123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131 |
- Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
- config.vm.define "debian", primary: true do |debian|
- debian.vm.box = "generic/debian12"
- debian.vm.synced_folder ".", "/home/vagrant/openfreebuds"
- debian.vm.provision "shell",
- run: 'once',
- name: "Prepare base dependencies (Python, Just, PDM)",
- privileged: true,
- inline: <<-SHELL
- apt update
- apt install -y --no-install-recommends pipx curl flatpak python-is-python3 python3-venv
- # Install qasync (not in Debian repos, required for packaging as runtime dep)
- # Since Debian 13, will be in main repo
- curl -s -o /tmp/qasync.deb https://deb.mmk.pw/pool/main/q/qasync/python3-qasync_0.27.1-4_all.deb
- apt install -y --no-install-recommends /tmp/qasync.deb
- rm /tmp/qasync.deb
- # Install Just
- # Since Debian 13, will be in main repo
- if [ ! -f /usr/local/bin/just ]
- then
- curl -s https://just.systems/install.sh | bash -s -- --to /usr/local/bin
- fi
- # Install PDM for user
- if [ ! -f /home/vagrant/.local/bin/pdm ]
- then
- curl -sSL https://pdm-project.org/install-pdm.py | sudo -u vagrant python3 -
- fi
- debian.vm.provision "shell",
- run: 'always',
- name: "Install project dependencies",
- privileged: false,
- inline: <<-SHELL
- cd ~/openfreebuds
- just deps_debian prepare
- debian.vm.provision "shell",
- run: 'always',
- name: "Build binaries",
- privileged: false,
- inline: <<-SHELL
- export FLATPAKBUILDDIR=$HOME/flatpak
- cd ~/openfreebuds
- just --evaluate
- just build debian
- debian.vm.provision "shell",
- run: 'once',
- name: "Install Flatpak requirements and build Flatpak bundle",
- privileged: false,
- inline: <<-SHELL
- export FLATPAKBUILDDIR=$HOME/flatpak
- flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists --user flathub https://dl.flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo
- flatpak install -y --user org.flatpak.Builder
- cd ~/openfreebuds
- just build flatpak
- end
- config.vm.define "windows", primary: true do |win|
- win.vm.box = "gusztavvargadr/windows-11-24h2-enterprise"
- win.vm.synced_folder ".", "C:\\openfreebuds"
- win.vm.provider "vmware_desktop" do |v|
- v.vmx["numvcpus"] = "4"
- v.vmx["memsize"] = "4096"
- v.gui = true
- end
- win.vm.provision "shell",
- run: 'once',
- name: "Prepare base dependencies (Just, Python, VSBuildTools, NSIS, UPX)",
- privileged: true,
- inline: <<-SHELL
- powercfg.exe -x -standby-timeout-ac 0
- powercfg.exe -x -standby-timeout-dc 0
- powercfg.exe -x -hibernate-timeout-ac 0
- powercfg.exe -x -hibernate-timeout-dc 0
- if (-Not (Get-Command 'winget' -errorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
- echo 'Sleep for 60s for winget appear...'; Start-Sleep -s 60
- }
- winget install -e --accept-source-agreements --no-upgrade --id Casey.Just
- winget install -e --no-upgrade --id NSIS.NSIS
- winget install -e --no-upgrade --id UPX.UPX
- winget install -e --no-upgrade --id Python.Python.3.12
- # Only for Python 3.13+
- # winget install -e --no-upgrade --id Microsoft.VisualStudio.2022.BuildTools --override "--passive --wait --add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.VCTools;includeRecommended"
- win.vm.provision "shell",
- run: 'once',
- name: "Prepare PDM",
- privileged: true,
- inline: <<-SHELL
- powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -c "irm https://pdm-project.org/install-pdm.py | python -"
- win.vm.provision "shell",
- run: 'once',
- name: "Prepare project dependencies",
- privileged: true,
- inline: <<-SHELL
- cd C:\\openfreebuds
- just prepare
- win.vm.provision "shell",
- run: 'once',
- name: "Build project",
- privileged: true,
- inline: <<-SHELL
- cd C:\\openfreebuds
- just --evaluate
- just build win32
- end
- end