123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392 |
- ; (c) Daniel Llorens - 2012-2015
- ; No local dependencies beyond (assert).
- ; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- ; the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
- ; Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
- ; later version.
- (define-module (ploy basic))
- (import (srfi srfi-1) (srfi srfi-8) (ice-9 format) (only (ploy assert) assert))
- ; @todo Array gradeup/down and dyadic (grade a by the order of b).
- ; also serves as permutation inverse.
- ; cf http://www.jsoftware.com/jwiki/Essays/Inverse%20Permutation
- (define (gradeup l)
- (map cadr (sort (zip l (iota (length l)))
- (lambda (a b) (< (car a) (car b))))))
- (export gradeup)
- ; @todo do not use map.
- ; @todo do not run over the full lists for (length=? number . lists).
- (define (length=? . a)
- (cond ((null? a) #t)
- ((number? (car a))
- (apply = (car a) (map length (cdr a))))
- ((null? (car a))
- (every null? (cdr a)))
- (else
- (and (not (any null? (cdr a)))
- (apply length=? (map cdr a))))))
- (define (not= x y) (not (= x y)))
- (export length=? not=)
- (define array-fold
- (case-lambda
- ((op init)
- init)
- ((op init a0)
- (array-for-each (lambda (x0) (set! init (op x0 init))) a0)
- init)
- ((op init a0 a1)
- (array-for-each (lambda (x0 x1) (set! init (op x0 x1 init))) a0 a1)
- init)
- ((op init . args)
- (apply array-for-each (lambda x (set! init (apply op (append! x (list init))))) args)
- init)))
- (export array-fold)
- (define tally array-length)
- (define ($ A) (if (array? A) (array-dimensions A) '()))
- (define array-dim (lambda (A i) (list-ref ($ A) i)))
- (define $. array-dim)
- (define (make-array-of-size c type)
- (apply make-typed-array type *unspecified* ($ c)))
- (define* (make-random-array dimensions #:key (type 'f64) (f values))
- (let ((a (apply make-typed-array type *unspecified* dimensions)))
- (array-map! (array-contents a) (lambda x (f (random:uniform))))
- a))
- (define array-copy
- (case-lambda
- ((c) (array-copy #f c))
- ((type c)
- (let ((d (make-array-of-size c (or type (array-type c)))))
- (array-copy! c d)
- d))))
- (define (array-map type op a0 . args)
- (if (array? a0)
- (let ((d (make-array-of-size a0 (or type (array-type a0)))))
- (apply array-map! d op a0 args)
- d)
- (apply op a0 args)))
- (export tally $ array-dim $. make-array-of-size make-random-array
- array-copy array-map)
- (define (index-rect s i) (fold (lambda (ss ii c) (+ ii (* ss c))) 0 s i))
- (define (index-rect-lsd-first s i)
- (index-rect (reverse s) (reverse i)))
- (export index-rect index-rect-lsd-first)
- ; This is used (redefined in tm's files) in box/jast/.geos.
- (define (list-product . rest)
- "make a list of all lists with 1st element from 1st arg, 2nd element from
- 2nd arg, etc.
- (list-product '(1 2)) => ((1) (2))
- (list-product '(1 2) '(3 4)) => ((1 3) (1 4) (2 3) (2 4))
- (list-product '(1 2) '(3 4) '(5 6)) => ((1 3 5) (1 3 6) etc.)"
- (cond
- ((null? rest)
- '())
- ((null? (cdr rest))
- (map list (car rest)))
- (else
- (let ((list-product-rest (apply list-product (cdr rest))))
- (append-map!
- (lambda (p)
- (map
- (lambda (v) (cons p v))
- list-product-rest))
- (car rest))))))
- (export list-product)
- ; @todo Inefficient.
- (define (interleave la lb)
- "Interleave two lists"
- (if (null? la)
- '()
- (append
- (list (car la) (car lb))
- (interleave (cdr la) (cdr lb)))))
- (export interleave)
- (define (list-accumulate* l op)
- (if (null? l)
- l
- (fold (lambda (a new) (cons (+ (op a) (car new)) new))
- (list (op (car l)))
- (cdr l))))
- (define (list-accumulate l) (reverse! (list-accumulate* l values)))
- (export list-accumulate* list-accumulate)
- (define-syntax time
- (syntax-rules ()
- ((_ e0 ...)
- (let ((start (get-internal-run-time)))
- e0 ...
- (exact->inexact (/ (- (get-internal-run-time) start)
- internal-time-units-per-second))))))
- (define-syntax walltime
- (syntax-rules ()
- ((_ e0 ...)
- (let ((start (get-internal-real-time)))
- e0 ...
- (exact->inexact (/ (- (get-internal-real-time) start)
- internal-time-units-per-second))))))
- (define (UTC-date-string)
- (strftime "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" (gmtime (current-time))))
- (define (UTC-date-string-basic)
- (strftime "%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ" (gmtime (current-time))))
- (export time walltime UTC-date-string UTC-date-string-basic)
- (define (format! s . args)
- (apply format #t (string-append s "\n~!") args))
- (export format!)
- (define (pk-shape s A) (format! "~a [~a]" s ($ A)) A)
- (define (pk=> s f A) (format! "~a [~a]" s (f A)) A)
- (export pk-shape pk=>)
- (define (conj x) (make-rectangular (real-part x) (- (imag-part x))))
- (define-inlinable (sqr x) (* x x))
- (define-inlinable (sqrm x) (+ (sqr (real-part x)) (sqr (imag-part x))))
- (export conj sqr sqrm)
- ; @todo replace with (over) when it's not slower.
- (define sqrm-reduce
- (case-lambda
- ((a)
- (let ((end (tally a)))
- (let loop ((i 0) (c 0))
- (if (< i end)
- (loop (+ i 1) (+ c (sqrm (array-ref a i))))
- c))))
- ((a b)
- (let ((end (tally a)))
- (let loop ((i 0) (c 0))
- (if (< i end)
- (loop (+ i 1) (+ c (sqrm (- (array-ref a i) (array-ref b i)))))
- c))))))
- (define sqrm-reduce*
- (case-lambda
- ((a)
- (array-fold (lambda (a c) (+ c (sqrm a))) 0 a))
- ((a b)
- (array-fold (lambda (a b c) (+ c (sqrm (- a b)))) 0 a b))))
- ;; @TODO sqrm-reduce* shouldn't be slower than sqrm-reduce.
- ;; (define A (array-copy 'f64 (i. #e1e7)))
- ;; (define B (array-copy #t (array-copy 'f64 (i. #e1e7))))
- ;; ,profile (sqrm-reduce A)
- (define v-norm
- (case-lambda
- "v-norm a [b] => (sqrt (sqrm-reduce a [b]))"
- ((a) (sqrt (sqrm-reduce a)))
- ((a b) (sqrt (sqrm-reduce a b)))))
- (export sqrm-reduce v-norm)
- (define (rank A)
- (if (array? A) (array-rank A) 0))
- (export rank)
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; reference implementations of functions in lloda-array-support branch in Guile.
- ; Uncomment if your Guile doesn't have them (untested).
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;; (define (array-slice a . i)
- ;; (let ((li (length i)))
- ;; (apply make-shared-array a
- ;; (lambda t (append i t))
- ;; (drop ($ a) li))))
- ;; (define (array-cell-ref a . i)
- ;; (let ((li (length i)))
- ;; (if (= (rank a) li)
- ;; (apply array-ref a i)
- ;; (apply make-shared-array a
- ;; (lambda t (append i t))
- ;; (drop ($ a) li)))))
- ;; (define (array-cell-set! a o . i)
- ;; (let ((li (length i)))
- ;; (if (= (rank a) li)
- ;; (apply array-set! a o i)
- ;; (array-copy! o (apply array-cell-ref a i)))))
- ;; (define (array-slice-for-each frank op . a)
- ;; (let ((frame (take ($ (car a)) frank)))
- ;; (unless (every (lambda (a) (equal? frame (take ($ a) frank))) (cdr a))
- ;; (throw 'mismatched-argument-frames frank (map $ a)))
- ;; (array-index-map! (apply make-shared-array (make-array #t) (const '()) frame)
- ;; (lambda i (apply op (map (lambda (a) (apply array-slice a i)) a))))))
- ;; (export array-slice array-cell-ref array-cell-set! array-slice-for-each)
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; misc
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Slow, since array-index-map! is C and the λ can't be inlined.
- (define (i. . args)
- (let ((a (apply make-array *unspecified* args)))
- (array-index-map! (array-contents a) identity)
- a))
- (define iota.
- (case-lambda
- ((n z s)
- (if (negative? n)
- (error "bad n for iota." n)
- (let ((a (make-array *unspecified* n)))
- (array-index-map! a (lambda (i) (+ (* i s) z)))
- a)))
- ((n z) (iota. n z 1))
- ((n) (iota. n 0 1))))
- (define (linspace. from to n)
- "(linspace. from to n) - Return vector of n elements between from and to"
- (cond ((<= n 1) (iota. n from))
- (else (iota. n from (/ (- to from) (- n 1))))))
- (define (linspace-m. from to n)
- "(linspace-m. from to n) - Return vector of n elements between from and to"
- (cond ((<= n 1) #())
- (else (iota. (- n 1) from (/ (- to from) (- n 1))))))
- (export i. iota. linspace. linspace-m.)
- ; @todo Actual type deduction.
- (define (array-type* a)
- (cond ((array? a) (array-type a))
- ((and (number? a) (inexact? a))
- (if (real? a) 'f64 'c64))
- (else #t)))
- (export array-type*)
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; reshape
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- (define (ravel a)
- (or (array-contents a) (array-contents (array-copy (array-type* a) a))))
- ; Unravel, C order, repeat or clip, try to avoid copies. Equivalent to J (s $ ,a).
- ; Others:
- ; PDL reshape (pdl.perl.org/PDLdocs/Core.html#reshape) Unravel, pad with 0. Oddities.
- ; Octave reshape. Fortran order, requires size match.
- ; J dyad $ (http://www.jsoftware.com/help/jforc/declarations.htm#_Toc191734328). Does not unravel, works with items of a. Repeat or clip.
- ; Fortran RESHAPE (http://www.nsc.liu.se/~boein/f77to90/a5.html#section17). Unravel, Fortran order, requires size match unless pad is given, otherwise pad. Optional reorder.
- (define (reshape a . s)
- "reshape A . s
- Reshape C-order ravel of array a to dimensions s, which must be nonnegative
- integers. One of the dimensions s may be #t, in which case it is deduced from
- the other dimensions and the size of A's ravel.
- Examples:
- (reshape (i. 2 3) 6) => #(0 1 2 3 4 5)
- (reshape (i. 2 3) 5) => #(0 1 2 3 4)
- (reshape (i. 2 3) 7) => #(0 1 2 3 4 5 0)
- (reshape (i. 2 3) 3 2) => #2((0 1) (2 3) (4 5))
- (reshape (i. 2 3) 2 2 2) => #3(((0 1) (2 3)) ((4 5) (0 1)))
- (reshape (i. 2 3) 4 2) => #2((0 1) (2 3) (4 5) (0 1))
- (reshape (i. 2 3) #t 2) => #2((0 1) (2 3) (4 5))
- (reshape (i. 2 3) 2 #t) => #2((0 1 2) (3 4 5))
- (reshape (i. 2 3) #t) => #(0 1 2 3 4 5)
- (reshape (i. 2 3) 0 3) => #2:0:3()
- (reshape (i. 2 3) 0) => #()
- (reshape (i. 2 3) 0 0 0) => #3()
- (reshape (i. 2 3) 0 #t) => error (can't deduce placeholder)
- (reshape (i. 2 3) 4 #t) => error (can't deduce placeholder)
- (reshape (i. 2 3)) => 0"
- (define mk make-shared-array)
- (if (array? a)
- (let* ((z ($ a)) (lz (apply * z)))
- (let loopb ((ss s) (ls 1))
- ; remove placeholder.
- (cond ((null? ss))
- ((boolean? (car ss))
- (let ((quot (apply * ls (cdr ss))))
- (when (not (positive? quot)) (throw 'cannot-deduce-dimension-with-empty-result-shape quot))
- (let ((pv (/ lz quot)))
- (when (not (and (integer? pv) (>= pv 0))) (throw 'bad-placeholder pv))
- (set-car! ss pv)
- (set! ls lz))))
- ((integer? (car ss))
- (loopb (cdr ss) (* ls (car ss))))
- (else (throw 'bad-dimension-to-reshape (car ss))))
- (let loopr ((rz (reverse z)) (rs (reverse s)))
- (cond
- ; select.
- ((null? rs)
- (apply array-cell-ref a (make-list (length rz) 0)))
- ; tile.
- ((null? rz)
- (apply mk a (lambda i (drop i (length rs))) s))
- ((= (car rz) (car rs))
- (loopr (cdr rz) (cdr rs)))
- (else
- (let ((ls (apply * s))
- (a1 (ravel a)))
- (if (>= lz ls)
- ; select ravel.
- (apply mk a1 (lambda i (list (index-rect s i))) s)
- (receive (q r) (floor/ ls lz)
- ; drop prefix strides.
- (or (and (zero? r)
- (let loops ((ss s) (p 1) (w 0))
- (cond
- ((= p q)
- (apply mk a1 (lambda i (list (index-rect ss (drop i w)))) s))
- ((< p q) (loops (cdr ss) (* p (car ss)) (+ 1 w)))
- (else #f))))
- ; copy.
- (let* ((b (apply make-typed-array (array-type* a) *unspecified* s))
- (b1 (array-contents b)))
- (array-copy!
- (mk a1 (lambda i (cdr i)) q lz)
- (mk b1 (lambda (i j) (list (+ j (* lz i)))) q lz))
- (array-copy!
- (mk a1 list r)
- (mk b1 (lambda (j) (list (+ j (* lz q)))) r))
- b))))))))))
- (apply reshape (make-array a) s)))
- (define (reshape-strict A . s)
- (unless (= (apply * ($ A)) (apply * s))
- (throw 'mismatched-sizes ($ A) s))
- (apply reshape A s))
- (export ravel reshape reshape-strict)