nsis_build.bat 1.6 KB

  1. REM - Run the full testsuite; testament\tester all
  2. REM - Uncomment the list of changes in news.txt
  3. REM - write a news ticker entry
  4. REM - Update the version
  5. REM - Generate the full docs; koch web0
  6. REM - Generate the installers;
  7. REM - Update the version in system.nim
  8. REM - Test the installers
  9. REM - Tag the release
  10. REM - Merge devel into master
  11. REM - Update csources
  12. set NIMVER=%1
  13. Rem Build -docs file:
  14. koch web0
  15. cd web\upload
  16. 7z a -tzip docs-%NIMVER%.zip *.html
  17. move /y docs-%NIMVER%.zip download
  18. cd ..\..
  19. Rem Build csources
  20. koch csources -d:release || exit /b
  21. rem Grab C sources and nimsuggest
  22. git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/nim-lang/csources_v1.git csources
  23. set PATH=%CD%\bin;%PATH%
  24. ReM Build Win32 version:
  25. set PATH=C:\Users\araq\projects\mingw32\bin;%PATH%
  26. cd csources
  27. call build.bat
  28. cd ..
  29. ReM Rebuilding koch is necessary because it uses its pointer size to determine
  30. ReM which mingw link to put in the NSIS installer.
  31. nim c --out:koch_temp koch || exit /b
  32. koch_temp boot -d:release || exit /b
  33. koch_temp nsis -d:release || exit /b
  34. koch_temp zip -d:release || exit /b
  35. dir build
  36. move /y build\nim_%NIMVER%.exe build\nim-%NIMVER%_x32.exe || exit /b
  37. move /y build\nim-%NIMVER%.zip build\nim-%NIMVER%_x32.zip || exit /b
  38. ReM Build Win64 version:
  39. set PATH=C:\Users\araq\projects\mingw64\bin;%PATH%
  40. cd csources
  41. call build64.bat
  42. cd ..
  43. nim c --out:koch_temp koch || exit /b
  44. koch_temp boot -d:release || exit /b
  45. koch_temp nsis -d:release || exit /b
  46. koch_temp zip -d:release || exit /b
  47. move /y build\nim_%NIMVER%.exe build\nim-%NIMVER%_x64.exe || exit /b
  48. move /y build\nim-%NIMVER%.zip build\nim-%NIMVER%_x64.zip || exit /b