123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192 |
- // (c) Daniel Llorens - 2017
- // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- // the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
- // Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
- // later version.
- /// @file laplace3d.C
- /// @brief Solve Poisson equation in a parallelepiped, with linear elements.
- // Adapted from lsolver/laplace3d.C by Christian Badura, 1998/05.
- // This benchmarks fairly close to the Cish original. We spend comparatively
- // less time in cghs than in laplace2d.C, so not using BLAS doesn't stand out as
- // much as it does there.
- #include "ra/operators.H"
- #include "ra/io.H"
- #include "ra/test.H"
- #include "examples/cghs.H"
- #include "ra/bench.H"
- using std::cout; using std::endl; using std::flush; using ra::PI;
- Benchmark::clock::duration tmul(0);
- double const d23=2./3., d16=-1./6., d00=0.;
- double const d827=8./27., d427=4./27., d227=2./27., d127=1./27.;
- double const SM[8][8] = { {d23, d00, d16, d00, d00, d16, d16, d16},
- {d00, d23, d00, d16, d16, d00, d16, d16},
- {d16, d00, d23, d00, d16, d16, d00, d16},
- {d00, d16, d00, d23, d16, d16, d16, d00},
- {d00, d16, d16, d16, d23, d00, d16, d00},
- {d16, d00, d16, d16, d00, d23, d00, d16},
- {d16, d16, d00, d16, d16, d00, d23, d00},
- {d16, d16, d16, d00, d00, d16, d00, d23} };
- double const MM[8][8] = { {d827, d427, d227, d427, d427, d227, d127, d227},
- {d427, d827, d427, d227, d227, d427, d227, d127},
- {d227, d427, d827, d427, d127, d227, d427, d227},
- {d427, d227, d427, d827, d227, d127, d227, d427},
- {d427, d227, d127, d227, d827, d427, d227, d427},
- {d227, d427, d227, d127, d427, d827, d427, d227},
- {d127, d227, d427, d227, d227, d427, d827, d427},
- {d227, d127, d227, d427, d427, d227, d427, d827} };
- const int ISF[8][3] = { {0, 0, 0}, {1, 0, 0}, {1, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0},
- {0, 0, 1}, {1, 0, 1}, {1, 1, 1}, {0, 1, 1} };
- struct Element
- {
- int v[8]; // indices of 8 vertices.
- double reg1[8], reg2[8]; // temporary storage.
- };
- struct Matrix0bnd
- {
- ra::Small<double, 8, 8> M; // element matrix.
- double h; // scale factor.
- ra::Big<Element, 1> & E; // elements.
- ra::Big<int, 1> & B; // indices of boundary elements.
- };
- template <class A, class V, class W>
- void gemv(A const & a, V const & v, W & w)
- {
- auto pa = a.data();
- for (int i=0; i<a.size(0); ++i) {
- double tmp=0.;
- for (int j=0; j<a.size(1); ++j) {
- tmp += pa[j*a.size(1)+i]*v[j];
- // tmp += a(i, j)*v[j]; // FIXME is a 1/3 slower; maybe what makes ra::gemv slower overall
- }
- w[i] = tmp;
- }
- }
- template <class V, class W>
- void mult(Matrix0bnd & A, V const & v, W & w)
- {
- auto t0 = Benchmark::clock::now();
- w = 0.;
- for_each([&](auto && E)
- {
- ra::start(E.reg1) = v(E.v); // vector -> element
- gemv(A.M, E.reg1, E.reg2); // element matrix
- // ra::start(E.reg2) = ra::gemv(A.M, E.reg1); // FIXME somewhat slower
- w(E.v) += E.reg2; // element -> vector
- },
- A.E);
- w(A.B) = 0; // set boundary
- w *= A.h; // scale factor
- tmul += Benchmark::clock::now()-t0;
- }
- struct StiffMatrix: Matrix0bnd
- {
- StiffMatrix(double h, ra::Big<Element, 1> & E, ra::Big<int, 1> & B)
- : Matrix0bnd { SM, h, E, B } {};
- };
- struct MassMatrix: Matrix0bnd
- {
- MassMatrix(double h, ra::Big<Element, 1> & E, ra::Big<int, 1> & B)
- : Matrix0bnd { MM, h*h*h, E, B } {};
- };
- inline int pos(int n, int i, int j, int k)
- {
- return n*(n*i + j) + k;
- }
- // CosCosCosSolution, CosCosCos in [-1, 1]^3
- double g(double x, double y, double z)
- {
- return cos(.5*PI*x)*cos(.5*PI*y)*cos(.5*PI*z);
- }
- double f(double x, double y, double z)
- {
- return .25*3.*PI*PI*cos(.5*PI*x)*cos(.5*PI*y)*cos(.5*PI*z);
- }
- int main()
- {
- TestRecorder tr(std::cout);
- auto t0 = Benchmark::clock::now();
- int n = 50;
- double EPS = 1e-5;
- double h = 1./n; // space = ±1, so grid step = 2h
- ra::Big<ra::Small<double, 3>, 1> V({(n+1)*(n+1)*(n+1)}, ra::unspecified); // vertex coordinates.
- ra::Big<int, 1> B({6*(n+1)*(n+1)}, ra::unspecified); // indices of boundary vertices.
- ra::Big<Element, 1> E({n*n*n}, ra::unspecified); // the elements.
- // set vertex coordinates.
- auto ip = ra::iota(n+1);
- ply(from([&](auto i, auto j, auto k)
- { V[pos(n+1, i, j, k)] = { -1.+2.*i*h, -1.+2.*j*h, -1.+2.*k*h }; },
- ip, ip, ip));
- // set elements.
- auto i = ra::iota(n);
- ply(from([&](auto i, auto j, auto k, auto v)
- { E(pos(n, i, j, k)).v[v] = pos(n+1, i+ISF[v][0], j+ISF[v][1], k+ISF[v][2]); },
- i, i, i, ra::iota(8)));
- // set boundaries (points on edges and corners multiple times --doesn't matter).
- // FIXME need reshape.
- int k = 0;
- for (int i=0; i<=n; ++i) {
- for (int j=0; j<=n; ++j) {
- B[k++] = pos(n+1, 0, i, j);
- B[k++] = pos(n+1, n, i, j);
- B[k++] = pos(n+1, i, 0, j);
- B[k++] = pos(n+1, i, n, j);
- B[k++] = pos(n+1, i, j, 0);
- B[k++] = pos(n+1, i, j, n);
- }
- }
- ra::Big<double, 1> b({(n+1)*(n+1)*(n+1)}, 0.); // right hand side
- ra::Big<double, 1> x({(n+1)*(n+1)*(n+1)}, 0.); // solution vector
- // set right side.
- ra::Big<double, 1> aux = map([](auto && Vi) { return f(Vi[0], Vi[1], Vi[2]); }, V);
- // integral ~ product with mass matrix.
- MassMatrix MM(h, E, B);
- mult(MM, aux, b);
- // solve.
- StiffMatrix SM(h, E, B);
- ra::Big<double, 2> work({3, (n+1)*(n+1)*(n+1)}, ra::unspecified);
- auto t1 = Benchmark::clock::now();
- int its = cghs(SM, b, x, work, EPS);
- auto tsolve = Benchmark::clock::now()-t1;
- // compare with exact solution.
- ra::Big<double, 1> c = map([](auto && Vi) { return g(Vi[0], Vi[1], Vi[2]); }, V);
- double err = amax(abs(c-x));
- auto ttot = Benchmark::clock::now()-t0;
- cout << "total time " << Benchmark::toseconds(ttot)/1e-3 << " " << "ms" << endl;
- cout << "solve time " << Benchmark::toseconds(tsolve)/1e-3 << " " << "ms" << endl;
- cout << "mul time " << Benchmark::toseconds(tmul)/1e-3 << " " << "ms" << endl;
- tr.info("err ", err).test_le(err, 0.00033);
- tr.info("its ", its).test_le(its, 1);
- return tr.summary();
- }