123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713 |
- ;;; -*- mode: scheme; coding: utf-8; -*-
- ;;;; Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- ;;;;
- ;;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- ;;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- ;;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- ;;;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- ;;;;
- ;;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- ;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- ;;;; Lesser General Public License for more details.
- ;;;;
- ;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- ;;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- ;;;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- ;;;;
- ;;; Commentary:
- ;;; Scheme eval, written in Scheme.
- ;;;
- ;;; Expressions are first expanded, by the syntax expander (i.e.
- ;;; psyntax), then memoized into internal forms. The evaluator itself
- ;;; only operates on the internal forms ("memoized expressions").
- ;;;
- ;;; Environments are represented as a chain of vectors, linked through
- ;;; their first elements. The terminal element of an environment is the
- ;;; module that was current when the outer lexical environment was
- ;;; entered.
- ;;;
- ;;; Code:
- (define (primitive-eval exp)
- "Evaluate @var{exp} in the current module."
- (define-syntax env-toplevel
- (syntax-rules ()
- ((_ env)
- (let lp ((e env))
- (if (vector? e)
- (lp (vector-ref e 0))
- e)))))
- (define-syntax make-env
- (syntax-rules ()
- ((_ n init next)
- (let ((v (make-vector (1+ n) init)))
- (vector-set! v 0 next)
- v))))
- (define-syntax make-env*
- (syntax-rules ()
- ((_ next init ...)
- (vector next init ...))))
- (define-syntax env-ref
- (syntax-rules ()
- ((_ env depth width)
- (let lp ((e env) (d depth))
- (if (zero? d)
- (vector-ref e (1+ width))
- (lp (vector-ref e 0) (1- d)))))))
- (define-syntax env-set!
- (syntax-rules ()
- ((_ env depth width val)
- (let lp ((e env) (d depth))
- (if (zero? d)
- (vector-set! e (1+ width) val)
- (lp (vector-ref e 0) (1- d)))))))
- ;; This is a modified version of Oleg Kiselyov's "pmatch".
- (define-syntax-rule (match e cs ...)
- (let ((v e)) (expand-clauses v cs ...)))
- (define-syntax expand-clauses
- (syntax-rules ()
- ((_ v) ((error "unreachable")))
- ((_ v (pat e0 e ...) cs ...)
- (let ((fk (lambda () (expand-clauses v cs ...))))
- (expand-pattern v pat (let () e0 e ...) (fk))))))
- (define-syntax expand-pattern
- (syntax-rules (_ quote unquote ?)
- ((_ v _ kt kf) kt)
- ((_ v () kt kf) (if (null? v) kt kf))
- ((_ v (quote lit) kt kf)
- (if (equal? v (quote lit)) kt kf))
- ((_ v (unquote exp) kt kf)
- (if (equal? v exp) kt kf))
- ((_ v (x . y) kt kf)
- (if (pair? v)
- (let ((vx (car v)) (vy (cdr v)))
- (expand-pattern vx x (expand-pattern vy y kt kf) kf))
- kf))
- ((_ v (? pred var) kt kf)
- (if (pred v) (let ((var v)) kt) kf))
- ((_ v #f kt kf) (if (eqv? v #f) kt kf))
- ((_ v var kt kf) (let ((var v)) kt))))
- (define-syntax typecode
- (lambda (x)
- (syntax-case x ()
- ((_ type)
- (or (memoized-typecode (syntax->datum #'type))
- (error "not a typecode" (syntax->datum #'type)))))))
- (define-syntax-rule (lazy (arg ...) exp)
- (letrec ((proc (lambda (arg ...)
- (set! proc exp)
- (proc arg ...))))
- (lambda (arg ...)
- (proc arg ...))))
- (define (compile-lexical-ref depth width)
- (case depth
- ((0) (lambda (env) (env-ref env 0 width)))
- ((1) (lambda (env) (env-ref env 1 width)))
- ((2) (lambda (env) (env-ref env 2 width)))
- (else (lambda (env) (env-ref env depth width)))))
- (define (primitive=? name loc module var)
- "Return true if VAR is the same as the primitive bound to NAME."
- (match loc
- ((mode . loc)
- (and (match loc
- ((mod name* . public?) (eq? name* name))
- (_ (eq? loc name)))
- ;; `module' can be #f if the module system was not yet
- ;; booted when the environment was captured.
- (or (not module)
- (eq? var (module-local-variable the-root-module name)))))))
- (define (compile-top-call cenv loc args)
- (let* ((module (env-toplevel cenv))
- (var (%resolve-variable loc module)))
- (define-syntax-rule (maybe-primcall (prim ...) arg ...)
- (let ((arg (compile arg))
- ...)
- (cond
- ((primitive=? 'prim loc module var)
- (lambda (env) (prim (arg env) ...)))
- ...
- (else (lambda (env) ((variable-ref var) (arg env) ...))))))
- (match args
- (()
- (lambda (env) ((variable-ref var))))
- ((a)
- (maybe-primcall (1+ 1- car cdr lognot vector-length
- variable-ref string-length struct-vtable)
- a))
- ((a b)
- (maybe-primcall (+ - * / ash logand logior logxor
- cons vector-ref struct-ref allocate-struct variable-set!)
- a b))
- ((a b c)
- (maybe-primcall (vector-set! struct-set!) a b c))
- ((a b c . args)
- (let ((a (compile a))
- (b (compile b))
- (c (compile c))
- (args (let lp ((args args))
- (if (null? args)
- '()
- (cons (compile (car args)) (lp (cdr args)))))))
- (lambda (env)
- (apply (variable-ref var) (a env) (b env) (c env)
- (let lp ((args args))
- (if (null? args)
- '()
- (cons ((car args) env) (lp (cdr args))))))))))))
- (define (compile-call f args)
- (match f
- ((,(typecode box-ref) . (,(typecode resolve) . loc))
- (lazy (env) (compile-top-call env loc args)))
- (_
- (match args
- (()
- (let ((f (compile f)))
- (lambda (env) ((f env)))))
- ((a)
- (let ((f (compile f))
- (a (compile a)))
- (lambda (env) ((f env) (a env)))))
- ((a b)
- (let ((f (compile f))
- (a (compile a))
- (b (compile b)))
- (lambda (env) ((f env) (a env) (b env)))))
- ((a b c)
- (let ((f (compile f))
- (a (compile a))
- (b (compile b))
- (c (compile c)))
- (lambda (env) ((f env) (a env) (b env) (c env)))))
- ((a b c . args)
- (let ((f (compile f))
- (a (compile a))
- (b (compile b))
- (c (compile c))
- (args (let lp ((args args))
- (if (null? args)
- '()
- (cons (compile (car args)) (lp (cdr args)))))))
- (lambda (env)
- (apply (f env) (a env) (b env) (c env)
- (let lp ((args args))
- (if (null? args)
- '()
- (cons ((car args) env) (lp (cdr args)))))))))))))
- (define (compile-box-ref box)
- (match box
- ((,(typecode resolve) . loc)
- (lazy (cenv)
- (let ((var (%resolve-variable loc (env-toplevel cenv))))
- (lambda (env) (variable-ref var)))))
- ((,(typecode lexical-ref) depth . width)
- (lambda (env)
- (variable-ref (env-ref env depth width))))
- (_
- (let ((box (compile box)))
- (lambda (env)
- (variable-ref (box env)))))))
- (define (compile-resolve cenv loc)
- (let ((var (%resolve-variable loc (env-toplevel cenv))))
- (lambda (env) var)))
- (define (compile-top-branch cenv loc args consequent alternate)
- (let* ((module (env-toplevel cenv))
- (var (%resolve-variable loc module))
- (consequent (compile consequent))
- (alternate (compile alternate)))
- (define (generic-top-branch)
- (let ((test (compile-top-call cenv loc args)))
- (lambda (env)
- (if (test env) (consequent env) (alternate env)))))
- (define-syntax-rule (maybe-primcall (prim ...) arg ...)
- (cond
- ((primitive=? 'prim loc module var)
- (let ((arg (compile arg))
- ...)
- (lambda (env)
- (if (prim (arg env) ...)
- (consequent env)
- (alternate env)))))
- ...
- (else (generic-top-branch))))
- (match args
- ((a)
- (maybe-primcall (null? nil? pair? struct? string? vector? symbol?
- keyword? variable? bitvector? char? zero? not)
- a))
- ((a b)
- (maybe-primcall (eq? eqv? equal? = < > <= >= logtest logbit?)
- a b))
- (_
- (generic-top-branch)))))
- (define (compile-if test consequent alternate)
- (match test
- ((,(typecode call)
- (,(typecode box-ref) . (,(typecode resolve) . loc))
- . args)
- (lazy (env) (compile-top-branch env loc args consequent alternate)))
- (_
- (let ((test (compile test))
- (consequent (compile consequent))
- (alternate (compile alternate)))
- (lambda (env)
- (if (test env) (consequent env) (alternate env)))))))
- (define (compile-quote x)
- (lambda (env) x))
- (define (compile-let inits body)
- (let ((body (compile body))
- (width (vector-length inits)))
- (case width
- ((0) (lambda (env)
- (body (make-env* env))))
- ((1)
- (let ((a (compile (vector-ref inits 0))))
- (lambda (env)
- (body (make-env* env (a env))))))
- ((2)
- (let ((a (compile (vector-ref inits 0)))
- (b (compile (vector-ref inits 1))))
- (lambda (env)
- (body (make-env* env (a env) (b env))))))
- ((3)
- (let ((a (compile (vector-ref inits 0)))
- (b (compile (vector-ref inits 1)))
- (c (compile (vector-ref inits 2))))
- (lambda (env)
- (body (make-env* env (a env) (b env) (c env))))))
- ((4)
- (let ((a (compile (vector-ref inits 0)))
- (b (compile (vector-ref inits 1)))
- (c (compile (vector-ref inits 2)))
- (d (compile (vector-ref inits 3))))
- (lambda (env)
- (body (make-env* env (a env) (b env) (c env) (d env))))))
- (else
- (let lp ((n width)
- (k (lambda (env)
- (make-env width #f env))))
- (if (zero? n)
- (lambda (env)
- (body (k env)))
- (lp (1- n)
- (let ((init (compile (vector-ref inits (1- n)))))
- (lambda (env)
- (let* ((x (init env))
- (new-env (k env)))
- (env-set! new-env 0 (1- n) x)
- new-env))))))))))
- (define (compile-fixed-lambda body nreq)
- (case nreq
- ((0) (lambda (env)
- (lambda ()
- (body (make-env* env)))))
- ((1) (lambda (env)
- (lambda (a)
- (body (make-env* env a)))))
- ((2) (lambda (env)
- (lambda (a b)
- (body (make-env* env a b)))))
- ((3) (lambda (env)
- (lambda (a b c)
- (body (make-env* env a b c)))))
- ((4) (lambda (env)
- (lambda (a b c d)
- (body (make-env* env a b c d)))))
- ((5) (lambda (env)
- (lambda (a b c d e)
- (body (make-env* env a b c d e)))))
- ((6) (lambda (env)
- (lambda (a b c d e f)
- (body (make-env* env a b c d e f)))))
- ((7) (lambda (env)
- (lambda (a b c d e f g)
- (body (make-env* env a b c d e f g)))))
- (else
- (lambda (env)
- (lambda (a b c d e f g . more)
- (let ((env (make-env nreq #f env)))
- (env-set! env 0 0 a)
- (env-set! env 0 1 b)
- (env-set! env 0 2 c)
- (env-set! env 0 3 d)
- (env-set! env 0 4 e)
- (env-set! env 0 5 f)
- (env-set! env 0 6 g)
- (let lp ((n 7) (args more))
- (cond
- ((= n nreq)
- (unless (null? args)
- (scm-error 'wrong-number-of-args
- "eval" "Wrong number of arguments"
- '() #f))
- (body env))
- ((null? args)
- (scm-error 'wrong-number-of-args
- "eval" "Wrong number of arguments"
- '() #f))
- (else
- (env-set! env 0 n (car args))
- (lp (1+ n) (cdr args)))))))))))
- (define (compile-rest-lambda body nreq rest?)
- (case nreq
- ((0) (lambda (env)
- (lambda rest
- (body (make-env* env rest)))))
- ((1) (lambda (env)
- (lambda (a . rest)
- (body (make-env* env a rest)))))
- ((2) (lambda (env)
- (lambda (a b . rest)
- (body (make-env* env a b rest)))))
- ((3) (lambda (env)
- (lambda (a b c . rest)
- (body (make-env* env a b c rest)))))
- (else
- (lambda (env)
- (lambda (a b c . more)
- (let ((env (make-env (1+ nreq) #f env)))
- (env-set! env 0 0 a)
- (env-set! env 0 1 b)
- (env-set! env 0 2 c)
- (let lp ((n 3) (args more))
- (cond
- ((= n nreq)
- (env-set! env 0 n args)
- (body env))
- ((null? args)
- (scm-error 'wrong-number-of-args
- "eval" "Wrong number of arguments"
- '() #f))
- (else
- (env-set! env 0 n (car args))
- (lp (1+ n) (cdr args)))))))))))
- (define (compile-opt-lambda body nreq rest? nopt ninits unbound make-alt)
- (lambda (env)
- (define alt (and make-alt (make-alt env)))
- (lambda args
- (let ((nargs (length args)))
- (cond
- ((or (< nargs nreq) (and (not rest?) (> nargs (+ nreq nopt))))
- (if alt
- (apply alt args)
- ((scm-error 'wrong-number-of-args
- "eval" "Wrong number of arguments"
- '() #f))))
- (else
- (let* ((nvals (+ nreq (if rest? 1 0) ninits))
- (env (make-env nvals unbound env)))
- (define (bind-req args)
- (let lp ((i 0) (args args))
- (cond
- ((< i nreq)
- ;; Bind required arguments.
- (env-set! env 0 i (car args))
- (lp (1+ i) (cdr args)))
- (else
- (bind-opt args)))))
- (define (bind-opt args)
- (let lp ((i nreq) (args args))
- (cond
- ((and (< i (+ nreq nopt)) (< i nargs))
- (env-set! env 0 i (car args))
- (lp (1+ i) (cdr args)))
- (else
- (bind-rest args)))))
- (define (bind-rest args)
- (when rest?
- (env-set! env 0 (+ nreq nopt) args))
- (body env))
- (bind-req args))))))))
- (define (compile-kw-lambda body nreq rest? nopt kw ninits unbound make-alt)
- (define allow-other-keys? (car kw))
- (define keywords (cdr kw))
- (lambda (env)
- (define alt (and make-alt (make-alt env)))
- (lambda args
- (define (npositional args)
- (let lp ((n 0) (args args))
- (if (or (null? args)
- (and (>= n nreq) (keyword? (car args))))
- n
- (lp (1+ n) (cdr args)))))
- (let ((nargs (length args)))
- (cond
- ((or (< nargs nreq)
- (and alt (not rest?) (> (npositional args) (+ nreq nopt))))
- (if alt
- (apply alt args)
- ((scm-error 'wrong-number-of-args
- "eval" "Wrong number of arguments"
- '() #f))))
- (else
- (let* ((nvals (+ nreq (if rest? 1 0) ninits))
- (env (make-env nvals unbound env)))
- (define (bind-req args)
- (let lp ((i 0) (args args))
- (cond
- ((< i nreq)
- ;; Bind required arguments.
- (env-set! env 0 i (car args))
- (lp (1+ i) (cdr args)))
- (else
- (bind-opt args)))))
- (define (bind-opt args)
- (let lp ((i nreq) (args args))
- (cond
- ((and (< i (+ nreq nopt)) (< i nargs)
- (not (keyword? (car args))))
- (env-set! env 0 i (car args))
- (lp (1+ i) (cdr args)))
- (else
- (bind-rest args)))))
- (define (bind-rest args)
- (when rest?
- (env-set! env 0 (+ nreq nopt) args))
- (bind-kw args))
- (define (bind-kw args)
- (let lp ((args args))
- (cond
- ((and (pair? args) (pair? (cdr args))
- (keyword? (car args)))
- (let ((kw-pair (assq (car args) keywords))
- (v (cadr args)))
- (if kw-pair
- ;; Found a known keyword; set its value.
- (env-set! env 0 (cdr kw-pair) v)
- ;; Unknown keyword.
- (if (not allow-other-keys?)
- ((scm-error
- 'keyword-argument-error
- "eval" "Unrecognized keyword"
- '() (list (car args))))))
- (lp (cddr args))))
- ((pair? args)
- (if rest?
- ;; Be lenient parsing rest args.
- (lp (cdr args))
- ((scm-error 'keyword-argument-error
- "eval" "Invalid keyword"
- '() (list (car args))))))
- (else
- (body env)))))
- (bind-req args))))))))
- (define (compute-arity alt nreq rest? nopt kw)
- (let lp ((alt alt) (nreq nreq) (nopt nopt) (rest? rest?))
- (if (not alt)
- (let ((arglist (list nreq
- nopt
- (if kw (cdr kw) '())
- (and kw (car kw))
- (and rest? '_))))
- (values arglist nreq nopt rest?))
- (let* ((spec (cddr alt))
- (nreq* (car spec))
- (rest?* (if (null? (cdr spec)) #f (cadr spec)))
- (tail (and (pair? (cdr spec)) (pair? (cddr spec)) (cddr spec)))
- (nopt* (if tail (car tail) 0))
- (alt* (and tail (car (cddddr tail)))))
- (if (or (< nreq* nreq)
- (and (= nreq* nreq)
- (if rest?
- (and rest?* (> nopt* nopt))
- (or rest?* (> nopt* nopt)))))
- (lp alt* nreq* nopt* rest?*)
- (lp alt* nreq nopt rest?))))))
- (define (compile-general-lambda body nreq rest? nopt kw ninits unbound alt)
- (call-with-values
- (lambda ()
- (compute-arity alt nreq rest? nopt kw))
- (lambda (arglist min-nreq min-nopt min-rest?)
- (define make-alt
- (match alt
- (#f #f)
- ((body meta nreq . tail)
- (compile-lambda body meta nreq tail))))
- (define make-closure
- (if kw
- (compile-kw-lambda body nreq rest? nopt kw ninits unbound make-alt)
- (compile-opt-lambda body nreq rest? nopt ninits unbound make-alt)))
- (lambda (env)
- (let ((proc (make-closure env)))
- (set-procedure-property! proc 'arglist arglist)
- (set-procedure-minimum-arity! proc min-nreq min-nopt min-rest?)
- proc)))))
- (define (compile-lambda body meta nreq tail)
- (define (set-procedure-meta meta proc)
- (match meta
- (() proc)
- (((prop . val) . meta)
- (set-procedure-meta meta
- (lambda (env)
- (let ((proc (proc env)))
- (set-procedure-property! proc prop val)
- proc))))))
- (let ((body (lazy (env) (compile body))))
- (set-procedure-meta
- meta
- (match tail
- (() (compile-fixed-lambda body nreq))
- ((rest? . tail)
- (match tail
- (() (compile-rest-lambda body nreq rest?))
- ((nopt kw ninits unbound alt)
- (compile-general-lambda body nreq rest? nopt kw
- ninits unbound alt))))))))
- (define (compile-capture-env locs body)
- (let ((body (compile body)))
- (lambda (env)
- (let* ((len (vector-length locs))
- (new-env (make-env len #f (env-toplevel env))))
- (let lp ((n 0))
- (when (< n len)
- (match (vector-ref locs n)
- ((depth . width)
- (env-set! new-env 0 n (env-ref env depth width))))
- (lp (1+ n))))
- (body new-env)))))
- (define (compile-seq head tail)
- (let ((head (compile head))
- (tail (compile tail)))
- (lambda (env)
- (head env)
- (tail env))))
- (define (compile-box-set! box val)
- (let ((box (compile box))
- (val (compile val)))
- (lambda (env)
- (let ((val (val env)))
- (variable-set! (box env) val)))))
- (define (compile-lexical-set! depth width x)
- (let ((x (compile x)))
- (lambda (env)
- (env-set! env depth width (x env)))))
- (define (compile-call-with-values producer consumer)
- (let ((producer (compile producer))
- (consumer (compile consumer)))
- (lambda (env)
- (call-with-values (producer env)
- (consumer env)))))
- (define (compile-apply f args)
- (let ((f (compile f))
- (args (compile args)))
- (lambda (env)
- (apply (f env) (args env)))))
- (define (compile-capture-module x)
- (let ((x (compile x)))
- (lambda (env)
- (x (current-module)))))
- (define (compile-call-with-prompt tag thunk handler)
- (let ((tag (compile tag))
- (thunk (compile thunk))
- (handler (compile handler)))
- (lambda (env)
- (call-with-prompt (tag env) (thunk env) (handler env)))))
- (define (compile-call/cc proc)
- (let ((proc (compile proc)))
- (lambda (env)
- (call/cc (proc env)))))
- (define (compile exp)
- (match exp
- ((,(typecode lexical-ref) depth . width)
- (compile-lexical-ref depth width))
- ((,(typecode call) f . args)
- (compile-call f args))
- ((,(typecode box-ref) . box)
- (compile-box-ref box))
- ((,(typecode resolve) . loc)
- (lazy (env) (compile-resolve env loc)))
- ((,(typecode if) test consequent . alternate)
- (compile-if test consequent alternate))
- ((,(typecode quote) . x)
- (compile-quote x))
- ((,(typecode let) inits . body)
- (compile-let inits body))
- ((,(typecode lambda) body meta nreq . tail)
- (compile-lambda body meta nreq tail))
- ((,(typecode capture-env) locs . body)
- (compile-capture-env locs body))
- ((,(typecode seq) head . tail)
- (compile-seq head tail))
- ((,(typecode box-set!) box . val)
- (compile-box-set! box val))
- ((,(typecode lexical-set!) (depth . width) . x)
- (compile-lexical-set! depth width x))
- ((,(typecode call-with-values) producer . consumer)
- (compile-call-with-values producer consumer))
- ((,(typecode apply) f args)
- (compile-apply f args))
- ((,(typecode capture-module) . x)
- (compile-capture-module x))
- ((,(typecode call-with-prompt) tag thunk . handler)
- (compile-call-with-prompt tag thunk handler))
- ((,(typecode call/cc) . proc)
- (compile-call/cc proc))))
- (let ((eval (compile
- (memoize-expression
- (if (macroexpanded? exp)
- exp
- ((module-transformer (current-module)) exp)))))
- (env #f))
- (eval env)))