en_US.conf 5.9 KB

  1. # Language
  2. LANG_LANG="English"
  3. LANG_MENULABEL="Use UP and DOWN keys to navigate menus. Use TAB to switch between buttons and ENTER to select."
  4. LANG_INSTALLATION="Installation"
  5. LANG_BACK="Back"
  6. LANG_CHANGE="Change"
  7. LANG_DONE="Done"
  8. LANG_PROCESSING="processing as settings"
  9. LANG_SELECTPARTITION="Select the partition to edit"
  10. LANG_SELECTFILESYSTEM="Select the filesystem type for %s"
  11. LANG_MOUNTPOINT="Please specify the mount point for %s (use / as default)"
  12. LANG_NEWFILESYSTEM="Do you want to create a new filesystem on %s?"
  13. LANG_SELECTDISKPART="Select the disk to partition"
  14. LANG_SCANLOCALES="Scanning locales"
  15. LANG_MODPARTTABLE="Modify Partition Table on %s"
  17. %scfdisk will be executed in disk %s.%s\n\n
  18. For BIOS systems, MBR or GPT partition tables are supported.\n
  19. To use GPT on PC BIOS systems an empty partition of 1MB must be added\n
  20. at the first 2GB of the disk with the TOGGLE \`bios_grub' enabled.\n
  21. %sNOTE: you don't need this on EFI systems.%s\n\n
  22. For EFI systems GPT is mandatory and a FAT32 partition with at least\n
  23. 100MB must be created with the TOGGLE \`boot', this will be used as\n
  24. EFI System Partition. This partition must have mountpoint as \`/boot/efi'.\n\n
  25. At least 1 partition is required for the rootfs (/).\n
  26. For swap, RAM*2 must be really enough. For / 600MB are required.\n\n
  27. %sWARNING: /usr is not supported as a separate partition.%s\n\n"
  28. LANG_SELKEYMAP="Select your keymap"
  29. LANG_SELLOCAL="Select your locale"
  30. LANG_SELTZONE="Select your timezone"
  31. LANG_SETHOST="Set the machine hostname"
  32. LANG_ROOTPW="Enter the root password"
  33. LANG_ROOTPWAGAIN="Enter the root password again"
  34. LANG_PWNOTMATCH="Passwords do not match! Please enter again."
  35. LANG_LOGINNAME="Enter a primary login name"
  36. LANG_USERNAME="Enter a user name for login"
  37. LANG_PASSWORD="Enter the password for login"
  38. LANG_PASSWORDAGAIN="Enter the password for login again"
  39. LANG_GMEMLOGIN="Select group membership for login"
  40. LANG_BOOTLOADER="Select the disk to install the bootloader"
  41. LANG_BOOTLOTHER="Manage bootloader otherwise"
  42. LANG_BOOTLGRAPH="Use a graphical terminal for the boot loader?"
  43. LANG_GRUBINST="Running grub-install %s..."
  44. LANG_GRUBFAIL="%sERROR:%s failed to install GRUB to %s!\nCheck %s for errors."
  45. LANG_GRUBMKCONF="Running grub-mkconfig on %s..."
  46. LANG_GRUBMKCONFFAIL="%sERROR%s: failed to run grub-mkconfig!\nCheck %s for errors."
  48. LANG_MOUNTEDON="%s (%s) mounted on %s as %s\n"
  49. LANG_FSYSTEMNOTSET="%sERROR:%s the mount point for the root filesystem (/) has not yet been configured."
  50. LANG_FSYSNOTSUPPORTED="%sERROR:%s /usr mount point has been configured but is not supported, please remove it to continue."
  51. LANG_FSYSEFINOTSET="%sERROR:%s The EFI System Partition has not yet been configured, please create it\n
  52. as FAT32, mountpoint /boot/efi and at least with 100MB of size."
  53. LANG_SWAPFAIL="%sERROR:%s failed to create swap on %s!\ncheck %s for errors."
  54. LANG_SWAPERROR="%sERROR:%s failed to activate swap on %s!\ncheck %s for errors."
  55. LANG_ERRLOGTITLE="Check %s for details ..."
  56. LANG_CREATEFSYS="Creating filesystem %s on %s for %s ..."
  57. LANG_CREATEMKFS="Running %s..."
  58. LANG_CREATEFAIL="%sERROR:%s failed to create filesystem %s on %s!\ncheck %s for errors."
  59. LANG_MOUNTINGON="Mounting %s on %s (%s)..."
  60. LANG_MOUNTINGERR="%sERROR:%s failed to mount %s on %s! check %s for errors."
  61. LANG_SWAPDISABLING="Disabling swap space on %s..."
  62. LANG_SWAPUNMOUNTING="Unmounting %s..."
  63. LANG_PROGRESS="Progress: %d.%d%% (%d of %d files)\n"
  64. LANG_COUNTFILES="Counting files, please be patient ..."
  65. LANG_CPLIVEIMG="Copying live image to target rootfs."
  66. LANG_DHCPON="enabled"
  67. LANG_FSYSNOTCONF="%sRequired filesystems were not configured, please do so before starting the installation.%s"
  68. LANG_ROOTPWNOTCONF="%sThe root password has not been configured, please do so before starting the installation.%s"
  69. LANG_BOOTLNOTCONF="%sThe disk to install the bootloader has not been configured, please do so before starting the installation.%s"
  70. LANG_DESTROYWARN="%sThe following operations will be executed:%s\n\n
  71. %s\n
  72. %sWARNING: data on partitions will be COMPLETELY DESTROYED for new \
  73. filesystems.%s\n\n
  74. %sDo you want to continue?%s"
  75. LANG_RMTARGET="Removing %s live user from targetdir ..."
  76. LANG_BUILDINGINITRAMFS="Rebuilding initramfs for target ..."
  77. LANG_APPLYSETTINGS="Applying installer settings..."
  78. LANG_ENABLESUDO="Enable sudo for login '%s'"
  79. LANG_INSTALLSUCCESS="%sMilis Linux has been installed successfully!%s\nDo you want to reboot the system?"
  80. LANG_MENUSETTINGS="Settings"
  81. LANG_INSTMENU="Milis Linux installation menu"
  82. LANG_MENUKEYBOARD="Keyboard"
  83. LANG_MENUHOSTNAME="Hostname"
  84. LANG_MENULOCALE="Locale"
  85. LANG_MENUTIMEZONE="Timezone"
  86. LANG_MENUROOTPW="RootPassword"
  87. LANG_MENUUSERACC="UserAccount"
  89. LANG_MENUPARTITION="Partition"
  90. LANG_MENUFILESYSTEM="Filesystems"
  91. LANG_MENUINSTALL="Install"
  92. LANG_MENUEXIT="Exit"
  93. LANG_KEYBOARDSET="Set system keyboard"
  94. LANG_HOSTSET="Set system hostname"
  95. LANG_LOCALESET="Set system locale"
  96. LANG_TIMEZONESET="Set system time zone"
  97. LANG_ROOTPWSET="Set system root password"
  98. LANG_USERNPWSET="Set primary user name and password"
  99. LANG_BOOTLOADERSET="Set disk to install bootloader"
  100. LANG_PARTITIONSET="Partition disk(s)"
  101. LANG_FSYSSET="Configure filesystems and mount points"
  102. LANG_INSTALLSETTINGS="Start installation with saved settings"
  103. LANG_EXITINST="Exit installation"
  104. LANG_ABORTINST="Abort Installation?"
  105. LANG_ERRDIALOG="ERROR: missing dialog command, exiting..."
  106. LANG_INSTMUSTROOT="Milis-installer must run as root"
  107. LANG_SAVEDSETTINGS="Saved settings for installation"
  108. LANG_ENTERMILIS="Milis Linux / $LANG_LANG"
  110. Welcome to the Milis Linux installation. A simple and minimal \
  111. Linux distribution made from scratch and built from the source package tree \
  112. available for MPS, a new alternative package system.\n\n
  113. The installation should be pretty straightforward. If you are in trouble \
  114. please join us at %s#milisarge%s on %sirc.freenode.org%s or \
  115. ask the %sforums%s on the site.\n\n
  116. %shttp://www.milislinux.org%s\n\n"