theme.lua 872 B

  1. require("catppuccin").setup({
  2. flavour = "mocha", -- latte, frappe, macchiato, mocha
  3. transparent_background = true,
  4. show_end_of_buffer = false, -- show the '~' characters after the end of buffers
  5. term_colors = false,
  6. dim_inactive = {
  7. enabled = false,
  8. shade = "dark",
  9. percentage = 0.15,
  10. },
  11. no_italic = false, -- Force no italic
  12. no_bold = false, -- Force no bold
  13. no_underline = false, -- Force no underline
  14. styles = {
  15. comments = { "italic" },
  16. },
  17. integrations = {
  18. cmp = true,
  19. gitsigns = true,
  20. nvimtree = true,
  21. telescope = true,
  22. notify = false,
  23. mini = false,
  24. },
  25. })
  26. -- set colorscheme after options
  27. vim.cmd('colorscheme catppuccin-mocha')
  28. -- set lightline theme to horizon
  29. vim.g.lightline = { colorscheme = "catppuccin-mocha" }