3.9 KB

title: suggestions API methods description: >- Server-generated suggestions on who to follow, based on previous positive interactions. menu: docs:

weight: 120
name: suggestions
parent: methods-accounts
identifier: methods-suggestions

aliases: [ "/methods/suggestions", "/api/methods/suggestions", "/methods/accounts/suggestions",


View follow suggestions (v2) {#v2}

GET /api/v2/suggestions HTTP/1.1

Accounts that are promoted by staff, or that the user has had past positive interactions with, but is not yet following.

Returns: Array of Suggestion\ OAuth: User token + read\ Version history:\ 3.4.0 - added



Authorization : {{}} Provide this header with Bearer <user token> to gain authorized access to this API method.

Query parameters

limit : Integer. Maximum number of results to return. Defaults to 40 accounts. Max 80 accounts.


200: OK
    "source": "past_interactions",
    "account": {
      "id": "784058",
      "username": "katie",
      "acct": "",
      // ...
  // ...
    "source": "global",
    "account": {
      "id": "108194863260762493",
      "username": "thunderbird",
      "acct": "",
      // ...
401: Unauthorized

Invalid or missing Authorization header.

  "error": "The access token is invalid"

Remove a suggestion {#remove}

DELETE /api/v1/suggestions/:account_id HTTP/1.1

Remove an account from follow suggestions.

Returns: Empty\ OAuth: User token + read\ Version history:\ 2.4.3 - added


Path parameters

:account_id : {{}} String. The ID of the Account in the database.


Authorization : {{}} Provide this header with Bearer <user token> to gain authorized access to this API method.


200: OK

A successful call will return an empty object. Note the call will be successful even if the account id provided is invalid or is not a suggested account.

401: Unauthorized

Invalid or missing Authorization header.

  "error": "The access token is invalid"

(DEPRECATED) View follow suggestions (v1) {#v1}

GET /api/v1/suggestions HTTP/1.1

Accounts the user has had past positive interactions with, but is not yet following.

Returns: Array of Account\ OAuth: User token + read\ Version history:\ 2.4.3 - added\ 3.4.0 - deprecated



Authorization : {{}} Provide this header with Bearer <user token> to gain authorized access to this API method.

Query parameters

limit : Integer. Maximum number of results to return. Defaults to 40 accounts. Max 80 accounts.


200: OK
    "id": "332766",
    "username": "kaniini",
    "acct": "",
    // ...
    "id": "689455",
    "username": "interneteh",
    "acct": "",
    // ...
    "id": "764276",
    "username": "Dee",
    "acct": "",
    // ...
  // ...
401: Unauthorized

Invalid or missing Authorization header.

  "error": "The access token is invalid"

See also

{{< page-relref ref="methods/accounts#follow" caption="POST /api/v1/accounts/:id/follow" >}}

{{< caption-link url="" caption="app/controllers/api/v2/suggestions_controller.rb" >}}

{{< caption-link url="" caption="app/controllers/api/v1/suggestions_controller.rb" >}}