123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234 |
- discard """
- matrix: "--mm:refc; --mm:orc"
- """
- import std/paths
- import std/assertions
- import pathnorm
- from std/private/ospaths2 {.all.} import joinPathImpl
- import std/sugar
- proc normalizePath*(path: Path; dirSep = DirSep): Path =
- result = Path(pathnorm.normalizePath(path.string, dirSep))
- func `==`(x, y: Path): bool =
- x.string == y.string
- func joinPath*(parts: varargs[Path]): Path =
- var estimatedLen = 0
- var state = 0
- for p in parts: estimatedLen += p.string.len
- var res = newStringOfCap(estimatedLen)
- for i in 0..high(parts):
- joinPathImpl(res, state, parts[i].string)
- result = Path(res)
- func joinPath(head, tail: Path): Path {.inline.} =
- head / tail
- block absolutePath:
- doAssertRaises(ValueError): discard absolutePath(Path"a", Path"b")
- doAssert absolutePath(Path"a") == getCurrentDir() / Path"a"
- doAssert absolutePath(Path"a", Path"/b") == Path"/b" / Path"a"
- when defined(posix):
- doAssert absolutePath(Path"a", Path"/b/") == Path"/b" / Path"a"
- doAssert absolutePath(Path"a", Path"/b/c") == Path"/b/c" / Path"a"
- doAssert absolutePath(Path"/a", Path"b/") == Path"/a"
- block splitFile:
- doAssert splitFile(Path"") == (Path"", Path"", "")
- doAssert splitFile(Path"abc/") == (Path"abc", Path"", "")
- doAssert splitFile(Path"/") == (Path"/", Path"", "")
- doAssert splitFile(Path"./abc") == (Path".", Path"abc", "")
- doAssert splitFile(Path".txt") == (Path"", Path".txt", "")
- doAssert splitFile(Path"abc/.txt") == (Path"abc", Path".txt", "")
- doAssert splitFile(Path"abc") == (Path"", Path"abc", "")
- doAssert splitFile(Path"abc.txt") == (Path"", Path"abc", ".txt")
- doAssert splitFile(Path"/abc.txt") == (Path"/", Path"abc", ".txt")
- doAssert splitFile(Path"/foo/abc.txt") == (Path"/foo", Path"abc", ".txt")
- doAssert splitFile(Path"/foo/abc.txt.gz") == (Path"/foo", Path"abc.txt", ".gz")
- doAssert splitFile(Path".") == (Path"", Path".", "")
- doAssert splitFile(Path"abc/.") == (Path"abc", Path".", "")
- doAssert splitFile(Path"..") == (Path"", Path"..", "")
- doAssert splitFile(Path"a/..") == (Path"a", Path"..", "")
- doAssert splitFile(Path"/foo/abc....txt") == (Path"/foo", Path"abc...", ".txt")
- # execShellCmd is tested in tosproc
- block ospaths:
- doAssert unixToNativePath(Path"") == Path""
- doAssert unixToNativePath(Path".") == Path($CurDir)
- doAssert unixToNativePath(Path"..") == Path($ParDir)
- doAssert isAbsolute(unixToNativePath(Path"/"))
- doAssert isAbsolute(unixToNativePath(Path"/", Path"a"))
- doAssert isAbsolute(unixToNativePath(Path"/a"))
- doAssert isAbsolute(unixToNativePath(Path"/a", Path"a"))
- doAssert isAbsolute(unixToNativePath(Path"/a/b"))
- doAssert isAbsolute(unixToNativePath(Path"/a/b", Path"a"))
- doAssert unixToNativePath(Path"a/b") == joinPath(Path"a", Path"b")
- when defined(macos):
- doAssert unixToNativePath(Path"./") == Path":"
- doAssert unixToNativePath(Path"./abc") == Path":abc"
- doAssert unixToNativePath(Path"../abc") == Path"::abc"
- doAssert unixToNativePath(Path"../../abc") == Path":::abc"
- doAssert unixToNativePath(Path"/abc", Path"a") == Path"abc"
- doAssert unixToNativePath(Path"/abc/def", Path"a") == Path"abc:def"
- elif doslikeFileSystem:
- doAssert unixToNativePath(Path"./") == Path(".\\")
- doAssert unixToNativePath(Path"./abc") == Path(".\\abc")
- doAssert unixToNativePath(Path"../abc") == Path("..\\abc")
- doAssert unixToNativePath(Path"../../abc") == Path("..\\..\\abc")
- doAssert unixToNativePath(Path"/abc", Path"a") == Path("a:\\abc")
- doAssert unixToNativePath(Path"/abc/def", Path"a") == Path("a:\\abc\\def")
- else:
- #Tests for unix
- doAssert unixToNativePath(Path"./") == Path"./"
- doAssert unixToNativePath(Path"./abc") == Path"./abc"
- doAssert unixToNativePath(Path"../abc") == Path"../abc"
- doAssert unixToNativePath(Path"../../abc") == Path"../../abc"
- doAssert unixToNativePath(Path"/abc", Path"a") == Path"/abc"
- doAssert unixToNativePath(Path"/abc/def", Path"a") == Path"/abc/def"
- block extractFilenameTest:
- doAssert extractFilename(Path"") == Path""
- when defined(posix):
- doAssert extractFilename(Path"foo/bar") == Path"bar"
- doAssert extractFilename(Path"foo/bar.txt") == Path"bar.txt"
- doAssert extractFilename(Path"foo/") == Path""
- doAssert extractFilename(Path"/") == Path""
- when doslikeFileSystem:
- doAssert extractFilename(Path(r"foo\bar")) == Path"bar"
- doAssert extractFilename(Path(r"foo\bar.txt")) == Path"bar.txt"
- doAssert extractFilename(Path(r"foo\")) == Path""
- doAssert extractFilename(Path(r"C:\")) == Path""
- block lastPathPartTest:
- doAssert lastPathPart(Path"") == Path""
- when defined(posix):
- doAssert lastPathPart(Path"foo/bar.txt") == Path"bar.txt"
- doAssert lastPathPart(Path"foo/") == Path"foo"
- doAssert lastPathPart(Path"/") == Path""
- when doslikeFileSystem:
- doAssert lastPathPart(Path(r"foo\bar.txt")) == Path"bar.txt"
- doAssert lastPathPart(Path(r"foo\")) == Path"foo"
- template canon(x): Path = normalizePath(Path(x), '/')
- doAssert canon"/foo/../bar" == Path"/bar"
- doAssert canon"foo/../bar" == Path"bar"
- doAssert canon"/f/../bar///" == Path"/bar"
- doAssert canon"f/..////bar" == Path"bar"
- doAssert canon"../bar" == Path"../bar"
- doAssert canon"/../bar" == Path"/../bar"
- doAssert canon("foo/../../bar/") == Path"../bar"
- doAssert canon("./bla/blob/") == Path"bla/blob"
- doAssert canon(".hiddenFile") == Path".hiddenFile"
- doAssert canon("./bla/../../blob/./zoo.nim") == Path"../blob/zoo.nim"
- doAssert canon("C:/file/to/this/long") == Path"C:/file/to/this/long"
- doAssert canon("") == Path""
- doAssert canon("foobar") == Path"foobar"
- doAssert canon("f/////////") == Path"f"
- doAssert relativePath(Path"/foo/bar//baz.nim", Path"/foo", '/') == Path"bar/baz.nim"
- doAssert normalizePath(Path"./foo//bar/../baz", '/') == Path"foo/baz"
- doAssert relativePath(Path"/Users/me/bar/z.nim", Path"/Users/other/bad", '/') == Path"../../me/bar/z.nim"
- doAssert relativePath(Path"/Users/me/bar/z.nim", Path"/Users/other", '/') == Path"../me/bar/z.nim"
- # `//` is a UNC path, `/` is the current working directory's drive, so can't
- # run this test on Windows.
- when not doslikeFileSystem:
- doAssert relativePath(Path"/Users///me/bar//z.nim", Path"//Users/", '/') == Path"me/bar/z.nim"
- doAssert relativePath(Path"/Users/me/bar/z.nim", Path"/Users/me", '/') == Path"bar/z.nim"
- doAssert relativePath(Path"", Path"/users/moo", '/') == Path""
- doAssert relativePath(Path"foo", Path"", '/') == Path"foo"
- doAssert relativePath(Path"/foo", Path"/Foo", '/') == (when FileSystemCaseSensitive: Path"../foo" else: Path".")
- doAssert relativePath(Path"/Foo", Path"/foo", '/') == (when FileSystemCaseSensitive: Path"../Foo" else: Path".")
- doAssert relativePath(Path"/foo", Path"/fOO", '/') == (when FileSystemCaseSensitive: Path"../foo" else: Path".")
- doAssert relativePath(Path"/foO", Path"/foo", '/') == (when FileSystemCaseSensitive: Path"../foO" else: Path".")
- doAssert relativePath(Path"foo", Path".", '/') == Path"foo"
- doAssert relativePath(Path".", Path".", '/') == Path"."
- doAssert relativePath(Path"..", Path".", '/') == Path".."
- doAssert relativePath(Path"foo", Path"foo") == Path"."
- doAssert relativePath(Path"", Path"foo") == Path""
- doAssert relativePath(Path"././/foo", Path"foo//./") == Path"."
- doAssert relativePath(getCurrentDir() / Path"bar", Path"foo") == Path"../bar".unixToNativePath
- doAssert relativePath(Path"bar", getCurrentDir() / Path"foo") == Path"../bar".unixToNativePath
- when doslikeFileSystem:
- doAssert relativePath(r"c:\foo.nim".Path, r"C:\".Path) == r"foo.nim".Path
- doAssert relativePath(r"c:\foo\bar\baz.nim".Path, r"c:\foo".Path) == r"bar\baz.nim".Path
- doAssert relativePath(r"c:\foo\bar\baz.nim".Path, r"d:\foo".Path) == r"c:\foo\bar\baz.nim".Path
- doAssert relativePath(r"\foo\baz.nim".Path, r"\foo".Path) == r"baz.nim".Path
- doAssert relativePath(r"\foo\bar\baz.nim".Path, r"\bar".Path) == r"..\foo\bar\baz.nim".Path
- doAssert relativePath(r"\\foo\bar\baz.nim".Path, r"\\foo\bar".Path) == r"baz.nim".Path
- doAssert relativePath(r"\\foo\bar\baz.nim".Path, r"\\foO\bar".Path) == r"baz.nim".Path
- doAssert relativePath(r"\\foo\bar\baz.nim".Path, r"\\bar\bar".Path) == r"\\foo\bar\baz.nim".Path
- doAssert relativePath(r"\\foo\bar\baz.nim".Path, r"\\foo\car".Path) == r"\\foo\bar\baz.nim".Path
- doAssert relativePath(r"\\foo\bar\baz.nim".Path, r"\\goo\bar".Path) == r"\\foo\bar\baz.nim".Path
- doAssert relativePath(r"\\foo\bar\baz.nim".Path, r"c:\".Path) == r"\\foo\bar\baz.nim".Path
- doAssert relativePath(r"\\foo\bar\baz.nim".Path, r"\foo".Path) == r"\\foo\bar\baz.nim".Path
- doAssert relativePath(r"c:\foo.nim".Path, r"\foo".Path) == r"c:\foo.nim".Path
- doAssert joinPath(Path"usr", Path"") == unixToNativePath(Path"usr")
- doAssert joinPath(Path"usr", Path"") == (Path"usr").dup(add Path"")
- doAssert joinPath(Path"", Path"lib") == Path"lib"
- doAssert joinPath(Path"", Path"lib") == Path"".dup(add Path"lib")
- doAssert joinPath(Path"", Path"/lib") == unixToNativePath(Path"/lib")
- doAssert joinPath(Path"", Path"/lib") == unixToNativePath(Path"/lib")
- doAssert joinPath(Path"usr/", Path"/lib") == Path"usr/".dup(add Path"/lib")
- doAssert joinPath(Path"", Path"") == unixToNativePath(Path"") # issue #13455
- doAssert joinPath(Path"", Path"") == Path"".dup(add Path"")
- doAssert joinPath(Path"", Path"/") == unixToNativePath(Path"/")
- doAssert joinPath(Path"", Path"/") == Path"".dup(add Path"/")
- doAssert joinPath(Path"/", Path"/") == unixToNativePath(Path"/")
- doAssert joinPath(Path"/", Path"/") == Path"/".dup(add Path"/")
- doAssert joinPath(Path"/", Path"") == unixToNativePath(Path"/")
- doAssert joinPath(Path"/" / Path"") == unixToNativePath(Path"/") # weird test case...
- doAssert joinPath(Path"/", Path"/a/b/c") == unixToNativePath(Path"/a/b/c")
- doAssert joinPath(Path"foo/", Path"") == unixToNativePath(Path"foo/")
- doAssert joinPath(Path"foo/", Path"abc") == unixToNativePath(Path"foo/abc")
- doAssert joinPath(Path"foo//./", Path"abc/.//") == unixToNativePath(Path"foo/abc/")
- doAssert Path"foo//./".dup(add Path"abc/.//") == unixToNativePath(Path"foo/abc/")
- doAssert joinPath(Path"foo", Path"abc") == unixToNativePath(Path"foo/abc")
- doAssert Path"foo".dup(add Path"abc") == unixToNativePath(Path"foo/abc")
- doAssert joinPath(Path"", Path"abc") == unixToNativePath(Path"abc")
- doAssert joinPath(Path"zook/.", Path"abc") == unixToNativePath(Path"zook/abc")
- # controversial: inconsistent with `joinPath("zook/.","abc")`
- # on linux, `./foo` and `foo` are treated a bit differently for executables
- # but not `./foo/bar` and `foo/bar`
- doAssert joinPath(Path".", Path"/lib") == unixToNativePath(Path"./lib")
- doAssert joinPath(Path".", Path"abc") == unixToNativePath(Path"./abc")
- # cases related to issue #13455
- doAssert joinPath(Path"foo", Path"", Path"") == Path"foo"
- doAssert joinPath(Path"foo", Path"") == Path"foo"
- doAssert joinPath(Path"foo/", Path"") == unixToNativePath(Path"foo/")
- doAssert joinPath(Path"foo/", Path".") == Path"foo"
- doAssert joinPath(Path"foo", Path"./") == unixToNativePath(Path"foo/")
- doAssert joinPath(Path"foo", Path"", Path"bar/") == unixToNativePath(Path"foo/bar/")
- # issue #13579
- doAssert joinPath(Path"/foo", Path"../a") == unixToNativePath(Path"/a")
- doAssert joinPath(Path"/foo/", Path"../a") == unixToNativePath(Path"/a")
- doAssert joinPath(Path"/foo/.", Path"../a") == unixToNativePath(Path"/a")
- doAssert joinPath(Path"/foo/.b", Path"../a") == unixToNativePath(Path"/foo/a")
- doAssert joinPath(Path"/foo///", Path"..//a/") == unixToNativePath(Path"/a/")
- doAssert joinPath(Path"foo/", Path"../a") == unixToNativePath(Path"a")
- when doslikeFileSystem:
- doAssert joinPath(Path"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\\Common7\\Tools\\", Path"..\\..\\VC\\vcvarsall.bat") == r"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat".Path
- doAssert joinPath(Path"C:\\foo", Path"..\\a") == r"C:\a".Path
- doAssert joinPath(Path"C:\\foo\\", Path"..\\a") == r"C:\a".Path