e864c3ff014d2bc9"
- and ret = "retu"
- and att n v = (("", n), v)
- and elm name atts = `Start_element (("", name), atts) in
- [
- `Xml
- {
- Markup.version = "1.0";
- encoding = Some "utf-8";
- standalone = Some false;
- };
- `PI
- ("xml-stylesheet", "type='text/xsl' href='./themes/current/do=login.xsl'");
- `Comment
- "\n\
- \ must be compatible with \
- https://code.mro.name/mro/Shaarli-API-test/src/master/tests/test-post.sh\n\
- \ \
- https://code.mro.name/mro/ShaarliOS/src/1d124e012933d1209d64071a90237dc5ec6372fc/ios/ShaarliOS/API/ShaarliCmd.m#L386\n";
- elm "html" [ att "xmlns" "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" ];
- elm "head" [];
- elm "title" [];
- `Text [ tit ];
- `End_element;
- `End_element;
- elm "body" [];
- elm "form" [ att "method" "post" ];
- elm "input" [ att "name" "login"; att "type" "text" ];
- `End_element;
- elm "input" [ att "name" "password"; att "type" "password" ];
- `End_element;
- elm "input" [ att "name" "longlastingsession"; att "type" "checkbox" ];
- `End_element;
- elm "input" [ att "name" "token"; att "type" "hidden"; att "value" tok ];
- `End_element;
- elm "input" [ att "name" "returnurl"; att "type" "hidden"; att "value" ret ];
- `End_element;
- elm "input" [ att "value" "Login"; att "type" "submit" ];
- `End_element;
- `End_element;
- `End_element;
- ]
- |> Markup.of_list |> Markup.pretty_print |> Markup.write_xml
- |> Markup.to_string |> String.length
- |> check int __LOC__ 841
- )
- module ClientCookie = struct
- let tc_cookie = "tc_cookie", `Quick, (fun () ->
- Iweb.ClientCookie.name |> check string __LOC__ "#session";
- (match "5:seppi"
- |> Iweb.ClientCookie.decode with
- | Ok (Auth.Uid uid) ->
- uid |> check string __LOC__ "seppi"
- | Error e -> e |> check string __LOC__ "");
- Auth.Uid "seppa"
- |> Iweb.ClientCookie.encode
- |> check string __LOC__ "5:seppa";
- (match Auth.Uid "seppu"
- |> Iweb.ClientCookie.encode
- |> Iweb.ClientCookie.decode with
- | Ok Auth.Uid uid ->
- uid |> check string __LOC__ "seppu"
- | Error e -> e |> check string __LOC__ "");
- assert true
- )
- end
- module Form = struct
- let tc_of_string = "tc_frm", `Quick, (fun () ->
- let frm = {|token=237054ce-4c9c-4155-8c6b-7b79bdb1d139&id=https%3A%2F%2Fsocial.nlnet.nl%2Fusers%2Fgerben&inbox=https%3A%2F%2Fsocial.nlnet.nl%2Fusers%2Fgerben%2Finbox&%7Eis_subscriber=no&%7Eam_subscribed_to=pending&%7Eis_blocked=no|}
- |> Html.Form.of_string in
- frm |> List.length |> check int __LOC__ 6;
- frm |> List.assoc "token" |> List.hd |> check string __LOC__ "237054ce-4c9c-4155-8c6b-7b79bdb1d139";
- frm |> List.assoc "id" |> List.hd |> check string __LOC__ {|https://social.nlnet.nl/users/gerben|};
- frm |> List.assoc "inbox" |> List.hd |> check string __LOC__ {|https://social.nlnet.nl/users/gerben/inbox|};
- frm |> List.assoc "~is_subscriber" |> List.hd |> check string __LOC__ {|no|};
- frm |> List.assoc "~am_subscribed_to" |> List.hd |> check string __LOC__ {|pending|};
- frm |> List.assoc "~is_blocked" |> List.hd |> check string __LOC__ {|no|};
- ();
- let frm = {|token=65fed285-a489-4e3f-9f2a-4a896e4f14ce&id=https%3A%2F%2Fbewegung.social%2Fusers%2Fmro&inbox=https%3A%2F%2Fbewegung.social%2Fusers%2Fmro%2Finbox&%7Eis_subscriber=yes&%7Eam_subscribed_to=no&%7Eis_blocked=no&am_subscribed_to=on&is_subscriber=on|}
- |> Html.Form.of_string in
- frm |> List.length |> check int __LOC__ 8;
- frm |> List.assoc "token" |> List.hd |> check string __LOC__ "65fed285-a489-4e3f-9f2a-4a896e4f14ce";
- frm |> List.assoc "id" |> List.hd |> check string __LOC__ {|https://bewegung.social/users/mro|};
- frm |> List.assoc "inbox" |> List.hd |> check string __LOC__ {|https://bewegung.social/users/mro/inbox|};
- frm |> List.assoc "~is_subscriber" |> List.hd |> check string __LOC__ {|yes|};
- frm |> List.assoc "~am_subscribed_to" |> List.hd |> check string __LOC__ {|no|};
- frm |> List.assoc "~is_blocked" |> List.hd |> check string __LOC__ {|no|};
- frm |> List.assoc "is_subscriber" |> List.hd |> check string __LOC__ {|on|};
- frm |> List.assoc "am_subscribed_to" |> List.hd |> check string __LOC__ {|on|};
- ()
- )
- end
- let tc_date = "tc_date", `Quick, (fun () ->
- let d x = x
- |> Option.value ~default:Iweb.Post.epoch_shaarli
- |> Ptime.to_rfc3339
- in
- "20230927_125036" |> Iweb.Post.s2d |> d |> check string __LOC__ "2023-09-27T12:50:36-00:00"
- )
- let tc_bookmarklet = "tc_bookmarklet", `Quick, (fun () ->
- let s = Option.value ~default:"" in
- let b s = if s then "yes" else "no" in
- let d s = s |> Option.value ~default:Ptime.min |> Ptime.to_rfc3339 in
- let u x = x |> Option.value ~default:Uri.empty |> Uri.to_string in
- let s' x= x in
- let l = String.concat " " in
- let now = ((2023,9,27),((14,45,42),2*60*60))
- |> Ptime.of_date_time in
- let emp = Iweb.Post.empty in
- let emp = {emp with dat = now} in
- let x = {|post=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.heise.de%2F&source=bookmarklet&scrape=no&title=heise+online+-+IT-News%2C+Nachrichten+und+Hintergr%C3%BCnde&tags=heise+online%2C+c%27t%2C+iX%2C+MIT+Technology+Review%2C+Newsticker%2C+Telepolis%2C+Security%2C+Netze&image=https%3A%2F%2Fheise.cloudimg.io%2Fbound%2F1200x1200%2Fq85.png-lossy-85.webp-lossy-85.foil1%2F_www-heise-de_%2Ficons%2Fho%2Fopengraph%2Fopengraph.png&description=News+und+Foren+zu+Computer%2C+IT%2C+Wissenschaft%2C+Medien+und+Politik.+Preisvergleich+von+Hardware+und+Software+sowie+Downloads+bei+Heise+Medien.|} in
- let r : Iweb.Post.t = x
- |> Uri.query_of_encoded
- |> List.fold_left Iweb.Post.sift_bookmarklet_get emp in
- r.scrape |> b |> check string __LOC__ "yes";
- r.source |> s |> check string __LOC__ "bookmarklet";
- r.dat |> d |> check string __LOC__ "2023-09-27T12:45:42-00:00";
- r.url |> u |> check string __LOC__ "https://www.heise.de/";
- r.tit |> s |> check string __LOC__ "heise online - IT-News, Nachrichten und Hintergründe";
- r.dsc |> s |> check string __LOC__ "News und Foren zu Computer, IT, Wissenschaft, Medien und Politik. Preisvergleich von Hardware und Software sowie Downloads bei Heise Medien.";
- r.tag |> l |> check string __LOC__ "heise online, c't, iX, MIT Technology Review, Newsticker, Telepolis, Security, Netze";
- r.pri |> b |> check string __LOC__ "no";
- assert (r.sav |> Option.is_none);
- r.can |> s |> check string __LOC__ "";
- r.tok |> s'|> check string __LOC__ "";
- r.ret |> u |> check string __LOC__ "";
- r.img |> u |> check string __LOC__ "https://heise.cloudimg.io/bound/1200x1200/q85.png-lossy-85.webp-lossy-85.foil1/_www-heise-de_/icons/ho/opengraph/opengraph.png";
- let x = {|post=Some #text 🐫|} in
- let r : Iweb.Post.t = x
- |> Uri.query_of_encoded
- |> List.fold_left Iweb.Post.sift_bookmarklet_get emp in
- r.scrape |> b |> check string __LOC__ "no";
- r.source |> s |> check string __LOC__ "";
- r.dat |> d |> check string __LOC__ "2023-09-27T12:45:42-00:00";
- r.url |> u |> check string __LOC__ "";
- r.tit |> s |> check string __LOC__ "Some #text 🐫";
- r.dsc |> s |> check string __LOC__ "";
- r.tag |> l |> check string __LOC__ "";
- r.pri |> b |> check string __LOC__ "no";
- assert (r.sav |> Option.is_none);
- r.can |> s |> check string __LOC__ "";
- r.tok |> s'|> check string __LOC__ "";
- r.ret |> u |> check string __LOC__ "";
- r.img |> u |> check string __LOC__ ""
- )
- let tc_post = "tc_post", `Quick, (fun () ->
- let x = "?lf_linkdate=20210913_134542&token=f19a65cecdfa2971afb827bc9413eb7244e469a8&returnurl=&lf_image=&lf_url=http://example.com&lf_title=title&lf_description=body%20%23tags&save_edit=Save" in
- let s = Option.value ~default:"" in
- let b s = if s then "yes" else "no" in
- let d s = s |> Option.value ~default:Iweb.Post.epoch_shaarli |> Ptime.to_rfc3339 in
- let u x = x |> Option.value ~default:Uri.empty |> Uri.to_string in
- let l = String.concat " " in
- let s' x = x in
- let r : Iweb.Post.t = x
- |> Uri.of_string
- |> Uri.query
- |> List.fold_left Iweb.Post.sift_post Iweb.Post.empty in
- r.scrape |> b |> check string __LOC__ "no";
- r.source |> s |> check string __LOC__ "";
- r.dat |> d |> check string __LOC__ "2021-09-13T13:45:42-00:00";
- r.url |> u |> check string __LOC__ "http://example.com";
- r.tit |> s |> check string __LOC__ "title";
- r.dsc |> s |> check string __LOC__ "body #tags";
- r.tag |> l |> check string __LOC__ "";
- r.pri |> b |> check string __LOC__ "no";
- (match r.sav with | Some Save -> "Save"| _ -> "Fail") |> check string __LOC__ "Save";
- r.can |> s |> check string __LOC__ "";
- r.tok |> s'|> check string __LOC__ "f19a65cecdfa2971afb827bc9413eb7244e469a8";
- r.ret |> u |> check string __LOC__ "";
- r.img |> u |> check string __LOC__ ""
- )
- module Actor = struct
- let tc_basic = "tc_basic", `Quick, (fun () ->
- Logr.info (fun m -> m "%s.%s" "Iweb.Actor" "basic");
- let s = {|token=68f4cf03-8f2d-491c-a954-bd8118f93c01&id=https%3A%2F%2Falpaka.social%2Fusers%2Ftraunstein&inbox=https%3A%2F%2Falpaka.social%2Fusers%2Ftraunstein%2Finbox&~notify=no&~subscribe=yes&~block=no¬ify=on|} in
- let f = s |> Html.Form.of_string in
- f |> List.length |> check int __LOC__ 7;
- f |> List.assoc "token" |> String.concat "|" |> check string __LOC__ "68f4cf03-8f2d-491c-a954-bd8118f93c01";
- f |> List.assoc "id" |> String.concat "|" |> check string __LOC__ "https://alpaka.social/users/traunstein";
- f |> List.assoc "inbox" |> String.concat "|" |> check string __LOC__ "https://alpaka.social/users/traunstein/inbox";
- f |> List.assoc "~notify" |> String.concat "|" |> check string __LOC__ "no";
- f |> List.assoc "~subscribe" |> String.concat "|" |> check string __LOC__ "yes";
- f |> List.assoc "~block" |> String.concat "|" |> check string __LOC__ "no";
- f |> List.assoc "notify" |> String.concat "|" |> check string __LOC__ "on";
- let switch k v' v =
- if v' = v
- then None
- else (
- Logr.debug (fun m -> m "field %s: %s" k (v |> As2.No_p_yes.to_string));
- Some k) in
- let form_switch_folder k_of_old f_switch form init (k_old,v_old) =
- match k_old |> k_of_old with
- | None -> init
- | Some k ->
- let v = match form |> List.assoc_opt k with
- | None
- | Some ["no"] -> As2.No_p_yes.No
- | _ -> As2.No_p_yes.Yes in
- let v_old = match v_old with
- | ["no"] -> As2.No_p_yes.No
- | _ -> As2.No_p_yes.Yes in
- match f_switch k v_old v with
- | None -> init
- | Some x -> x :: init in
- f
- |> List.fold_left (form_switch_folder (St.after ~prefix:"~") switch f) []
- |> String.concat "|"
- |> check string __LOC__ "subscribe|notify"
- )
- let tc_command = "tc_command", `Quick, (fun () ->
- let uuid = Uuidm.v4_gen (Random.State.make_self_init ()) () in
- (match
- {|token=b346c8f4-c734-4504-922c-4a597cf3e7d3&id=https%3A%2F%2Fsocial.nlnet.nl%2Fusers%2Fgerben&inbox=https%3A%2F%2Fsocial.nlnet.nl%2Fusers%2Fgerben%2Finbox&%7Enotify=no&%7Esubscribed=pending&%7Eblocked=no|}
- |> Html.Form.of_string |> Iweb.Actor.command uuid with
- | `Unsubscribe -> ()
- | _ -> failwith __LOC__);
- (match
- {|token=65fed285-a489-4e3f-9f2a-4a896e4f14ce&id=https%3A%2F%2Fbewegung.social%2Fusers%2Fmro&inbox=https%3A%2F%2Fbewegung.social%2Fusers%2Fmro%2Finbox&%7Eis_subscriber=yes&%7Eam_subscribed_to=no&%7Eis_blocked=no&am_subscribed_to=on&is_subscriber=on|}
- |> Html.Form.of_string |> Iweb.Actor.command uuid with
- | `Subscribe -> ()
- | _ -> failwith __LOC__)
- )
- end
- let tc_xhtml = "tc_xhtml", `Quick, (fun () ->
- let i_uid : Html.Form.input = ("setlogin", "text", [
- ("required","required");
- ("autofocus","autofocus");
- ("maxlength","50");
- ("minlength","1");
- ("pattern", {|^[a-zA-Z0-9_.\-]+$|});
- ("placeholder","Your local name as 'alice' in @alice@example.com");
- ]) in
- let x = Iweb.(xhtmlform ~clz:"clz" "a" "b" [i_uid] ["setlogin","strange"] [ n i_uid "uid" ]) in
- let b = Buffer.create 1024 in
- Xml.to_buf x b;
- b
- |> Buffer.contents
- |> check string __LOC__ {|<?xml version="1.0"?>
- <html xml:base="../" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
- <head>
- <link rel="icon" type="image/jpg" href="../me-avatar.jpg"/>
- <meta name="generator" content="Seppo.mro.name"/>
- <title>a</title></head>
- <body>
- <form method="post" name="b" id="b" class="clz">
- <input name="setlogin" type="text" value="uid" placeholder="Your local name as 'alice' in @alice@example.com" pattern="^[a-zA-Z0-9_.\-]+$" minlength="1" maxlength="50" autofocus="autofocus" required="required" class="is-invalid"/>
- <div role="alert" data-for="setlogin">strange</div></form>
- </body>
- </html>|};
- ();
- match Html.Form.string_opt i_uid [ Iweb.n i_uid "u d" ] with
- | Error (f,v) ->
- f |> check string __LOC__ "setlogin";
- v |> check string __LOC__ "pattern mismatch"
- | Ok _ -> failwith __LOC__
- )
- let () =
- run
- "seppo_suite" [
- __FILE__ , [
- set_up;
- tc_scanf;
- tc_regexp;
- tc_markup_xml;
- tc_redir_if_cgi_bin;
- tc_login;
- ClientCookie.tc_cookie;
- Form.tc_of_string;
- tc_date;
- tc_bookmarklet;
- tc_post;
- Actor.tc_basic;
- Actor.tc_command;
- tc_xhtml;
- ]
- ]