123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255 |
- ;;; base.scm --- The R6RS base library
- ;; Copyright (C) 2010, 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- ;;
- ;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- ;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- ;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- ;;
- ;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- ;; Lesser General Public License for more details.
- ;;
- ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- ;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- ;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- (library (rnrs base (6))
- (export boolean? symbol? char? vector? null? pair? number? string? procedure?
- define define-syntax syntax-rules lambda let let* let-values
- let*-values letrec letrec* begin
- quote lambda if set! cond case
- or and not
- eqv? equal? eq?
- + - * / max min abs numerator denominator gcd lcm floor ceiling
- truncate round rationalize real-part imag-part make-rectangular angle
- div mod div-and-mod div0 mod0 div0-and-mod0
- expt exact-integer-sqrt sqrt exp log sin cos tan asin acos atan
- make-polar magnitude angle
- complex? real? rational? integer? exact? inexact? real-valued?
- rational-valued? integer-valued? zero? positive? negative? odd? even?
- nan? finite? infinite?
- exact inexact = < > <= >=
- number->string string->number
- boolean=?
- cons car cdr caar cadr cdar cddr caaar caadr cadar cdaar caddr cdadr
- cddar cdddr caaaar caaadr caadar cadaar cdaaar cddaar cdadar cdaadr
- cadadr caaddr caddar cadddr cdaddr cddadr cdddar cddddr
- list? list length append reverse list-tail list-ref map for-each
- symbol->string string->symbol symbol=?
- char->integer integer->char char=? char<? char>? char<=? char>=?
- make-string string string-length string-ref string=? string<? string>?
- string<=? string>=? substring string-append string->list list->string
- string-for-each string-copy
- vector? make-vector vector vector-length vector-ref vector-set!
- vector->list list->vector vector-fill! vector-map vector-for-each
- error assertion-violation assert
- call-with-current-continuation call/cc call-with-values dynamic-wind
- values apply
- quasiquote unquote unquote-splicing
- let-syntax letrec-syntax
- syntax-rules identifier-syntax)
- (import (rename (except (guile) error raise map)
- (log log-internal)
- (euclidean-quotient div)
- (euclidean-remainder mod)
- (euclidean/ div-and-mod)
- (centered-quotient div0)
- (centered-remainder mod0)
- (centered/ div0-and-mod0)
- (inf? infinite?)
- (exact->inexact inexact)
- (inexact->exact exact))
- (srfi srfi-11))
- (define map
- (case-lambda
- ((f l)
- (let map1 ((hare l) (tortoise l) (move? #f) (out '()))
- (if (pair? hare)
- (if move?
- (if (eq? tortoise hare)
- (scm-error 'wrong-type-arg "map" "Circular list: ~S"
- (list l) #f)
- (map1 (cdr hare) (cdr tortoise) #f
- (cons (f (car hare)) out)))
- (map1 (cdr hare) tortoise #t
- (cons (f (car hare)) out)))
- (if (null? hare)
- (reverse out)
- (scm-error 'wrong-type-arg "map" "Not a list: ~S"
- (list l) #f)))))
- ((f l1 l2)
- (let map2 ((h1 l1) (h2 l2) (t1 l1) (t2 l2) (move? #f) (out '()))
- (cond
- ((pair? h1)
- (cond
- ((not (pair? h2))
- (scm-error 'wrong-type-arg "map"
- (if (list? h2)
- "List of wrong length: ~S"
- "Not a list: ~S")
- (list l2) #f))
- ((not move?)
- (map2 (cdr h1) (cdr h2) t1 t2 #t
- (cons (f (car h1) (car h2)) out)))
- ((eq? t1 h1)
- (scm-error 'wrong-type-arg "map" "Circular list: ~S"
- (list l1) #f))
- ((eq? t2 h2)
- (scm-error 'wrong-type-arg "map" "Circular list: ~S"
- (list l2) #f))
- (else
- (map2 (cdr h1) (cdr h2) (cdr t1) (cdr t2) #f
- (cons (f (car h1) (car h2)) out)))))
- ((and (null? h1) (null? h2))
- (reverse out))
- ((null? h1)
- (scm-error 'wrong-type-arg "map"
- (if (list? h2)
- "List of wrong length: ~S"
- "Not a list: ~S")
- (list l2) #f))
- (else
- (scm-error 'wrong-type-arg "map"
- "Not a list: ~S"
- (list l1) #f)))))
- ((f l1 . rest)
- (let ((len (length l1)))
- (let mapn ((rest rest))
- (or (null? rest)
- (if (= (length (car rest)) len)
- (mapn (cdr rest))
- (scm-error 'wrong-type-arg "map" "List of wrong length: ~S"
- (list (car rest)) #f)))))
- (let mapn ((l1 l1) (rest rest) (out '()))
- (if (null? l1)
- (reverse out)
- (mapn (cdr l1) (map cdr rest)
- (cons (apply f (car l1) (map car rest)) out)))))))
- (define log
- (case-lambda
- ((n)
- (log-internal n))
- ((n base)
- (/ (log n)
- (log base)))))
- (define (boolean=? . bools)
- (define (boolean=?-internal lst last)
- (or (null? lst)
- (let ((bool (car lst)))
- (and (eqv? bool last) (boolean=?-internal (cdr lst) bool)))))
- (or (null? bools)
- (let ((bool (car bools)))
- (and (boolean? bool) (boolean=?-internal (cdr bools) bool)))))
- (define (symbol=? . syms)
- (define (symbol=?-internal lst last)
- (or (null? lst)
- (let ((sym (car lst)))
- (and (eq? sym last) (symbol=?-internal (cdr lst) sym)))))
- (or (null? syms)
- (let ((sym (car syms)))
- (and (symbol? sym) (symbol=?-internal (cdr syms) sym)))))
- (define (real-valued? x)
- (and (complex? x)
- (zero? (imag-part x))))
- (define (rational-valued? x)
- (and (real-valued? x)
- (rational? (real-part x))))
- (define (integer-valued? x)
- (and (rational-valued? x)
- (= x (floor (real-part x)))))
- (define (vector-for-each proc . vecs)
- (apply for-each (cons proc (map vector->list vecs))))
- (define (vector-map proc . vecs)
- (list->vector (apply map (cons proc (map vector->list vecs)))))
- (define-syntax define-proxy
- (syntax-rules (@)
- ;; Define BINDING to point to (@ MODULE ORIGINAL). This hack is to
- ;; make sure MODULE is loaded lazily, at run-time, when BINDING is
- ;; encountered, rather than being loaded while compiling and
- ;; loading (rnrs base).
- ;; This avoids circular dependencies among modules and makes
- ;; (rnrs base) more lightweight.
- ((_ binding (@ module original))
- (define-syntax binding
- (identifier-syntax
- (module-ref (resolve-interface 'module) 'original))))))
- (define-proxy raise
- (@ (rnrs exceptions) raise))
- (define-proxy condition
- (@ (rnrs conditions) condition))
- (define-proxy make-error
- (@ (rnrs conditions) make-error))
- (define-proxy make-assertion-violation
- (@ (rnrs conditions) make-assertion-violation))
- (define-proxy make-who-condition
- (@ (rnrs conditions) make-who-condition))
- (define-proxy make-message-condition
- (@ (rnrs conditions) make-message-condition))
- (define-proxy make-irritants-condition
- (@ (rnrs conditions) make-irritants-condition))
- (define (error who message . irritants)
- (raise (apply condition
- (append (list (make-error))
- (if who (list (make-who-condition who)) '())
- (list (make-message-condition message)
- (make-irritants-condition irritants))))))
- (define (assertion-violation who message . irritants)
- (raise (apply condition
- (append (list (make-assertion-violation))
- (if who (list (make-who-condition who)) '())
- (list (make-message-condition message)
- (make-irritants-condition irritants))))))
- (define-syntax assert
- (syntax-rules ()
- ((_ expression)
- (or expression
- (raise (condition
- (make-assertion-violation)
- (make-message-condition
- (format #f "assertion failed: ~s" 'expression))))))))
- )