@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+Observable & Subject
+.. code-block:: none
+ type $[T] native // Observable
+.. code-block:: none
+ function variadic $[T] { items List[T] } $[T]
+ function variadic return[T] { items List[T] } $[T] // equivalent to "$"
+ function variadic Merge[T] { items List[$[T]] } $[T]
+ function variadic Concat[T] { items List[$[T]] } $[T]
+ function StartWith[T] { v T, o $[T] } $[T]
+ function WithChildContext[T] { o $[T] } $[T]
+ function WithCancelTrigger[T] { cancel $[Null], o $[T] } $[T]
+ function WithCancelTimeout[T] { ms Int, o $[T] } $[T]
+.. code-block:: none
+ function SetTimeout { ms Int } $[Null]
+ function SetInterval { ms Int, n Int(-1) } $[Int]
+.. code-block:: none
+ const UUID $[String]
+ function Random { supremum Int } $[Int]
+ function Shuffle[T] { l List[T] } $[List[T]]
+.. code-block:: none
+ const NumCPU Int
+ function Go[T] { k Lambda[Null,T] } $[T]
+ function ForkJoin[T] { items List[$[T]], n Int(NumCPU) } $[List[T]]
+ operator concurrent[T] { l List[$[T]], n Int(NumCPU) } $[T]
+ operator concurrent-map[A,B] { o $[A], f Lambda[A,$[B]], n Int(NumCPU) } $[B]
+ operator fork-join[T] { l List[$[T]], n Int(NumCPU) } $[List[T]]
+ operator fork-join[A,B] { a $[A], b $[B], n Int(NumCPU) } $[Pair[A,B]]
+.. code-block:: none
+ method $.Result $[Result[T]]
+ function Throw[T] { err Error } $[T]
+ function Crash[T] { err Error } $[T]
+ operator catch[T] { o $[T], f Lambda[Pair[Error,$[T]],$[T]] } $[T]
+ operator retry[T] { o $[T], n Int(-1) } $[T]
+ operator log-error[T] { o $[T] } $[T]
+.. code-block:: none
+ operator distinct-until-changed[T] { o $[T] } { T/== ==[T] } $[T]
+ operator with-latest-from[T,X] { o $[T], x $[X] } $[Pair[T,X]]
+ operator map-to-latest-from[X] { o $[Null], x $[X] } $[X]
+ operator with-cycle[T,X] { o $[T], l List[X] } $[Pair[T,X]]
+ operator with-index[T] { o $[T] } $[Pair[T,Int]]
+ operator delay-subscription[T] { o $[T], ms Int } $[T]
+ operator delay-values[T] { o $[T], ms Int } $[T]
+ operator start-with[T] { o $[T], item T } $[T]
+ operator end-with[T] { o $[T], item T } $[T]
+ operator throttle[T] { o $[T], f Lambda[T,$[Null]] } $[T]
+ operator debounce[T] { o $[T], f Lambda[T,$[Null]] } $[T]
+ operator throttle-time[T] { o $[T], ms Int } $[T]
+ operator debounce-time[T] { o $[T], ms Int } $[T]
+ operator complete-on-emit[T] { o $[T] } $[Null]
+ operator skip[T] { o $[T], n Int } $[T]
+ operator take[T] { o $[T], n Int } $[T]
+ operator take-last[T] { o $[T] } $[T]
+ operator take-last?[T] { o $[T] } $[Maybe[T]]
+ operator take-while[T] { o $[T], f Lambda[T,Bool] }
+ operator take-while?[T] { o $[Maybe[T]] } $[T]
+ operator take-until[T] { o $[T], stop $[Null] } $[T]
+ operator count[T] { o $[T] } $[Int]
+ operator collect[T] { o $[T], n Int(-1) } $[List[T]]
+ operator buffer-time[T] { o $[T], ms Int } $[List[T]]
+ operator pairwise[T] { o $[T] } $[Pair[T,T]]
+ operator buffer-count[T] { o $[T], n Int } $[Queue[T]]
+ operator map[A,B] { o $[A], f Lambda[A,B] } $[B]
+ operator map-to[A,B] { o $[A], v B } $[B]
+ operator filter[T] { o $[T], f Lambda[T,Bool] } $[T]
+ operator scan[A,B] { o $[A], v B, f Lambda[Pair[B,A],B] } $[B]
+ operator reduce[A,B] { o $[A], v B, f Lambda[Pair[B,A],B] } $[B]
+ operator combine-latest[A,B] { a $[A], b $[B] } $[Pair[A,B]]
+ operator combine-latest[T] { l List[$[T]] } $[List[T]]
+ operator await[A,B] { o $[A], k Lambda[A,$[B]] } $[B]
+ operator await-noexcept[A,B] { o $[A], k Lambda[A,$[B]] } $[B]
+ operator then[T] { o $[Null], k $[T] } $[T]
+ operator with[T] { o $[T], bg $[Null] } $[T]
+ operator and[T] { o $[T], bg $[Null] } $[T]
+ operator auto-map[A,B] { o $[A], f Lambda[A,$[B]] } $[B]
+ operator merge[T] { l List[$[T]] } $[T]
+ operator concat[T] { l List[$[T]] } $[T]
+ operator merge[T] { o1 $[T], o2 $[T] } $[T]
+ operator concat[T] { o1 $[T], o2 $[T] } $[T]
+ operator merge-map[A,B] { o $[A], f Lambda[A,$[B]] } $[B]
+ operator concat-map[A,B] { o $[A], f Lambda[A,$[B]] } $[B]
+ operator switch-map[A,B] { o $[A], f Lambda[A,$[B]] } $[B]
+ operator exhaust-map[A,B] { o $[A], f Lambda[A,$[B]] } $[B]
+.. code-block:: none
+ type Subject[T] native
+.. code-block:: none
+ function variadic CreateSubject[T] { replay Int(0), items List[T] } $[Subject[T]]
+.. code-block:: none
+ method Subject.Values $[T]
+ method Subject.$ $[T] // equivalent to "Values"
+.. code-block:: none
+ operator plug[T] { s Subject[T], o $[T] } $[Null]
+ operator push [T] { s Subject[T], v T } $[Null]
+ operator << [T] { s Subject[T], o $[T] } $[Null] // equivalent to "plug"
+ operator <- [T] { s Subject[T], v T } $[Null] // equivalent to "push"
+.. code-block:: none
+ function Multicast[T] { o $[T] } $[$[T]]
+ function Loopback[T] { k Lambda[$[T],$[T]] } $[T]
+ function SkipSync[T] { o $[T] } $[T]