123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367 |
- // (c) Daniel Llorens - 2013-2017
- // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- // the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
- // Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
- // later version.
- /// @file wrank.H
- /// @brief Rank conjunction for expression templates.
- #pragma once
- #include "ra/expr.H"
- #else
- #endif
- #endif
- #define CHECK_BOUNDS( cond )
- #else
- #define CHECK_BOUNDS( cond ) assert( cond )
- #endif
- // TODO Make it work with fixed size types.
- // TODO Make it work with var rank types.
- namespace ra {
- template <class cranks, class Op>
- struct Verb
- {
- using R = cranks;
- Op op;
- };
- template <class cranks, class Op> constexpr inline auto
- wrank(cranks cranks_, Op && op)
- {
- return Verb<cranks, Op> { std::forward<Op>(op) };
- }
- template <rank_t ... crank, class Op> constexpr inline auto
- wrank(Op && op)
- {
- return Verb<mp::int_list<crank ...>, Op> { std::forward<Op>(op) };
- }
- template <class A>
- struct ValidRank
- {
- using type = mp::int_t<(A::value>=0)>;
- };
- template <class R, class skip, class frank>
- struct AddFrameAxes
- {
- using type = mp::Append_<R, mp::Iota_<frank::value, skip::value>>;
- };
- template <class V, class T, class R=mp::MakeList_<mp::len<T>, mp::nil>, rank_t skip=0>
- struct Framematch_def;
- template <class V, class T, class R=mp::MakeList_<mp::len<T>, mp::nil>, rank_t skip=0>
- using Framematch = Framematch_def<std::decay_t<V>, T, R, skip>;
- // Get a list (per argument) of lists of live axes.
- // The last frame match is not done; that relies on rest axis handling of each argument (ignoring axis spec beyond their own rank). TODO Reexamine that.
- // Case where V has rank.
- template <class ... crank, class W, class ... Ti, class ... Ri, rank_t skip>
- struct Framematch_def<Verb<std::tuple<crank ...>, W>, std::tuple<Ti ...>, std::tuple<Ri ...>, skip>
- {
- static_assert(sizeof...(Ti)==sizeof...(crank) && sizeof...(Ti)==sizeof...(Ri), "bad args");
- using T = std::tuple<Ti ...>;
- using R_ = std::tuple<Ri ...>;
- // TODO functions of arg rank, negative, inf.
- // live = number of live axes on this frame, for each argument.
- using live = mp::int_list<(std::decay_t<Ti>::rank_s()-mp::len<Ri>-crank::value) ...>;
- static_assert(mp::Apply_<mp::And, mp::Map_<ValidRank, live>>::value, "bad ranks");
- // select driver for this stage.
- constexpr static int driver = largest_i_tuple<live>::value;
- // add actual axes to result.
- using skips = mp::MakeList_<sizeof...(Ti), mp::int_t<skip>>;
- using FM = Framematch<W, T, mp::Map_<AddFrameAxes, R_, skips, live>,
- skip + mp::Ref_<live, driver>::value>;
- using R = typename FM::R;
- constexpr static int depth = mp::Ref_<live, driver>::value + FM::depth;
- // drill down in V to get innermost Op (cf [ra31]).
- template <class VV> static decltype(auto) op(VV && v) { return FM::op(std::forward<VV>(v).op); }
- };
- // Terminal case where V doesn't have rank (is a raw op()).
- template <class V, class ... Ti, class ... Ri, rank_t skip>
- struct Framematch_def<V, std::tuple<Ti ...>, std::tuple<Ri ...>, skip>
- {
- using R_ = std::tuple<Ri ...>;
- // TODO -crank::value when the actual verb rank is used (e.g. to use ra_iterator<A, that_rank> instead of just begin()).
- using live = mp::int_list<(std::decay_t<Ti>::rank_s()-mp::len<Ri>) ...>;
- static_assert(mp::Apply_<mp::And, mp::Map_<ValidRank, live>>::value, "bad ranks");
- constexpr static int driver = largest_i_tuple<live>::value;
- using skips = mp::MakeList_<sizeof...(Ti), mp::int_t<skip>>;
- using R = mp::Map_<AddFrameAxes, R_, skips, live>;
- constexpr static int depth = mp::Ref_<live, driver>::value;
- template <class VV> static decltype(auto) op(VV && v) { return std::forward<VV>(v); }
- };
- template <class T>
- struct zerostride
- {
- constexpr static T f() { return T(0); }
- };
- template <class ... Ti>
- struct zerostride<std::tuple<Ti ...>>
- {
- constexpr static std::tuple<Ti ...> f() { return std::make_tuple(zerostride<Ti>::f() ...); }
- };
- // Wraps each argument of an expression using wrank.
- // no shape(), size_s(), rank_s(), rank() -> this is above.
- template <class LiveAxes, int depth, class A>
- struct ApplyFrames
- {
- A a;
- constexpr static int live(int k) { return mp::on_tuple<LiveAxes>::index(k); }
- template <class I>
- constexpr decltype(auto) at(I const & i)
- {
- return a.at(mp::map_indices<LiveAxes, std::array<dim_t, mp::len<LiveAxes>>>::f(i));
- }
- constexpr dim_t size(int k) const
- {
- int l = live(k);
- return l>=0 ? a.size(l) : DIM_BAD;
- }
- constexpr void adv(rank_t k, dim_t d)
- {
- int l = live(k);
- if (l>=0) {
- a.adv(l, d);
- }
- }
- constexpr auto stride(int k) const
- {
- int l = live(k);
- return l>=0 ? a.stride(l) : zerostride<decltype(a.stride(l))>::f();
- }
- constexpr bool keep_stride(dim_t step, int z, int j) const
- {
- int wz = live(z);
- int wj = live(j);
- return wz>=0 && wj>=0 && a.keep_stride(step, wz, wj);
- }
- constexpr decltype(auto) flat() { return a.flat(); }
- constexpr decltype(auto) flat() const { return a.flat(); }
- };
- template <class LiveAxes, int depth, class Enable=void>
- struct applyframes
- {
- template <class A>
- static decltype(auto) f(A && a)
- {
- return ApplyFrames<LiveAxes, depth, A> { std::forward<A>(a) };
- }
- };
- // No-op case. TODO Maybe apply to any Iota<n> where n<=depth.
- // TODO If A is ra_iterator, etc. beat LiveAxes directly on that... same for an eventual transpose_expr<>.
- template <class LiveAxes, int depth>
- struct applyframes<LiveAxes, depth, std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<LiveAxes, mp::Iota_<depth>>::value>>
- {
- template <class A>
- static decltype(auto) f(A && a)
- {
- return std::forward<A>(a);
- }
- };
- // like Expr, except don't do driver selection here, but leave it to the args, as with Expr::adv(k, d). The args may need to be ApplyFrames... don't know yet.
- // forward decl in atom.H.
- template <class FM, class Op, class ... P, int ... I>
- struct Ryn<FM, Op, std::tuple<P ...>, std::integer_sequence<int, I ...>>
- {
- Op op;
- std::tuple<P ...> t;
- template <int iarg>
- bool check()
- {
- for (int k=0; k!=rank(); ++k) { // TODO with static rank or sizes, can peval.
- dim_t s0 = size(k);
- dim_t sk = std::get<iarg>(t).size(k);
- if (sk!=s0 && sk!=DIM_BAD) { // TODO See Expr::check(); maybe just sk>=0.
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- constexpr Ryn(Op op_, P ... t_): op(std::forward<Op>(op_)), t(std::forward<P>(t_) ...)
- {
- CHECK_BOUNDS(check<I>() && ... && "mismatched shapes");
- }
- template <class J>
- constexpr decltype(auto) at(J const & i)
- {
- return op(std::get<I>(t).at(i) ...);
- }
- constexpr void adv(rank_t k, dim_t d)
- {
- (std::get<I>(t).adv(k, d), ...);
- }
- constexpr bool keep_stride(dim_t step, int z, int j) const
- {
- return (std::get<I>(t).keep_stride(step, z, j) && ...);
- }
- constexpr auto stride(int i) const
- {
- return std::make_tuple(std::get<I>(t).stride(i) ...);
- }
- constexpr auto flat()
- {
- return ra::flat(op, std::get<I>(t).flat() ...);
- }
- constexpr auto flat() const { return flat(); }
- // Use the first arg that gives size(k)>=0; valid by ApplyFrame.
- // TODO if k were static, we could pick the driving arg from axisdrivers. Only need bool from that.
- template <int iarg=0>
- std::enable_if_t<(iarg<sizeof...(P)), dim_t>
- constexpr size(int k) const
- {
- dim_t s = std::get<iarg>(t).size(k);
- return s>=0 ? s : size<iarg+1>(k);
- }
- template <int iarg>
- std::enable_if_t<(iarg==sizeof...(P)), dim_t>
- constexpr size(int k) const
- {
- abort(); return DIM_BAD;
- }
- constexpr static dim_t size_s() { return DIM_ANY; } // BUG
- constexpr static rank_t rank() { return FM::depth; } // TODO Invalid for RANK_ANY
- constexpr static rank_t rank_s() { return FM::depth; } // TODO Invalid for RANK_ANY
- constexpr auto shape() const
- {
- std::array<dim_t, FM::depth> s {};
- for (int k=0; k!=FM::depth; ++k) {
- s[k] = size(k);
- }
- return s;
- }
- // forward to make sure value y is not misused as ref. Cf. test-ra-8.C.
- template <class X> void operator OP(X && x) \
- { for_each([](auto && y, auto && x) { std::forward<decltype(y)>(y) OP x; }, *this, x); }
- FOR_EACH(DEF_RYN_ASSIGNOPS, =, *=, +=, -=, /=)
- };
- template <class FM, class Op, class ... P> inline
- constexpr auto ryn(Op && op, P && ... t)
- {
- return Ryn<FM, Op, std::tuple<P ...>> { std::forward<Op>(op), std::forward<P>(t) ... }; // (note 1)
- }
- template <class K>
- struct number_ryn;
- template <int ... I>
- struct number_ryn<std::integer_sequence<int, I ...>>
- {
- template <class V, class ... P> constexpr static
- auto f(V && v, P && ... t)
- {
- using FM = Framematch<V, std::tuple<P ...>>;
- return ryn<FM>(FM::op(std::forward<V>(v)), applyframes<mp::Ref_<typename FM::R, I>, FM::depth>::f(std::forward<P>(t)) ...);
- }
- };
- // TODO partial specialization means no universal ref :-/
- #define DEF_EXPR_VERB(MOD) \
- template <class cranks, class Op, class ... P> inline constexpr \
- auto expr(Verb<cranks, Op> MOD v, P && ... t) \
- { \
- return number_ryn<std::make_integer_sequence<int, sizeof...(P)>>::f(std::forward<decltype(v)>(v), std::forward<P>(t) ...); \
- }
- FOR_EACH(DEF_EXPR_VERB, &&, &, const &)
- #undef DEF_EXPR_VERB
- // ---------------------------
- // from, after APL, like (from) in guile-ploy
- // TODO integrate with is_beatable shortcuts, operator() in the various array types.
- // ---------------------------
- template <class I>
- struct index_rank
- {
- using type = mp::int_t<std::decay_t<I>::rank_s()>; // see ra_traits for ra::types (?)
- static_assert(type::value!=RANK_ANY, "dynamic rank unsupported");
- static_assert(std::decay_t<I>::size_s()!=DIM_BAD, "undelimited extent subscript unsupported");
- };
- template <class II, int drop, class Enable=void>
- struct from_partial
- {
- template <class Op>
- static decltype(auto) make(Op && op)
- {
- return wrank(mp::Append_<mp::MakeList_<drop, mp::int_t<0>>, mp::Drop_<II, drop>> {},
- from_partial<II, drop+1>::make(std::forward<Op>(op)));
- }
- };
- template <class II, int drop>
- struct from_partial<II, drop, std::enable_if_t<drop==mp::len<II>>>
- {
- template <class Op>
- static decltype(auto) make(Op && op)
- {
- return std::forward<Op>(op);
- }
- };
- // FIXME the general case fails in from_partial.
- template <class A> inline constexpr
- auto from(A && a)
- {
- return a();
- }
- // Support dynamic rank for 1 arg only (see test in test-from.C).
- template <class A, class I0> inline constexpr
- auto from(A && a, I0 && i0)
- {
- return expr(std::forward<A>(a), start(std::forward<I0>(i0)));
- }
- // TODO we should be able to do better by slicing at each dimension, etc. But verb<> only supports rank-0 for the innermost op.
- template <class A, class ... I> inline constexpr
- auto from(A && a, I && ... i)
- {
- using II = mp::Map_<index_rank, mp::tuple<decltype(start(std::forward<I>(i))) ...>>;
- return expr(from_partial<II, 1>::make(std::forward<A>(a)), start(std::forward<I>(i)) ...);
- }
- } // namespace ra