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Cross-platform window creation and event handling library.
Can be used as an alternative to GLFW/GLUT/windy
import siwin, vmath
run newSoftwareRenderingWindow(), WindowEventsHandler(
onRender: proc(e: RenderEvent) =
const color = ColorBgrx(r: 32, g: 32, b: 32, a: 255)
var image = newSeq[ColorBgrx](e.window.size.x * e.window.size.y)
for c in image.mitems:
c = color
e.window.drawImage(image, e.window.size)
onKey: proc(e: KeyEvent) =
if (not e.pressed) and e.key == Key.escape:
close e.window
import siwin, opengl, vmath
var window = newOpenglWindow(title="OpenGL example")
loadExtensions() # init opengl
run window, WindowEventsHandler(
onResize: proc(e: ResizeEvent) =
glViewport 0, 0, e.size.x.GLsizei, e.size.y.GLsizei
glMatrixMode GlProjection
glOrtho -30, 30, -30, 30, -30, 30
onRender: proc(e: RenderEvent) =
glClearColor 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0
glClear GlColorBufferBit or GlDepthBufferBit
glShadeModel GlSmooth
glTranslatef -15, -15, 0
glBegin GlTriangles
glColor3f 1, 0, 0
glVertex2f 0, 0
glColor3f 0, 1, 0
glVertex2f 30, 0
glColor3f 0, 0, 1
glVertex2f 0, 30
note: call redraw(window) every time you want window.render to be called. siwin will automatically call window.render only when window resizes.
see t_vulkan.nim
import siwin, nimgl/vulkan, sequtils
doassert vkInit()
let exts = getRequiredVulkanExtensions()
var cexts = exts.mapit(it[0].unsafeaddr)
var appInfo = newVkApplicationInfo(
pApplicationName = "siwin Vulkan example",
applicationVersion = vkMakeVersion(1, 0, 0),
pEngineName = "No Engine",
engineVersion = vkMakeVersion(1, 0, 0),
apiVersion = vkApiVersion1_1
var instanceCreateInfo = newVkInstanceCreateInfo(
pApplicationInfo = appInfo.addr,
enabledExtensionCount = exts.len,
ppEnabledExtensionNames = cast[cstringArray](cexts[0].addr),
enabledLayerCount = 0,
ppEnabledLayerNames = nil,
var instance: VkInstance
doassert vkCreateInstance(instanceCreateInfo.addr, nil, result.addr) == VKSuccess
let window = newVulkanWindow(cast[pointer](instance), title="Vulkan example")
let surface = cast[VkSurfaceKHR](window.vulkanSurface)
# do other initialization using instance and surface...
run window, WindowEventsHandler(
onRender: proc(e: RenderEvent) =
## do rendering...
onClose: proc(e: CloseEvent) =
## uninitialize before surface destruction
# surface already destroyed, continue uninitializing...
note: very slow, but better than render frames to opengl image if you realy want to use only pixie
import siwin, pixie
var image: Image
run newSoftwareRenderingWindow(title="pixie example"), WindowEventsHandler(
onResize: proc(e: ResizeEvent) =
if e.size.x * e.size.y <= 0: return
image = newImage(e.size.x, e.size.y)
onRender: proc(e: RenderEvent) =
if e.window.size.x * e.window.size.y <= 0: return
image.fill(rgba(255, 255, 255, 255))
let ctx = image.newContext
ctx.fillStyle = rgba(0, 255, 0, 255)
wh = vec2(250, 250)
pos = vec2(image.width.float, image.height.float) / 2 - wh / 2
ctx.fillRoundedRect(rect(pos, wh), 25.0)
e.window.drawImage(image.data.toBgrx, ivec2(image.width.int32, image.height.int32))
onKey: proc(e: KeyEvent) =
if (not e.pressed) and e.key == Key.escape:
close e.window
import siwin
let clipboard = clipboard()
echo clipboard.text
clipboard.text = "some text"
note: on x11 setting cliboard text requires creating window
note: this will create invisible window. ctx
mustn't be discarded as its destructor will close the window.
If you have multiple contexts, use makeCurrent
to select.
import siwin/offscreen, opengl
let ctx {.used.} = newOpenglContext()
# do any opengl computing
import siwin
let window = newOenglWindow()
let eventsHandler = WindowEventsHandler(
# ...
window.firstStep(eventsHandler, makeVisible=true)
while window.opened:
import siwin
let win1 = newOpenglWindow()
let win2 = newOpenglWindow()
let win1_eventsHandler = WindowEventsHandler(
onResize: proc(e: ResizeEvent) =
makeCurrent e.window
onRender: proc(e: RenderEvent) =
makeCurrent e.window
let win2_eventsHandler = WindowEventsHandler(
onResize: proc(e: ResizeEvent) =
makeCurrent e.window
onRender: proc(e: RenderEvent) =
makeCurrent e.window
(window: win1, eventsHandler: win1_eventsHandler, makeVisible: true),
(window: win2, eventsHandler: win2_eventsHandler, makeVisible: true),
import siwin
let window = newOpenglWindow(transparent=true, frameless=true)
run window, WindowEventsHandler(
onMouseMove: proc(e: MouseMoveEvent) =
if MouseButton.left in e.window.mouse.pressed:
# see also: startInteractiveResize
see siwin/platforms/any/window
import std/importutils
import siwin/platforms/x11/window
privateAccess WindowX11Obj
# ...
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Just fork levovix0/siwin to your account, make changes and submit a pull request.
Or if it requires new repository to be created, create it and add an "change dependency" issue.