123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420 |
- ;;; Continuation-passing style (CPS) intermediate language (IL)
- ;; Copyright (C) 2020, 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- ;;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- ;;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- ;;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- ;;;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- ;;;;
- ;;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- ;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- ;;;; Lesser General Public License for more details.
- ;;;;
- ;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- ;;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- ;;;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- ;;; Commentary:
- ;;;
- ;;; A pass to optimize chains of "eq-constant?" branches.
- ;;;
- ;;; For chains that are more than a few comparisons long, we partition
- ;;; values by type, then dispatch in type-specific ways. For fixnums
- ;;; and chars, we use a combination of binary search over sparse sets,
- ;;; table dispatch over dense sets, and comparison chains when sets are
- ;;; small enough. For "special" values like #f and the eof-object, we
- ;;; just emit comparison chains. For symbols, we do a hash dispatch
- ;;; using the hash code from the symbol, or a comparison chain if the
- ;;; set is very small.
- ;;;
- ;;; Code:
- (define-module (language cps switch)
- #:use-module (ice-9 match)
- #:use-module (srfi srfi-9)
- #:use-module (language cps)
- #:use-module (language cps utils)
- #:use-module (language cps with-cps)
- #:use-module (language cps intmap)
- #:use-module (language cps intset)
- #:use-module (system base target)
- #:export (optimize-branch-chains))
- (define (fold-branch-chains cps kfun body f seed)
- "For each chain of one or more eq-constant? branches, where each
- branch tests the same variable, branches to the next if the match fails,
- and each non-head branch has only a single predecessor, fold F over SEED
- by calling as (F VAR EXIT TESTS SEED), where VAR is the value being
- tested, EXIT is the last failure continuation, and TESTS is an ordered
- list of branch labels."
- (define single
- (compute-singly-referenced-labels (intmap-select cps body)))
- (define (start-chain var exit test)
- (traverse-chain var exit (list test)))
- (define (finish-chain var exit tests)
- (values var exit (reverse tests)))
- (define (traverse-chain var exit tests)
- (match (intmap-ref cps exit)
- (($ $kargs () ()
- ($ $branch kf kt src 'eq-constant? const (arg)))
- (if (and (eq? arg var)
- (intset-ref single exit))
- (traverse-chain var kf (cons exit tests))
- (finish-chain var exit tests)))
- (_ (finish-chain var exit tests))))
- (let fold-chains ((worklist (list kfun))
- (visited empty-intset)
- (seed seed))
- (match worklist
- (() seed)
- ((label . worklist)
- (if (intset-ref visited label)
- (fold-chains worklist visited seed)
- (let ((visited (intset-add! visited label)))
- (define (%continue worklist)
- (fold-chains worklist visited seed))
- (define (continue0) (%continue worklist))
- (define (continue1 k) (%continue (cons k worklist)))
- (define (continue2 k1 k2) (%continue (cons* k1 k2 worklist)))
- (define (continue* k*) (%continue (append k* worklist)))
- (match (intmap-ref cps label)
- (($ $kfun src meta self ktail #f) (continue0))
- (($ $kfun src meta self ktail kclause) (continue1 kclause))
- (($ $kclause arity kbody #f) (continue1 kbody))
- (($ $kclause arity kbody kalt) (continue2 kbody kalt))
- (($ $kargs names vars term)
- (match term
- (($ $branch kf kt src 'eq-constant? const (arg))
- (call-with-values (lambda () (start-chain arg kf label))
- (lambda (var exit tests)
- (fold-chains (cons exit worklist)
- (fold1 (lambda (k visited)
- (intset-add! visited k))
- tests visited)
- (f var exit tests seed)))))
- (($ $continue k) (continue1 k))
- (($ $branch kf kt) (continue2 kf kt))
- (($ $switch kf kt*) (continue* (cons kf kt*)))
- (($ $prompt k kh) (continue2 k kh))
- (($ $throw) (continue0))))
- (($ $ktail) (continue0))
- (($ $kreceive arity kbody) (continue1 kbody)))))))))
- (define (length>? ls n)
- (match ls
- (() #f)
- ((_ . ls)
- (or (zero? n)
- (length>? ls (1- n))))))
- (define (partition-targets targets)
- "Partition the list of (CONST . KT) values into five unordered
- sub-lists, ignoring duplicates, according to CONST type: fixnums, chars,
- \"special\" values, symbols, and other values. A special value is one
- of the immediates #f, (), #t, #nil, the EOF object, or the unspecified
- object."
- (define (hash-table->alist table)
- (hash-map->list cons table))
- (define (hash-table->sorted-alist table less?)
- (sort (hash-table->alist table) (lambda (a b) (less? (car a) (car b)))))
- (let ((fixnums (make-hash-table))
- (chars (make-hash-table))
- (specials (make-hash-table))
- (symbols (make-hash-table))
- (others (make-hash-table)))
- (for-each (match-lambda
- ((const . k)
- (let ((table (cond
- ((target-fixnum? const) fixnums)
- ((char? const) chars)
- ((eq? const #f) specials)
- ((eq? const '()) specials)
- ((eq? const #t) specials)
- ((eq? const #nil) specials)
- ((eof-object? const) specials)
- ((unspecified? const) specials)
- ((symbol? const) symbols)
- (else others))))
- (unless (hashq-ref table const)
- (hashq-set! table const k)))))
- targets)
- (values (hash-table->sorted-alist fixnums <)
- (hash-table->sorted-alist chars char<?)
- (hash-table->alist specials)
- (hash-table->sorted-alist symbols
- (lambda (s1 s2)
- (string< (symbol->string s1)
- (symbol->string s2))))
- (hash-table->alist others))))
- ;; Leave any chain this long or less as is.
- (define *unoptimized-chain-length* 4)
- ;; If we are optimizing a subset of targets, any subset this long or
- ;; less will be reified as a chain of comparisons.
- (define *leaf-chain-max-length* 3)
- ;; If we end up dispatching via type check with an eye to maybe doing
- ;; binary/table lookup but the set of targets for the type is this long
- ;; or less, just reify a chain instead of untagging.
- (define *tagged-chain-max-length* 2)
- ;; When deciding whether to dispatch via binary search or via a switch
- ;; on constants in a range, do a switch if at least this fraction of
- ;; constants in the range have continuations.
- (define *table-switch-minimum-density* 0.5)
- ;; When deciding whether to dispatch via hash value on a set of symbol
- ;; targets, reify a branch chain unless there are more than this many
- ;; targets. Otherwise the cost outweighs the savings.
- (define *symbol-hash-dispatch-min-length* 4)
- (define (optimize-branch-chain var exit tests cps)
- (define (should-optimize? targets)
- (define (has-duplicates? targets)
- (let ((consts (make-hash-table)))
- (or-map (match-lambda
- ((const . k)
- (or (hash-ref consts const)
- (begin
- (hash-set! consts const #t)
- #f))))
- targets)))
- ;; We optimize if there are "enough" targets, or if there are any
- ;; duplicate targets.
- (or (length>? targets *unoptimized-chain-length*)
- (has-duplicates? targets)))
- (define (reify-chain cps var targets op k)
- (match targets
- (() (with-cps cps k))
- (((const . kt) . targets)
- (with-cps cps
- (let$ ktail (reify-chain var targets op k))
- (letk khead ($kargs () ()
- ($branch ktail kt #f op const (var))))
- khead))))
- (define (reify-switch cps var targets min max exit)
- (cond
- ((zero? min)
- (let ((kt* (make-vector (1+ max) exit)))
- (for-each (match-lambda
- ((target . k) (vector-set! kt* target k)))
- targets)
- (with-cps cps
- (letv u64)
- (letk kswitch ($kargs ('u64) (u64)
- ($switch exit (vector->list kt*) #f u64)))
- (letk kcvt
- ($kargs () ()
- ($continue kswitch #f ($primcall 's64->u64 #f (var)))))
- kcvt)))
- (else
- (let ((targets (map (match-lambda
- ((target . k) (cons (- target min) k)))
- targets))
- (op (if (positive? min) 'ssub/immediate 'sadd/immediate)))
- (with-cps cps
- (letv idx)
- (let$ kcvt (reify-switch idx targets 0 (- max min) exit))
- (letk kzero ($kargs ('idx) (idx)
- ($continue kcvt #f ($values ()))))
- (letk ksub
- ($kargs () ()
- ($continue kzero #f ($primcall op (abs min) (var)))))
- ksub)))))
- (define (dispatch-numerics cps var targets start end exit)
- ;; Precondition: VAR is an s64, START < END, and TARGETS hold the
- ;; untagged values.
- (define (value-at idx)
- (match (vector-ref targets idx)
- ((const . k) const)))
- (define (target-list)
- (let lp ((i start))
- (if (< i end)
- (cons (vector-ref targets i) (lp (1+ i)))
- '())))
- (let* ((min (value-at start))
- (max (value-at (1- end)))
- (range (1+ (- max min)))
- (len (- end start))
- (density (/ len 1.0 range)))
- (cond
- ((<= len *leaf-chain-max-length*)
- (reify-chain cps var (target-list) 's64-imm-= exit))
- ((<= *table-switch-minimum-density* density)
- (reify-switch cps var (target-list) min max exit))
- (else
- ;; binary search
- (let* ((split (ash (+ start end) -1))
- (mid (value-at split)))
- (with-cps cps
- (let$ klo (dispatch-numerics var targets start split exit))
- (let$ khi (dispatch-numerics var targets split end exit))
- (letk ktest
- ($kargs () ()
- ($branch khi klo #f 's64-imm-< mid (var))))
- ktest))))))
- (define (reify-known-numerics cps var targets untag-var untag-val exit)
- (cond
- ((length>? targets *tagged-chain-max-length*)
- (let ((targets (list->vector
- (map (match-lambda
- ((const . k) (cons (untag-val const) k)))
- targets))))
- (with-cps cps
- (letv raw)
- (let$ kdispatch
- (dispatch-numerics raw targets 0 (vector-length targets) exit))
- (letk kraw ($kargs ('raw) (raw)
- ($continue kdispatch #f ($values ()))))
- (let$ untag (untag-var var kraw))
- (letk kuntag ($kargs () () ,untag))
- kuntag)))
- (else
- (reify-chain cps var targets 'eq-constant? exit))))
- (define (reify-numeric cps var targets pred untag-var untag-val next exit)
- (cond
- ((null? targets) (with-cps cps next))
- (else
- (with-cps cps
- (let$ ktype (reify-known-numerics var targets untag-var untag-val exit))
- (letk test ($kargs () () ($branch next ktype #f pred #f (var))))
- test))))
- (define (reify-fixnums cps var targets next exit)
- (reify-numeric cps var targets 'fixnum?
- (lambda (cps var k)
- (with-cps cps
- (build-term
- ($continue k #f
- ($primcall 'untag-fixnum #f (var))))))
- identity next exit))
- (define (reify-chars cps var targets next exit)
- (reify-numeric cps var targets 'char?
- (lambda (cps var k)
- (with-cps cps
- (letv u64)
- (letk kcvt
- ($kargs ('u64) (u64)
- ($continue k #f
- ($primcall 'u64->s64 #f (u64)))))
- (build-term
- ($continue kcvt #f
- ($primcall 'untag-char #f (var))))))
- char->integer next exit))
- (define (reify-specials cps var targets next exit)
- ;; Specials are a branch chain.
- (cond
- ((null? targets) (with-cps cps next))
- (else
- (with-cps cps
- (let$ kimm (reify-chain var targets 'eq-constant? exit))
- (letk test ($kargs () () ($branch kimm next #f 'heap-object? #f (var))))
- test))))
- (define (reify-symbols cps var targets next exit)
- (cond
- ((null? targets)
- (with-cps cps next))
- ((length>? targets *symbol-hash-dispatch-min-length*)
- ;; Hash dispatch. The value has symbol-hash-bits significant
- ;; bits. We dispatch on the bottom N bits of the significant
- ;; bits, where N <= symbol-hash-bits, for the smallest N for which
- ;; len(targets) <= 2^N.
- (let* ((backend (resolve-interface `(language cps ,(target-runtime))))
- (symbol-hash (module-ref backend 'target-symbol-hash))
- (symbol-hash-bits (module-ref backend 'target-symbol-hash-bits))
- (nbits (let ((ntargets (length targets)))
- (let lp ((nbits 2))
- (cond
- ((= nbits symbol-hash-bits) nbits)
- ((<= ntargets (ash 1 nbits)) nbits)
- (else (lp (1+ nbits)))))))
- (nbuckets (ash 1 nbits))
- (buckets (make-vector nbuckets '()))
- (kt* (make-vector nbuckets exit)))
- (define (symbol->bucket sym)
- (logand (1- nbuckets) (symbol-hash (symbol->string sym))))
- (define (vector-push! v i x)
- (vector-set! v i (cons x (vector-ref v i))))
- (for-each (match-lambda
- ((and pair (sym . target))
- (vector-push! buckets (symbol->bucket sym) pair)))
- targets)
- (let lp ((cps cps) (i 0))
- (cond
- ((< i nbuckets)
- (call-with-values (lambda ()
- (reify-chain cps var (vector-ref buckets i)
- 'eq-constant? exit))
- (lambda (cps k)
- (vector-set! kt* i k)
- (lp cps (1+ i)))))
- (else
- (with-cps cps
- (letv hash idx)
- (letk kswitch
- ($kargs ('idx) (idx)
- ($switch exit (vector->list kt*) #f idx)))
- (letk kidx
- ($kargs ('hash) (hash)
- ($continue kswitch #f
- ($primcall 'ulogand/immediate (1- nbuckets) (hash)))))
- (letk khash
- ($kargs () ()
- ($continue kidx #f
- ($primcall 'symbol-hash #f (var)))))
- (letk ksym
- ($kargs () ()
- ($branch next khash #f 'symbol? #f (var))))
- (letk kheap
- ($kargs () ()
- ($branch next ksym #f 'heap-object? #f (var))))
- kheap))))))
- (else
- (reify-chain cps var targets 'eq-constant? next))))
- (define (reify-others cps var targets exit)
- ;; Not an immediate, not a symbol -- an object without identity.
- ;; Perhaps it's reasonable to assume all these don't match.
- (reify-chain cps var targets 'eq-constant? exit))
- (define (apply-optimizations var exit tests targets)
- (call-with-values (lambda () (partition-targets targets))
- (lambda (fixnums chars specials symbols others)
- (match (intmap-ref cps (car tests))
- (($ $kargs names vars _)
- (with-cps cps
- ;; Reify an optimized version of the chain, and bind k to
- ;; its label.
- (let$ k (reify-others var others exit))
- (let$ k (reify-symbols var symbols k exit))
- (let$ k (reify-specials var specials k exit))
- (let$ k (reify-chars var chars k exit))
- (let$ k (reify-fixnums var fixnums k exit))
- (setk (car tests)
- ;; Here we introduce a useless forwarding node in
- ;; order to treat each node as being a nullary
- ;; $kargs. Simplification will remove it later.
- ($kargs names vars
- ($continue k #f ($values ()))))))))))
- (let ((targets (map (lambda (test)
- (match (intmap-ref cps test)
- (($ $kargs _ _ ($ $branch kf kt src op const (_)))
- (cons const kt))))
- tests)))
- (if (should-optimize? targets)
- (apply-optimizations var exit tests targets)
- cps)))
- (define (optimize-branch-chains cps)
- (with-fresh-name-state cps
- (persistent-intmap
- (intmap-fold
- (lambda (kfun body cps)
- (fold-branch-chains cps kfun body
- optimize-branch-chain cps))
- (compute-reachable-functions cps)
- cps))))