glossary.xml 25 KB

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  2. <appendix id="ap_glossary">
  3. <title>Glossary</title>
  4. <variablelist>
  5. <title>A</title>
  6. <varlistentry id="gt_account">
  7. <term>
  8. Account
  9. </term>
  10. <listitem>
  11. <para>
  12. An account represents an identity within Sylpheed-Claws. As such only
  13. one email address is associated with each account. However, the number
  14. of accounts you can setup is unlimited.
  15. </para>
  16. </listitem>
  17. </varlistentry>
  18. <varlistentry id="gt_action_rules">
  19. <term>
  20. Action (filtering/processing rules)
  21. </term>
  22. <listitem>
  23. <para>
  24. An action is something that is performed on a message when it matches
  25. the rule conditions. A typical action is moving the message to a
  26. particular folder. See also <xref linkend="gt_condition_rules" />.
  27. </para>
  28. </listitem>
  29. </varlistentry>
  30. <varlistentry id="gt_actions">
  31. <term>
  32. Actions
  33. </term>
  34. <listitem>
  35. <para>
  36. Actions are user-defined commands that can be applied to a message, or
  37. part of a message, using a special syntax. They are presented to the
  38. user in a customisable menu.
  39. </para>
  40. </listitem>
  41. </varlistentry>
  42. <varlistentry id="gt_addressbook">
  43. <term>
  44. Address book
  45. </term>
  46. <listitem>
  47. <para>
  48. Storage for names, mail addresses and custom user attributes. Also
  49. provides access to <xref linkend="gt_ldap" /> servers and <xref
  50. linkend="gt_vcard" /> files.
  51. </para>
  52. </listitem>
  53. </varlistentry>
  54. <varlistentry id="gt_ascii">
  55. <term>
  56. <acronym>ASCII</acronym>
  57. </term>
  58. <listitem>
  59. <para>
  60. American Standard Code for Information Interchange. A standard <xref
  61. linkend="gt_character_encoding" /> using 7 bit. It's defined as an
  62. Internet standard in <ulink url=""
  63. >RFC 20</ulink>.
  64. </para>
  65. </listitem>
  66. </varlistentry>
  67. <varlistentry id="gt_attachment">
  68. <term>
  69. Attachment
  70. </term>
  71. <listitem>
  72. <para>
  73. Additional file(s) included with a mail message. Some attachments can
  74. be displayed by Sylpheed-Claws, others require external programs.
  75. <xref linkend="gt_plugins" /> can provide additional functions for
  76. attachments.
  77. </para>
  78. </listitem>
  79. </varlistentry>
  80. </variablelist>
  81. <!--
  82. <variablelist>
  83. <title>B</title>
  84. <varlistentry id="">
  85. <term>
  86. </term>
  87. <listitem>
  88. <para>
  89. </para>
  90. </listitem>
  91. </varlistentry>
  92. </variablelist>
  93. -->
  94. <variablelist>
  95. <title>C</title>
  96. <varlistentry id="gt_character_encoding">
  97. <term>
  98. Character encoding
  99. </term>
  100. <listitem>
  101. <para>
  102. A map between written symbols, like letters and other symbols, and the
  103. numbers used to represent them inside the computer. The most well-known
  104. character encoding is probably <xref linkend="gt_ascii" />, but it has
  105. been superseded by others, such as <xref linkend="gt_utf8" />.
  106. </para>
  107. </listitem>
  108. </varlistentry>
  109. <varlistentry id="gt_compose">
  110. <term>
  111. Compose
  112. </term>
  113. <listitem>
  114. <para>
  115. Create new a message text or a reply to a received mail in the Compose
  116. window.
  117. </para>
  118. </listitem>
  119. </varlistentry>
  120. <varlistentry id="gt_condition_rules">
  121. <term>
  122. Condition (filtering/processing rules)
  123. </term>
  124. <listitem>
  125. <para>
  126. The prerequisites that a mail message must fulfil in order for the
  127. rule's action to be executed. See also <xref
  128. linkend="gt_action_rules" />.
  129. </para>
  130. </listitem>
  131. </varlistentry>
  132. </variablelist>
  133. <variablelist>
  134. <title>D</title>
  135. <varlistentry id="gt_digital_signature">
  136. <term>
  137. Digital signature (<acronym>GPG</acronym>)
  138. </term>
  139. <listitem>
  140. <para>
  141. A piece of data obtained from merging a message and a cryptographic key
  142. which ensures message authorship, in a similar way that a hand-written
  143. signature does in a document. This piece of data is sent with the m
  144. essage so the recipient can verify its validity.
  145. </para>
  146. </listitem>
  147. </varlistentry>
  148. </variablelist>
  149. <variablelist>
  150. <title>E</title>
  151. <varlistentry id="gt_encryption">
  152. <term>
  153. Encryption (GPG)
  154. </term>
  155. <listitem>
  156. <para>
  157. Scrambling a message with a cryptographic key so that only the
  158. recipient and ownwer of the key password can unscramble it for reading.
  159. </para>
  160. </listitem>
  161. </varlistentry>
  162. </variablelist>
  163. <variablelist>
  164. <title>F</title>
  165. <varlistentry id="gt_face">
  166. <term>
  167. Face
  168. </term>
  169. <listitem>
  170. <para>
  171. A more modern implementation of the <xref linkend="gt_xface" />, it's a
  172. coloured image (48x48 pixels) included in the message headers.
  173. </para>
  174. </listitem>
  175. </varlistentry>
  176. <varlistentry id="gt_filtering_rule">
  177. <term>
  178. Filtering rule
  179. </term>
  180. <listitem>
  181. <para>
  182. A <xref linkend="gt_rule" /> applied to incoming messages. Filtering
  183. rules can be also applied manually to the contents of any folder.
  184. </para>
  185. </listitem>
  186. </varlistentry>
  187. <varlistentry id="gt_folder">
  188. <term>
  189. Folder
  190. </term>
  191. <listitem>
  192. <para>
  193. A folder is the primary message container. Folders can be local or
  194. remote, but they are managed in a uniform way by Sylpheed-Claws.
  195. </para>
  196. </listitem>
  197. </varlistentry>
  198. <varlistentry id="gt_forward">
  199. <term>
  200. Forward
  201. </term>
  202. <listitem>
  203. <para>
  204. To send a copy of a received mail to another recipient, optionally
  205. adding your own message.
  206. </para>
  207. </listitem>
  208. </varlistentry>
  209. </variablelist>
  210. <!--
  211. <variablelist>
  212. <title>G</title>
  213. <varlistentry>
  214. <term>
  215. </term>
  216. <listitem>
  217. <para>
  218. </para>
  219. </listitem>
  220. </varlistentry>
  221. </variablelist>
  222. -->
  223. <variablelist>
  224. <title>H</title>
  225. <varlistentry id="gt_headers">
  226. <term>
  227. Headers
  228. </term>
  229. <listitem>
  230. <para>
  231. Machine readable lines which form the first part of a mail message. The
  232. purpose of headers varies; Typical headers are From and To which state
  233. the sender and recipient of the message, others are used by the mail
  234. system. Some headers are optional and are used to provide additional
  235. information, such as <xref linkend="gt_xface" /> or <xref
  236. linkend="gt_face" />.
  237. </para>
  238. </listitem>
  239. </varlistentry>
  240. <varlistentry id="gt_html">
  241. <term>
  242. <acronym>HTML</acronym>
  243. </term>
  244. <listitem>
  245. <para>
  246. Acronym for Hyper-Text Markup Language. It was the standard language to
  247. encode web pages in the beginning of the <xref linkend="gt_www" />.
  248. Some mail clients use this language to encode the textual body of mails
  249. in order to craft special effects to text at the cost of multiplying
  250. the message size several times. HTML mail is also widely used by
  251. spammers to send <xref linkend="gt_spam" />.
  252. </para>
  253. </listitem>
  254. </varlistentry>
  255. </variablelist>
  256. <variablelist>
  257. <title>I</title>
  258. <varlistentry id="gt_imap">
  259. <term>
  260. <acronym>IMAP4</acronym>
  261. </term>
  262. <listitem>
  263. <para>
  264. Internet Messaging Access Protocol (version 4). A protocol for
  265. accessing email on a remote server from a local client. All messages
  266. are stored in the remote server.
  267. </para>
  268. </listitem>
  269. </varlistentry>
  270. <varlistentry id="gt_immediate_execution">
  271. <term>
  272. Immediate execution
  273. </term>
  274. <listitem>
  275. <para>
  276. When the <quote>Execute immediately when moving or deleting
  277. messages</quote> option is used, operations
  278. performed on messages, (like deletions or movements), are performed
  279. immediately. If the option is turned off, all operations performed on
  280. messages by the user are only carried out when the
  281. <quote>Execute</quote> button is pressed.
  282. </para>
  283. </listitem>
  284. </varlistentry>
  285. <varlistentry id="gt_isp">
  286. <term>
  287. <acronym>ISP</acronym>
  288. </term>
  289. <listitem>
  290. <para>
  291. Internet Service Provider. A company which provides Internet access to
  292. its customers. In the dialup access age these were the big telephony
  293. companies, with the arrival of broadband access the number of companies
  294. and types of services offered has grown exponentially.
  295. </para>
  296. </listitem>
  297. </varlistentry>
  298. </variablelist>
  299. <!--
  300. <variablelist>
  301. <title>J</title>
  302. <varlistentry id="">
  303. <term>
  304. </term>
  305. <listitem>
  306. <para>
  307. </para>
  308. </listitem>
  309. </varlistentry>
  310. </variablelist>
  311. <variablelist>
  312. <title>K</title>
  313. <varlistentry id="">
  314. <term>
  315. </term>
  316. <listitem>
  317. <para>
  318. </para>
  319. </listitem>
  320. </varlistentry>
  321. </variablelist>
  322. -->
  323. <variablelist>
  324. <title>L</title>
  325. <varlistentry id="gt_ldap">
  326. <term>
  327. <acronym>LDAP</acronym>
  328. </term>
  329. <listitem>
  330. <para>
  331. Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. A protocol for accessing
  332. information directories such as organisations, individuals, phone
  333. numbers, and addresses.
  334. </para>
  335. </listitem>
  336. </varlistentry>
  337. <varlistentry id="gt_ldif">
  338. <term>
  339. <acronym>LDIF</acronym>
  340. </term>
  341. <listitem>
  342. <para>
  343. LDAP Data Interchange Format. A text file format widely used for moving
  344. data between <xref linkend="gt_ldap" /> servers and/or other programs.
  345. </para>
  346. </listitem>
  347. </varlistentry>
  348. <varlistentry id="gt_local_mbox_file">
  349. <term>
  350. Local mbox file
  351. </term>
  352. <listitem>
  353. <para>
  354. A local mailbox spool file in <xref linkend="gt_mbox" /> format.
  355. </para>
  356. </listitem>
  357. </varlistentry>
  358. <varlistentry id="gt_log_window">
  359. <term>
  360. Log window
  361. </term>
  362. <listitem>
  363. <para>
  364. A special window which records protocol operations in detail that are
  365. performed by Sylpheed-Claws. It's a useful tool for debugging.
  366. </para>
  367. </listitem>
  368. </varlistentry>
  369. </variablelist>
  370. <variablelist>
  371. <title>M</title>
  372. <varlistentry id="gt_mailbox">
  373. <term>
  374. Mailbox
  375. </term>
  376. <listitem>
  377. <para>
  378. The root folder of the folder hierarchy.
  379. </para>
  380. </listitem>
  381. </varlistentry>
  382. <varlistentry id="gt_maildir">
  383. <term>
  384. Maildir
  385. </term>
  386. <listitem>
  387. <para>
  388. A mailbox format in which all mail is kept in separate files.
  389. Maildir++ is an extension to the maildir format.
  390. </para>
  391. </listitem>
  392. </varlistentry>
  393. <varlistentry id="gt_mailinglist">
  394. <term>
  395. Mailing-List
  396. </term>
  397. <listitem>
  398. <para>
  399. Electronic mailing-lists are a special usage of email that allows for
  400. widespread distribution of information to many Internet users. They
  401. often take the form of discussion lists, like the Sylpheed-Claws users'
  402. list, where a subscriber uses the mailing-list to send messages to all
  403. the other subscribers, who may answer in similar fashion.
  404. </para>
  405. </listitem>
  406. </varlistentry>
  407. <varlistentry id="gt_mark_message">
  408. <term>
  409. Mark (message)
  410. </term>
  411. <listitem>
  412. <para>
  413. A tag that can be set on a message by the user in order to draw
  414. attention to the message. Marks are shown in the Mark column of the
  415. Message List.
  416. </para>
  417. </listitem>
  418. </varlistentry>
  419. <varlistentry id="gt_mbox">
  420. <term>
  421. MBox
  422. </term>
  423. <listitem>
  424. <para>
  425. A mailbox format in which all mail is concatenated and stored in a
  426. single file. The mbox format supported by Sylpheed-Claws is
  427. <literal>mboxrd</literal>.
  428. </para>
  429. </listitem>
  430. </varlistentry>
  431. <varlistentry id="gt_message">
  432. <term>
  433. Message
  434. </term>
  435. <listitem>
  436. <para>
  437. A message is the basic piece of information handled by Sylpheed-Claws.
  438. A message is usually an email message, which is stored in <xref
  439. linkend="gt_mh" /> format on disk. Other kinds of messages (and storage
  440. formats) can be handled through <xref linkend="gt_plugins" />.
  441. </para>
  442. </listitem>
  443. </varlistentry>
  444. <varlistentry id="gt_mh">
  445. <term>
  446. MH
  447. </term>
  448. <listitem>
  449. <para>
  450. A mailbox format in which all mail is kept in separate files. This is
  451. the default mailbox format used by Sylpheed-Claws.
  452. </para>
  453. </listitem>
  454. </varlistentry>
  455. <varlistentry id="gt_mime">
  456. <term>
  457. <acronym>MIME</acronym>
  458. </term>
  459. <listitem>
  460. <para>
  461. Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions. Internet standards for
  462. representing binary data in <xref linkend="gt_ascii" /> text format,
  463. <xref linkend="gt_headers" /> encoding and <xref
  464. linkend="gt_attachment" />s.
  465. </para>
  466. </listitem>
  467. </varlistentry>
  468. </variablelist>
  469. <variablelist>
  470. <title>N</title>
  471. <varlistentry id="gt_nntp">
  472. <term>
  473. <acronym>NNTP</acronym>
  474. </term>
  475. <listitem>
  476. <para>
  477. Network News Transfer Protocol. The protocol used to post, distribute,
  478. and retrieve <xref linkend="gt_usenet" /> messages, also called news
  479. articles or simply news for short.
  480. </para>
  481. </listitem>
  482. </varlistentry>
  483. <varlistentry id="gt_newsgroups">
  484. <term>
  485. Newsgroups
  486. </term>
  487. <listitem>
  488. <para>
  489. A set of hierarchical partitions of <xref linkend="gt_usenet" />
  490. messages on a <xref linkend="gt_news_server" />. The <xref
  491. linkend="gt_nntp" /> protocol allows the user to subscribe to one or
  492. more newsgroups. New messages posted to the subscribed groups are
  493. automatically downloaded on connection.
  494. </para>
  495. </listitem>
  496. </varlistentry>
  497. <varlistentry id="gt_news_server">
  498. <term>
  499. News server
  500. </term>
  501. <listitem>
  502. <para>
  503. Server which provides access to <xref linkend="gt_usenet" /> messages
  504. in <xref linkend="gt_newsgroups" /> through the <xref linkend="gt_nntp"
  505. /> protocol.
  506. </para>
  507. </listitem>
  508. </varlistentry>
  509. </variablelist>
  510. <!--
  511. <variablelist>
  512. <title>O</title>
  513. <varlistentry id="">
  514. <term>
  515. </term>
  516. <listitem>
  517. <para>
  518. </para>
  519. </listitem>
  520. </varlistentry>
  521. </variablelist>
  522. -->
  523. <variablelist>
  524. <title>P</title>
  525. <varlistentry id="gt_pgp_inline">
  526. <term>
  527. <acronym>PGP</acronym> Inline
  528. </term>
  529. <listitem>
  530. <para>
  531. Digital signing method which includes the signature data in the message
  532. body. Currently deprecated in favour of <xref linkend="gt_pgp_mime" />.
  533. </para>
  534. </listitem>
  535. </varlistentry>
  536. <varlistentry id="gt_pgp_mime">
  537. <term>
  538. <acronym>PGP</acronym> <acronym>MIME</acronym>
  539. </term>
  540. <listitem>
  541. <para>
  542. Digital signing method which includes the signature data as a separate
  543. <xref linkend="gt_mime" /> <xref linkend="gt_attachment" />.
  544. </para>
  545. </listitem>
  546. </varlistentry>
  547. <varlistentry id="gt_plugins">
  548. <term>
  549. Plugins
  550. </term>
  551. <listitem>
  552. <para>
  553. External modules which can be loaded and used by Sylpheed-Claws to
  554. extend its functionality. Technically speaking these modules are
  555. shared libraries which can register one or several functions to be
  556. called by Sylpheed-Claws when something
  557. <emphasis>interesting</emphasis> is being done.
  558. </para>
  559. </listitem>
  560. </varlistentry>
  561. <varlistentry id="gt_pop3">
  562. <term>
  563. <acronym>POP3</acronym>
  564. </term>
  565. <listitem>
  566. <para>
  567. Post Office Protocol (version 3). A protocol for retrieving email from
  568. a remote server. Messages can be automatically removed from server
  569. after downloading.
  570. </para>
  571. </listitem>
  572. </varlistentry>
  573. <varlistentry id="gt_privacy_gpg">
  574. <term>
  575. Privacy (<acronym>GPG</acronym>)
  576. </term>
  577. <listitem>
  578. <para>
  579. Privacy provides methods for both signing and encrypting mail messages
  580. you send and also for verifying and decrypting signed and encrypted
  581. messages that you receive.
  582. </para>
  583. </listitem>
  584. </varlistentry>
  585. <varlistentry id="gt_processing_rule">
  586. <term>
  587. Processing rule
  588. </term>
  589. <listitem>
  590. <para>
  591. A <xref linkend="gt_rule" /> or set of rules belonging to a folder
  592. which are executed on entering the folder.
  593. </para>
  594. </listitem>
  595. </varlistentry>
  596. </variablelist>
  597. <variablelist>
  598. <title>Q</title>
  599. <varlistentry id="gt_queue">
  600. <term>
  601. Queue
  602. </term>
  603. <listitem>
  604. <para>
  605. Temporary storage for messages which are waiting to be sent, either
  606. because they couldn't be sent due a network failure or because the
  607. user requested them to be sent later.
  608. </para>
  609. </listitem>
  610. </varlistentry>
  611. <varlistentry id="gt_quick_search">
  612. <term>
  613. Quick Search
  614. </term>
  615. <listitem>
  616. <para>
  617. A powerful way to search for messages using almost any criteria that
  618. you can think of.
  619. </para>
  620. </listitem>
  621. </varlistentry>
  622. <varlistentry id="gt_quotation">
  623. <term>
  624. Quotation
  625. </term>
  626. <listitem>
  627. <para>
  628. When replying to a message the user will often include a quoted section
  629. of that message to provide the context. The quoted section is shown by
  630. the prepending of a common character, usually <quote>&gt;</quote>.
  631. </para>
  632. </listitem>
  633. </varlistentry>
  634. </variablelist>
  635. <variablelist>
  636. <title>R</title>
  637. <varlistentry id="gt_recursive_quick_search">
  638. <term>
  639. Recursive (Quick Search)
  640. </term>
  641. <listitem>
  642. <para>
  643. A recursive <xref linkend="gt_quick_search" /> will also search in all
  644. subfolders of the selected folder.
  645. </para>
  646. </listitem>
  647. </varlistentry>
  648. <varlistentry id="gt_redirect">
  649. <term>
  650. Redirect
  651. </term>
  652. <listitem>
  653. <para>
  654. To send a copy of a received mail in its original form to another
  655. recipient.
  656. </para>
  657. </listitem>
  658. </varlistentry>
  659. <varlistentry id="gt_reply">
  660. <term>
  661. Reply
  662. </term>
  663. <listitem>
  664. <para>
  665. Answer to a received message. As verb also the act of answering a
  666. message.
  667. </para>
  668. </listitem>
  669. </varlistentry>
  670. <varlistentry id="gt_rot13">
  671. <term>
  672. ROT-13
  673. </term>
  674. <listitem>
  675. <para>
  676. Simple <emphasis>encryption</emphasis> method used since Romans age,
  677. which uses an alphabet rotated thirteen positions to encode each
  678. letter of the message. Used sometimes to hide funny messages on mails.
  679. </para>
  680. </listitem>
  681. </varlistentry>
  682. <varlistentry id="gt_rule">
  683. <term>
  684. Rule
  685. </term>
  686. <listitem>
  687. <para>
  688. Logical structure comprised of one or more conditions (see <xref
  689. linkend="gt_condition_rules" />) and one or more associated actions
  690. (see <xref linkend="gt_action_rules" />). Rules are used for filtering
  691. mail messages.
  692. </para>
  693. </listitem>
  694. </varlistentry>
  695. </variablelist>
  696. <variablelist>
  697. <title>S</title>
  698. <varlistentry id="gt_smtp">
  699. <term>
  700. <acronym>SMTP</acronym>
  701. </term>
  702. <listitem>
  703. <para>
  704. Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. A protocol for sending email to servers.
  705. </para>
  706. </listitem>
  707. </varlistentry>
  708. <varlistentry id="gt_smtp_server">
  709. <term>
  710. <acronym>SMTP</acronym> server
  711. </term>
  712. <listitem>
  713. <para>
  714. A server which receives mail messages from other hosts and/or sends
  715. mail messages to other hosts using the <xref linkend="gt_smtp" />
  716. protocol.
  717. </para>
  718. </listitem>
  719. </varlistentry>
  720. <varlistentry id="gt_source_message">
  721. <term>
  722. Source (message)
  723. </term>
  724. <listitem>
  725. <para>
  726. The full text of a message as it is transmitted over the network. This
  727. includes all headers, message body and encoded attachments if present.
  728. </para>
  729. </listitem>
  730. </varlistentry>
  731. <varlistentry id="gt_spam">
  732. <term>
  733. Spam
  734. </term>
  735. <listitem>
  736. <para>
  737. Junk mail, unsolicited commercial emails.
  738. </para>
  739. </listitem>
  740. </varlistentry>
  741. <varlistentry id="gt_spell_checking">
  742. <term>
  743. Spell checking
  744. </term>
  745. <listitem>
  746. <para>
  747. Automatic verification of spelling while typing or after composition
  748. has finished.
  749. </para>
  750. </listitem>
  751. </varlistentry>
  752. <varlistentry id="gt_ssl">
  753. <term>
  754. <acronym>SSL</acronym>
  755. </term>
  756. <listitem>
  757. <para>
  758. Secure Sockets Layer. A protocol used to encrypt and protect data sent
  759. over a network.
  760. </para>
  761. </listitem>
  762. </varlistentry>
  763. <varlistentry id="gt_ssl_certificate">
  764. <term>
  765. <acronym>SSL</acronym> certificate
  766. </term>
  767. <listitem>
  768. <para>
  769. A certificate installed on a secure server that is used for
  770. identification.
  771. </para>
  772. </listitem>
  773. </varlistentry>
  774. <varlistentry id="gt_starttls">
  775. <term>
  777. </term>
  778. <listitem>
  779. <para>
  780. STARTTLS (Start Transport Layer Security) is a command used to initiate
  781. a secure connection between two servers using <xref linkend="gt_ssl" />.
  782. </para>
  783. </listitem>
  784. </varlistentry>
  785. <varlistentry id="gt_sticky_quick_search">
  786. <term>
  787. Sticky (Quick Search)
  788. </term>
  789. <listitem>
  790. <para>
  791. When the sticky option is set on <xref linkend="gt_quick_search" /> the
  792. search terms are not cleared when changing folders.
  793. </para>
  794. </listitem>
  795. </varlistentry>
  796. <varlistentry id="gt_synchronisation">
  797. <term>
  798. Synchronisation (folder)
  799. </term>
  800. <listitem>
  801. <para>
  802. Making the contents of a local folder mirror those of an equivalent
  803. remote folder in the associated mail server.
  804. </para>
  805. </listitem>
  806. </varlistentry>
  807. </variablelist>
  808. <variablelist>
  809. <title>T</title>
  810. <varlistentry id="gt_tcp">
  811. <term>
  812. <acronym>TCP</acronym>
  813. </term>
  814. <listitem>
  815. <para>
  816. Transmission Control Protocol. The main protocol used in the Internet.
  817. Allows media-independent reliable connections between two endpoints
  818. and is supported by all modern Operating Systems in use.
  819. </para>
  820. </listitem>
  821. </varlistentry>
  822. <varlistentry id="gt_themes">
  823. <term>
  824. Themes
  825. </term>
  826. <listitem>
  827. <para>
  828. Image sets for changing the appearance of buttons, folders and other
  829. graphical elements of Sylpheed-Claws.
  830. </para>
  831. </listitem>
  832. </varlistentry>
  833. <varlistentry id="gt_thread">
  834. <term>
  835. Thread (messages)
  836. </term>
  837. <listitem>
  838. <para>
  839. A set of messages loosely relating to each other.
  840. </para>
  841. </listitem>
  842. </varlistentry>
  843. <varlistentry id="gt_toolbars">
  844. <term>
  845. Toolbars
  846. </term>
  847. <listitem>
  848. <para>
  849. Sets of buttons arranged horizontally which provide access to all
  850. commonly used functions. Toolbars in Sylpheed-Claws can be customised.
  851. </para>
  852. </listitem>
  853. </varlistentry>
  854. </variablelist>
  855. <variablelist>
  856. <title>U</title>
  857. <varlistentry id="gt_uidl">
  858. <term>
  859. <acronym>UIDL</acronym>
  860. </term>
  861. <listitem>
  862. <para>
  863. Unique IDentification Listing. A <xref linkend="gt_pop3" /> command
  864. which allows single message handling by asigning a unique identifier
  865. for each message.
  866. </para>
  867. </listitem>
  868. </varlistentry>
  869. <varlistentry id="gt_url">
  870. <term>
  871. URL
  872. </term>
  873. <listitem>
  874. <para>
  875. Uniform Resource Locator. A naming scheme for objects (usually files)
  876. in a multi-protocol networked environment like current Internet.
  877. For example, this is the one of the Sylpheed-Claws home page:
  878. <literal></literal>.
  879. </para>
  880. </listitem>
  881. </varlistentry>
  882. <varlistentry id="gt_usenet">
  883. <term>
  884. USENET
  885. </term>
  886. <listitem>
  887. <para>
  888. User's Network. A bulletin board system of discussion groups, often
  889. called <xref linkend="gt_newsgroups" />.
  890. </para>
  891. </listitem>
  892. </varlistentry>
  893. <varlistentry id="gt_utf8">
  894. <term>
  895. <acronym>UTF-8</acronym>
  896. </term>
  897. <listitem>
  898. <para>
  899. 8-bit Unicode Transformation Format. A variable length character
  900. encoding capable of representing any universal character. An Internet
  901. standard defined in <ulink url=""
  902. >RFC 3629</ulink>.
  903. </para>
  904. </listitem>
  905. </varlistentry>
  906. </variablelist>
  907. <variablelist>
  908. <title>V</title>
  909. <varlistentry id="gt_vcard">
  910. <term>
  911. vCard
  912. </term>
  913. <listitem>
  914. <para>
  915. File format standard for Personal Data Interchange, it can hold
  916. information such as address, phone numbers, etc., much like the
  917. information usually found in a business card. They are commonly found
  918. attached to mail messages.
  919. </para>
  920. </listitem>
  921. </varlistentry>
  922. </variablelist>
  923. <variablelist>
  924. <title>W</title>
  925. <varlistentry id="gt_wrapping">
  926. <term>
  927. Wrapping
  928. </term>
  929. <listitem>
  930. <para>
  931. Restructuring of the message text based on a user-defined maximum
  932. number of characters per line. Wrapping ensures that paragraphs are
  933. justified, which means that they are aligned to the left and right
  934. margins.
  935. </para>
  936. </listitem>
  937. </varlistentry>
  938. <varlistentry id="gt_www">
  939. <term>
  940. <acronym>WWW</acronym>
  941. </term>
  942. <listitem>
  943. <para>
  944. World Wide Web, the hyperlinked network of web pages accross the
  945. Internet.
  946. </para>
  947. </listitem>
  948. </varlistentry>
  949. </variablelist>
  950. <variablelist>
  951. <title>X</title>
  952. <varlistentry id="gt_xface">
  953. <term>
  954. X-Face
  955. </term>
  956. <listitem>
  957. <para>
  958. Specially coded black and white image (48x48 pixels) included in the
  959. message headers. Capable mailers like Sylpheed-Claws and others can
  960. decode and show it alongside the message text. Although they are not
  961. unique, they can help to quickly identify the message sender. See also
  962. <xref linkend="gt_face" />.
  963. </para>
  964. </listitem>
  965. </varlistentry>
  966. </variablelist>
  967. <!--
  968. <variablelist>
  969. <title>Y</title>
  970. <varlistentry id="">
  971. <term>
  972. </term>
  973. <listitem>
  974. <para>
  975. </para>
  976. </listitem>
  977. </varlistentry>
  978. </variablelist>
  979. <variablelist>
  980. <title>Z</title>
  981. <varlistentry id="">
  982. <term>
  983. </term>
  984. <listitem>
  985. <para>
  986. </para>
  987. </listitem>
  988. </varlistentry>
  989. </variablelist>
  990. -->
  991. </appendix>