123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473 |
- ;;; Continuation-passing style (CPS) intermediate language (IL)
- ;; Copyright (C) 2013, 2014, 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- ;;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- ;;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- ;;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- ;;;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- ;;;;
- ;;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- ;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- ;;;; Lesser General Public License for more details.
- ;;;;
- ;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- ;;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- ;;;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- ;;; Commentary:
- ;;;
- ;;; Contification is a pass that turns $fun instances into $cont
- ;;; instances if all calls to the $fun return to the same continuation.
- ;;; This is a more rigorous variant of our old "fixpoint labels
- ;;; allocation" optimization.
- ;;;
- ;;; See Kennedy's "Compiling with Continuations, Continued", and Fluet
- ;;; and Weeks's "Contification using Dominators".
- ;;;
- ;;; Code:
- (define-module (language cps contification)
- #:use-module (ice-9 match)
- #:use-module (srfi srfi-11)
- #:use-module ((srfi srfi-1) #:select (fold))
- #:use-module (language cps)
- #:use-module (language cps renumber)
- #:use-module (language cps utils)
- #:use-module (language cps intmap)
- #:use-module (language cps intset)
- #:export (contify))
- (define (compute-singly-referenced-labels conts)
- "Compute the set of labels in CONTS that have exactly one
- predecessor."
- (define (add-ref label cont single multiple)
- (define (ref k single multiple)
- (if (intset-ref single k)
- (values single (intset-add! multiple k))
- (values (intset-add! single k) multiple)))
- (define (ref0) (values single multiple))
- (define (ref1 k) (ref k single multiple))
- (define (ref2 k k*)
- (if k*
- (let-values (((single multiple) (ref k single multiple)))
- (ref k* single multiple))
- (ref1 k)))
- (match cont
- (($ $kreceive arity k) (ref1 k))
- (($ $kfun src meta self ktail kclause) (ref2 ktail kclause))
- (($ $ktail) (ref0))
- (($ $kclause arity kbody kalt) (ref2 kbody kalt))
- (($ $kargs names syms ($ $continue k src exp))
- (ref2 k (match exp (($ $branch k) k) (($ $prompt _ _ k) k) (_ #f))))))
- (let*-values (((single multiple) (values empty-intset empty-intset))
- ((single multiple) (intmap-fold add-ref conts single multiple)))
- (intset-subtract (persistent-intset single)
- (persistent-intset multiple))))
- (define (compute-functions conts)
- "Compute a map from $kfun label to bound variable names for all
- functions in CONTS. Functions have two bound variable names: their self
- binding, and the name they are given in their continuation. If their
- continuation has more than one predecessor, then the bound variable name
- doesn't uniquely identify the function, so we exclude that function from
- the set."
- (define (function-self label)
- (match (intmap-ref conts label)
- (($ $kfun src meta self) self)))
- (let ((single (compute-singly-referenced-labels conts)))
- (intmap-fold (lambda (label cont functions)
- (match cont
- (($ $kargs _ _ ($ $continue k src ($ $fun kfun)))
- (if (intset-ref single k)
- (match (intmap-ref conts k)
- (($ $kargs (name) (var))
- (intmap-add functions kfun
- (intset var (function-self kfun)))))
- functions))
- (($ $kargs _ _ ($ $continue k src
- ($ $rec _ vars (($ $fun kfuns) ...))))
- (if (intset-ref single k)
- (fold (lambda (var kfun functions)
- (intmap-add functions kfun
- (intset var (function-self kfun))))
- functions vars kfuns)
- functions))
- (_ functions)))
- conts
- empty-intmap)))
- (define (compute-multi-clause conts)
- "Compute an set containing all labels that are part of a multi-clause
- case-lambda. See the note in compute-contification-candidates."
- (define (multi-clause? clause)
- (and clause
- (match (intmap-ref conts clause)
- (($ $kclause arity body alt)
- alt))))
- (intmap-fold (lambda (label cont multi)
- (match cont
- (($ $kfun src meta self tail clause)
- (if (multi-clause? clause)
- (intset-union multi (compute-function-body conts label))
- multi))
- (_ multi)))
- conts
- empty-intset))
- (define (compute-arities conts functions)
- "Given the map FUNCTIONS whose keys are $kfun labels, return a map
- from label to arities."
- (define (clause-arities clause)
- (if clause
- (match (intmap-ref conts clause)
- (($ $kclause arity body alt)
- (cons arity (clause-arities alt))))
- '()))
- (intmap-map (lambda (label vars)
- (match (intmap-ref conts label)
- (($ $kfun src meta self tail clause)
- (clause-arities clause))))
- functions))
- ;; For now, we don't contify functions with optional, keyword, or rest
- ;; arguments.
- (define (contifiable-arity? arity)
- (match arity
- (($ $arity req () #f () aok?)
- #t)
- (_
- #f)))
- (define (arity-matches? arity nargs)
- (match arity
- (($ $arity req () #f () aok?)
- (= nargs (length req)))
- (_
- #f)))
- (define (compute-contification-candidates conts)
- "Compute and return a label -> (variable ...) map describing all
- functions with known uses that are only ever used as the operator of a
- $call, and are always called with a compatible arity."
- (let* ((functions (compute-functions conts))
- (multi-clause (compute-multi-clause conts))
- (vars (intmap-fold (lambda (label vars out)
- (intset-fold (lambda (var out)
- (intmap-add out var label))
- vars out))
- functions
- empty-intmap))
- (arities (compute-arities conts functions)))
- (define (restrict-arity functions proc nargs)
- (match (intmap-ref vars proc (lambda (_) #f))
- (#f functions)
- (label
- (let lp ((arities (intmap-ref arities label)))
- (match arities
- (() (intmap-remove functions label))
- ((arity . arities)
- (cond
- ((not (contifiable-arity? arity)) (lp '()))
- ((arity-matches? arity nargs) functions)
- (else (lp arities)))))))))
- (define (visit-cont label cont functions)
- (define (exclude-var functions var)
- (match (intmap-ref vars var (lambda (_) #f))
- (#f functions)
- (label (intmap-remove functions label))))
- (define (exclude-vars functions vars)
- (match vars
- (() functions)
- ((var . vars)
- (exclude-vars (exclude-var functions var) vars))))
- (match cont
- (($ $kargs _ _ ($ $continue _ _ exp))
- (match exp
- ((or ($ $const) ($ $prim) ($ $closure) ($ $fun) ($ $rec))
- functions)
- (($ $values args)
- (exclude-vars functions args))
- (($ $call proc args)
- (let ((functions (exclude-vars functions args)))
- ;; This contification algorithm is happy to contify the
- ;; `lp' in this example into a shared tail between clauses:
- ;;
- ;; (letrec ((lp (lambda () (lp))))
- ;; (case-lambda
- ;; ((a) (lp))
- ;; ((a b) (lp))))
- ;;
- ;; However because the current compilation pipeline has to
- ;; re-nest continuations into old CPS, there would be no
- ;; scope in which the tail would be valid. So, until the
- ;; old compilation pipeline is completely replaced,
- ;; conservatively exclude contifiable fucntions called
- ;; from multi-clause procedures.
- (if (intset-ref multi-clause label)
- (exclude-var functions proc)
- (restrict-arity functions proc (length args)))))
- (($ $callk k proc args)
- (exclude-vars functions (cons proc args)))
- (($ $branch kt ($ $primcall name args))
- (exclude-vars functions args))
- (($ $branch kt ($ $values (arg)))
- (exclude-var functions arg))
- (($ $primcall name args)
- (exclude-vars functions args))
- (($ $prompt escape? tag handler)
- (exclude-var functions tag))))
- (_ functions)))
- (intmap-fold visit-cont conts functions)))
- (define (compute-call-graph conts labels vars)
- "Given the set of contifiable functions LABELS and associated bound
- variables VARS, compute and return two values: a map
- LABEL->LABEL... indicating the contifiable functions called by a
- function, and a map LABEL->LABEL... indicating the return continuations
- for a function. The first return value also has an entry
- 0->LABEL... indicating all contifiable functions called by
- non-contifiable functions. We assume that 0 is not in the contifiable
- function set."
- (let ((bodies
- ;; label -> fun-label for all labels in bodies of contifiable
- ;; functions
- (intset-fold (lambda (fun-label bodies)
- (intset-fold (lambda (label bodies)
- (intmap-add bodies label fun-label))
- (compute-function-body conts fun-label)
- bodies))
- labels
- empty-intmap)))
- (when (intset-ref labels 0)
- (error "internal error: label 0 should not be contifiable"))
- (intmap-fold
- (lambda (label cont calls returns)
- (match cont
- (($ $kargs _ _ ($ $continue k src ($ $call proc)))
- (match (intmap-ref vars proc (lambda (_) #f))
- (#f (values calls returns))
- (callee
- (let ((caller (intmap-ref bodies label (lambda (_) 0))))
- (values (intmap-add calls caller callee intset-add)
- (intmap-add returns callee k intset-add))))))
- (_ (values calls returns))))
- conts
- (intset->intmap (lambda (label) empty-intset) (intset-add labels 0))
- (intset->intmap (lambda (label) empty-intset) labels))))
- (define (tail-label conts label)
- (match (intmap-ref conts label)
- (($ $kfun src meta self tail body)
- tail)))
- (define (compute-return-labels labels tails returns return-substs)
- (define (subst k)
- (match (intmap-ref return-substs k (lambda (_) #f))
- (#f k)
- (k (subst k))))
- ;; Compute all return labels, then subtract tail labels of the
- ;; functions in question.
- (intset-subtract
- ;; Return labels for all calls to these labels.
- (intset-fold (lambda (label out)
- (intset-fold (lambda (k out)
- (intset-add out (subst k)))
- (intmap-ref returns label)
- out))
- labels
- empty-intset)
- (intset-fold (lambda (label out)
- (intset-add out (intmap-ref tails label)))
- labels
- empty-intset)))
- (define (intmap->intset map)
- (define (add-key label cont labels)
- (intset-add labels label))
- (intmap-fold add-key map empty-intset))
- (define (filter-contifiable contified groups)
- (intmap-fold (lambda (id labels groups)
- (let ((labels (intset-subtract labels contified)))
- (if (eq? empty-intset labels)
- groups
- (intmap-add groups id labels))))
- groups
- empty-intmap))
- (define (trivial-set set)
- (let ((first (intset-next set)))
- (and first
- (not (intset-next set (1+ first)))
- first)))
- (define (compute-contification conts)
- (let*-values
- (;; label -> (var ...)
- ((candidates) (compute-contification-candidates conts))
- ((labels) (intmap->intset candidates))
- ;; var -> label
- ((vars) (intmap-fold (lambda (label vars out)
- (intset-fold (lambda (var out)
- (intmap-add out var label))
- vars out))
- candidates
- empty-intmap))
- ;; caller-label -> callee-label..., callee-label -> return-label...
- ((calls returns) (compute-call-graph conts labels vars))
- ;; callee-label -> tail-label
- ((tails) (intset-fold
- (lambda (label tails)
- (intmap-add tails label (tail-label conts label)))
- labels
- empty-intmap))
- ;; Strongly connected components, allowing us to contify mutually
- ;; tail-recursive functions. Since `compute-call-graph' added on
- ;; a synthetic 0->LABEL... entry for contifiable functions called
- ;; by non-contifiable functions, we need to remove that entry
- ;; from the partition. It will be in its own component, as it
- ;; has no predecessors.
- ;;
- ;; id -> label...
- ((groups) (intmap-remove
- (compute-strongly-connected-components calls 0)
- 0)))
- ;; todo: thread groups through contification
- (define (attempt-contification labels contified return-substs)
- (let ((returns (compute-return-labels labels tails returns
- return-substs)))
- (cond
- ((trivial-set returns)
- => (lambda (k)
- ;; Success!
- (values (intset-union contified labels)
- (intset-fold (lambda (label return-substs)
- (let ((tail (intmap-ref tails label)))
- (intmap-add return-substs tail k)))
- labels return-substs))))
- ((trivial-set labels)
- ;; Single-label SCC failed to contify.
- (values contified return-substs))
- (else
- ;; Multi-label SCC failed to contify. Try instead to contify
- ;; each one.
- (intset-fold
- (lambda (label contified return-substs)
- (let ((labels (intset-add empty-intset label)))
- (attempt-contification labels contified return-substs)))
- labels contified return-substs)))))
- (call-with-values
- (lambda ()
- (fixpoint
- (lambda (contified return-substs)
- (intmap-fold
- (lambda (id group contified return-substs)
- (attempt-contification group contified return-substs))
- (filter-contifiable contified groups)
- contified
- return-substs))
- empty-intset
- empty-intmap))
- (lambda (contified return-substs)
- (values (intset-fold (lambda (label call-substs)
- (intset-fold
- (lambda (var call-substs)
- (intmap-add call-substs var label))
- (intmap-ref candidates label)
- call-substs))
- contified
- empty-intmap)
- return-substs)))))
- (define (apply-contification conts call-substs return-substs)
- (define (call-subst proc)
- (intmap-ref call-substs proc (lambda (_) #f)))
- (define (return-subst k)
- (intmap-ref return-substs k (lambda (_) #f)))
- (define (find-body kfun nargs)
- (match (intmap-ref conts kfun)
- (($ $kfun src meta self tail clause)
- (let lp ((clause clause))
- (match (intmap-ref conts clause)
- (($ $kclause arity body alt)
- (if (arity-matches? arity nargs)
- body
- (lp alt))))))))
- (define (continue k src exp)
- (define (lookup-return-cont k)
- (match (return-subst k)
- (#f k)
- (k (lookup-return-cont k))))
- (let ((k* (lookup-return-cont k)))
- (if (eq? k k*)
- (build-term ($continue k src ,exp))
- ;; We are contifying this return. It must be a call, a
- ;; $values expression, or a return primcall. k* will be
- ;; either a $ktail or a $kreceive continuation. CPS has this
- ;; thing though where $kreceive can't be the target of a
- ;; $values expression, and "return" can only continue to a
- ;; tail continuation, so we might have to rewrite to a
- ;; "values" primcall.
- (build-term
- ($continue k* src
- ,(match (intmap-ref conts k*)
- (($ $kreceive)
- (match exp
- (($ $call) exp)
- ;; A primcall that can continue to $ktail can also
- ;; continue to $kreceive.
- (($ $primcall) exp)
- (($ $values vals)
- (build-exp ($primcall 'values vals)))))
- (($ $ktail) exp)))))))
- (define (visit-exp k src exp)
- (match exp
- (($ $call proc args)
- ;; If proc is contifiable, replace call with jump.
- (match (call-subst proc)
- (#f (continue k src exp))
- (kfun
- (let ((body (find-body kfun (length args))))
- (build-term ($continue body src ($values args)))))))
- (($ $fun kfun)
- ;; If the function's tail continuation has been
- ;; substituted, that means it has been contified.
- (if (return-subst (tail-label conts kfun))
- (continue k src (build-exp ($values ())))
- (continue k src exp)))
- (($ $rec names vars funs)
- (match (filter (match-lambda ((n v f) (not (call-subst v))))
- (map list names vars funs))
- (() (continue k src (build-exp ($values ()))))
- (((names vars funs) ...)
- (continue k src (build-exp ($rec names vars funs))))))
- (_ (continue k src exp))))
- ;; Renumbering is not strictly necessary but some passes may not be
- ;; equipped to deal with stale $kfun nodes whose bodies have been
- ;; wired into other functions.
- (renumber
- (intmap-map
- (lambda (label cont)
- (match cont
- (($ $kargs names vars ($ $continue k src exp))
- ;; Remove bindings for functions that have been contified.
- (match (filter (match-lambda ((name var) (not (call-subst var))))
- (map list names vars))
- (((names vars) ...)
- (build-cont
- ($kargs names vars ,(visit-exp k src exp))))))
- (_ cont)))
- conts)))
- (define (contify conts)
- ;; FIXME: Renumbering isn't really needed but dead continuations may
- ;; cause compute-singly-referenced-labels to spuriously mark some
- ;; conts as irreducible. For now we punt and renumber so that there
- ;; are only live conts.
- (let ((conts (renumber conts)))
- (let-values (((call-substs return-substs) (compute-contification conts)))
- (apply-contification conts call-substs return-substs))))