_config.yml 2.0 KB

  1. title: Marek's homepage
  2. author: Marek Küthe
  3. description: Dies ist mein persönlicher Blog. Hier findest du ganz unterschiedliche Dinge. Manche auf Deutsch, manche auf Englisch, manche dumm, manche witzung und mache informativ.
  4. lang: "de"
  5. menu:
  6. - title: Startseite
  7. url: /
  8. weight: 1
  9. - title: Über mich
  10. url: /about_me/
  11. weight: 3
  12. gpg:
  13. fingerprint: '9AA2 8159 FCEB 3CD8 3BC2 1201 7E86 9146 6991 08C7'
  14. url: https://test.mk16.de/gpg/m.k@mk16.de.asc
  15. contact:
  16. email: contact@mk16.de
  17. marek: m.k@mk16.de
  18. url: "test"
  19. feed:
  20. tags: true
  21. bad_bots:
  22. # AI
  23. - Diffbot
  24. - cohere-ai
  25. - Claude-Web
  26. - anthropic-ai
  27. - ClaudeBot
  28. - GPTBot
  29. - ChatGPT-User
  30. - AI
  31. - OAI-SearchBot
  32. - CCBot
  33. - Applebot-Extended
  34. - Bytespider
  35. - img2dataset
  36. - ImagesiftBot
  37. - Timpibot
  38. - Amazonbot
  39. - Scrapy
  40. - VelenPublicWebCrawler
  41. - PetalBot
  42. - aiHitBot
  43. - ICC-Crawler
  44. - AI2Bot
  45. - Ai2Bot-Dolma
  46. - ISSCyberRiskCrawler
  47. - Kangaroo Bot
  48. - Sidetrade indexer bot
  49. - Webzio-Extended
  50. - iaskspider/2.0
  51. # AI with reference to our website
  52. # - YouBot
  53. # - PerplexityBot
  54. # Strange bots without benefit for our site
  55. - AwarioRssBot
  56. - AwarioSmartBot
  57. - 008
  58. - voltron
  59. - Omgili
  60. - Omgilibot
  61. - peer39_crawler
  62. - Awakari
  63. - Twitterbot
  64. - SemrushBot
  65. - Semrush
  66. - dotbot
  67. - BLEXBot
  68. - AhrefsBot
  69. - barkrowler
  70. - VelenPublicWebCrawler
  71. - MJ12bot
  72. - sentibot
  73. - CriteoBot
  74. - Pingdom
  75. - grapeshot
  76. - GrapeshotCrawler
  77. - AhrefsSiteAudit
  78. - adbeat_bot
  79. - AwarioBot
  80. - AwarioSmartBot
  81. - Dataprovider
  82. # Facebook
  83. - FacebookBot
  84. - facebookexternalhit
  85. - Meta-ExternalAgent
  86. - Meta-ExternalFetcher
  87. # Google
  88. - GoogleOther
  89. - GoogleOther-Image
  90. - GoogleOther-Video
  91. - Mediapartners-Google*
  92. - AdsBot-Google
  93. - AdsBot-Google-Mobile
  94. - Google-Extended
  95. # Amazon
  96. - FriendlyCrawler
  97. include: [".well-known"]