12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940414243444546474849505152535455565758596061626364 |
- # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
- # Logic based on util/chromeos/crosfirmware.sh in coreboot cfc26ce278.
- # Modifications in this version are Copyright 2021, 2023 and 2024 Leah Rowe.
- # Original copyright detailed in repo: https://review.coreboot.org/coreboot/
- eval "$(setvars "" MRC_url MRC_url_bkup MRC_hash MRC_board SHELLBALL)"
- extract_mrc()
- {
- [ -z "$MRC_board" ] && $err "extract_mrc $MRC_hash: MRC_board not set"
- [ -z "$CONFIG_MRC_FILE" ] && $err "$MRC_hash: CONFIG_MRC_FILE unset"
- SHELLBALL="chromeos-firmwareupdate-$MRC_board"
- (
- x_ cd "$appdir"
- extract_partition "${MRC_url##*/}"
- extract_archive "$SHELLBALL" .
- ) || $err "mrc download/extract failure"
- "$cbfstool" "$appdir/"bios.bin extract -n mrc.bin \
- -f "$_dest" -r RO_SECTION || $err "extract_mrc: !$cbfstool $_dest"
- [ -n "$CONFIG_REFCODE_BLOB_FILE" ] && extract_refcode; return 0
- }
- extract_partition()
- {
- printf "Extracting ROOT-A partition\n"
- ROOTP=$( printf "unit\nB\nprint\nquit\n" | \
- parted "${1%.zip}" 2>/dev/null | grep "ROOT-A" )
- START=$(( $( echo $ROOTP | cut -f2 -d\ | tr -d "B" ) ))
- SIZE=$(( $( echo $ROOTP | cut -f4 -d\ | tr -d "B" ) ))
- dd if="${1%.zip}" of="root-a.ext2" bs=1024 skip=$(( $START / 1024 )) \
- count=$(( $SIZE / 1024 )) || $err "ex dd ${1%.zip}, root-a.ext2"
- printf "cd /usr/sbin\ndump chromeos-firmwareupdate $SHELLBALL\nquit" \
- | debugfs "root-a.ext2" || $err "can't extract shellball"
- }
- extract_refcode()
- {
- _refdest="${CONFIG_REFCODE_BLOB_FILE##*../}"
- e "$_refdest" f && return 0
- # cbfstool changed the attributes scheme for stage files,
- # incompatible with older versions before coreboot 4.14,
- # so we need coreboot 4.13 cbfstool for certain refcode files
- [ -n "$cbfstoolref" ] || $err "$board: MRC_refcode_cbtree not set"
- mkdir -p "${_refdest%/*}" || $err "ref: !mkdir -p ${_refdest%/*}"
- "$cbfstoolref" "$appdir/bios.bin" extract \
- -m x86 -n fallback/refcode -f "$_refdest" -r RO_SECTION \
- || $err "extract_refcode $board: !cbfstoolref $_refdest"
- # enable the Intel GbE device, if told by offset MRC_refcode_gbe
- [ -z "$MRC_refcode_gbe" ] || dd if="config/ifd/hp820g2/1.bin" \
- of="$_refdest" bs=1 seek=$MRC_refcode_gbe count=1 conv=notrunc || \
- $err "extract_refcode $_refdest: byte $MRC_refcode_gbe"; return 0
- }