lang_en.lua 4.0 KB

  1. --en lang messages
  2. local messages={
  3. args_at_least_one="Enter at least one argument!",
  4. args_invalid="Invalid parameter!",
  5. handler_not_found="No handler found!",
  6. wrong_usage="Invalid usage!",
  7. usage="Usage: ",
  8. help="Help",
  9. arguments="Arguments",
  10. options="Options",
  11. option="option",
  12. commands="Commands",
  13. command="command",
  14. usage="Usage",
  15. error="Error",
  16. missing="missing",
  17. unknown="unknown",
  18. default="default",
  19. didyoumean="Did you mean one of these",
  20. help_msg="Show this help message and exit.",
  21. talimat_not_found="Talimat not found!",
  22. package_name_format_not_valid="Invalid package name format!",
  23. package_not_installed="%s is not installed.",
  24. package_installed="%s is installed.",
  25. package_installation_failed="Failed to install: %s",
  26. package_uninstalled="Packet uninstalled: %s",
  27. package_not_found="Package not found: %s",
  28. package_not_found_inrepo="Package %s is not found in repos.",
  29. package_not_found_inpkvt="Package %s not found in package db! Update package database.",
  30. package_download_error="Download error: %s",
  31. package_downloaded="%s downloaded.",
  32. package_archive_check_ok="Archive check:\tOK",
  33. package_archive_extract_ok="Archive extract:\tOK",
  34. package_redownloading="Downloading %s again...",
  35. package_dependency_dl_error="An error occurred when downloading dependencies of %s!",
  36. package_already_installed="Package is already installed.",
  37. package_already_installed_and_uptodate="Package is already installed and up-to-date: %s",
  38. redownloading="Downloading %s again...",
  39. server_connection_refused="Server refused to connect!: %s",
  40. paketvt_not_found="paket.vt is not found in server.",
  41. package_server_not_defined="Package server not defined!",
  42. unknown_error="Unknown error: %s",
  43. empty_log="Empty log!",
  44. package_incache="%s is in cache.",
  45. package_shasum_error="Package shasum error: %s",
  46. confirm_package_uninstallation="Do you want to remove %s ?(y/n)",
  47. confirm_files_removing="Do you want to remove the files (e/h)? ",
  48. confirm_dir_removing_msg= "There changes under some directories!",
  49. confirm_dir_removing_info= "Change information is written to %s file.",
  50. confirm_dir_removing_cont= "Do you want to continue? [y/n]",
  51. package_uninstallation_failed="Package uninstallation failed: %s",
  52. package_db_out_of_order="Package database is out of order!",
  53. talimat_name_format_not_valid="Talimat name format is not valid!",
  54. git_repo_subdir_not_found="Git repository subdirectory not found!",
  55. valid_format="Valid format: %s",
  56. shlib_control_pass="Shared library control passed.",
  57. shlib_not_exits="Shared library not exists!:",
  58. invalid_package_content="Invalid package content! ",
  59. ld_update_pass="Ldconfig update passed! ",
  60. --file_already_exists="Файл уже существует: %s !",
  61. file_already_exists="File exists: %s !",
  62. file_not_found="File not found: %s !",
  63. hash_not_match="Hash values don't match: %s !",
  64. need_root="Root privileges needed, run with sudo!!!",
  65. init_is_ok="MPS initialized!",
  66. default_configs_loaded="MPS is set to default!",
  67. initfs_is_ok="Milis base file system is initialized!",
  68. relaunch_mps="Please re-launch mps!",
  69. --status
  70. not_installed="not installed",
  71. installed="installed",
  72. -- usage
  73. usage_mps="\nmps [options] command args\n",
  74. usage_updating_repos="Update talimatname and mps repositories",
  75. usage_configure="Set mps to default settings",
  76. -- comment
  77. comment_mps_download="Download package into the cache directory",
  78. comment_mps_install="Install a package either with its name or with a file",
  79. comment_mps_update_self="Update the MPS",
  80. comment_mps_info="Shows package information.",
  81. comment_mps_rev_dep="Shows the reverse dependencies of the package.",
  82. package_info_name="NAME",
  83. package_info_desc="DESC",
  84. package_info_group="GROUP",
  85. package_info_url="URL",
  86. package_info_packager="PACKAGER",
  87. package_info_version="VERSION",
  88. package_info_release="RELEASE",
  89. package_info_arch="ARCH",
  90. package_info_pack_size="PACK SIZE",
  91. package_info_inst_size="INST SIZE",
  92. package_info_status="STATUS",
  93. desc_not_found="Description not found: %s",
  94. }
  95. return messages