mk_generated.bat 848 B

  1. @echo off
  2. rem create "generated.diff" in win32/patches subdir
  3. rem for shipping bison/flex generated files, config.h, version.h
  4. rem (you still have to create those files with cygwin or linux)
  5. set GENERATED=generated.diff
  6. set AUTOSRC=auto_src
  7. rem set AUTOSRC=\cygwin\src\sylpheed-claws-w32\sylpheed-claws-head\sylpheed-claws\src
  8. set SRC=..\..\src
  9. set PATCHES=..\patches
  10. rd /s /q src
  11. rd /s /q empty
  12. mkdir src
  13. mkdir empty
  14. copy %SRC%\config.h src > NUL
  15. copy %AUTOSRC%\matcher_parser_lex.c src > NUL
  16. copy %AUTOSRC%\matcher_parser_parse.c src > NUL
  17. copy %AUTOSRC%\matcher_parser_parse.h src > NUL
  18. copy %AUTOSRC%\quote_fmt_lex.c src > NUL
  19. copy %AUTOSRC%\quote_fmt_parse.c src > NUL
  20. copy %AUTOSRC%\quote_fmt_parse.h src > NUL
  21. diff -urN empty src > %PATCHES%\%GENERATED%
  22. rd /s /q src
  23. rd /s /q empty
  24. set GENERATED=
  25. set AUTOSRC=
  26. set SRC=
  27. set PATCHES=