123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361 |
- ;;; Continuation-passing style (CPS) intermediate language (IL)
- ;; Copyright (C) 2013-2015, 2017-2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- ;;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- ;;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- ;;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- ;;;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- ;;;;
- ;;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- ;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- ;;;; Lesser General Public License for more details.
- ;;;;
- ;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- ;;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- ;;;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- ;;; Commentary:
- ;;;
- ;;; Helper facilities for working with graphs over intsets and intmaps.
- ;;;
- ;;; Code:
- (define-module (language cps graphs)
- #:use-module (ice-9 control)
- #:use-module (ice-9 match)
- #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
- #:use-module (language cps intset)
- #:use-module (language cps intmap)
- #:export (;; Various utilities.
- fold1 fold2
- trivial-intset
- intmap-map
- intmap-keys
- invert-bijection invert-partition
- rename-keys rename-intset rename-graph
- intset->intmap
- intmap-select
- worklist-fold
- fixpoint
- ;; Flow analysis.
- invert-graph
- compute-reverse-post-order
- compute-strongly-connected-components
- compute-sorted-strongly-connected-components
- compute-reverse-control-flow-order
- solve-flow-equations
- compute-live-variables))
- (define-inlinable (fold1 f l s0)
- (let lp ((l l) (s0 s0))
- (match l
- (() s0)
- ((elt . l) (lp l (f elt s0))))))
- (define-inlinable (fold2 f l s0 s1)
- (let lp ((l l) (s0 s0) (s1 s1))
- (match l
- (() (values s0 s1))
- ((elt . l)
- (call-with-values (lambda () (f elt s0 s1))
- (lambda (s0 s1)
- (lp l s0 s1)))))))
- (define (trivial-intset set)
- "Returns the sole member of @var{set}, if @var{set} has exactly one
- member, or @code{#f} otherwise."
- (let ((first (intset-next set)))
- (and first
- (not (intset-next set (1+ first)))
- first)))
- (define (intmap-map proc map)
- (persistent-intmap
- (intmap-fold (lambda (k v out) (intmap-add! out k (proc k v)))
- map
- empty-intmap)))
- (define (intmap-keys map)
- "Return an intset of the keys in @var{map}."
- (persistent-intset
- (intmap-fold (lambda (k v keys) (intset-add! keys k)) map empty-intset)))
- (define (invert-bijection map)
- "Assuming the values of @var{map} are integers and are unique, compute
- a map in which each value maps to its key. If the values are not
- unique, an error will be signaled."
- (persistent-intmap
- (intmap-fold (lambda (k v out) (intmap-add! out v k)) map empty-intmap)))
- (define (invert-partition map)
- "Assuming the values of @var{map} are disjoint intsets, compute a map
- in which each member of each set maps to its key. If the values are not
- disjoint, an error will be signaled."
- (intmap-fold (lambda (k v* out)
- (intset-fold (lambda (v out) (intmap-add out v k)) v* out))
- map empty-intmap))
- (define (intset->intmap f set)
- (persistent-intmap
- (intset-fold (lambda (label preds)
- (intmap-add! preds label (f label)))
- set empty-intmap)))
- (define (intmap-select map set)
- (persistent-intmap
- (intset-fold (lambda (label out)
- (intmap-add! out label (intmap-ref map label)))
- set empty-intmap)))
- (define worklist-fold
- (case-lambda
- ((f in out)
- (let lp ((in in) (out out))
- (if (eq? in empty-intset)
- out
- (call-with-values (lambda () (f in out)) lp))))
- ((f in out0 out1)
- (let lp ((in in) (out0 out0) (out1 out1))
- (if (eq? in empty-intset)
- (values out0 out1)
- (call-with-values (lambda () (f in out0 out1)) lp))))))
- (define fixpoint
- (case-lambda
- ((f x)
- (let lp ((x x))
- (let ((x* (f x)))
- (if (eq? x x*) x* (lp x*)))))
- ((f x0 x1)
- (let lp ((x0 x0) (x1 x1))
- (call-with-values (lambda () (f x0 x1))
- (lambda (x0* x1*)
- (if (and (eq? x0 x0*) (eq? x1 x1*))
- (values x0* x1*)
- (lp x0* x1*))))))))
- (define (compute-reverse-post-order succs start)
- "Compute a reverse post-order numbering for a depth-first walk over
- nodes reachable from the start node."
- (let visit ((label start) (order '()) (visited empty-intset))
- (call-with-values
- (lambda ()
- (intset-fold (lambda (succ order visited)
- (if (intset-ref visited succ)
- (values order visited)
- (visit succ order visited)))
- (intmap-ref succs label)
- order
- (intset-add! visited label)))
- (lambda (order visited)
- ;; After visiting successors, add label to the reverse post-order.
- (values (cons label order) visited)))))
- (define (invert-graph succs)
- "Given a graph PRED->SUCC..., where PRED is a label and SUCC... is an
- intset of successors, return a graph SUCC->PRED...."
- (intmap-fold (lambda (pred succs preds)
- (intset-fold
- (lambda (succ preds)
- (intmap-add preds succ pred intset-add))
- succs
- preds))
- succs
- (intmap-map (lambda (label _) empty-intset) succs)))
- (define (rename-keys map old->new)
- "Return a fresh intmap containing F(K) -> V for K and V in MAP, where
- F is looking up K in the intmap OLD->NEW."
- (persistent-intmap
- (intmap-fold (lambda (k v out)
- (intmap-add! out (intmap-ref old->new k) v))
- map
- empty-intmap)))
- (define (rename-intset set old->new)
- "Return a fresh intset of F(K) for K in SET, where F is looking up K
- in the intmap OLD->NEW."
- (intset-fold (lambda (old set) (intset-add set (intmap-ref old->new old)))
- set empty-intset))
- (define (rename-graph graph old->new)
- "Return a fresh intmap containing F(K) -> intset(F(V)...) for K and
- intset(V...) in GRAPH, where F is looking up K in the intmap OLD->NEW."
- (persistent-intmap
- (intmap-fold (lambda (pred succs out)
- (intmap-add! out
- (intmap-ref old->new pred)
- (rename-intset succs old->new)))
- graph
- empty-intmap)))
- (define (compute-strongly-connected-components succs start)
- "Given a LABEL->SUCCESSOR... graph, compute a SCC->LABEL... map
- partitioning the labels into strongly connected components (SCCs)."
- (let ((preds (invert-graph succs)))
- (define (visit-scc scc sccs-by-label)
- (let visit ((label scc) (sccs-by-label sccs-by-label))
- (if (intmap-ref sccs-by-label label (lambda (_) #f))
- sccs-by-label
- (intset-fold visit
- (intmap-ref preds label)
- (intmap-add sccs-by-label label scc)))))
- (intmap-fold
- (lambda (label scc sccs)
- (let ((labels (intset-add empty-intset label)))
- (intmap-add sccs scc labels intset-union)))
- (fold visit-scc empty-intmap (compute-reverse-post-order succs start))
- empty-intmap)))
- (define (compute-sorted-strongly-connected-components edges)
- "Given a LABEL->SUCCESSOR... graph, return a list of strongly
- connected components in sorted order."
- (define nodes
- (intmap-keys edges))
- ;; Add a "start" node that links to all nodes in the graph, and then
- ;; remove it from the result.
- (define start
- (if (eq? nodes empty-intset)
- 0
- (1+ (intset-prev nodes))))
- (define components
- (intmap-remove
- (compute-strongly-connected-components (intmap-add edges start nodes)
- start)
- start))
- (define node-components
- (intmap-fold (lambda (id nodes out)
- (intset-fold (lambda (node out) (intmap-add out node id))
- nodes out))
- components
- empty-intmap))
- (define (node-component node)
- (intmap-ref node-components node))
- (define (component-successors id nodes)
- (intset-remove
- (intset-fold (lambda (node out)
- (intset-fold
- (lambda (successor out)
- (intset-add out (node-component successor)))
- (intmap-ref edges node)
- out))
- nodes
- empty-intset)
- id))
- (define component-edges
- (intmap-map component-successors components))
- (define preds
- (invert-graph component-edges))
- (define roots
- (intmap-fold (lambda (id succs out)
- (if (eq? empty-intset succs)
- (intset-add out id)
- out))
- component-edges
- empty-intset))
- ;; As above, add a "start" node that links to the roots, and remove it
- ;; from the result.
- (match (compute-reverse-post-order (intmap-add preds start roots) start)
- (((? (lambda (id) (eqv? id start))) . ids)
- (map (lambda (id) (intmap-ref components id)) ids))))
- (define (compute-reverse-control-flow-order preds)
- "Return a LABEL->ORDER bijection where ORDER is a contiguous set of
- integers starting from 0 and incrementing in sort order. There is a
- precondition that labels in PREDS are already renumbered in reverse post
- order."
- (define (has-back-edge? preds)
- (let/ec return
- (intmap-fold (lambda (label labels)
- (intset-fold (lambda (pred)
- (if (<= label pred)
- (return #t)
- (values)))
- labels)
- (values))
- preds)
- #f))
- (if (has-back-edge? preds)
- ;; This is more involved than forward control flow because not all
- ;; live labels are reachable from the tail.
- (persistent-intmap
- (fold2 (lambda (component order n)
- (intset-fold (lambda (label order n)
- (values (intmap-add! order label n)
- (1+ n)))
- component order n))
- (reverse (compute-sorted-strongly-connected-components preds))
- empty-intmap 0))
- ;; Just reverse forward control flow.
- (let ((max (intmap-prev preds)))
- (intmap-map (lambda (label labels) (- max label)) preds))))
- (define (intset-pop set)
- (match (intset-next set)
- (#f (values set #f))
- (i (values (intset-remove set i) i))))
- (define* (solve-flow-equations succs in out kill gen subtract add meet
- #:optional (worklist (intmap-keys succs)))
- "Find a fixed point for flow equations for SUCCS, where INIT is the
- initial state at each node in SUCCS. KILL and GEN are intmaps
- indicating the state that is killed or defined at every node, and
- SUBTRACT, ADD, and MEET operates on that state."
- (define (visit label in out)
- (let* ((in-1 (intmap-ref in label))
- (kill-1 (intmap-ref kill label))
- (gen-1 (intmap-ref gen label))
- (out-1 (intmap-ref out label))
- (out-1* (add (subtract in-1 kill-1) gen-1)))
- (if (eq? out-1 out-1*)
- (values empty-intset in out)
- (let ((out (intmap-replace! out label out-1*)))
- (call-with-values
- (lambda ()
- (intset-fold (lambda (succ in changed)
- (let* ((in-1 (intmap-ref in succ))
- (in-1* (meet in-1 out-1*)))
- (if (eq? in-1 in-1*)
- (values in changed)
- (values (intmap-replace! in succ in-1*)
- (intset-add changed succ)))))
- (intmap-ref succs label) in empty-intset))
- (lambda (in changed)
- (values changed in out)))))))
- (let run ((worklist worklist) (in in) (out out))
- (call-with-values (lambda () (intset-pop worklist))
- (lambda (worklist popped)
- (if popped
- (call-with-values (lambda () (visit popped in out))
- (lambda (changed in out)
- (run (intset-union worklist changed) in out)))
- (values (persistent-intmap in)
- (persistent-intmap out)))))))
- (define (compute-live-variables preds defs uses)
- "Compute and return two values mapping LABEL->VAR..., where VAR... are
- the definitions that are live before and after LABEL, as intsets."
- (let* ((old->new (compute-reverse-control-flow-order preds))
- (init (persistent-intmap (intmap-fold
- (lambda (old new init)
- (intmap-add! init new empty-intset))
- old->new empty-intmap))))
- (call-with-values
- (lambda ()
- (solve-flow-equations (rename-graph preds old->new)
- init init
- (rename-keys defs old->new)
- (rename-keys uses old->new)
- intset-subtract intset-union intset-union))
- (lambda (in out)
- ;; As a reverse control-flow problem, the values flowing into a
- ;; node are actually the live values after the node executes.
- ;; Funny, innit? So we return them in the reverse order.
- (let ((new->old (invert-bijection old->new)))
- (values (rename-keys out new->old)
- (rename-keys in new->old)))))))