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- import sigui, siwin
- let win = newOpenglWindow(size=ivec2(1280, 720), title="Hello sigui").newUiWindow
- win.makeLayout:
- - UiRect():
- this.centerIn(parent)
- w = 100
- h := this.w[] # same as this.bindingValue this.h[]: this.w[]
- var state = 0.property
- color = binding: # same as this.bindingValue this.color[]:
- (
- case state[]
- of 0: color(1, 0, 0)
- of 1: color(0, 1, 0)
- else: color(0, 0, 1)
- ).lighten(if mouse.hovered[]: 0.3 else: 0)
- - this.color.transition(0.4's)
- - MouseArea() as mouse:
- this.fill(parent)
- on this.mouseDownAndUpInside:
- state[] = (state[] + 1) mod 3
- this.cursor = (ref Cursor)(kind: builtin, builtin: BuiltinCursor.pointingHand)
- run win.siwinWindow