123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339 |
- /* GDB interface for Guile
- * Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, 1999, 2000, 2002 Free Software Foundation
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this software; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
- * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,
- * Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- *
- * As a special exception, the Free Software Foundation gives permission
- * for additional uses of the text contained in its release of GUILE.
- *
- * The exception is that, if you link the GUILE library with other files
- * to produce an executable, this does not by itself cause the
- * resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
- * Your use of that executable is in no way restricted on account of
- * linking the GUILE library code into it.
- *
- * This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
- * the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
- *
- * This exception applies only to the code released by the
- * Free Software Foundation under the name GUILE. If you copy
- * code from other Free Software Foundation releases into a copy of
- * GUILE, as the General Public License permits, the exception does
- * not apply to the code that you add in this way. To avoid misleading
- * anyone as to the status of such modified files, you must delete
- * this exception notice from them.
- *
- * If you write modifications of your own for GUILE, it is your choice
- * whether to permit this exception to apply to your modifications.
- * If you do not wish that, delete this exception notice.
- *
- * The author can be reached at djurfeldt@nada.kth.se
- * Mikael Djurfeldt, SANS/NADA KTH, 10044 STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN */
- #include "libguile/_scm.h"
- #include <stdio.h>
- #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H
- #include <unistd.h>
- #endif
- #include "libguile/tag.h"
- #include "libguile/strports.h"
- #include "libguile/read.h"
- #include "libguile/eval.h"
- #include "libguile/chars.h"
- #include "libguile/modules.h"
- #include "libguile/ports.h"
- #include "libguile/root.h"
- #include "libguile/strings.h"
- #include "libguile/init.h"
- #include "libguile/gdbint.h"
- /* {Support for debugging with gdb}
- *
- * TODO:
- *
- * 1. Redirect outputs
- * 2. Catch errors
- * 3. Prevent print from causing segmentation fault when given broken pairs
- */
- #define GDB_TYPE SCM
- #include "libguile/gdb_interface.h"
- /* Be carefull when this macro is true.
- scm_gc_heap_lock is set during gc.
- */
- #define SCM_GC_P (scm_gc_heap_lock)
- /* Macros that encapsulate blocks of code which can be called by the
- * debugger.
- */
- do { \
- old_ints = scm_ints_disabled; scm_ints_disabled = 1; \
- old_gc = scm_block_gc; scm_block_gc = 1; \
- scm_print_carefully_p = 1; \
- } while (0)
- do { \
- scm_print_carefully_p = 0; \
- scm_block_gc = old_gc; \
- scm_ints_disabled = old_ints; \
- } while (0)
- #define MSG_GUILE_NOT_INITIALIZED "*** Guile not initialized ***"
- #define RESET_STRING { gdb_output_length = 0; }
- #define SEND_STRING(str) \
- do { \
- gdb_output = (char *) (str); \
- gdb_output_length = strlen ((const char *) (str)); \
- } while (0)
- /* {Gdb interface}
- */
- unsigned short gdb_options = GDB_HAVE_BINDINGS;
- char *gdb_language = "lisp/c";
- SCM gdb_result;
- char *gdb_output;
- int gdb_output_length;
- int scm_print_carefully_p;
- static SCM gdb_input_port;
- static int port_mark_p, stream_mark_p, string_mark_p;
- static SCM tok_buf;
- static int tok_buf_mark_p;
- static SCM gdb_output_port;
- static int old_ints, old_gc;
- static void
- unmark_port (SCM port)
- {
- SCM stream, string;
- port_mark_p = SCM_GC8MARKP (port);
- SCM_CLRGC8MARK (port);
- stream = SCM_PACK (SCM_STREAM (port));
- stream_mark_p = SCM_GCMARKP (stream);
- SCM_CLRGCMARK (stream);
- string = SCM_CDR (stream);
- string_mark_p = SCM_GC8MARKP (string);
- SCM_CLRGC8MARK (string);
- }
- static void
- remark_port (SCM port)
- {
- SCM stream = SCM_PACK (SCM_STREAM (port));
- SCM string = SCM_CDR (stream);
- if (string_mark_p) SCM_SETGC8MARK (string);
- if (stream_mark_p) SCM_SETGCMARK (stream);
- if (port_mark_p) SCM_SETGC8MARK (port);
- }
- int
- gdb_maybe_valid_type_p (SCM value)
- {
- return SCM_IMP (value) || scm_cellp (value);
- }
- int
- gdb_read (char *str)
- {
- SCM ans;
- int status = 0;
- /* Need to be restrictive about what to read? */
- if (SCM_GC_P)
- {
- char *p;
- for (p = str; *p != '\0'; ++p)
- switch (*p)
- {
- case '(':
- case '\'':
- case '"':
- SEND_STRING ("Can't read this kind of expressions during gc");
- return -1;
- case '#':
- if (*++p == '\0')
- goto premature;
- if (*p == '\\')
- {
- if (*++p != '\0')
- continue;
- premature:
- SEND_STRING ("Premature end of lisp expression");
- return -1;
- }
- default:
- continue;
- }
- }
- unmark_port (gdb_input_port);
- scm_seek (gdb_input_port, SCM_INUM0, SCM_MAKINUM (SEEK_SET));
- scm_puts (str, gdb_input_port);
- scm_truncate_file (gdb_input_port, SCM_UNDEFINED);
- scm_seek (gdb_input_port, SCM_INUM0, SCM_MAKINUM (SEEK_SET));
- /* Read one object */
- tok_buf_mark_p = SCM_GC8MARKP (tok_buf);
- SCM_CLRGC8MARK (tok_buf);
- ans = scm_lreadr (&tok_buf, gdb_input_port, &ans);
- if (SCM_GC_P)
- {
- if (SCM_NIMP (ans))
- {
- SEND_STRING ("Non-immediate created during gc. Memory may be trashed.");
- status = -1;
- goto exit;
- }
- }
- gdb_result = ans;
- /* Protect answer from future GC */
- if (SCM_NIMP (ans))
- scm_permanent_object (ans);
- exit:
- if (tok_buf_mark_p)
- SCM_SETGC8MARK (tok_buf);
- remark_port (gdb_input_port);
- return status;
- }
- int
- gdb_eval (SCM exp)
- {
- if (SCM_IMP (exp))
- {
- gdb_result = exp;
- return 0;
- }
- if (SCM_GC_P)
- {
- SEND_STRING ("Can't evaluate lisp expressions during gc");
- return -1;
- }
- {
- SCM env = scm_top_level_env (SCM_CDR (scm_top_level_lookup_closure_var));
- gdb_result = scm_permanent_object (scm_ceval (exp, env));
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int
- gdb_print (SCM obj)
- {
- if (!scm_initialized_p)
- SEND_STRING ("*** Guile not initialized ***");
- else
- {
- /* Reset stream */
- scm_seek (gdb_output_port, SCM_INUM0, SCM_MAKINUM (SEEK_SET));
- scm_write (obj, gdb_output_port);
- scm_truncate_file (gdb_output_port, SCM_UNDEFINED);
- {
- scm_port *pt = SCM_PTAB_ENTRY (gdb_output_port);
- scm_flush (gdb_output_port);
- *(pt->write_buf + pt->read_buf_size) = 0;
- SEND_STRING (pt->read_buf);
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int
- gdb_binding (SCM name, SCM value)
- {
- if (SCM_GC_P)
- {
- SEND_STRING ("Can't create new bindings during gc");
- return -1;
- }
- {
- SCM vcell = scm_sym2vcell (name,
- SCM_CDR (scm_top_level_lookup_closure_var),
- SCM_SETCDR (vcell, value);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- void
- scm_init_gdbint ()
- {
- static char *s = "scm_init_gdb_interface";
- SCM port;
- scm_print_carefully_p = 0;
- port = scm_mkstrport (SCM_INUM0,
- scm_make_string (SCM_MAKINUM (0), SCM_UNDEFINED),
- s);
- gdb_output_port = scm_permanent_object (port);
- port = scm_mkstrport (SCM_INUM0,
- scm_make_string (SCM_MAKINUM (0), SCM_UNDEFINED),
- s);
- gdb_input_port = scm_permanent_object (port);
- tok_buf = scm_permanent_object (scm_makstr (30L, 0));
- }
- /*
- Local Variables:
- c-file-style: "gnu"
- End:
- */