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Personal Social Web.
Copyright (C) The #Seppo contributors. All rights reserved.
In here #Seppo! keeps all it needs to operate.
Inspect everything at will, but don't tamper or be prepared for surprises.
To facrory-reset the styling of the web-appearance:
1. delete the broken files (OUTSIDE here, NEVER delete app/etc/id_rsa.priv.pem)
2. delete the file ../delete-me-to-restore-missing
3. visit https://example.org/myseppo/seppo.cgi/search/?q=hello to restore
missing files with factory settings.
The web interface ../seppo.cgi is mostly there to make manual changes to the
files in here unnecessary.
To reset your password, delete the file app/etc/passwd.s and
set a new one visiting http://example.org/myseppo/seppo.cgi