2.3 KB

  1. #!/usr/bin/env python
  2. #
  3. # A format checker for LIBSVM
  4. #
  5. #
  6. # Copyright (c) 2007, Rong-En Fan
  7. #
  8. # All rights reserved.
  9. #
  10. # This program is distributed under the same license of the LIBSVM package.
  11. #
  12. from sys import argv, exit
  13. import os.path
  14. def err(line_no, msg):
  15. print "line %d: %s" % (line_no, msg)
  16. # works like float() but does not accept nan and inf
  17. def my_float(x):
  18. if x.lower().find("nan") != -1 or x.lower().find("inf") != -1:
  19. raise ValueError
  20. return float(x)
  21. def main():
  22. if len(argv) != 2:
  23. print "Usage: %s dataset" % (argv[0])
  24. exit(1)
  25. dataset = argv[1]
  26. if not os.path.exists(dataset):
  27. print "dataset %s not found" % (dataset)
  28. exit(1)
  29. line_no = 1
  30. error_line_count = 0
  31. for line in open(dataset, 'r'):
  32. line_error = False
  33. # each line must end with a newline character
  34. if line[-1] != '\n':
  35. err(line_no, "missing a newline character in the end")
  36. line_error = True
  37. nodes = line.split()
  38. # check label
  39. try:
  40. label = nodes.pop(0)
  41. if label.find(',') != -1:
  42. # multi-label format
  43. try:
  44. for l in label.split(','):
  45. label = my_float(label)
  46. except:
  47. err(line_no, "label %s is not a valid multi-label form" % label)
  48. line_error = True
  49. else:
  50. try:
  51. label = my_float(label)
  52. except:
  53. err(line_no, "label %s is not a number" % label)
  54. line_error = True
  55. except:
  56. err(line_no, "missing label, perhaps an empty line?")
  57. line_error = True
  58. # check features
  59. prev_index = -1
  60. for i in range(len(nodes)):
  61. try:
  62. (index, value) = nodes[i].split(':')
  63. index = int(index)
  64. value = my_float(value)
  65. # precomputed kernel's index starts from 0 and LIBSVM
  66. # checks it. Hence, don't treat index 0 as an error.
  67. if index < 0:
  68. err(line_no, "feature index must be positive; wrong feature %s" % nodes[i])
  69. line_error = True
  70. elif index < prev_index:
  71. err(line_no, "feature indices must be in an ascending order, previous/current features %s %s" % (nodes[i-1], nodes[i]))
  72. line_error = True
  73. prev_index = index
  74. except:
  75. err(line_no, "feature '%s' not an <index>:<value> pair, <index> integer, <value> real number " % nodes[i])
  76. line_error = True
  77. line_no += 1
  78. if line_error:
  79. error_line_count += 1
  80. if error_line_count > 0:
  81. print "Found %d lines with error." % (error_line_count)
  82. else:
  83. print "No error."
  84. main()