123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230 |
- # Description: Certificate Authority certificates, the Public Key Infrastructure.
- # URL: http://mxr.mozilla.org/mozilla/source/security/nss/lib/ckfw/builtins/certdata.txt?raw=1
- # Packager: milisarge@gmail.com
- name=ca-certificates
- version=20160110
- release=1
- source=(http://downloads.nutyx.org/files/$name-$version.tar.gz)
- build() {
- mkdir -p $PKG/{bin,etc/ssl}
- cp $SRC/ca-bundle.crt $PKG/etc/ssl/
- cp -a $SRC/certs $PKG/etc/ssl/certs
- # script to reformat a certificate into a form needed by openssl.
- cat > $PKG/bin/make-cert.pl << "EOF"
- #!/usr/bin/perl -w
- # Used to generate PEM encoded files from Mozilla certdata.txt.
- # Run as ./mkcrt.pl > certificate.crt
- #
- # Parts of this script courtesy of RedHat (mkcabundle.pl)
- #
- # This script modified for use with single file data (tempfile.cer) extracted
- # from certdata.txt, taken from the latest version in the Mozilla NSS source.
- # mozilla/security/nss/lib/ckfw/builtins/certdata.txt
- #
- # Authors: DJ Lucas
- # Bruce Dubbs
- #
- # Version 20120211
- my $certdata = './tempfile.cer';
- open( IN, "cat $certdata|" )
- || die "could not open $certdata";
- my $incert = 0;
- while ( <IN> )
- {
- {
- $incert = 1;
- open( OUT, "|openssl x509 -text -inform DER -fingerprint" )
- || die "could not pipe to openssl x509";
- }
- elsif ( /^END/ && $incert )
- {
- close( OUT );
- $incert = 0;
- print "\n\n";
- }
- elsif ($incert)
- {
- my @bs = split( /\\/ );
- foreach my $b (@bs)
- {
- chomp $b;
- printf( OUT "%c", oct($b) ) unless $b eq '';
- }
- }
- }
- chmod +x $PKG/bin/make-cert.pl
- # script to creates the certificates and a bundle of all the certificates.
- cat > $PKG/bin/make-ca.sh << "EOF"
- #!/bin/bash
- # Begin make-ca.sh
- # Script to populate OpenSSL's CApath from a bundle of PEM formatted CAs
- #
- # The file certdata.txt must exist in the local directory
- # Version number is obtained from the version of the data.
- #
- # Authors: DJ Lucas
- # Bruce Dubbs
- #
- # Version 20120211
- certdata="certdata.txt"
- if [ ! -r $certdata ]; then
- echo "$certdata must be in the local directory"
- exit 1
- fi
- REVISION=$(grep CVS_ID $certdata | cut -f4 -d'$')
- if [ -z "${REVISION}" ]; then
- echo "$certfile has no 'Revision' in CVS_ID"
- exit 1
- fi
- VERSION=$(echo $REVISION | cut -f2 -d" ")
- TEMPDIR=$(mktemp -d)
- BUNDLE="BLFS-ca-bundle-${VERSION}.crt"
- CONVERTSCRIPT="/bin/make-cert.pl"
- SSLDIR="/etc/ssl"
- mkdir "${TEMPDIR}/certs"
- # Get a list of staring lines for each cert
- CERTBEGINLIST=$(grep -n "^# Certificate" "${certdata}" | cut -d ":" -f1)
- # Get a list of ending lines for each cert
- CERTENDLIST=`grep -n "^CKA_TRUST_STEP_UP_APPROVED" "${certdata}" | cut -d ":" -f 1`
- # Start a loop
- for certbegin in ${CERTBEGINLIST}; do
- for certend in ${CERTENDLIST}; do
- if test "${certend}" -gt "${certbegin}"; then
- break
- fi
- done
- # Dump to a temp file with the name of the file as the beginning line number
- sed -n "${certbegin},${certend}p" "${certdata}" > "${TEMPDIR}/certs/${certbegin}.tmp"
- done
- mkdir -p certs
- rm certs/* # Make sure the directory is clean
- for tempfile in ${TEMPDIR}/certs/*.tmp; do
- # Make sure that the cert is trusted...
- grep "CKA_TRUST_SERVER_AUTH" "${tempfile}" | \
- egrep "TRUST_UNKNOWN|NOT_TRUSTED" > /dev/null
- if test "${?}" = "0"; then
- # Throw a meaningful error and remove the file
- cp "${tempfile}" tempfile.cer
- perl ${CONVERTSCRIPT} > tempfile.crt
- keyhash=$(openssl x509 -noout -in tempfile.crt -hash)
- echo "Certificate ${keyhash} is not trusted! Removing..."
- rm -f tempfile.cer tempfile.crt "${tempfile}"
- continue
- fi
- # If execution made it to here in the loop, the temp cert is trusted
- # Find the cert data and generate a cert file for it
- cp "${tempfile}" tempfile.cer
- perl ${CONVERTSCRIPT} > tempfile.crt
- keyhash=$(openssl x509 -noout -in tempfile.crt -hash)
- mv tempfile.crt "certs/${keyhash}.pem"
- rm -f tempfile.cer "${tempfile}"
- echo "Created ${keyhash}.pem"
- done
- # Remove blacklisted files
- # MD5 Collision Proof of Concept CA
- if test -f certs/8f111d69.pem; then
- echo "Certificate 8f111d69 is not trusted! Removing..."
- rm -f certs/8f111d69.pem
- fi
- # Finally, generate the bundle and clean up.
- cat certs/*.pem > ${BUNDLE}
- rm -r "${TEMPDIR}"
- chmod +x $PKG/bin/make-ca.sh
- # script to remove expired certificates from a directory
- cat > $PKG/bin/remove-expired-certs.sh << "EOF"
- #!/bin/bash
- # Begin /bin/remove-expired-certs.sh
- #
- # Version 20120211
- # Make sure the date is parsed correctly on all systems
- function mydate()
- {
- local y=$( echo $1 | cut -d" " -f4 )
- local M=$( echo $1 | cut -d" " -f1 )
- local d=$( echo $1 | cut -d" " -f2 )
- local m
- if [ ${d} -lt 10 ]; then d="0${d}"; fi
- case $M in
- Jan) m="01";;
- Feb) m="02";;
- Mar) m="03";;
- Apr) m="04";;
- May) m="05";;
- Jun) m="06";;
- Jul) m="07";;
- Aug) m="08";;
- Sep) m="09";;
- Oct) m="10";;
- Nov) m="11";;
- Dec) m="12";;
- esac
- certdate="${y}${m}${d}"
- }
- OPENSSL="`which openssl`"
- DIR=/etc/ssl/certs
- if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then
- DIR="$1"
- fi
- certs=$( find ${DIR} -type f -name "*.pem" -o -name "*.crt" )
- today=$( date +%Y%m%d )
- for cert in $certs; do
- notafter=$( $OPENSSL x509 -enddate -in "${cert}" -noout )
- date=$( echo ${notafter} | sed 's/^notAfter=//' )
- mydate "$date"
- if [ ${certdate} -lt ${today} ]; then
- echo "${cert} expired on ${certdate}! Removing..."
- rm -f "${cert}"
- fi
- done
- chmod +x $PKG/bin/remove-expired-certs.sh
- }