1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041424344 |
- @echo off
- rem compile translation files (*.po --> sylpheed-claws.mo)
- rem assumes msgfmt and utf8conv in apps subdir
- if not %1x==x%1 goto process
- echo Creating translations:
- if not exist locale mkdir locale
- for %%i in ( bg cs de el en_GB es fr hr hu it ja ko nl pl pt_BR ru sk sr sv zh_CN zh_TW.Big5 ) do call %0 %%i
- echo Done. Copy "locale" folder to your sylpheed directory.
- goto end
- :process
- echo Processing %1 ...
- if not exist locale\%1 mkdir locale\%1
- if not exist locale\%1\LC_MESSAGES mkdir locale\%1\LC_MESSAGES
- rem *** utf8 translation ***
- SET CONTENTTYPE=^.Content-Type: text\/plain; charset=
- copy ..\..\po\%1.po > NUL
- echo @echo off > mk_%1.bat
- echo set PATH=apps;%%PATH%% >> mk_%1.bat
- rem *** extract orig. encoding ***
- sed -n -e "/%CONTENTTYPE%/ {s/.*=/iconv -f /;s/\\\\.*/ -t utf-8 %1.po/;p;} " %1.po >> mk_%1.bat
- rem new gettext weirdness: bg el ja ko zh* need (correct) "charset=utf-8"
- rem while others need local charset declared (though file is utf-8 as well)
- rem let's hope for better times...
- call mk_%1.bat > %1-utf8.po
- rem *** make .mo ***
- apps\msgfmt -o locale\%1\LC_MESSAGES\sylpheed-claws.mo %1-utf8.po 2>NUL
- if not ERRORLEVEL 1 goto CLEANUP
- echo gettext workaround required...
- call mk_%1.bat > %1-utf8.po.in
- rem *** modifiy "charset=XXX" line in *.po ***
- sed -e "/%CONTENTTYPE%/ { s#=.*#=utf-8\\\\n""#; }" %1-utf8.po.in > %1-utf8.po
- rem *** make .mo ***
- apps\msgfmt -o locale\%1\LC_MESSAGES\sylpheed-claws.mo %1-utf8.po
- del %1-utf8.po.in
- del %1.po %1-utf8.po mk_%1.bat
- :end