dune-project 2.5 KB

  1. (lang dune 3.0)
  2. ; https://dune.readthedocs.io/en/latest/opam.html#generating-opam-files
  3. (name seppo)
  4. (version 0.5)
  5. (subst disabled)
  6. (implicit_transitive_deps true)
  7. (generate_opam_files true)
  8. (formatting
  9. (enabled_for dune))
  10. (license GPL-3.0-only)
  11. (maintainers "Marcus Rohrmoser <work@mro.name>")
  12. (authors "The #Seppo programmers")
  13. (source
  14. (uri git+ssh://codeberg.org/seppo/seppo.git))
  15. (homepage Seppo.mro.name)
  16. (bug_reports Seppo.mro.name/issues)
  17. (package
  18. (name seppo)
  19. (synopsis "Personal Social Web")
  20. (description
  21. "#Seppo empowers you to publish short texts and images and to network in the\nSocial Web.\n\nBy renting commodity webspace and putting a single file in place. Without being\nsubject to terms and conditions. And without having to fret about small print\nor tech lore, but have a life.")
  22. (tags
  23. (Social
  24. Web
  25. Fediverse
  26. ActivityPub
  27. CGI
  28. RFC3875
  29. RFC4287
  30. RFC4685
  31. RFC5005
  32. RFC7033
  33. RFC7565
  34. RFC8890
  35. RFC9116
  36. XSLT))
  37. (depends
  38. as2_vocab
  39. camlp-streams
  40. cohttp-lwt-unix
  41. crunch
  42. decoders-ezjsonm
  43. lambdasoup
  44. lwt_ppx
  45. mcdb
  46. (mirage-crypto-rng
  47. (>= 2.0))
  48. (optint
  49. (>= 0.3.0))
  50. safepass
  51. sqlite3
  52. (timedesc
  53. (>= 3.0))
  54. tls-lwt
  55. tyre
  56. uucp
  57. uuidm
  58. uutf
  59. x509
  60. xmlm
  61. (alcotest :with-test)
  62. (cstruct-unix :with-test)
  63. (decoders-ezxmlm :with-test)
  64. (markup :with-test)
  65. ocaml
  66. ; (ocaml-lsp-server (= 1.7.0) :with-doc) https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml-lsp/issues/1069#issuecomment-2376511874
  67. ; (ocp-indent :with-doc)
  68. (odig :with-doc)
  69. (odoc :with-doc)
  70. (sherlodoc :with-doc)
  71. (utop :with-test)
  72. (yojson :with-test)
  73. dune
  74. lwt_ppx))
  75. (package
  76. (name apchk)
  77. (synopsis "Webfinger & ActivityPub checker")
  78. (description "checker cgi to self-host without a hassle.")
  79. (tags
  80. (Social Web "#Fediverse" ActivityPub RFC7033 RFC3875 Checker))
  81. (authors "The #Seppo programmers")
  82. (depends
  83. dune
  84. (crunch :with-doc)
  85. (ocp-indent :with-doc)))
  86. (package
  87. (name as2_vocab)
  88. (synopsis "ActityStreams 2.0 Vocabulary")
  89. (description "...")
  90. (tags
  91. (Social Web "#Fediverse" ActivityStreams))
  92. (authors "The #Seppo programmers")
  93. (depends
  94. dune
  95. (ocp-indent :with-doc)))
  96. (package
  97. (name mcdb)
  98. (version 0.1)
  99. (synopsis "cdb")
  100. (description "...")
  101. (tags
  102. (cdb constant database file))
  103. (authors "The mcdb programmers")
  104. (depends
  105. camlp-streams
  106. dune
  107. (optint
  108. (>= 0.3.0))
  109. (alcotest :with-test)
  110. (ocp-indent :with-doc)))
  111. ; See the complete stanza docs at https://dune.readthedocs.io/en/stable/dune-files.html#dune-project