1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435 |
- run_preflight_checks: "true"
- node_major_version: "16"
- os_family: "{{ ansible_os_family|lower }}"
- #Please list a valid name of the tag from Mastodon's Github.
- #Accepted format is "vX.X.XrcX"
- mastodon_version: "latest"
- mastodon_allow_prerelease: "false"
- mastodon_user: "mastodon"
- mastodon_home: "/home/{{ mastodon_user }}"
- mastodon_db_user: "{{ mastodon_user }}"
- mastodon_path: "live"
- mastodon_db: "{{ mastodon_user }}_instance"
- mastodon_db_port: 5432
- mastodon_nginx_symlink: "/var/www/html/mastodon"
- disable_hsts: "false"
- disable_letsencrypt: "false"
- #Should be filled by user as a raised concern: https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon-ansible/pull/46#discussion_r1064445790
- #Format: "webmaster@mastodon.local"
- letsencrypt_email: ""
- #Use HTTP only for Vagrant testing or for reverse proxy purposes.
- #With recent changes to Mastodon, Puma server now enforces HTTPS, and unless you do config
- #changes, you will end up in a redirect loop with nginx going to HTTP and puma going to HTTPS over and over again
- use_http: "false"
- #Nginx will listen to every IP/Domain with this directive. Useful for reverse proxy or testing only.
- nginx_catch_all: "false"
- redis_host: localhost
- redis_port: 6379
- db_host: /var/run/postgresql
- use_legacy_certbot: "true"
- autoupdate_certbot: "false"
- self_signed_cert_location: /etc/ssl/certs
- self_signed_key_location: /etc/ssl/private
- #If you want to append any extra parameters to let's encrypt's certbot
- certbot_extra_param: ''