title: Admin::Dimension description: Represents qualitative data about the server. menu: docs:
parent: entities
aliases: [ "/entities/admin-dimension", "/entities/Admin-Dimension", "/entities/admin_dimension", "/entities/Admin_Dimension", "/api/entities/admin-dimension", "/api/entities/Admin-Dimension", "/api/entities/admin_dimension", "/api/entities/Admin_Dimension",
{#key}Description: The unique keystring for the requested dimension.\ Type: String\ Version history:\ 3.5.0 - added
{#data}Description: The data available for the requested dimension.\ Type: Array of Hash\ Version history:\ 3.5.0 - added
{#data-key}Description: The unique keystring for this data item.\ Type: String\ Version history:\ 3.5.0 - added
{#data-human_key}Description: A human-readable key for this data item.\ Type: String\ Version history:\ 3.5.0 - added
{#data-value}Description: The value for this data item.\ Type: String\ Version history:\ 3.5.0 - added
{{%optional%}} {#data-unit}Description: The units associated with this data item's value, if applicable.\ Type: String\ Version history:\ 3.5.0 - added
{{%optional%}} {#data-human_value}Description: A human-readable formatted value for this data item.\ Type: String\ Version history:\ 3.5.0 - added
{#languages}Count how many local statuses are posted in each language, then show dimensional data about how popular each language is.
"key": "languages",
"data": [
"key": "en",
"human_key": "English",
"value": "10"
"key": "es",
"human_key": "Spanish",
"value": "1"
// ...
{#sources}Count how many local statuses were authored by a given client, then show dimensional data about how popular each client is.
"key": "sources",
"data": [
"key": "web",
"human_key": "Website",
"value": "2"
// ...
{#servers}Count how many statuses were posted from a given domain, then show dimensional data about the most popular remote servers.
"key": "servers",
"data": [
"key": "botsin.space",
"human_key": "botsin.space",
"value": "13738"
"key": "mastodon.social",
"human_key": "mastodon.social",
"value": "8928"
// ...
{#space_usage}Show dimensional data about how much space is used by each software in your server stack.
"key": "space_usage",
"data": [
"key": "postgresql",
"human_key": "PostgreSQL",
"value": "14924935",
"unit": "bytes",
"human_value": "14.2 MB"
"key": "redis",
"human_key": "Redis",
"value": "1972544",
"unit": "bytes",
"human_value": "1.88 MB"
"key": "media",
"human_key": "Media storage",
"value": "0",
"unit": "bytes",
"human_value": "0 Bytes"
{#software_versions}Show dimensional data about which versions of software in your server stack you are using.
"key": "software_versions",
"data": [
"key": "mastodon",
"human_key": "Mastodon",
"value": "3.5.3",
"human_value": "3.5.3"
"key": "ruby",
"human_key": "Ruby",
"value": "3.0.4p208",
"human_value": "3.0.4p208"
"key": "postgresql",
"human_key": "PostgreSQL",
"value": "10.22",
"human_value": "10.22"
"key": "redis",
"human_key": "Redis",
"value": "4.0.9",
"human_value": "4.0.9"
{#tag_servers}Count how many statuses contain the trending tag with the given id
, then show dimensional data about the most popular servers using that trending tag.
"key": "tag_servers",
"data": [
"key": "live.hatnix.net",
"human_key": "live.hatnix.net",
"value": "6"
"key": "linuxrocks.online",
"human_key": "linuxrocks.online",
"value": "4"
{#tag_languages}Count how many statuses contain the trending tag with the given id
, then show dimensional data about the most popular languages for those statuses.
"key": "tag_languages",
"data": [
"key": "und",
"human_key": "und",
"value": "8"
"key": "en",
"human_key": "English",
"value": "7"
// ...
{#instance_accounts}Count how many followers each account from the given domain
has, then show dimensional data about the most popular accounts from that remote server.
"key": "instance_accounts",
"data": [
"key": "fribbledom",
"human_key": "fribbledom",
"value": "33"
"key": "ShugoWah",
"human_key": "ShugoWah",
"value": "26"
// ...
{#instance_languages}Count how many statuses from the given domain
are posted in each language, then show dimensional data about how popular each language is on that remote server.
"key": "instance_languages",
"data": [
"key": "en",
"human_key": "English",
"value": "5848"
"key": "de",
"human_key": "German",
"value": "155"
// ...
{{< page-relref ref="methods/admin/dimensions" caption="admin/dimensions API methods" >}}
{{< caption-link url="https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/blob/main/app/serializers/rest/admin/dimension_serializer.rb" caption="app/serializers/rest/admin/dimension_serializer.rb" >}}
{{< caption-link url="https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/blob/main/app/lib/admin/metrics/dimension.rb" caption="app/lib/admin/metrics/dimension.rb" >}}
{{< caption-link url="https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/blob/main/app/lib/admin/metrics/dimension/" caption="app/lib/admin/metrics/dimension/" >}}