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  5. <TITLE>Sylpheed User's Manual: Conversion of Other Mail Format into Sylpheed (MH Format)</TITLE>
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  15. <H2><A NAME="s15">15.</A> <A HREF="sylpheed.html#toc15">Conversion of Other Mail Format into Sylpheed (MH Format)</A></H2>
  16. <H2><A NAME="ss15.1">15.1</A> <A HREF="sylpheed.html#toc15.1">Importing Messages of mbox Format</A>
  17. </H2>
  18. <P>Sylpheed lets you import messages of the Mbox format from the File menu. First you create
  19. the mail folder where you want the messages to end up in, then you select File->import
  20. Mbox file. Use the browse function to select the Mbox file and the Sylpheed mail folder,
  21. and press Ok. And voila, there is your mail, imported.</P>
  22. <P>That was easy, wasn't it?</P>
  23. <H2><A NAME="ss15.2">15.2</A> <A HREF="sylpheed.html#toc15.2">Importing from Windows Mailers (Becky!, AL-Mail, Outlook Express4, etc.)</A>
  24. </H2>
  25. <P>For import possibilities of the mail folders of these and more mail programs you
  26. can download the program mbx2mbox at The project is located at
  27. <A HREF=""></A></P>
  28. <H2><A NAME="ss15.3">15.3</A> <A HREF="sylpheed.html#toc15.3">Importing dbx Format of Outlook Express 5</A>
  29. </H2>
  30. <P>For import possibilities of the mail folders of these and more mail programs you
  31. can download the program mbx2mbox at The project is located at
  32. <A HREF=""></A></P>
  33. <H2><A NAME="ss15.4">15.4</A> <A HREF="sylpheed.html#toc15.4">Exporting from Sylpheed MH format to mbox</A>
  34. </H2>
  35. <P>Sylpheed offers a way to export a mailbox to the standard mbox format through the
  36. File menu. Just select the "Export to mbox file..." option and you can select the
  37. folder to export (assisted by a browse dialog) and also select or enter the name
  38. of the mbox file you wish to generate.</P>
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