read.c 67 KB

  1. /* Copyright 1995-1997,1999-2001,2003-2004,2006-2012,2014-2019
  2. Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  3. This file is part of Guile.
  4. Guile is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
  5. under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
  6. by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
  7. (at your option) any later version.
  8. Guile is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  9. ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  10. FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public
  11. License for more details.
  12. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  13. License along with Guile. If not, see
  14. <>. */
  15. #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
  16. # include <config.h>
  17. #endif
  18. #include <alloca.h>
  19. #include <c-ctype.h>
  20. #include <c-strcase.h>
  21. #include <stdio.h>
  22. #include <string.h>
  23. #include <unicase.h>
  24. #include <unictype.h>
  25. #include <unistd.h>
  26. #include "alist.h"
  27. #include "arrays.h"
  28. #include "bitvectors.h"
  29. #include "boolean.h"
  30. #include "bytevectors.h"
  31. #include "chars.h"
  32. #include "eq.h"
  33. #include "eval.h"
  34. #include "fluids.h"
  35. #include "fports.h"
  36. #include "gsubr.h"
  37. #include "hash.h"
  38. #include "hashtab.h"
  39. #include "keywords.h"
  40. #include "modules.h"
  41. #include "numbers.h"
  42. #include "pairs.h"
  43. #include "ports-internal.h"
  44. #include "ports.h"
  45. #include "private-options.h"
  46. #include "procs.h"
  47. #include "srcprop.h"
  48. #include "srfi-13.h"
  49. #include "srfi-4.h"
  50. #include "strings.h"
  51. #include "strports.h"
  52. #include "symbols.h"
  53. #include "variable.h"
  54. #include "vectors.h"
  55. #include "read.h"
  56. SCM_GLOBAL_SYMBOL (scm_sym_dot, ".");
  57. SCM_SYMBOL (scm_keyword_prefix, "prefix");
  58. SCM_SYMBOL (scm_keyword_postfix, "postfix");
  59. SCM_SYMBOL (sym_nil, "nil");
  60. SCM_SYMBOL (sym_ISO_8859_1, "ISO-8859-1");
  61. /* SRFI-105 curly infix expression support */
  62. SCM_SYMBOL (sym_nfx, "$nfx$");
  63. SCM_SYMBOL (sym_bracket_list, "$bracket-list$");
  64. SCM_SYMBOL (sym_bracket_apply, "$bracket-apply$");
  65. scm_t_option scm_read_opts[] =
  66. {
  67. { SCM_OPTION_BOOLEAN, "copy", 0,
  68. "Copy source code expressions." },
  69. { SCM_OPTION_BOOLEAN, "positions", 1,
  70. "Record positions of source code expressions." },
  71. { SCM_OPTION_BOOLEAN, "case-insensitive", 0,
  72. "Convert symbols to lower case."},
  73. { SCM_OPTION_SCM, "keywords", (scm_t_bits) SCM_BOOL_F_BITS,
  74. "Style of keyword recognition: #f, 'prefix or 'postfix."},
  75. { SCM_OPTION_BOOLEAN, "r6rs-hex-escapes", 0,
  76. "Use R6RS variable-length character and string hex escapes."},
  77. { SCM_OPTION_BOOLEAN, "square-brackets", 1,
  78. "Treat `[' and `]' as parentheses, for R6RS compatibility."},
  79. { SCM_OPTION_BOOLEAN, "hungry-eol-escapes", 0,
  80. "In strings, consume leading whitespace after an escaped end-of-line."},
  81. { SCM_OPTION_BOOLEAN, "curly-infix", 0,
  82. "Support SRFI-105 curly infix expressions."},
  83. { SCM_OPTION_BOOLEAN, "r7rs-symbols", 0,
  84. "Support R7RS |...| symbol notation."},
  85. { 0, },
  86. };
  87. /* Internal read options structure. This is initialized by 'scm_read'
  88. from the global and per-port read options, and a pointer is passed
  89. down to all helper functions. */
  90. enum t_keyword_style
  91. {
  95. };
  96. struct t_read_opts
  97. {
  98. enum t_keyword_style keyword_style;
  99. unsigned int copy_source_p : 1;
  100. unsigned int record_positions_p : 1;
  101. unsigned int case_insensitive_p : 1;
  102. unsigned int r6rs_escapes_p : 1;
  103. unsigned int square_brackets_p : 1;
  104. unsigned int hungry_eol_escapes_p : 1;
  105. unsigned int curly_infix_p : 1;
  106. unsigned int neoteric_p : 1;
  107. unsigned int r7rs_symbols_p : 1;
  108. };
  109. typedef struct t_read_opts scm_t_read_opts;
  110. /*
  111. Give meaningful error messages for errors
  112. We use the format
  114. This happened in ....
  115. This is not standard GNU format, but the test-suite likes the real
  116. message to be in front.
  117. */
  118. void
  119. scm_i_input_error (char const *function,
  120. SCM port, const char *message, SCM arg)
  121. {
  122. SCM fn = (scm_is_string (SCM_FILENAME(port))
  123. ? SCM_FILENAME(port)
  124. : scm_from_utf8_string ("#<unknown port>"));
  125. SCM string_port = scm_open_output_string ();
  126. SCM string = SCM_EOL;
  127. scm_simple_format (string_port,
  128. scm_from_utf8_string ("~A:~S:~S: ~A"),
  129. scm_list_4 (fn,
  130. scm_sum (scm_port_line (port), SCM_INUM1),
  131. scm_sum (scm_port_column (port), SCM_INUM1),
  132. scm_from_utf8_string (message)));
  133. string = scm_get_output_string (string_port);
  134. scm_close_output_port (string_port);
  135. scm_error_scm (scm_from_utf8_symbol ("read-error"),
  136. function? scm_from_utf8_string (function) : SCM_BOOL_F,
  137. string,
  138. arg,
  139. SCM_BOOL_F);
  140. }
  141. SCM_DEFINE (scm_read_options, "read-options-interface", 0, 1, 0,
  142. (SCM setting),
  143. "Option interface for the read options. Instead of using\n"
  144. "this procedure directly, use the procedures @code{read-enable},\n"
  145. "@code{read-disable}, @code{read-set!} and @code{read-options}.")
  146. #define FUNC_NAME s_scm_read_options
  147. {
  148. SCM ans = scm_options (setting,
  149. scm_read_opts,
  150. FUNC_NAME);
  151. if (SCM_COPY_SOURCE_P)
  153. return ans;
  154. }
  155. #undef FUNC_NAME
  156. /* A fluid referring to an association list mapping extra hash
  157. characters to procedures. */
  158. static SCM *scm_i_read_hash_procedures;
  159. static SCM
  160. scm_i_read_hash_procedures_ref (void)
  161. {
  162. return scm_fluid_ref (*scm_i_read_hash_procedures);
  163. }
  164. static void
  165. scm_i_read_hash_procedures_set_x (SCM value)
  166. {
  167. scm_fluid_set_x (*scm_i_read_hash_procedures, value);
  168. }
  169. /* Token readers. */
  170. /* Size of the C buffer used to read symbols and numbers. */
  171. #define READER_BUFFER_SIZE 128
  172. /* Number of 32-bit codepoints in the buffer used to read strings. */
  173. #define READER_STRING_BUFFER_SIZE 128
  174. /* The maximum size of Scheme character names. */
  175. #define READER_CHAR_NAME_MAX_SIZE 50
  176. /* The maximum size of reader directive names. */
  178. /* `isblank' is only in C99. */
  179. #define CHAR_IS_BLANK_(_chr) \
  180. (((_chr) == ' ') || ((_chr) == '\t') || ((_chr) == '\n') \
  181. || ((_chr) == '\f') || ((_chr) == '\r'))
  182. #ifdef MSDOS
  183. # define CHAR_IS_BLANK(_chr) \
  184. ((CHAR_IS_BLANK_ (chr)) || ((_chr) == 26))
  185. #else
  186. # define CHAR_IS_BLANK CHAR_IS_BLANK_
  187. #endif
  188. /* R5RS one-character delimiters (see section 7.1.1, ``Lexical
  189. structure''). */
  190. #define CHAR_IS_R5RS_DELIMITER(c) \
  191. (CHAR_IS_BLANK (c) \
  192. || (c) == ')' || (c) == '(' || (c) == ';' || (c) == '"')
  193. #define CHAR_IS_DELIMITER(c) \
  194. (CHAR_IS_R5RS_DELIMITER (c) \
  195. || (((c) == ']' || (c) == '[') && (opts->square_brackets_p \
  196. || opts->curly_infix_p)) \
  197. || (((c) == '}' || (c) == '{') && opts->curly_infix_p))
  198. /* Exponent markers, as defined in section 7.1.1 of R5RS, ``Lexical
  199. Structure''. */
  200. #define CHAR_IS_EXPONENT_MARKER(_chr) \
  201. (((_chr) == 'e') || ((_chr) == 's') || ((_chr) == 'f') \
  202. || ((_chr) == 'd') || ((_chr) == 'l'))
  203. /* Read an SCSH block comment. */
  204. static SCM scm_read_scsh_block_comment (scm_t_wchar, SCM);
  205. static SCM scm_read_r6rs_block_comment (scm_t_wchar, SCM);
  206. static SCM scm_read_commented_expression (scm_t_wchar, SCM, scm_t_read_opts *);
  207. static SCM scm_read_shebang (scm_t_wchar, SCM, scm_t_read_opts *);
  208. static SCM scm_get_hash_procedure (int);
  209. /* Read from PORT until a delimiter (e.g., a whitespace) is read. Put the
  210. result in the pre-allocated buffer BUF. Return zero if the whole token has
  211. fewer than BUF_SIZE bytes, non-zero otherwise. READ will be set the number of
  212. bytes actually read. */
  213. static int
  214. read_token (SCM port, scm_t_read_opts *opts,
  215. char *buf, size_t buf_size, size_t *read)
  216. {
  217. *read = 0;
  218. while (*read < buf_size)
  219. {
  220. int chr;
  221. chr = scm_get_byte_or_eof (port);
  222. if (chr == EOF)
  223. return 0;
  224. else if (CHAR_IS_DELIMITER (chr))
  225. {
  226. scm_unget_byte (chr, port);
  227. return 0;
  228. }
  229. else
  230. {
  231. *buf = (char) chr;
  232. buf++, (*read)++;
  233. }
  234. }
  235. return 1;
  236. }
  237. /* Like `read_token', but return either BUFFER, or a GC-allocated buffer
  238. if the token doesn't fit in BUFFER_SIZE bytes. */
  239. static char *
  240. read_complete_token (SCM port, scm_t_read_opts *opts,
  241. char *buffer, size_t buffer_size, size_t *read)
  242. {
  243. int overflow = 0;
  244. size_t bytes_read, overflow_size = 0;
  245. char *overflow_buffer = NULL;
  246. do
  247. {
  248. overflow = read_token (port, opts, buffer, buffer_size, &bytes_read);
  249. if (bytes_read == 0)
  250. break;
  251. if (overflow || overflow_size != 0)
  252. {
  253. if (overflow_size == 0)
  254. {
  255. overflow_buffer = scm_gc_malloc_pointerless (bytes_read, "read");
  256. memcpy (overflow_buffer, buffer, bytes_read);
  257. overflow_size = bytes_read;
  258. }
  259. else
  260. {
  261. char *new_buf =
  262. scm_gc_malloc_pointerless (overflow_size + bytes_read, "read");
  263. memcpy (new_buf, overflow_buffer, overflow_size);
  264. memcpy (new_buf + overflow_size, buffer, bytes_read);
  265. overflow_buffer = new_buf;
  266. overflow_size += bytes_read;
  267. }
  268. }
  269. }
  270. while (overflow);
  271. if (overflow_size)
  272. *read = overflow_size;
  273. else
  274. *read = bytes_read;
  275. return (overflow_size > 0 ? overflow_buffer : buffer);
  276. }
  277. /* Skip whitespace from PORT and return the first non-whitespace character
  278. read. Raise an error on end-of-file. */
  279. static int
  280. flush_ws (SCM port, scm_t_read_opts *opts, const char *eoferr)
  281. {
  282. scm_t_wchar c;
  283. while (1)
  284. switch (c = scm_getc (port))
  285. {
  286. case EOF:
  287. goteof:
  288. if (eoferr)
  289. {
  290. scm_i_input_error (eoferr,
  291. port,
  292. "end of file",
  293. SCM_EOL);
  294. }
  295. return c;
  296. case ';':
  297. lp:
  298. switch (c = scm_getc (port))
  299. {
  300. case EOF:
  301. goto goteof;
  302. default:
  303. goto lp;
  305. break;
  306. }
  307. break;
  308. case '#':
  309. switch (c = scm_getc (port))
  310. {
  311. case EOF:
  312. eoferr = "read_sharp";
  313. goto goteof;
  314. case '!':
  315. scm_read_shebang (c, port, opts);
  316. break;
  317. case ';':
  318. scm_read_commented_expression (c, port, opts);
  319. break;
  320. case '|':
  321. if (scm_is_false (scm_get_hash_procedure (c)))
  322. {
  323. scm_read_r6rs_block_comment (c, port);
  324. break;
  325. }
  326. /* fall through */
  327. default:
  328. scm_ungetc (c, port);
  329. return '#';
  330. }
  331. break;
  333. case SCM_SINGLE_SPACES:
  334. case '\t':
  335. break;
  336. default:
  337. return c;
  338. }
  339. return 0;
  340. }
  341. /* Token readers. */
  342. static SCM scm_read_expression (SCM port, scm_t_read_opts *opts);
  343. static SCM scm_read_sharp (int chr, SCM port, scm_t_read_opts *opts,
  344. long line, int column);
  345. static SCM
  346. maybe_annotate_source (SCM x, SCM port, scm_t_read_opts *opts,
  347. long line, int column)
  348. {
  349. /* This condition can be caused by a user calling
  350. set-port-column!. */
  351. if (line < 0 || column < 0)
  352. return x;
  353. if (opts->record_positions_p)
  354. scm_i_set_source_properties_x (x, line, column, SCM_FILENAME (port));
  355. return x;
  356. }
  357. static SCM
  358. scm_read_sexp (scm_t_wchar chr, SCM port, scm_t_read_opts *opts)
  359. #define FUNC_NAME "scm_i_lreadparen"
  360. {
  361. int c;
  362. SCM tmp, tl, ans = SCM_EOL;
  363. const int curly_list_p = (chr == '{') && opts->curly_infix_p;
  364. const int terminating_char = ((chr == '{') ? '}'
  365. : ((chr == '[') ? ']'
  366. : ')'));
  367. /* Need to capture line and column numbers here. */
  368. long line = scm_to_long (scm_port_line (port));
  369. int column = scm_to_int (scm_port_column (port)) - 1;
  370. c = flush_ws (port, opts, FUNC_NAME);
  371. if (terminating_char == c)
  372. return SCM_EOL;
  373. scm_ungetc (c, port);
  374. tmp = scm_read_expression (port, opts);
  375. /* Note that it is possible for scm_read_expression to return
  376. scm_sym_dot, but not as part of a dotted pair: as in #{.}#. So
  377. check that it's a real dot by checking `c'. */
  378. if (c == '.' && scm_is_eq (scm_sym_dot, tmp))
  379. {
  380. ans = scm_read_expression (port, opts);
  381. if (terminating_char != (c = flush_ws (port, opts, FUNC_NAME)))
  382. scm_i_input_error (FUNC_NAME, port, "missing close paren",
  383. SCM_EOL);
  384. return ans;
  385. }
  386. /* Build the head of the list structure. */
  387. ans = tl = scm_cons (tmp, SCM_EOL);
  388. while (terminating_char != (c = flush_ws (port, opts, FUNC_NAME)))
  389. {
  390. SCM new_tail;
  391. if (c == ')' || (c == ']' && opts->square_brackets_p)
  392. || ((c == '}' || c == ']') && opts->curly_infix_p))
  393. scm_i_input_error (FUNC_NAME, port,
  394. "in pair: mismatched close paren: ~A",
  395. scm_list_1 (SCM_MAKE_CHAR (c)));
  396. scm_ungetc (c, port);
  397. tmp = scm_read_expression (port, opts);
  398. /* See above note about scm_sym_dot. */
  399. if (c == '.' && scm_is_eq (scm_sym_dot, tmp))
  400. {
  401. SCM_SETCDR (tl, scm_read_expression (port, opts));
  402. c = flush_ws (port, opts, FUNC_NAME);
  403. if (terminating_char != c)
  404. scm_i_input_error (FUNC_NAME, port,
  405. "in pair: missing close paren", SCM_EOL);
  406. break;
  407. }
  408. new_tail = scm_cons (tmp, SCM_EOL);
  409. SCM_SETCDR (tl, new_tail);
  410. tl = new_tail;
  411. }
  412. if (curly_list_p)
  413. {
  414. /* In addition to finding the length, 'scm_ilength' checks for
  415. improper or circular lists, in which case it returns -1. */
  416. int len = scm_ilength (ans);
  417. /* The (len == 0) case is handled above */
  418. if (len == 1)
  419. /* Return directly to avoid re-annotating the element's source
  420. location with the position of the outer brace. Also, it
  421. might not be possible to annotate the element. */
  422. return scm_car (ans); /* {e} => e */
  423. else if (len == 2)
  424. ; /* Leave the list unchanged: {e1 e2} => (e1 e2) */
  425. else if (len >= 3 && (len & 1))
  426. {
  427. /* It's a proper list whose length is odd and at least 3. If
  428. the elements at odd indices (the infix operator positions)
  429. are all 'equal?', then it's a simple curly-infix list.
  430. Otherwise it's a mixed curly-infix list. */
  431. SCM op = scm_cadr (ans);
  432. /* Check to see if the elements at odd indices are 'equal?' */
  433. for (tl = scm_cdddr (ans); ; tl = scm_cddr (tl))
  434. {
  435. if (scm_is_null (tl))
  436. {
  437. /* Convert simple curly-infix list to prefix:
  438. {a <op> b <op> ...} => (<op> a b ...) */
  439. tl = ans;
  440. while (scm_is_pair (scm_cdr (tl)))
  441. {
  442. tmp = scm_cddr (tl);
  443. SCM_SETCDR (tl, tmp);
  444. tl = tmp;
  445. }
  446. ans = scm_cons (op, ans);
  447. break;
  448. }
  449. else if (scm_is_false (scm_equal_p (op, scm_car (tl))))
  450. {
  451. /* Mixed curly-infix list: {e ...} => ($nfx$ e ...) */
  452. ans = scm_cons (sym_nfx, ans);
  453. break;
  454. }
  455. }
  456. }
  457. else
  458. /* Mixed curly-infix (possibly improper) list:
  459. {e . tail} => ($nfx$ e . tail) */
  460. ans = scm_cons (sym_nfx, ans);
  461. }
  462. return maybe_annotate_source (ans, port, opts, line, column);
  463. }
  464. #undef FUNC_NAME
  465. /* Read a hexadecimal number NDIGITS in length. Put its value into the variable
  466. C. If TERMINATOR is non-null, terminate early if the TERMINATOR character is
  467. found. */
  468. #define SCM_READ_HEX_ESCAPE(ndigits, terminator) \
  469. do \
  470. { \
  471. scm_t_wchar a; \
  472. size_t i = 0; \
  473. c = 0; \
  474. while (i < ndigits) \
  475. { \
  476. a = scm_getc (port); \
  477. if (a == EOF) \
  478. goto str_eof; \
  479. if (terminator \
  480. && (a == (scm_t_wchar) terminator) \
  481. && (i > 0)) \
  482. break; \
  483. if ('0' <= a && a <= '9') \
  484. a -= '0'; \
  485. else if ('A' <= a && a <= 'F') \
  486. a = a - 'A' + 10; \
  487. else if ('a' <= a && a <= 'f') \
  488. a = a - 'a' + 10; \
  489. else \
  490. { \
  491. c = a; \
  492. goto bad_escaped; \
  493. } \
  494. c = c * 16 + a; \
  495. i ++; \
  496. } \
  497. } while (0)
  498. static void
  499. skip_intraline_whitespace (SCM port)
  500. {
  501. scm_t_wchar c;
  502. do
  503. {
  504. c = scm_getc (port);
  505. if (c == EOF)
  506. return;
  507. }
  508. while (c == '\t' || uc_is_general_category (c, UC_SPACE_SEPARATOR));
  509. scm_ungetc (c, port);
  510. }
  511. /* Read either a double-quoted string or an R7RS-style symbol delimited
  512. by vertical lines, depending on the value of 'chr' ('"' or '|').
  513. Regardless, the result is always returned as a string. */
  514. static SCM
  515. scm_read_string_like_syntax (int chr, SCM port, scm_t_read_opts *opts)
  516. #define FUNC_NAME "scm_lreadr"
  517. {
  518. /* For strings smaller than C_STR, this function creates only one Scheme
  519. object (the string returned). */
  520. SCM str = SCM_EOL;
  521. size_t c_str_len = 0;
  522. scm_t_wchar c, c_str[READER_STRING_BUFFER_SIZE];
  523. /* Need to capture line and column numbers here. */
  524. long line = scm_to_long (scm_port_line (port));
  525. int column = scm_to_int (scm_port_column (port)) - 1;
  526. while (chr != (c = scm_getc (port)))
  527. {
  528. if (c == EOF)
  529. {
  530. str_eof:
  531. scm_i_input_error (FUNC_NAME, port,
  532. (chr == '|'
  533. ? "end of file in symbol"
  534. : "end of file in string constant"),
  535. SCM_EOL);
  536. }
  537. if (c_str_len + 1 >= READER_STRING_BUFFER_SIZE)
  538. {
  539. str = scm_cons (scm_from_utf32_stringn (c_str, c_str_len), str);
  540. c_str_len = 0;
  541. }
  542. if (c == '\\')
  543. {
  544. switch (c = scm_getc (port))
  545. {
  546. case EOF:
  547. goto str_eof;
  548. case '|':
  549. case '\\':
  550. case '(': /* Accept "\(" for use at the beginning of lines
  551. in multiline strings to avoid confusing emacs
  552. lisp modes. */
  553. break;
  554. case '\n':
  555. if (opts->hungry_eol_escapes_p)
  556. skip_intraline_whitespace (port);
  557. continue;
  558. case '0':
  559. c = '\0';
  560. break;
  561. case 'f':
  562. c = '\f';
  563. break;
  564. case 'n':
  565. c = '\n';
  566. break;
  567. case 'r':
  568. c = '\r';
  569. break;
  570. case 't':
  571. c = '\t';
  572. break;
  573. case 'a':
  574. c = '\007';
  575. break;
  576. case 'v':
  577. c = '\v';
  578. break;
  579. case 'b':
  580. c = '\010';
  581. break;
  582. case 'x':
  583. if (opts->r6rs_escapes_p || chr == '|')
  584. SCM_READ_HEX_ESCAPE (10, ';');
  585. else
  586. SCM_READ_HEX_ESCAPE (2, '\0');
  587. break;
  588. case 'u':
  589. if (!opts->r6rs_escapes_p)
  590. {
  591. SCM_READ_HEX_ESCAPE (4, '\0');
  592. break;
  593. }
  594. case 'U':
  595. if (!opts->r6rs_escapes_p)
  596. {
  597. SCM_READ_HEX_ESCAPE (6, '\0');
  598. break;
  599. }
  600. default:
  601. if (c == chr)
  602. break;
  603. bad_escaped:
  604. scm_i_input_error (FUNC_NAME, port,
  605. "illegal character in escape sequence: ~S",
  606. scm_list_1 (SCM_MAKE_CHAR (c)));
  607. }
  608. }
  609. c_str[c_str_len++] = c;
  610. }
  611. if (scm_is_null (str))
  612. /* Fast path: we got a string that fits in C_STR. */
  613. str = scm_from_utf32_stringn (c_str, c_str_len);
  614. else
  615. {
  616. if (c_str_len > 0)
  617. str = scm_cons (scm_from_utf32_stringn (c_str, c_str_len), str);
  618. str = scm_string_concatenate_reverse (str, SCM_UNDEFINED, SCM_UNDEFINED);
  619. }
  620. return maybe_annotate_source (str, port, opts, line, column);
  621. }
  622. #undef FUNC_NAME
  623. static SCM
  624. scm_read_string (int chr, SCM port, scm_t_read_opts *opts)
  625. {
  626. return scm_read_string_like_syntax (chr, port, opts);
  627. }
  628. static SCM
  629. scm_read_r7rs_symbol (int chr, SCM port, scm_t_read_opts *opts)
  630. {
  631. return scm_string_to_symbol (scm_read_string_like_syntax (chr, port, opts));
  632. }
  633. static SCM
  634. scm_read_number (scm_t_wchar chr, SCM port, scm_t_read_opts *opts)
  635. {
  636. SCM result, str = SCM_EOL;
  637. char local_buffer[READER_BUFFER_SIZE], *buffer;
  638. size_t bytes_read;
  639. /* Need to capture line and column numbers here. */
  640. long line = scm_to_long (scm_port_line (port));
  641. int column = scm_to_int (scm_port_column (port)) - 1;
  642. scm_ungetc (chr, port);
  643. buffer = read_complete_token (port, opts, local_buffer, sizeof local_buffer,
  644. &bytes_read);
  645. str = scm_from_port_stringn (buffer, bytes_read, port);
  646. result = scm_string_to_number (str, SCM_UNDEFINED);
  647. if (scm_is_false (result))
  648. {
  649. /* Return a symbol instead of a number */
  650. if (opts->case_insensitive_p)
  651. str = scm_string_downcase_x (str);
  652. result = scm_string_to_symbol (str);
  653. }
  654. else if (SCM_HEAP_OBJECT_P (result))
  655. result = maybe_annotate_source (result, port, opts, line, column);
  656. scm_set_port_column_x (port,
  657. scm_sum (scm_port_column (port),
  658. scm_string_length (str)));
  659. return result;
  660. }
  661. static SCM
  662. scm_read_mixed_case_symbol (scm_t_wchar chr, SCM port, scm_t_read_opts *opts)
  663. {
  664. SCM result;
  665. int ends_with_colon = 0;
  666. size_t bytes_read;
  667. int postfix = (opts->keyword_style == KEYWORD_STYLE_POSTFIX);
  668. char local_buffer[READER_BUFFER_SIZE], *buffer;
  669. SCM str;
  670. scm_ungetc (chr, port);
  671. buffer = read_complete_token (port, opts, local_buffer, sizeof local_buffer,
  672. &bytes_read);
  673. if (bytes_read > 0)
  674. ends_with_colon = buffer[bytes_read - 1] == ':';
  675. if (postfix && ends_with_colon && (bytes_read > 1))
  676. {
  677. str = scm_from_port_stringn (buffer, bytes_read - 1, port);
  678. if (opts->case_insensitive_p)
  679. str = scm_string_downcase_x (str);
  680. result = scm_symbol_to_keyword (scm_string_to_symbol (str));
  681. }
  682. else
  683. {
  684. str = scm_from_port_stringn (buffer, bytes_read, port);
  685. if (opts->case_insensitive_p)
  686. str = scm_string_downcase_x (str);
  687. result = scm_string_to_symbol (str);
  688. }
  689. scm_set_port_column_x (port,
  690. scm_sum (scm_port_column (port),
  691. scm_string_length (str)));
  692. return result;
  693. }
  694. static SCM
  695. scm_read_number_and_radix (scm_t_wchar chr, SCM port, scm_t_read_opts *opts)
  696. #define FUNC_NAME "scm_lreadr"
  697. {
  698. SCM result;
  699. size_t read;
  700. char local_buffer[READER_BUFFER_SIZE], *buffer;
  701. unsigned int radix;
  702. SCM str;
  703. switch (chr)
  704. {
  705. case 'B':
  706. case 'b':
  707. radix = 2;
  708. break;
  709. case 'o':
  710. case 'O':
  711. radix = 8;
  712. break;
  713. case 'd':
  714. case 'D':
  715. radix = 10;
  716. break;
  717. case 'x':
  718. case 'X':
  719. radix = 16;
  720. break;
  721. default:
  722. scm_ungetc (chr, port);
  723. scm_ungetc ('#', port);
  724. radix = 10;
  725. }
  726. buffer = read_complete_token (port, opts, local_buffer, sizeof local_buffer,
  727. &read);
  728. str = scm_from_port_stringn (buffer, read, port);
  729. result = scm_string_to_number (str, scm_from_uint (radix));
  730. scm_set_port_column_x (port,
  731. scm_sum (scm_port_column (port),
  732. scm_string_length (str)));
  733. if (scm_is_true (result))
  734. return result;
  735. scm_i_input_error (FUNC_NAME, port, "unknown # object", SCM_EOL);
  736. return SCM_BOOL_F;
  737. }
  738. #undef FUNC_NAME
  739. static SCM
  740. scm_read_quote (int chr, SCM port, scm_t_read_opts *opts)
  741. {
  742. SCM p;
  743. long line = scm_to_long (scm_port_line (port));
  744. int column = scm_to_int (scm_port_column (port)) - 1;
  745. switch (chr)
  746. {
  747. case '`':
  748. p = scm_sym_quasiquote;
  749. break;
  750. case '\'':
  751. p = scm_sym_quote;
  752. break;
  753. case ',':
  754. {
  755. scm_t_wchar c;
  756. c = scm_getc (port);
  757. if ('@' == c)
  758. p = scm_sym_uq_splicing;
  759. else
  760. {
  761. scm_ungetc (c, port);
  762. p = scm_sym_unquote;
  763. }
  764. break;
  765. }
  766. default:
  767. fprintf (stderr, "%s: unhandled quote character (%i)\n",
  768. "scm_read_quote", chr);
  769. abort ();
  770. }
  771. p = scm_cons2 (p, scm_read_expression (port, opts), SCM_EOL);
  772. return maybe_annotate_source (p, port, opts, line, column);
  773. }
  774. SCM_SYMBOL (sym_syntax, "syntax");
  775. SCM_SYMBOL (sym_quasisyntax, "quasisyntax");
  776. SCM_SYMBOL (sym_unsyntax, "unsyntax");
  777. SCM_SYMBOL (sym_unsyntax_splicing, "unsyntax-splicing");
  778. static SCM
  779. scm_read_syntax (int chr, SCM port, scm_t_read_opts *opts)
  780. {
  781. SCM p;
  782. long line = scm_to_long (scm_port_line (port));
  783. int column = scm_to_int (scm_port_column (port)) - 1;
  784. switch (chr)
  785. {
  786. case '`':
  787. p = sym_quasisyntax;
  788. break;
  789. case '\'':
  790. p = sym_syntax;
  791. break;
  792. case ',':
  793. {
  794. int c;
  795. c = scm_getc (port);
  796. if ('@' == c)
  797. p = sym_unsyntax_splicing;
  798. else
  799. {
  800. scm_ungetc (c, port);
  801. p = sym_unsyntax;
  802. }
  803. break;
  804. }
  805. default:
  806. fprintf (stderr, "%s: unhandled syntax character (%i)\n",
  807. "scm_read_syntax", chr);
  808. abort ();
  809. }
  810. p = scm_cons2 (p, scm_read_expression (port, opts), SCM_EOL);
  811. return maybe_annotate_source (p, port, opts, line, column);
  812. }
  813. static SCM
  814. scm_read_nil (int chr, SCM port, scm_t_read_opts *opts)
  815. {
  816. SCM id = scm_read_mixed_case_symbol (chr, port, opts);
  817. if (!scm_is_eq (id, sym_nil))
  818. scm_i_input_error ("scm_read_nil", port,
  819. "unexpected input while reading #nil: ~a",
  820. scm_list_1 (id));
  821. return SCM_ELISP_NIL;
  822. }
  823. static SCM
  824. scm_read_semicolon_comment (int chr, SCM port)
  825. {
  826. int c;
  827. /* We use the get_byte here because there is no need to get the
  828. locale correct with comment input. This presumes that newline
  829. always represents itself no matter what the encoding is. */
  830. for (c = scm_get_byte_or_eof (port);
  831. (c != EOF) && (c != '\n');
  832. c = scm_get_byte_or_eof (port));
  833. return SCM_UNSPECIFIED;
  834. }
  835. /* If the EXPECTED_CHARS are the next ones available from PORT, then
  836. consume them and return 1. Otherwise leave the port position where
  837. it was and return 0. EXPECTED_CHARS should be all lowercase, and
  838. will be matched case-insensitively against the characters read from
  839. PORT. */
  840. static int
  841. try_read_ci_chars (SCM port, const char *expected_chars)
  842. {
  843. int num_chars_wanted = strlen (expected_chars);
  844. int num_chars_read = 0;
  845. char *chars_read = alloca (num_chars_wanted);
  846. int c;
  847. while (num_chars_read < num_chars_wanted)
  848. {
  849. c = scm_getc (port);
  850. if (c == EOF)
  851. break;
  852. else if (c_tolower (c) != expected_chars[num_chars_read])
  853. {
  854. scm_ungetc (c, port);
  855. break;
  856. }
  857. else
  858. chars_read[num_chars_read++] = c;
  859. }
  860. if (num_chars_read == num_chars_wanted)
  861. return 1;
  862. else
  863. {
  864. while (num_chars_read > 0)
  865. scm_ungetc (chars_read[--num_chars_read], port);
  866. return 0;
  867. }
  868. }
  869. /* Sharp readers, i.e. readers called after a `#' sign has been read. */
  870. static SCM
  871. scm_read_boolean (int chr, SCM port)
  872. {
  873. switch (chr)
  874. {
  875. case 't':
  876. case 'T':
  877. try_read_ci_chars (port, "rue");
  878. return SCM_BOOL_T;
  879. case 'f':
  880. case 'F':
  881. try_read_ci_chars (port, "alse");
  882. return SCM_BOOL_F;
  883. }
  884. return SCM_UNSPECIFIED;
  885. }
  886. static SCM
  887. scm_read_character (scm_t_wchar chr, SCM port, scm_t_read_opts *opts)
  888. #define FUNC_NAME "scm_lreadr"
  889. {
  890. char buffer[READER_CHAR_NAME_MAX_SIZE];
  891. SCM charname;
  892. size_t charname_len, bytes_read;
  893. scm_t_wchar cp;
  894. int overflow;
  895. scm_t_port *pt;
  896. overflow = read_token (port, opts, buffer, READER_CHAR_NAME_MAX_SIZE,
  897. &bytes_read);
  898. if (overflow)
  899. scm_i_input_error (FUNC_NAME, port, "character name too long", SCM_EOL);
  900. if (bytes_read == 0)
  901. {
  902. chr = scm_getc (port);
  903. if (chr == EOF)
  904. scm_i_input_error (FUNC_NAME, port, "unexpected end of file "
  905. "while reading character", SCM_EOL);
  906. /* CHR must be a token delimiter, like a whitespace. */
  907. return (SCM_MAKE_CHAR (chr));
  908. }
  909. pt = SCM_PORT (port);
  910. /* Simple ASCII characters can be processed immediately. Also, simple
  911. ISO-8859-1 characters can be processed immediately if the encoding for this
  912. port is ISO-8859-1. */
  913. if (bytes_read == 1 &&
  914. ((unsigned char) buffer[0] <= 127
  915. || scm_is_eq (pt->encoding, sym_ISO_8859_1)))
  916. {
  917. scm_set_port_column_x (port, scm_sum (scm_port_column (port), SCM_INUM1));
  918. return SCM_MAKE_CHAR (buffer[0]);
  919. }
  920. /* Otherwise, convert the buffer into a proper scheme string for
  921. processing. */
  922. charname = scm_from_port_stringn (buffer, bytes_read, port);
  923. charname_len = scm_i_string_length (charname);
  924. scm_set_port_column_x (port,
  925. scm_sum (scm_port_column (port),
  926. scm_from_size_t (charname_len)));
  927. cp = scm_i_string_ref (charname, 0);
  928. if (charname_len == 1)
  929. return SCM_MAKE_CHAR (cp);
  930. /* Ignore dotted circles, which may be used to keep combining characters from
  931. combining with the backslash in #\charname. */
  932. if (cp == SCM_CODEPOINT_DOTTED_CIRCLE && charname_len == 2)
  933. return scm_c_make_char (scm_i_string_ref (charname, 1));
  934. if (cp >= '0' && cp < '8')
  935. {
  936. /* Dirk:FIXME:: This type of character syntax is not R5RS
  937. * compliant. Further, it should be verified that the constant
  938. * does only consist of octal digits. */
  939. SCM p = scm_string_to_number (charname, scm_from_uint (8));
  940. if (SCM_I_INUMP (p))
  941. {
  942. scm_t_wchar c = scm_to_uint32 (p);
  943. if (SCM_IS_UNICODE_CHAR (c))
  944. return SCM_MAKE_CHAR (c);
  945. else
  946. scm_i_input_error (FUNC_NAME, port,
  947. "out-of-range octal character escape: ~a",
  948. scm_list_1 (charname));
  949. }
  950. }
  951. if (cp == 'x' && (charname_len > 1))
  952. {
  953. SCM p;
  954. /* Convert from hex, skipping the initial 'x' character in CHARNAME */
  955. p = scm_string_to_number (scm_c_substring (charname, 1, charname_len),
  956. scm_from_uint (16));
  957. if (SCM_I_INUMP (p))
  958. {
  959. scm_t_wchar c = scm_to_uint32 (p);
  960. if (SCM_IS_UNICODE_CHAR (c))
  961. return SCM_MAKE_CHAR (c);
  962. else
  963. scm_i_input_error (FUNC_NAME, port,
  964. "out-of-range hex character escape: ~a",
  965. scm_list_1 (charname));
  966. }
  967. }
  968. /* The names of characters should never have non-Latin1
  969. characters. */
  970. if (scm_i_is_narrow_string (charname)
  971. || scm_i_try_narrow_string (charname))
  972. { SCM ch = scm_i_charname_to_char (scm_i_string_chars (charname),
  973. charname_len);
  974. if (scm_is_true (ch))
  975. return ch;
  976. }
  977. scm_i_input_error (FUNC_NAME, port, "unknown character name ~a",
  978. scm_list_1 (charname));
  979. return SCM_UNSPECIFIED;
  980. }
  981. #undef FUNC_NAME
  982. static SCM
  983. scm_read_keyword (int chr, SCM port, scm_t_read_opts *opts)
  984. {
  985. SCM symbol;
  986. /* Read the symbol that comprises the keyword. Doing this instead of
  987. invoking a specific symbol reader function allows `scm_read_keyword ()'
  988. to adapt to the delimiters currently valid of symbols.
  989. XXX: This implementation allows sloppy syntaxes like `#: key'. */
  990. symbol = scm_read_expression (port, opts);
  991. if (!scm_is_symbol (symbol))
  992. scm_i_input_error ("scm_read_keyword", port,
  993. "keyword prefix `~a' not followed by a symbol: ~s",
  994. scm_list_2 (SCM_MAKE_CHAR (chr), symbol));
  995. return (scm_symbol_to_keyword (symbol));
  996. }
  997. static SCM
  998. scm_read_vector (int chr, SCM port, scm_t_read_opts *opts,
  999. long line, int column)
  1000. {
  1001. /* Note: We call `scm_read_sexp ()' rather than READER here in order to
  1002. guarantee that it's going to do what we want. After all, this is an
  1003. implementation detail of `scm_read_vector ()', not a desirable
  1004. property. */
  1005. return maybe_annotate_source (scm_vector (scm_read_sexp (chr, port, opts)),
  1006. port, opts, line, column);
  1007. }
  1008. /* Helper used by scm_read_array */
  1009. static int
  1010. read_decimal_integer (SCM port, int c, ssize_t *resp)
  1011. {
  1012. ssize_t sign = 1;
  1013. ssize_t res = 0;
  1014. int got_it = 0;
  1015. if (c == '-')
  1016. {
  1017. sign = -1;
  1018. c = scm_getc (port);
  1019. }
  1020. while ('0' <= c && c <= '9')
  1021. {
  1022. if (((SSIZE_MAX - (c-'0')) / 10) <= res)
  1023. scm_i_input_error ("read_decimal_integer", port,
  1024. "number too large", SCM_EOL);
  1025. res = 10*res + c-'0';
  1026. got_it = 1;
  1027. c = scm_getc (port);
  1028. }
  1029. if (got_it)
  1030. *resp = sign * res;
  1031. return c;
  1032. }
  1033. /* Read an array. This function can also read vectors and uniform
  1034. vectors. Also, the conflict between '#f' and '#f32' and '#f64' is
  1035. handled here.
  1036. C is the first character read after the '#'. */
  1037. static SCM
  1038. scm_read_array (int c, SCM port, scm_t_read_opts *opts, long line, int column)
  1039. {
  1040. ssize_t rank;
  1041. scm_t_wchar tag_buf[8];
  1042. int tag_len;
  1043. SCM tag, shape = SCM_BOOL_F, elements, array;
  1044. /* XXX - shortcut for ordinary vectors. Shouldn't be necessary but
  1045. the array code can not deal with zero-length dimensions yet, and
  1046. we want to allow zero-length vectors, of course. */
  1047. if (c == '(')
  1048. return scm_read_vector (c, port, opts, line, column);
  1049. /* Disambiguate between '#f' and uniform floating point vectors. */
  1050. if (c == 'f')
  1051. {
  1052. c = scm_getc (port);
  1053. if (c != '3' && c != '6')
  1054. {
  1055. if (c == 'a' && try_read_ci_chars (port, "lse"))
  1056. return SCM_BOOL_F;
  1057. else if (c != EOF)
  1058. scm_ungetc (c, port);
  1059. return SCM_BOOL_F;
  1060. }
  1061. rank = 1;
  1062. tag_buf[0] = 'f';
  1063. tag_len = 1;
  1064. goto continue_reading_tag;
  1065. }
  1066. /* Read rank. */
  1067. rank = 1;
  1068. c = read_decimal_integer (port, c, &rank);
  1069. if (rank < 0)
  1070. scm_i_input_error (NULL, port, "array rank must be non-negative",
  1071. SCM_EOL);
  1072. /* Read tag. */
  1073. tag_len = 0;
  1074. continue_reading_tag:
  1075. while (c != EOF && c != '(' && c != '@' && c != ':'
  1076. && tag_len < sizeof tag_buf / sizeof tag_buf[0])
  1077. {
  1078. tag_buf[tag_len++] = c;
  1079. c = scm_getc (port);
  1080. }
  1081. if (tag_len == 0)
  1082. tag = SCM_BOOL_T;
  1083. else
  1084. {
  1085. tag = scm_string_to_symbol (scm_from_utf32_stringn (tag_buf, tag_len));
  1086. if (tag_len == sizeof tag_buf / sizeof tag_buf[0])
  1087. scm_i_input_error (NULL, port, "invalid array tag, starting with: ~a",
  1088. scm_list_1 (tag));
  1089. }
  1090. /* Read shape. */
  1091. if (c == '@' || c == ':')
  1092. {
  1093. shape = SCM_EOL;
  1094. do
  1095. {
  1096. ssize_t lbnd = 0, len = 0;
  1097. SCM s;
  1098. if (c == '@')
  1099. {
  1100. c = scm_getc (port);
  1101. c = read_decimal_integer (port, c, &lbnd);
  1102. }
  1103. s = scm_from_ssize_t (lbnd);
  1104. if (c == ':')
  1105. {
  1106. c = scm_getc (port);
  1107. c = read_decimal_integer (port, c, &len);
  1108. if (len < 0)
  1109. scm_i_input_error (NULL, port,
  1110. "array length must be non-negative",
  1111. SCM_EOL);
  1112. s = scm_list_2 (s, scm_from_ssize_t (lbnd+len-1));
  1113. }
  1114. shape = scm_cons (s, shape);
  1115. } while (c == '@' || c == ':');
  1116. shape = scm_reverse_x (shape, SCM_EOL);
  1117. }
  1118. /* Read nested lists of elements. */
  1119. if (c != '(')
  1120. scm_i_input_error (NULL, port,
  1121. "missing '(' in vector or array literal",
  1122. SCM_EOL);
  1123. elements = scm_read_sexp (c, port, opts);
  1124. if (scm_is_false (shape))
  1125. shape = scm_from_ssize_t (rank);
  1126. else if (scm_ilength (shape) != rank)
  1127. scm_i_input_error
  1128. (NULL, port,
  1129. "the number of shape specifications must match the array rank",
  1130. SCM_EOL);
  1131. /* Handle special print syntax of rank zero arrays; see
  1132. scm_i_print_array for a rationale. */
  1133. if (rank == 0)
  1134. {
  1135. if (!scm_is_pair (elements))
  1136. scm_i_input_error (NULL, port,
  1137. "too few elements in array literal, need 1",
  1138. SCM_EOL);
  1139. if (!scm_is_null (SCM_CDR (elements)))
  1140. scm_i_input_error (NULL, port,
  1141. "too many elements in array literal, want 1",
  1142. SCM_EOL);
  1143. elements = SCM_CAR (elements);
  1144. }
  1145. /* Construct array, annotate with source location, and return. */
  1146. array = scm_list_to_typed_array (tag, shape, elements);
  1147. return maybe_annotate_source (array, port, opts, line, column);
  1148. }
  1149. static SCM
  1150. scm_read_srfi4_vector (int chr, SCM port, scm_t_read_opts *opts,
  1151. long line, int column)
  1152. {
  1153. return scm_read_array (chr, port, opts, line, column);
  1154. }
  1155. static SCM
  1156. scm_read_bytevector (scm_t_wchar chr, SCM port, scm_t_read_opts *opts,
  1157. long line, int column)
  1158. {
  1159. chr = scm_getc (port);
  1160. if (chr != 'u')
  1161. goto syntax;
  1162. chr = scm_getc (port);
  1163. if (chr != '8')
  1164. goto syntax;
  1165. chr = scm_getc (port);
  1166. if (chr != '(')
  1167. goto syntax;
  1168. return maybe_annotate_source
  1169. (scm_u8_list_to_bytevector (scm_read_sexp (chr, port, opts)),
  1170. port, opts, line, column);
  1171. syntax:
  1172. scm_i_input_error ("read_bytevector", port,
  1173. "invalid bytevector prefix",
  1174. SCM_MAKE_CHAR (chr));
  1175. return SCM_UNSPECIFIED;
  1176. }
  1177. static SCM
  1178. scm_read_guile_bit_vector (scm_t_wchar chr, SCM port, scm_t_read_opts *opts,
  1179. long line, int column)
  1180. {
  1181. /* Read the `#*10101'-style read syntax for bit vectors in Guile. This is
  1182. terribly inefficient but who cares? */
  1183. SCM s_bits = SCM_EOL;
  1184. for (chr = scm_getc (port);
  1185. (chr != EOF) && ((chr == '0') || (chr == '1'));
  1186. chr = scm_getc (port))
  1187. {
  1188. s_bits = scm_cons ((chr == '0') ? SCM_BOOL_F : SCM_BOOL_T, s_bits);
  1189. }
  1190. if (chr != EOF)
  1191. scm_ungetc (chr, port);
  1192. return maybe_annotate_source
  1193. (scm_bitvector (scm_reverse_x (s_bits, SCM_EOL)),
  1194. port, opts, line, column);
  1195. }
  1196. static SCM
  1197. scm_read_scsh_block_comment (scm_t_wchar chr, SCM port)
  1198. {
  1199. int bang_seen = 0;
  1200. for (;;)
  1201. {
  1202. int c = scm_getc (port);
  1203. if (c == EOF)
  1204. scm_i_input_error ("skip_block_comment", port,
  1205. "unterminated `#! ... !#' comment", SCM_EOL);
  1206. if (c == '!')
  1207. bang_seen = 1;
  1208. else if (c == '#' && bang_seen)
  1209. break;
  1210. else
  1211. bang_seen = 0;
  1212. }
  1213. return SCM_UNSPECIFIED;
  1214. }
  1215. static void set_port_case_insensitive_p (SCM port, scm_t_read_opts *opts,
  1216. int value);
  1217. static void set_port_square_brackets_p (SCM port, scm_t_read_opts *opts,
  1218. int value);
  1219. static void set_port_curly_infix_p (SCM port, scm_t_read_opts *opts,
  1220. int value);
  1221. static void set_port_r6rs_hex_escapes_p (SCM port, scm_t_read_opts *opts,
  1222. int value);
  1223. static void set_port_hungry_eol_escapes_p (SCM port, scm_t_read_opts *opts,
  1224. int value);
  1225. static void set_port_keyword_style (SCM port, scm_t_read_opts *opts,
  1226. enum t_keyword_style value);
  1227. static SCM
  1228. scm_read_shebang (scm_t_wchar chr, SCM port, scm_t_read_opts *opts)
  1229. {
  1230. char name[READER_DIRECTIVE_NAME_MAX_SIZE + 1];
  1231. int c;
  1232. int i = 0;
  1234. {
  1235. c = scm_getc (port);
  1236. if (c == EOF)
  1237. scm_i_input_error ("skip_block_comment", port,
  1238. "unterminated `#! ... !#' comment", SCM_EOL);
  1239. else if (('a' <= c && c <= 'z') || ('0' <= c && c <= '9') || c == '-')
  1240. name[i++] = c;
  1241. else if (CHAR_IS_DELIMITER (c))
  1242. {
  1243. scm_ungetc (c, port);
  1244. name[i] = '\0';
  1245. if (0 == strcmp ("r6rs", name))
  1246. {
  1247. set_port_case_insensitive_p (port, opts, 0);
  1248. set_port_r6rs_hex_escapes_p (port, opts, 1);
  1249. set_port_square_brackets_p (port, opts, 1);
  1250. set_port_keyword_style (port, opts, KEYWORD_STYLE_HASH_PREFIX);
  1251. set_port_hungry_eol_escapes_p (port, opts, 1);
  1252. }
  1253. else if (0 == strcmp ("fold-case", name))
  1254. set_port_case_insensitive_p (port, opts, 1);
  1255. else if (0 == strcmp ("no-fold-case", name))
  1256. set_port_case_insensitive_p (port, opts, 0);
  1257. else if (0 == strcmp ("curly-infix", name))
  1258. set_port_curly_infix_p (port, opts, 1);
  1259. else if (0 == strcmp ("curly-infix-and-bracket-lists", name))
  1260. {
  1261. set_port_curly_infix_p (port, opts, 1);
  1262. set_port_square_brackets_p (port, opts, 0);
  1263. }
  1264. else
  1265. break;
  1266. return SCM_UNSPECIFIED;
  1267. }
  1268. else
  1269. {
  1270. scm_ungetc (c, port);
  1271. break;
  1272. }
  1273. }
  1274. while (i > 0)
  1275. scm_ungetc (name[--i], port);
  1276. return scm_read_scsh_block_comment (chr, port);
  1277. }
  1278. static SCM
  1279. scm_read_r6rs_block_comment (scm_t_wchar chr, SCM port)
  1280. {
  1281. /* Unlike SCSH-style block comments, SRFI-30/R6RS block comments may be
  1282. nested. So care must be taken. */
  1283. int nesting_level = 1;
  1284. int a = scm_getc (port);
  1285. if (a == EOF)
  1286. scm_i_input_error ("scm_read_r6rs_block_comment", port,
  1287. "unterminated `#| ... |#' comment", SCM_EOL);
  1288. while (nesting_level > 0)
  1289. {
  1290. int b = scm_getc (port);
  1291. if (b == EOF)
  1292. scm_i_input_error ("scm_read_r6rs_block_comment", port,
  1293. "unterminated `#| ... |#' comment", SCM_EOL);
  1294. if (a == '|' && b == '#')
  1295. {
  1296. nesting_level--;
  1297. b = EOF;
  1298. }
  1299. else if (a == '#' && b == '|')
  1300. {
  1301. nesting_level++;
  1302. b = EOF;
  1303. }
  1304. a = b;
  1305. }
  1306. return SCM_UNSPECIFIED;
  1307. }
  1308. static SCM
  1309. scm_read_commented_expression (scm_t_wchar chr, SCM port,
  1310. scm_t_read_opts *opts)
  1311. {
  1312. scm_t_wchar c;
  1313. c = flush_ws (port, opts, (char *) NULL);
  1314. if (EOF == c)
  1315. scm_i_input_error ("read_commented_expression", port,
  1316. "no expression after #; comment", SCM_EOL);
  1317. scm_ungetc (c, port);
  1318. scm_read_expression (port, opts);
  1319. return SCM_UNSPECIFIED;
  1320. }
  1321. static SCM
  1322. scm_read_extended_symbol (scm_t_wchar chr, SCM port)
  1323. {
  1324. /* Guile's extended symbol read syntax looks like this:
  1325. #{This is all a symbol name}#
  1326. So here, CHR is expected to be `{'. */
  1327. int saw_brace = 0;
  1328. size_t len = 0;
  1329. SCM buf = scm_i_make_string (1024, NULL, 0);
  1330. /* No need to scm_i_string_start_writing (), as the string isn't
  1331. visible to any other thread. */
  1332. while ((chr = scm_getc (port)) != EOF)
  1333. {
  1334. if (saw_brace)
  1335. {
  1336. if (chr == '#')
  1337. {
  1338. break;
  1339. }
  1340. else
  1341. {
  1342. saw_brace = 0;
  1343. scm_i_string_set_x (buf, len++, '}');
  1344. }
  1345. }
  1346. if (chr == '}')
  1347. saw_brace = 1;
  1348. else if (chr == '\\')
  1349. {
  1350. /* It used to be that print.c would print extended-read-syntax
  1351. symbols with backslashes before "non-standard" chars, but
  1352. this routine wouldn't do anything with those escapes.
  1353. Bummer. What we've done is to change print.c to output
  1354. R6RS hex escapes for those characters, relying on the fact
  1355. that the extended read syntax would never put a `\' before
  1356. an `x'. For now, we just ignore other instances of
  1357. backslash in the string. */
  1358. switch ((chr = scm_getc (port)))
  1359. {
  1360. case EOF:
  1361. goto done;
  1362. case 'x':
  1363. {
  1364. scm_t_wchar c;
  1365. SCM_READ_HEX_ESCAPE (10, ';');
  1366. scm_i_string_set_x (buf, len++, c);
  1367. break;
  1368. str_eof:
  1369. chr = EOF;
  1370. goto done;
  1371. bad_escaped:
  1372. scm_i_string_stop_writing ();
  1373. scm_i_input_error ("scm_read_extended_symbol", port,
  1374. "illegal character in escape sequence: ~S",
  1375. scm_list_1 (SCM_MAKE_CHAR (c)));
  1376. break;
  1377. }
  1378. default:
  1379. scm_i_string_set_x (buf, len++, chr);
  1380. break;
  1381. }
  1382. }
  1383. else
  1384. scm_i_string_set_x (buf, len++, chr);
  1385. if (len >= scm_i_string_length (buf) - 2)
  1386. {
  1387. SCM addy;
  1388. addy = scm_i_make_string (1024, NULL, 0);
  1389. buf = scm_string_append (scm_list_2 (buf, addy));
  1390. len = 0;
  1391. }
  1392. }
  1393. done:
  1394. if (chr == EOF)
  1395. scm_i_input_error ("scm_read_extended_symbol", port,
  1396. "end of file while reading symbol", SCM_EOL);
  1397. return (scm_string_to_symbol (scm_c_substring (buf, 0, len)));
  1398. }
  1399. /* Top-level token readers, i.e., dispatchers. */
  1400. static SCM
  1401. scm_read_sharp_extension (int chr, SCM port, scm_t_read_opts *opts)
  1402. {
  1403. SCM proc;
  1404. proc = scm_get_hash_procedure (chr);
  1405. if (scm_is_true (scm_procedure_p (proc)))
  1406. {
  1407. long line = scm_to_long (scm_port_line (port));
  1408. int column = scm_to_int (scm_port_column (port)) - 2;
  1409. SCM got;
  1410. got = scm_call_2 (proc, SCM_MAKE_CHAR (chr), port);
  1411. if (opts->record_positions_p && SCM_HEAP_OBJECT_P (got)
  1412. && !scm_i_has_source_properties (got))
  1413. scm_i_set_source_properties_x (got, line, column, SCM_FILENAME (port));
  1414. return got;
  1415. }
  1416. return SCM_UNSPECIFIED;
  1417. }
  1418. /* The reader for the sharp `#' character. It basically dispatches reads
  1419. among the above token readers. */
  1420. static SCM
  1421. scm_read_sharp (scm_t_wchar chr, SCM port, scm_t_read_opts *opts,
  1422. long line, int column)
  1423. #define FUNC_NAME "scm_lreadr"
  1424. {
  1425. SCM result;
  1426. chr = scm_getc (port);
  1427. result = scm_read_sharp_extension (chr, port, opts);
  1428. if (!scm_is_eq (result, SCM_UNSPECIFIED))
  1429. return result;
  1430. switch (chr)
  1431. {
  1432. case '\\':
  1433. return (scm_read_character (chr, port, opts));
  1434. case '(':
  1435. return (scm_read_vector (chr, port, opts, line, column));
  1436. case 's':
  1437. case 'u':
  1438. case 'f':
  1439. case 'c':
  1440. /* This one may return either a boolean or an SRFI-4 vector. */
  1441. return (scm_read_srfi4_vector (chr, port, opts, line, column));
  1442. case 'v':
  1443. return (scm_read_bytevector (chr, port, opts, line, column));
  1444. case '*':
  1445. return (scm_read_guile_bit_vector (chr, port, opts, line, column));
  1446. case 't':
  1447. case 'T':
  1448. case 'F':
  1449. return (scm_read_boolean (chr, port));
  1450. case ':':
  1451. return (scm_read_keyword (chr, port, opts));
  1452. case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4':
  1453. case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9':
  1454. case '@':
  1455. return (scm_read_array (chr, port, opts, line, column));
  1456. case 'i':
  1457. case 'e':
  1458. case 'b':
  1459. case 'B':
  1460. case 'o':
  1461. case 'O':
  1462. case 'd':
  1463. case 'D':
  1464. case 'x':
  1465. case 'X':
  1466. case 'I':
  1467. case 'E':
  1468. return (scm_read_number_and_radix (chr, port, opts));
  1469. case '{':
  1470. return (scm_read_extended_symbol (chr, port));
  1471. case '!':
  1472. return (scm_read_shebang (chr, port, opts));
  1473. case ';':
  1474. return (scm_read_commented_expression (chr, port, opts));
  1475. case '`':
  1476. case '\'':
  1477. case ',':
  1478. return (scm_read_syntax (chr, port, opts));
  1479. case 'n':
  1480. return (scm_read_nil (chr, port, opts));
  1481. default:
  1482. result = scm_read_sharp_extension (chr, port, opts);
  1483. if (scm_is_eq (result, SCM_UNSPECIFIED))
  1484. {
  1485. /* To remain compatible with 1.8 and earlier, the following
  1486. characters have lower precedence than `read-hash-extend'
  1487. characters. */
  1488. switch (chr)
  1489. {
  1490. case '|':
  1491. return scm_read_r6rs_block_comment (chr, port);
  1492. default:
  1493. scm_i_input_error (FUNC_NAME, port, "Unknown # object: ~S",
  1494. scm_list_1 (SCM_MAKE_CHAR (chr)));
  1495. }
  1496. }
  1497. else
  1498. return result;
  1499. }
  1500. return SCM_UNSPECIFIED;
  1501. }
  1502. #undef FUNC_NAME
  1503. static SCM
  1504. read_inner_expression (SCM port, scm_t_read_opts *opts)
  1505. #define FUNC_NAME "read_inner_expression"
  1506. {
  1507. while (1)
  1508. {
  1509. scm_t_wchar chr;
  1510. chr = scm_getc (port);
  1511. switch (chr)
  1512. {
  1513. case SCM_WHITE_SPACES:
  1515. break;
  1516. case ';':
  1517. (void) scm_read_semicolon_comment (chr, port);
  1518. break;
  1519. case '{':
  1520. if (opts->curly_infix_p)
  1521. {
  1522. if (opts->neoteric_p)
  1523. return scm_read_sexp (chr, port, opts);
  1524. else
  1525. {
  1526. SCM expr;
  1527. /* Enable neoteric expressions within curly braces */
  1528. opts->neoteric_p = 1;
  1529. expr = scm_read_sexp (chr, port, opts);
  1530. opts->neoteric_p = 0;
  1531. return expr;
  1532. }
  1533. }
  1534. else
  1535. return scm_read_mixed_case_symbol (chr, port, opts);
  1536. case '[':
  1537. if (opts->square_brackets_p)
  1538. return scm_read_sexp (chr, port, opts);
  1539. else if (opts->curly_infix_p)
  1540. {
  1541. /* The syntax of neoteric expressions requires that '[' be
  1542. a delimiter when curly-infix is enabled, so it cannot
  1543. be part of an unescaped symbol. We might as well do
  1544. something useful with it, so we adopt Kawa's convention:
  1545. [...] => ($bracket-list$ ...) */
  1546. long line = scm_to_long (scm_port_line (port));
  1547. int column = scm_to_int (scm_port_column (port)) - 1;
  1548. return maybe_annotate_source
  1549. (scm_cons (sym_bracket_list, scm_read_sexp (chr, port, opts)),
  1550. port, opts, line, column);
  1551. }
  1552. else
  1553. return scm_read_mixed_case_symbol (chr, port, opts);
  1554. case '(':
  1555. return (scm_read_sexp (chr, port, opts));
  1556. case '"':
  1557. return (scm_read_string (chr, port, opts));
  1558. case '|':
  1559. if (opts->r7rs_symbols_p)
  1560. return scm_read_r7rs_symbol (chr, port, opts);
  1561. else
  1562. return scm_read_mixed_case_symbol (chr, port, opts);
  1563. case '\'':
  1564. case '`':
  1565. case ',':
  1566. return (scm_read_quote (chr, port, opts));
  1567. case '#':
  1568. {
  1569. long line = scm_to_long (scm_port_line (port));
  1570. int column = scm_to_int (scm_port_column (port)) - 1;
  1571. SCM result = scm_read_sharp (chr, port, opts, line, column);
  1572. if (scm_is_eq (result, SCM_UNSPECIFIED))
  1573. /* We read a comment or some such. */
  1574. break;
  1575. else
  1576. return result;
  1577. }
  1578. case ')':
  1579. scm_i_input_error (FUNC_NAME, port, "unexpected \")\"", SCM_EOL);
  1580. break;
  1581. case '}':
  1582. if (opts->curly_infix_p)
  1583. scm_i_input_error (FUNC_NAME, port, "unexpected \"}\"", SCM_EOL);
  1584. else
  1585. return scm_read_mixed_case_symbol (chr, port, opts);
  1586. case ']':
  1587. if (opts->square_brackets_p)
  1588. scm_i_input_error (FUNC_NAME, port, "unexpected \"]\"", SCM_EOL);
  1589. /* otherwise fall through */
  1590. case EOF:
  1591. return SCM_EOF_VAL;
  1592. case ':':
  1593. if (opts->keyword_style == KEYWORD_STYLE_PREFIX)
  1594. return scm_symbol_to_keyword (scm_read_expression (port, opts));
  1595. /* Fall through. */
  1596. default:
  1597. {
  1598. if (((chr >= '0') && (chr <= '9'))
  1599. || (strchr ("+-.", chr)))
  1600. return (scm_read_number (chr, port, opts));
  1601. else
  1602. return (scm_read_mixed_case_symbol (chr, port, opts));
  1603. }
  1604. }
  1605. }
  1606. }
  1607. #undef FUNC_NAME
  1608. static SCM
  1609. scm_read_expression (SCM port, scm_t_read_opts *opts)
  1610. #define FUNC_NAME "scm_read_expression"
  1611. {
  1612. if (!opts->neoteric_p)
  1613. return read_inner_expression (port, opts);
  1614. else
  1615. {
  1616. long line = 0;
  1617. int column = 0;
  1618. SCM expr;
  1619. if (opts->record_positions_p)
  1620. {
  1621. /* We need to get the position of the first non-whitespace
  1622. character in order to correctly annotate neoteric
  1623. expressions. For example, for the expression 'f(x)', the
  1624. first call to 'read_inner_expression' reads the 'f' (which
  1625. cannot be annotated), and then we later read the '(x)' and
  1626. use it to construct the new list (f x). */
  1627. int c = flush_ws (port, opts, (char *) NULL);
  1628. if (c == EOF)
  1629. return SCM_EOF_VAL;
  1630. scm_ungetc (c, port);
  1631. line = scm_to_long (scm_port_line (port));
  1632. column = scm_to_int (scm_port_column (port));
  1633. }
  1634. expr = read_inner_expression (port, opts);
  1635. /* 'expr' is the first component of the neoteric expression. Now
  1636. we loop, and as long as the next character is '(', '[', or '{',
  1637. (without any intervening whitespace), we use it to construct a
  1638. new expression. For example, f{n - 1}(x) => ((f (- n 1)) x). */
  1639. for (;;)
  1640. {
  1641. int chr = scm_getc (port);
  1642. if (chr == '(')
  1643. /* e(...) => (e ...) */
  1644. expr = scm_cons (expr, scm_read_sexp (chr, port, opts));
  1645. else if (chr == '[')
  1646. /* e[...] => ($bracket-apply$ e ...) */
  1647. expr = scm_cons (sym_bracket_apply,
  1648. scm_cons (expr,
  1649. scm_read_sexp (chr, port, opts)));
  1650. else if (chr == '{')
  1651. {
  1652. SCM arg = scm_read_sexp (chr, port, opts);
  1653. if (scm_is_null (arg))
  1654. expr = scm_list_1 (expr); /* e{} => (e) */
  1655. else
  1656. expr = scm_list_2 (expr, arg); /* e{...} => (e {...}) */
  1657. }
  1658. else
  1659. {
  1660. if (chr != EOF)
  1661. scm_ungetc (chr, port);
  1662. break;
  1663. }
  1664. maybe_annotate_source (expr, port, opts, line, column);
  1665. }
  1666. return expr;
  1667. }
  1668. }
  1669. #undef FUNC_NAME
  1670. /* Actual reader. */
  1671. static void init_read_options (SCM port, scm_t_read_opts *opts);
  1672. SCM_DEFINE (scm_read, "read", 0, 1, 0,
  1673. (SCM port),
  1674. "Read an s-expression from the input port @var{port}, or from\n"
  1675. "the current input port if @var{port} is not specified.\n"
  1676. "Any whitespace before the next token is discarded.")
  1677. #define FUNC_NAME s_scm_read
  1678. {
  1679. scm_t_read_opts opts;
  1680. int c;
  1681. if (SCM_UNBNDP (port))
  1682. port = scm_current_input_port ();
  1683. SCM_VALIDATE_OPINPORT (1, port);
  1684. init_read_options (port, &opts);
  1685. c = flush_ws (port, &opts, (char *) NULL);
  1686. if (EOF == c)
  1687. return SCM_EOF_VAL;
  1688. scm_ungetc (c, port);
  1689. return (scm_read_expression (port, &opts));
  1690. }
  1691. #undef FUNC_NAME
  1692. /* Manipulate the read-hash-procedures alist. This could be written in
  1693. Scheme, but maybe it will also be used by C code during initialisation. */
  1694. SCM_DEFINE (scm_read_hash_extend, "read-hash-extend", 2, 0, 0,
  1695. (SCM chr, SCM proc),
  1696. "Install the procedure @var{proc} for reading expressions\n"
  1697. "starting with the character sequence @code{#} and @var{chr}.\n"
  1698. "@var{proc} will be called with two arguments: the character\n"
  1699. "@var{chr} and the port to read further data from. The object\n"
  1700. "returned will be the return value of @code{read}. \n"
  1701. "Passing @code{#f} for @var{proc} will remove a previous setting. \n"
  1702. )
  1703. #define FUNC_NAME s_scm_read_hash_extend
  1704. {
  1705. SCM this;
  1706. SCM prev;
  1707. SCM_VALIDATE_CHAR (1, chr);
  1708. SCM_ASSERT (scm_is_false (proc)
  1709. || scm_is_eq (scm_procedure_p (proc), SCM_BOOL_T),
  1710. proc, SCM_ARG2, FUNC_NAME);
  1711. /* Check if chr is already in the alist. */
  1712. this = scm_i_read_hash_procedures_ref ();
  1713. prev = SCM_BOOL_F;
  1714. while (1)
  1715. {
  1716. if (scm_is_null (this))
  1717. {
  1718. /* not found, so add it to the beginning. */
  1719. if (scm_is_true (proc))
  1720. {
  1721. SCM new = scm_cons (scm_cons (chr, proc),
  1722. scm_i_read_hash_procedures_ref ());
  1723. scm_i_read_hash_procedures_set_x (new);
  1724. }
  1725. break;
  1726. }
  1727. if (scm_is_eq (chr, SCM_CAAR (this)))
  1728. {
  1729. /* already in the alist. */
  1730. if (scm_is_false (proc))
  1731. {
  1732. /* remove it. */
  1733. if (scm_is_false (prev))
  1734. {
  1735. SCM rest = SCM_CDR (scm_i_read_hash_procedures_ref ());
  1736. scm_i_read_hash_procedures_set_x (rest);
  1737. }
  1738. else
  1739. scm_set_cdr_x (prev, SCM_CDR (this));
  1740. }
  1741. else
  1742. {
  1743. /* replace it. */
  1744. scm_set_cdr_x (SCM_CAR (this), proc);
  1745. }
  1746. break;
  1747. }
  1748. prev = this;
  1749. this = SCM_CDR (this);
  1750. }
  1751. return SCM_UNSPECIFIED;
  1752. }
  1753. #undef FUNC_NAME
  1754. /* Recover the read-hash procedure corresponding to char c. */
  1755. static SCM
  1756. scm_get_hash_procedure (int c)
  1757. {
  1758. SCM rest = scm_i_read_hash_procedures_ref ();
  1759. while (1)
  1760. {
  1761. if (scm_is_null (rest))
  1762. return SCM_BOOL_F;
  1763. if (SCM_CHAR (SCM_CAAR (rest)) == c)
  1764. return SCM_CDAR (rest);
  1765. rest = SCM_CDR (rest);
  1766. }
  1767. }
  1768. static int
  1769. is_encoding_char (char c)
  1770. {
  1771. if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') return 1;
  1772. if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') return 1;
  1773. if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') return 1;
  1774. return strchr ("_-.:/,+=()", c) != NULL;
  1775. }
  1776. /* Maximum size of an encoding name. This is a bit more than the
  1777. longest name listed at
  1778. <> ("ISO-2022-JP-2", 13
  1779. characters.) */
  1780. #define ENCODING_NAME_MAX_SIZE 20
  1781. /* Number of bytes at the beginning or end of a file that are scanned
  1782. for a "coding:" declaration. */
  1784. /* Search the SCM_ENCODING_SEARCH_SIZE bytes of a file for an Emacs-like
  1785. coding declaration. Returns either NULL or a string whose storage
  1786. has been allocated with `scm_gc_malloc'. */
  1787. char *
  1788. scm_i_scan_for_encoding (SCM port)
  1789. {
  1790. scm_t_port *pt;
  1791. SCM buf;
  1792. char header[SCM_ENCODING_SEARCH_SIZE+1];
  1793. size_t cur, bytes_read, encoding_length, i;
  1794. char *encoding = NULL;
  1795. char *pos, *encoding_start;
  1796. int in_comment;
  1797. pt = SCM_PORT (port);
  1798. buf = pt->read_buf;
  1799. if (pt->rw_random)
  1800. scm_flush (port);
  1801. if (scm_port_buffer_can_take (buf, &cur) == 0)
  1802. {
  1803. /* We can use the read buffer, and thus avoid a seek. */
  1804. buf = scm_fill_input (port, 0, &cur, &bytes_read);
  1805. if (bytes_read > SCM_ENCODING_SEARCH_SIZE)
  1806. bytes_read = SCM_ENCODING_SEARCH_SIZE;
  1807. if (bytes_read <= 1)
  1808. /* An unbuffered port -- don't scan. */
  1809. return NULL;
  1810. memcpy (header, scm_port_buffer_take_pointer (buf, cur), bytes_read);
  1811. header[bytes_read] = '\0';
  1812. }
  1813. else if (pt->rw_random)
  1814. {
  1815. /* The port is seekable. This is OK but grubbing in the read
  1816. buffer is better, so this case is just a fallback. */
  1817. bytes_read = scm_c_read (port, header, SCM_ENCODING_SEARCH_SIZE);
  1818. header[bytes_read] = '\0';
  1819. scm_seek (port, scm_from_int (0), scm_from_int (SEEK_SET));
  1820. }
  1821. else
  1822. /* No input available and not seekable; scan fails. */
  1823. return NULL;
  1824. /* search past "coding[:=]" */
  1825. pos = header;
  1826. while (1)
  1827. {
  1828. if ((pos = strstr(pos, "coding")) == NULL)
  1829. return NULL;
  1830. pos += strlen ("coding");
  1831. if (pos - header >= SCM_ENCODING_SEARCH_SIZE ||
  1832. (*pos == ':' || *pos == '='))
  1833. {
  1834. pos ++;
  1835. break;
  1836. }
  1837. }
  1838. /* skip spaces */
  1839. while (pos - header <= SCM_ENCODING_SEARCH_SIZE &&
  1840. (*pos == ' ' || *pos == '\t'))
  1841. pos ++;
  1843. /* We found the "coding:" string, but there is probably not enough
  1844. room to store an encoding name in its entirety, so ignore it.
  1845. This makes sure we do not end up returning a truncated encoding
  1846. name. */
  1847. return NULL;
  1848. /* grab the next token */
  1849. encoding_start = pos;
  1850. i = 0;
  1851. while (encoding_start + i - header <= SCM_ENCODING_SEARCH_SIZE
  1852. && encoding_start + i - header < bytes_read
  1853. && is_encoding_char (encoding_start[i]))
  1854. i++;
  1855. encoding_length = i;
  1856. if (encoding_length == 0)
  1857. return NULL;
  1858. encoding = scm_gc_strndup (encoding_start, encoding_length, "encoding");
  1859. /* push backwards to make sure we were in a comment */
  1860. in_comment = 0;
  1861. pos = encoding_start;
  1862. while (pos >= header)
  1863. {
  1864. if (*pos == ';')
  1865. {
  1866. in_comment = 1;
  1867. break;
  1868. }
  1869. else if (*pos == '\n' || pos == header)
  1870. {
  1871. /* This wasn't in a semicolon comment. Check for a
  1872. hash-bang comment. */
  1873. char *beg = strstr (header, "#!");
  1874. char *end = strstr (header, "!#");
  1875. if (beg < encoding_start && encoding_start + encoding_length <= end)
  1876. in_comment = 1;
  1877. break;
  1878. }
  1879. else
  1880. {
  1881. pos --;
  1882. continue;
  1883. }
  1884. }
  1885. if (!in_comment)
  1886. /* This wasn't in a comment */
  1887. return NULL;
  1888. return encoding;
  1889. }
  1890. SCM_DEFINE (scm_file_encoding, "file-encoding", 1, 0, 0,
  1891. (SCM port),
  1892. "Scans the port for an Emacs-like character coding declaration\n"
  1893. "near the top of the contents of a port with random-accessible contents.\n"
  1894. "The coding declaration is of the form\n"
  1895. "@code{coding: XXXXX} and must appear in a scheme comment.\n"
  1896. "\n"
  1897. "Returns a string containing the character encoding of the file\n"
  1898. "if a declaration was found, or @code{#f} otherwise.\n")
  1899. #define FUNC_NAME s_scm_file_encoding
  1900. {
  1901. char *enc;
  1902. SCM s_enc;
  1904. enc = scm_i_scan_for_encoding (port);
  1905. if (enc == NULL)
  1906. return SCM_BOOL_F;
  1907. else
  1908. {
  1909. /* It's not obvious what encoding to use here, but latin1 has the
  1910. advantage of never causing a decoding error, and a valid
  1911. encoding name should be ASCII anyway. */
  1912. s_enc = scm_string_upcase (scm_from_latin1_string (enc));
  1913. return s_enc;
  1914. }
  1915. return SCM_BOOL_F;
  1916. }
  1917. #undef FUNC_NAME
  1918. /* Per-port read options.
  1919. We store per-port read options in the 'port-read-options' port
  1920. property, which is stored in the internal port structure. The value
  1921. stored is a single integer that contains a two-bit field for each
  1922. read option.
  1923. If a bit field contains READ_OPTION_INHERIT (3), that indicates that
  1924. the applicable value should be inherited from the corresponding
  1925. global read option. Otherwise, the bit field contains the value of
  1926. the read option. For boolean read options that have been set
  1927. per-port, the possible values are 0 or 1. If the 'keyword_style'
  1928. read option has been set per-port, its possible values are those in
  1929. 'enum t_keyword_style'. */
  1930. /* Key to read options in port properties. */
  1931. SCM_SYMBOL (sym_port_read_options, "port-read-options");
  1932. /* Offsets of bit fields for each per-port override */
  1933. #define READ_OPTION_COPY_SOURCE_P 0
  1937. #define READ_OPTION_R6RS_ESCAPES_P 8
  1940. #define READ_OPTION_CURLY_INFIX_P 14
  1941. #define READ_OPTION_R7RS_SYMBOLS_P 16
  1942. /* The total width in bits of the per-port overrides */
  1943. #define READ_OPTIONS_NUM_BITS 18
  1946. #define READ_OPTION_MASK 3
  1947. #define READ_OPTION_INHERIT 3
  1948. static void
  1949. set_port_read_option (SCM port, int option, int new_value)
  1950. {
  1951. SCM scm_read_options;
  1952. unsigned int read_options;
  1953. new_value &= READ_OPTION_MASK;
  1954. scm_read_options = scm_i_port_property (port, sym_port_read_options);
  1955. if (scm_is_unsigned_integer (scm_read_options, 0, READ_OPTIONS_MAX_VALUE))
  1956. read_options = scm_to_uint (scm_read_options);
  1957. else
  1958. read_options = READ_OPTIONS_INHERIT_ALL;
  1959. read_options &= ~(READ_OPTION_MASK << option);
  1960. read_options |= new_value << option;
  1961. scm_read_options = scm_from_uint (read_options);
  1962. scm_i_set_port_property_x (port, sym_port_read_options, scm_read_options);
  1963. }
  1964. /* Set OPTS and PORT's case-insensitivity according to VALUE. */
  1965. static void
  1966. set_port_case_insensitive_p (SCM port, scm_t_read_opts *opts, int value)
  1967. {
  1968. value = !!value;
  1969. opts->case_insensitive_p = value;
  1970. set_port_read_option (port, READ_OPTION_CASE_INSENSITIVE_P, value);
  1971. }
  1972. /* Set OPTS and PORT's square_brackets_p option according to VALUE. */
  1973. static void
  1974. set_port_square_brackets_p (SCM port, scm_t_read_opts *opts, int value)
  1975. {
  1976. value = !!value;
  1977. opts->square_brackets_p = value;
  1978. set_port_read_option (port, READ_OPTION_SQUARE_BRACKETS_P, value);
  1979. }
  1980. /* Set OPTS and PORT's curly_infix_p option according to VALUE. */
  1981. static void
  1982. set_port_curly_infix_p (SCM port, scm_t_read_opts *opts, int value)
  1983. {
  1984. value = !!value;
  1985. opts->curly_infix_p = value;
  1986. set_port_read_option (port, READ_OPTION_CURLY_INFIX_P, value);
  1987. }
  1988. /* Set OPTS and PORT's r6rs_hex_escapes_p option according to VALUE. */
  1989. static void
  1990. set_port_r6rs_hex_escapes_p (SCM port, scm_t_read_opts *opts, int value)
  1991. {
  1992. value = !!value;
  1993. opts->r6rs_escapes_p = value;
  1994. set_port_read_option (port, READ_OPTION_R6RS_ESCAPES_P, value);
  1995. }
  1996. static void
  1997. set_port_hungry_eol_escapes_p (SCM port, scm_t_read_opts *opts, int value)
  1998. {
  1999. value = !!value;
  2000. opts->hungry_eol_escapes_p = value;
  2001. set_port_read_option (port, READ_OPTION_HUNGRY_EOL_ESCAPES_P, value);
  2002. }
  2003. static void
  2004. set_port_keyword_style (SCM port, scm_t_read_opts *opts, enum t_keyword_style value)
  2005. {
  2006. opts->keyword_style = value;
  2007. set_port_read_option (port, READ_OPTION_KEYWORD_STYLE, value);
  2008. }
  2009. /* Initialize OPTS based on PORT's read options and the global read
  2010. options. */
  2011. static void
  2012. init_read_options (SCM port, scm_t_read_opts *opts)
  2013. {
  2014. SCM val, scm_read_options;
  2015. unsigned int read_options, x;
  2016. scm_read_options = scm_i_port_property (port, sym_port_read_options);
  2017. if (scm_is_unsigned_integer (scm_read_options, 0, READ_OPTIONS_MAX_VALUE))
  2018. read_options = scm_to_uint (scm_read_options);
  2019. else
  2020. read_options = READ_OPTIONS_INHERIT_ALL;
  2021. x = READ_OPTION_MASK & (read_options >> READ_OPTION_KEYWORD_STYLE);
  2022. if (x == READ_OPTION_INHERIT)
  2023. {
  2025. if (scm_is_eq (val, scm_keyword_prefix))
  2027. else if (scm_is_eq (val, scm_keyword_postfix))
  2029. else
  2031. }
  2032. opts->keyword_style = x;
  2033. #define RESOLVE_BOOLEAN_OPTION(NAME, name) \
  2034. do \
  2035. { \
  2036. x = READ_OPTION_MASK & (read_options >> READ_OPTION_ ## NAME); \
  2037. if (x == READ_OPTION_INHERIT) \
  2038. x = !!SCM_ ## NAME; \
  2039. opts->name = x; \
  2040. } \
  2041. while (0)
  2042. RESOLVE_BOOLEAN_OPTION (COPY_SOURCE_P, copy_source_p);
  2043. RESOLVE_BOOLEAN_OPTION (RECORD_POSITIONS_P, record_positions_p);
  2044. RESOLVE_BOOLEAN_OPTION (CASE_INSENSITIVE_P, case_insensitive_p);
  2045. RESOLVE_BOOLEAN_OPTION (R6RS_ESCAPES_P, r6rs_escapes_p);
  2046. RESOLVE_BOOLEAN_OPTION (SQUARE_BRACKETS_P, square_brackets_p);
  2047. RESOLVE_BOOLEAN_OPTION (HUNGRY_EOL_ESCAPES_P, hungry_eol_escapes_p);
  2048. RESOLVE_BOOLEAN_OPTION (CURLY_INFIX_P, curly_infix_p);
  2049. RESOLVE_BOOLEAN_OPTION (R7RS_SYMBOLS_P, r7rs_symbols_p);
  2051. opts->neoteric_p = 0;
  2052. }
  2053. void
  2054. scm_init_read ()
  2055. {
  2056. SCM read_hash_procs;
  2057. read_hash_procs = scm_make_fluid_with_default (SCM_EOL);
  2058. scm_i_read_hash_procedures =
  2059. SCM_VARIABLE_LOC (scm_c_define ("%read-hash-procedures", read_hash_procs));
  2060. scm_init_opts (scm_read_options, scm_read_opts);
  2061. #include "read.x"
  2062. }