123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748 |
- require_relative 'lib/stun-client/module'
- # rubocop:disable Layout/FirstArrayElementIndentation
- # rubocop:disable Layout/FirstHashElementIndentation
- Gem::Specification.new do |spec|
- spec.name = 'stun-client'
- spec.version = StunClient::VERSION
- spec.summary = 'Library to act with STUN servers.'
- spec.description = <<DESCRIPTION.strip.tr("\n", ' ')
- Library to act with STUN servers. It implements RFC3489 ("classic" STUN). It
- has no authentication methods against STUN servers. It includes functions to
- request STUN servers. Furthermore there is the possibility to detect the NAT
- type.
- spec.authors = ['Marek Küthe']
- spec.email = 'm.k@mk16.de'
- spec.files = [
- 'lib/stun-client/generic/client.rb',
- 'lib/stun-client/generic/errors.rb',
- 'lib/stun-client/generic/utilities.rb',
- 'lib/stun-client/rfc3489/client.rb',
- 'lib/stun-client/rfc3489/message.rb',
- 'lib/stun-client/rfc3489/discovery/nat.rb',
- 'lib/stun-client/rfc3489/discovery/lifetime.rb',
- 'lib/stun-client/module.rb'
- ]
- spec.extra_rdoc_files = [
- 'README.md'
- ]
- spec.homepage = 'https://codeberg.org/mark22k/stun-client'
- spec.license = 'GPL-3.0-or-later'
- spec.metadata = {
- 'source_code_uri' => 'https://codeberg.org/mark22k/stun-client',
- 'bug_tracker_uri' => 'https://codeberg.org/mark22k/stun-client/issues',
- 'rubygems_mfa_required' => 'true'
- }
- spec.required_ruby_version = '>= 3.1.1'
- spec.add_runtime_dependency 'bindata', '~> 2.4', '>= 2.4.15'
- end
- # rubocop:enable Layout/FirstArrayElementIndentation
- # rubocop:enable Layout/FirstHashElementIndentation