.gitignore 1.8 KB

  1. # Created by https://www.toptal.com/developers/gitignore/api/vim,linux,emacs,visualstudiocode
  2. # Edit at https://www.toptal.com/developers/gitignore?templates=vim,linux,emacs,visualstudiocode
  3. ### Custom ###
  4. .direnv
  5. .cache
  6. .data
  7. # nixago: ignore-linked-files
  8. /lefthook.yml
  9. /.conform.yaml
  10. /treefmt.toml
  11. ### Emacs ###
  12. # -*- mode: gitignore; -*-
  13. *~
  14. \#*\#
  15. /.emacs.desktop
  16. /.emacs.desktop.lock
  17. *.elc
  18. auto-save-list
  19. tramp
  20. .\#*
  21. # Org-mode
  22. .org-id-locations
  23. *_archive
  24. # flymake-mode
  25. *_flymake.*
  26. # eshell files
  27. /eshell/history
  28. /eshell/lastdir
  29. # elpa packages
  30. /elpa/
  31. # reftex files
  32. *.rel
  33. # AUCTeX auto folder
  34. /auto/
  35. # cask packages
  36. .cask/
  37. dist/
  38. # Flycheck
  39. flycheck_*.el
  40. # server auth directory
  41. /server/
  42. # projectiles files
  43. .projectile
  44. # directory configuration
  45. .dir-locals.el
  46. # network security
  47. /network-security.data
  48. ### Linux ###
  49. # temporary files which can be created if a process still has a handle open of a deleted file
  50. .fuse_hidden*
  51. # KDE directory preferences
  52. .directory
  53. # Linux trash folder which might appear on any partition or disk
  54. .Trash-*
  55. # .nfs files are created when an open file is removed but is still being accessed
  56. .nfs*
  57. ### Vim ###
  58. # Swap
  59. [._]*.s[a-v][a-z]
  60. !*.svg # comment out if you don't need vector files
  61. [._]*.sw[a-p]
  62. [._]s[a-rt-v][a-z]
  63. [._]ss[a-gi-z]
  64. [._]sw[a-p]
  65. # Session
  66. Session.vim
  67. Sessionx.vim
  68. # Temporary
  69. .netrwhist
  70. # Auto-generated tag files
  71. tags
  72. # Persistent undo
  73. [._]*.un~
  74. ### VisualStudioCode ###
  75. .vscode/*
  76. !.vscode/settings.json
  77. !.vscode/tasks.json
  78. !.vscode/launch.json
  79. !.vscode/extensions.json
  80. !.vscode/*.code-snippets
  81. # Local History for Visual Studio Code
  82. .history/
  83. # Built Visual Studio Code Extensions
  84. *.vsix
  85. ### VisualStudioCode Patch ###
  86. # Ignore all local history of files
  87. .history
  88. .ionide
  89. # End of https://www.toptal.com/developers/gitignore/api/vim,linux,emacs,visualstudiocode