ChangeLog 896 B

  1. sslsniff 0.7
  2. ------------
  3. * Fixed networking shuttling bugs (thanks Daniel Roethlisberger)
  4. * Added basic interoperability for BSD pf (thanks Daniel Roethlisberger)
  5. sslsniff 0.6
  6. ------------
  7. * Added support for null prefix attack vulnerability.
  8. * Added support for auto-update hijacking.
  9. * Added support for OCSP denial.
  10. * Added support for fingerprinting-based attacks.
  11. sslsniff 0.5
  12. ------------
  13. + Defaults to signing certs with SHA1, added option for MD5.
  14. + Added option for logging directory.
  15. + Randomize certificate serial numbers, rather than just using 1.
  16. sslsniff 0.4
  17. ------------
  18. + Comes with valid CA-signed certificate.
  19. sslsniff 0.3
  20. ------------
  22. + Added mode to only log HTTP POSTs.
  23. sslsniff 0.2
  24. ------------
  26. + Use constant RSA key pair
  27. + Cache SSL sessionids
  28. + Eliminated source-port hack
  29. sslsniff 0.1
  30. ------------
  31. Initial Release