123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731732733734735736737738739740741742743744745746747748749750751752753754755756757758759760761762763764765766767768769770771772773774775776777778779780781782783784785786787788789790791792793794795796797798799800801802803804805806807808809810811812813814815816817818819820821822823824825826827828829830831832833834835836837838839840841842843844845846847848849850851852853854855856857858859860861862863864865866867868869870871872873874875876877878879880881882883884885886 |
- #
- #
- # The Nim Compiler
- # (c) Copyright 2015 Andreas Rumpf
- #
- # See the file "copying.txt", included in this
- # distribution, for details about the copyright.
- #
- # This file implements lambda lifting for the transformator.
- import
- intsets, strutils, options, ast, astalgo, trees, treetab, msgs,
- idents, renderer, types, magicsys, lowerings, tables, modulegraphs, lineinfos
- discard """
- The basic approach is that captured vars need to be put on the heap and
- that the calling chain needs to be explicitly modelled. Things to consider:
- proc a =
- var v = 0
- proc b =
- var w = 2
- for x in 0..3:
- proc c = capture v, w, x
- c()
- b()
- for x in 0..4:
- proc d = capture x
- d()
- Needs to be translated into:
- proc a =
- var cl: *
- new cl
- cl.v = 0
- proc b(cl) =
- var bcl: *
- new bcl
- bcl.w = 2
- bcl.up = cl
- for x in 0..3:
- var bcl2: *
- new bcl2
- bcl2.up = bcl
- bcl2.up2 = cl
- bcl2.x = x
- proc c(cl) = capture cl.up2.v, cl.up.w, cl.x
- c(bcl2)
- c(bcl)
- b(cl)
- for x in 0..4:
- var acl2: *
- new acl2
- acl2.x = x
- proc d(cl) = capture cl.x
- d(acl2)
- Closures as interfaces:
- proc outer: T =
- var captureMe: TObject # value type required for efficiency
- proc getter(): int = result = captureMe.x
- proc setter(x: int) = captureMe.x = x
- result = (getter, setter)
- Is translated to:
- proc outer: T =
- var cl: *
- new cl
- proc getter(cl): int = result = cl.captureMe.x
- proc setter(cl: *, x: int) = cl.captureMe.x = x
- result = ((cl, getter), (cl, setter))
- For 'byref' capture, the outer proc needs to access the captured var through
- the indirection too. For 'bycopy' capture, the outer proc accesses the var
- not through the indirection.
- Possible optimizations:
- 1) If the closure contains a single 'ref' and this
- reference is not re-assigned (check ``sfAddrTaken`` flag) make this the
- closure. This is an important optimization if closures are used as
- interfaces.
- 2) If the closure does not escape, put it onto the stack, not on the heap.
- 3) Dataflow analysis would help to eliminate the 'up' indirections.
- 4) If the captured var is not actually used in the outer proc (common?),
- put it into an inner proc.
- """
- # Important things to keep in mind:
- # * Don't base the analysis on nkProcDef et al. This doesn't work for
- # instantiated (formerly generic) procs. The analysis has to look at nkSym.
- # This also means we need to prevent the same proc is processed multiple
- # times via the 'processed' set.
- # * Keep in mind that the owner of some temporaries used to be unreliable.
- # * For closure iterators we merge the "real" potential closure with the
- # local storage requirements for efficiency. This means closure iterators
- # have slightly different semantics from ordinary closures.
- # ---------------- essential helpers -------------------------------------
- const
- upName* = ":up" # field name for the 'up' reference
- paramName* = ":envP"
- envName* = ":env"
- proc newCall(a: PSym, b: PNode): PNode =
- result = newNodeI(nkCall, a.info)
- result.add newSymNode(a)
- result.add b
- proc createClosureIterStateType*(g: ModuleGraph; iter: PSym): PType =
- var n = newNodeI(nkRange, iter.info)
- addSon(n, newIntNode(nkIntLit, -1))
- addSon(n, newIntNode(nkIntLit, 0))
- result = newType(tyRange, iter)
- result.n = n
- var intType = nilOrSysInt(g)
- if intType.isNil: intType = newType(tyInt, iter)
- rawAddSon(result, intType)
- proc createStateField(g: ModuleGraph; iter: PSym): PSym =
- result = newSym(skField, getIdent(g.cache, ":state"), iter, iter.info)
- result.typ = createClosureIterStateType(g, iter)
- proc createEnvObj(g: ModuleGraph; owner: PSym; info: TLineInfo): PType =
- # YYY meh, just add the state field for every closure for now, it's too
- # hard to figure out if it comes from a closure iterator:
- result = createObj(g, owner, info, final=false)
- rawAddField(result, createStateField(g, owner))
- proc getClosureIterResult*(g: ModuleGraph; iter: PSym): PSym =
- if resultPos < iter.ast.len:
- result = iter.ast.sons[resultPos].sym
- else:
- # XXX a bit hacky:
- result = newSym(skResult, getIdent(g.cache, ":result"), iter, iter.info, {})
- result.typ = iter.typ.sons[0]
- incl(result.flags, sfUsed)
- iter.ast.add newSymNode(result)
- proc addHiddenParam(routine: PSym, param: PSym) =
- assert param.kind == skParam
- var params = routine.ast.sons[paramsPos]
- # -1 is correct here as param.position is 0 based but we have at position 0
- # some nkEffect node:
- param.position = routine.typ.n.len-1
- addSon(params, newSymNode(param))
- #incl(routine.typ.flags, tfCapturesEnv)
- assert sfFromGeneric in param.flags
- #echo "produced environment: ", param.id, " for ", routine.id
- proc getHiddenParam(g: ModuleGraph; routine: PSym): PSym =
- let params = routine.ast.sons[paramsPos]
- let hidden = lastSon(params)
- if hidden.kind == nkSym and hidden.sym.kind == skParam and hidden.sym.name.s == paramName:
- result = hidden.sym
- assert sfFromGeneric in result.flags
- else:
- # writeStackTrace()
- localError(g.config, routine.info, "internal error: could not find env param for " & routine.name.s)
- result = routine
- proc getEnvParam*(routine: PSym): PSym =
- let params = routine.ast.sons[paramsPos]
- let hidden = lastSon(params)
- if hidden.kind == nkSym and hidden.sym.name.s == paramName:
- result = hidden.sym
- assert sfFromGeneric in result.flags
- proc interestingVar(s: PSym): bool {.inline.} =
- result = s.kind in {skVar, skLet, skTemp, skForVar, skParam, skResult} and
- sfGlobal notin s.flags and
- s.typ.kind notin {tyStatic, tyTypeDesc}
- proc illegalCapture(s: PSym): bool {.inline.} =
- result = skipTypes(s.typ, abstractInst).kind in
- {tyVar, tyOpenArray, tyVarargs, tyLent} or
- s.kind == skResult
- proc isInnerProc(s: PSym): bool =
- if s.kind in {skProc, skFunc, skMethod, skConverter, skIterator} and s.magic == mNone:
- result = s.skipGenericOwner.kind in routineKinds
- proc newAsgnStmt(le, ri: PNode, info: TLineInfo): PNode =
- # Bugfix: unfortunately we cannot use 'nkFastAsgn' here as that would
- # mean to be able to capture string literals which have no GC header.
- # However this can only happen if the capture happens through a parameter,
- # which is however the only case when we generate an assignment in the first
- # place.
- result = newNodeI(nkAsgn, info, 2)
- result.sons[0] = le
- result.sons[1] = ri
- proc makeClosure*(g: ModuleGraph; prc: PSym; env: PNode; info: TLineInfo): PNode =
- result = newNodeIT(nkClosure, info, prc.typ)
- result.add(newSymNode(prc))
- if env == nil:
- result.add(newNodeIT(nkNilLit, info, getSysType(g, info, tyNil)))
- else:
- if env.skipConv.kind == nkClosure:
- localError(g.config, info, "internal error: taking closure of closure")
- result.add(env)
- proc interestingIterVar(s: PSym): bool {.inline.} =
- # XXX optimization: Only lift the variable if it lives across
- # yield/return boundaries! This can potentially speed up
- # closure iterators quite a bit.
- result = s.kind in {skResult, skVar, skLet, skTemp, skForVar} and sfGlobal notin s.flags
- template isIterator*(owner: PSym): bool =
- owner.kind == skIterator and owner.typ.callConv == ccClosure
- proc liftingHarmful(conf: ConfigRef; owner: PSym): bool {.inline.} =
- ## lambda lifting can be harmful for JS-like code generators.
- let isCompileTime = sfCompileTime in owner.flags or owner.kind == skMacro
- result = conf.cmd == cmdCompileToJS and not isCompileTime
- proc liftIterSym*(g: ModuleGraph; n: PNode; owner: PSym): PNode =
- # transforms (iter) to (let env = newClosure[iter](); (iter, env))
- if liftingHarmful(g.config, owner): return n
- let iter = n.sym
- assert iter.isIterator
- result = newNodeIT(nkStmtListExpr, n.info, n.typ)
- let hp = getHiddenParam(g, iter)
- var env: PNode
- if owner.isIterator:
- let it = getHiddenParam(g, owner)
- addUniqueField(it.typ.sons[0], hp, g.cache)
- env = indirectAccess(newSymNode(it), hp, hp.info)
- else:
- let e = newSym(skLet, iter.name, owner, n.info)
- e.typ = hp.typ
- e.flags = hp.flags
- env = newSymNode(e)
- var v = newNodeI(nkVarSection, n.info)
- addVar(v, env)
- result.add(v)
- # add 'new' statement:
- result.add newCall(getSysSym(g, n.info, "internalNew"), env)
- result.add makeClosure(g, iter, env, n.info)
- proc freshVarForClosureIter*(g: ModuleGraph; s, owner: PSym): PNode =
- let envParam = getHiddenParam(g, owner)
- let obj = envParam.typ.lastSon
- addField(obj, s, g.cache)
- var access = newSymNode(envParam)
- assert obj.kind == tyObject
- let field = getFieldFromObj(obj, s)
- if field != nil:
- result = rawIndirectAccess(access, field, s.info)
- else:
- localError(g.config, s.info, "internal error: cannot generate fresh variable")
- result = access
- # ------------------ new stuff -------------------------------------------
- proc markAsClosure(g: ModuleGraph; owner: PSym; n: PNode) =
- let s = n.sym
- if illegalCapture(s):
- localError(g.config, n.info,
- ("'$1' is of type <$2> which cannot be captured as it would violate memory" &
- " safety, declared here: $3") % [s.name.s, typeToString(s.typ), g.config$s.info])
- elif owner.typ.callConv notin {ccClosure, ccDefault}:
- localError(g.config, n.info, "illegal capture '$1' because '$2' has the calling convention: <$3>" %
- [s.name.s, owner.name.s, CallingConvToStr[owner.typ.callConv]])
- incl(owner.typ.flags, tfCapturesEnv)
- owner.typ.callConv = ccClosure
- type
- DetectionPass = object
- processed, capturedVars: IntSet
- ownerToType: Table[int, PType]
- somethingToDo: bool
- graph: ModuleGraph
- proc initDetectionPass(g: ModuleGraph; fn: PSym): DetectionPass =
- result.processed = initIntSet()
- result.capturedVars = initIntSet()
- result.ownerToType = initTable[int, PType]()
- result.processed.incl(fn.id)
- result.graph = g
- discard """
- proc outer =
- var a, b: int
- proc innerA = use(a)
- proc innerB = use(b); innerA()
- # --> innerA and innerB need to *share* the closure type!
- This is why need to store the 'ownerToType' table and use it
- during .closure'fication.
- """
- proc getEnvTypeForOwner(c: var DetectionPass; owner: PSym;
- info: TLineInfo): PType =
- result = c.ownerToType.getOrDefault(owner.id)
- if result.isNil:
- result = newType(tyRef, owner)
- let obj = createEnvObj(c.graph, owner, info)
- rawAddSon(result, obj)
- c.ownerToType[owner.id] = result
- proc createUpField(c: var DetectionPass; dest, dep: PSym; info: TLineInfo) =
- let refObj = c.getEnvTypeForOwner(dest, info) # getHiddenParam(dest).typ
- let obj = refObj.lastSon
- let fieldType = c.getEnvTypeForOwner(dep, info) #getHiddenParam(dep).typ
- if refObj == fieldType:
- localError(c.graph.config, dep.info, "internal error: invalid up reference computed")
- let upIdent = getIdent(c.graph.cache, upName)
- let upField = lookupInRecord(obj.n, upIdent)
- if upField != nil:
- if upField.typ != fieldType:
- localError(c.graph.config, dep.info, "internal error: up references do not agree")
- else:
- let result = newSym(skField, upIdent, obj.owner, obj.owner.info)
- result.typ = fieldType
- rawAddField(obj, result)
- discard """
- There are a couple of possibilities of how to implement closure
- iterators that capture outer variables in a traditional sense
- (aka closure closure iterators).
- 1. Transform iter() to iter(state, capturedEnv). So use 2 hidden
- parameters.
- 2. Add the captured vars directly to 'state'.
- 3. Make capturedEnv an up-reference of 'state'.
- We do (3) here because (2) is obviously wrong and (1) is wrong too.
- Consider:
- proc outer =
- var xx = 9
- iterator foo() =
- var someState = 3
- proc bar = echo someState
- proc baz = someState = 0
- baz()
- bar()
- """
- proc addClosureParam(c: var DetectionPass; fn: PSym; info: TLineInfo) =
- var cp = getEnvParam(fn)
- let owner = if fn.kind == skIterator: fn else: fn.skipGenericOwner
- let t = c.getEnvTypeForOwner(owner, info)
- if cp == nil:
- cp = newSym(skParam, getIdent(c.graph.cache, paramName), fn, fn.info)
- incl(cp.flags, sfFromGeneric)
- cp.typ = t
- addHiddenParam(fn, cp)
- elif cp.typ != t and fn.kind != skIterator:
- localError(c.graph.config, fn.info, "internal error: inconsistent environment type")
- #echo "adding closure to ", fn.name.s
- proc detectCapturedVars(n: PNode; owner: PSym; c: var DetectionPass) =
- case n.kind
- of nkSym:
- let s = n.sym
- if s.kind in {skProc, skFunc, skMethod, skConverter, skIterator} and
- s.typ != nil and s.typ.callConv == ccClosure:
- # this handles the case that the inner proc was declared as
- # .closure but does not actually capture anything:
- addClosureParam(c, s, n.info)
- c.somethingToDo = true
- let innerProc = isInnerProc(s)
- if innerProc:
- if s.isIterator: c.somethingToDo = true
- if not c.processed.containsOrIncl(s.id):
- detectCapturedVars(s.getBody, s, c)
- let ow = s.skipGenericOwner
- if ow == owner:
- if owner.isIterator:
- c.somethingToDo = true
- addClosureParam(c, owner, n.info)
- if interestingIterVar(s):
- if not c.capturedVars.containsOrIncl(s.id):
- let obj = getHiddenParam(c.graph, owner).typ.lastSon
- #let obj = c.getEnvTypeForOwner(s.owner).lastSon
- if s.name.id == getIdent(c.graph.cache, ":state").id:
- obj.n[0].sym.id = -s.id
- else:
- addField(obj, s, c.graph.cache)
- # but always return because the rest of the proc is only relevant when
- # ow != owner:
- return
- # direct or indirect dependency:
- if (innerProc and s.typ.callConv == ccClosure) or interestingVar(s):
- discard """
- proc outer() =
- var x: int
- proc inner() =
- proc innerInner() =
- echo x
- innerInner()
- inner()
- # inner() takes a closure too!
- """
- # mark 'owner' as taking a closure:
- c.somethingToDo = true
- markAsClosure(c.graph, owner, n)
- addClosureParam(c, owner, n.info)
- #echo "capturing ", n.info
- # variable 's' is actually captured:
- if interestingVar(s) and not c.capturedVars.containsOrIncl(s.id):
- let obj = c.getEnvTypeForOwner(ow, n.info).lastSon
- #getHiddenParam(owner).typ.lastSon
- addField(obj, s, c.graph.cache)
- # create required upFields:
- var w = owner.skipGenericOwner
- if isInnerProc(w) or owner.isIterator:
- if owner.isIterator: w = owner
- let last = if ow.isIterator: ow.skipGenericOwner else: ow
- while w != nil and w.kind != skModule and last != w:
- discard """
- proc outer =
- var a, b: int
- proc outerB =
- proc innerA = use(a)
- proc innerB = use(b); innerA()
- # --> make outerB of calling convention .closure and
- # give it the same env type that outer's env var gets:
- """
- let up = w.skipGenericOwner
- #echo "up for ", w.name.s, " up ", up.name.s
- markAsClosure(c.graph, w, n)
- addClosureParam(c, w, n.info) # , ow
- createUpField(c, w, up, n.info)
- w = up
- of nkEmpty..pred(nkSym), succ(nkSym)..nkNilLit,
- nkTemplateDef, nkTypeSection:
- discard
- of nkProcDef, nkMethodDef, nkConverterDef, nkMacroDef:
- discard
- of nkLambdaKinds, nkIteratorDef, nkFuncDef:
- if n.typ != nil:
- detectCapturedVars(n[namePos], owner, c)
- of nkReturnStmt:
- if n[0].kind in {nkAsgn, nkFastAsgn}:
- detectCapturedVars(n[0].sons[1], owner, c)
- else: assert n[0].kind == nkEmpty
- else:
- for i in 0..<n.len:
- detectCapturedVars(n[i], owner, c)
- type
- LiftingPass = object
- processed: IntSet
- envVars: Table[int, PNode]
- inContainer: int
- proc initLiftingPass(fn: PSym): LiftingPass =
- result.processed = initIntSet()
- result.processed.incl(fn.id)
- result.envVars = initTable[int, PNode]()
- proc accessViaEnvParam(g: ModuleGraph; n: PNode; owner: PSym): PNode =
- let s = n.sym
- # Type based expression construction for simplicity:
- let envParam = getHiddenParam(g, owner)
- if not envParam.isNil:
- var access = newSymNode(envParam)
- while true:
- let obj = access.typ.sons[0]
- assert obj.kind == tyObject
- let field = getFieldFromObj(obj, s)
- if field != nil:
- return rawIndirectAccess(access, field, n.info)
- let upField = lookupInRecord(obj.n, getIdent(g.cache, upName))
- if upField == nil: break
- access = rawIndirectAccess(access, upField, n.info)
- localError(g.config, n.info, "internal error: environment misses: " & s.name.s)
- result = n
- proc newEnvVar(cache: IdentCache; owner: PSym; typ: PType): PNode =
- var v = newSym(skVar, getIdent(cache, envName), owner, owner.info)
- incl(v.flags, sfShadowed)
- v.typ = typ
- result = newSymNode(v)
- when false:
- if owner.kind == skIterator and owner.typ.callConv == ccClosure:
- let it = getHiddenParam(owner)
- addUniqueField(it.typ.sons[0], v)
- result = indirectAccess(newSymNode(it), v, v.info)
- else:
- result = newSymNode(v)
- proc setupEnvVar(owner: PSym; d: DetectionPass;
- c: var LiftingPass): PNode =
- if owner.isIterator:
- return getHiddenParam(d.graph, owner).newSymNode
- result = c.envvars.getOrDefault(owner.id)
- if result.isNil:
- let envVarType = d.ownerToType.getOrDefault(owner.id)
- if envVarType.isNil:
- localError d.graph.config, owner.info, "internal error: could not determine closure type"
- result = newEnvVar(d.graph.cache, owner, envVarType)
- c.envVars[owner.id] = result
- proc getUpViaParam(g: ModuleGraph; owner: PSym): PNode =
- let p = getHiddenParam(g, owner)
- result = p.newSymNode
- if owner.isIterator:
- let upField = lookupInRecord(p.typ.lastSon.n, getIdent(g.cache, upName))
- if upField == nil:
- localError(g.config, owner.info, "could not find up reference for closure iter")
- else:
- result = rawIndirectAccess(result, upField, p.info)
- proc rawClosureCreation(owner: PSym;
- d: DetectionPass; c: var LiftingPass): PNode =
- result = newNodeI(nkStmtList, owner.info)
- var env: PNode
- if owner.isIterator:
- env = getHiddenParam(d.graph, owner).newSymNode
- else:
- env = setupEnvVar(owner, d, c)
- if env.kind == nkSym:
- var v = newNodeI(nkVarSection, env.info)
- addVar(v, env)
- result.add(v)
- # add 'new' statement:
- result.add(newCall(getSysSym(d.graph, env.info, "internalNew"), env))
- # add assignment statements for captured parameters:
- for i in 1..<owner.typ.n.len:
- let local = owner.typ.n[i].sym
- if local.id in d.capturedVars:
- let fieldAccess = indirectAccess(env, local, env.info)
- # add ``env.param = param``
- result.add(newAsgnStmt(fieldAccess, newSymNode(local), env.info))
- let upField = lookupInRecord(env.typ.lastSon.n, getIdent(d.graph.cache, upName))
- if upField != nil:
- let up = getUpViaParam(d.graph, owner)
- if up != nil and upField.typ == up.typ:
- result.add(newAsgnStmt(rawIndirectAccess(env, upField, env.info),
- up, env.info))
- #elif oldenv != nil and oldenv.typ == upField.typ:
- # result.add(newAsgnStmt(rawIndirectAccess(env, upField, env.info),
- # oldenv, env.info))
- else:
- localError(d.graph.config, env.info, "internal error: cannot create up reference")
- proc closureCreationForIter(iter: PNode;
- d: DetectionPass; c: var LiftingPass): PNode =
- result = newNodeIT(nkStmtListExpr, iter.info, iter.sym.typ)
- let owner = iter.sym.skipGenericOwner
- var v = newSym(skVar, getIdent(d.graph.cache, envName), owner, iter.info)
- incl(v.flags, sfShadowed)
- v.typ = getHiddenParam(d.graph, iter.sym).typ
- var vnode: PNode
- if owner.isIterator:
- let it = getHiddenParam(d.graph, owner)
- addUniqueField(it.typ.sons[0], v, d.graph.cache)
- vnode = indirectAccess(newSymNode(it), v, v.info)
- else:
- vnode = v.newSymNode
- var vs = newNodeI(nkVarSection, iter.info)
- addVar(vs, vnode)
- result.add(vs)
- result.add(newCall(getSysSym(d.graph, iter.info, "internalNew"), vnode))
- let upField = lookupInRecord(v.typ.lastSon.n, getIdent(d.graph.cache, upName))
- if upField != nil:
- let u = setupEnvVar(owner, d, c)
- if u.typ == upField.typ:
- result.add(newAsgnStmt(rawIndirectAccess(vnode, upField, iter.info),
- u, iter.info))
- else:
- localError(d.graph.config, iter.info, "internal error: cannot create up reference for iter")
- result.add makeClosure(d.graph, iter.sym, vnode, iter.info)
- proc accessViaEnvVar(n: PNode; owner: PSym; d: DetectionPass;
- c: var LiftingPass): PNode =
- let access = setupEnvVar(owner, d, c)
- let obj = access.typ.sons[0]
- let field = getFieldFromObj(obj, n.sym)
- if field != nil:
- result = rawIndirectAccess(access, field, n.info)
- else:
- localError(d.graph.config, n.info, "internal error: not part of closure object type")
- result = n
- proc getStateField*(g: ModuleGraph; owner: PSym): PSym =
- getHiddenParam(g, owner).typ.sons[0].n.sons[0].sym
- proc liftCapturedVars(n: PNode; owner: PSym; d: DetectionPass;
- c: var LiftingPass): PNode
- proc symToClosure(n: PNode; owner: PSym; d: DetectionPass;
- c: var LiftingPass): PNode =
- let s = n.sym
- if s == owner:
- # recursive calls go through (lambda, hiddenParam):
- let available = getHiddenParam(d.graph, owner)
- result = makeClosure(d.graph, s, available.newSymNode, n.info)
- elif s.isIterator:
- result = closureCreationForIter(n, d, c)
- elif s.skipGenericOwner == owner:
- # direct dependency, so use the outer's env variable:
- result = makeClosure(d.graph, s, setupEnvVar(owner, d, c), n.info)
- else:
- let available = getHiddenParam(d.graph, owner)
- let wanted = getHiddenParam(d.graph, s).typ
- # ugh: call through some other inner proc;
- var access = newSymNode(available)
- while true:
- if access.typ == wanted:
- return makeClosure(d.graph, s, access, n.info)
- let obj = access.typ.sons[0]
- let upField = lookupInRecord(obj.n, getIdent(d.graph.cache, upName))
- if upField == nil:
- localError(d.graph.config, n.info, "internal error: no environment found")
- return n
- access = rawIndirectAccess(access, upField, n.info)
- proc liftCapturedVars(n: PNode; owner: PSym; d: DetectionPass;
- c: var LiftingPass): PNode =
- result = n
- case n.kind
- of nkSym:
- let s = n.sym
- if isInnerProc(s):
- if not c.processed.containsOrIncl(s.id):
- #if s.name.s == "temp":
- # echo renderTree(s.getBody, {renderIds})
- let oldInContainer = c.inContainer
- c.inContainer = 0
- var body = liftCapturedVars(s.getBody, s, d, c)
- if c.envvars.getOrDefault(s.id).isNil:
- s.ast.sons[bodyPos] = body
- else:
- s.ast.sons[bodyPos] = newTree(nkStmtList, rawClosureCreation(s, d, c), body)
- c.inContainer = oldInContainer
- if s.typ.callConv == ccClosure:
- result = symToClosure(n, owner, d, c)
- elif s.id in d.capturedVars:
- if s.owner != owner:
- result = accessViaEnvParam(d.graph, n, owner)
- elif owner.isIterator and interestingIterVar(s):
- result = accessViaEnvParam(d.graph, n, owner)
- else:
- result = accessViaEnvVar(n, owner, d, c)
- of nkEmpty..pred(nkSym), succ(nkSym)..nkNilLit, nkComesFrom,
- nkTemplateDef, nkTypeSection:
- discard
- of nkProcDef, nkMethodDef, nkConverterDef, nkMacroDef:
- discard
- of nkClosure:
- if n[1].kind == nkNilLit:
- n.sons[0] = liftCapturedVars(n[0], owner, d, c)
- let x = n.sons[0].skipConv
- if x.kind == nkClosure:
- #localError(n.info, "internal error: closure to closure created")
- # now we know better, so patch it:
- n.sons[0] = x.sons[0]
- n.sons[1] = x.sons[1]
- of nkLambdaKinds, nkIteratorDef, nkFuncDef:
- if n.typ != nil and n[namePos].kind == nkSym:
- let oldInContainer = c.inContainer
- c.inContainer = 0
- let m = newSymNode(n[namePos].sym)
- m.typ = n.typ
- result = liftCapturedVars(m, owner, d, c)
- c.inContainer = oldInContainer
- of nkHiddenStdConv:
- if n.len == 2:
- n.sons[1] = liftCapturedVars(n[1], owner, d, c)
- if n[1].kind == nkClosure: result = n[1]
- of nkReturnStmt:
- if n[0].kind in {nkAsgn, nkFastAsgn}:
- # we have a `result = result` expression produced by the closure
- # transform, let's not touch the LHS in order to make the lifting pass
- # correct when `result` is lifted
- n[0].sons[1] = liftCapturedVars(n[0].sons[1], owner, d, c)
- else: assert n[0].kind == nkEmpty
- else:
- if owner.isIterator:
- if nfLL in n.flags:
- # special case 'when nimVm' due to bug #3636:
- n.sons[1] = liftCapturedVars(n[1], owner, d, c)
- return
- let inContainer = n.kind in {nkObjConstr, nkBracket}
- if inContainer: inc c.inContainer
- for i in 0..<n.len:
- n.sons[i] = liftCapturedVars(n[i], owner, d, c)
- if inContainer: dec c.inContainer
- # ------------------ old stuff -------------------------------------------
- proc semCaptureSym*(s, owner: PSym) =
- if interestingVar(s) and s.kind != skResult:
- if owner.typ != nil and not isGenericRoutine(owner):
- # XXX: is this really safe?
- # if we capture a var from another generic routine,
- # it won't be consider captured.
- var o = owner.skipGenericOwner
- while o.kind != skModule and o != nil:
- if s.owner == o:
- if owner.typ.callConv in {ccClosure, ccDefault} or owner.kind == skIterator:
- owner.typ.callConv = ccClosure
- else:
- discard "do not produce an error here, but later"
- #echo "computing .closure for ", owner.name.s, " ", owner.info, " because of ", s.name.s
- o = o.skipGenericOwner
- # since the analysis is not entirely correct, we don't set 'tfCapturesEnv'
- # here
- proc liftIterToProc*(g: ModuleGraph; fn: PSym; body: PNode; ptrType: PType): PNode =
- var d = initDetectionPass(g, fn)
- var c = initLiftingPass(fn)
- # pretend 'fn' is a closure iterator for the analysis:
- let oldKind = fn.kind
- let oldCC = fn.typ.callConv
- fn.kind = skIterator
- fn.typ.callConv = ccClosure
- d.ownerToType[fn.id] = ptrType
- detectCapturedVars(body, fn, d)
- result = liftCapturedVars(body, fn, d, c)
- fn.kind = oldKind
- fn.typ.callConv = oldCC
- proc liftLambdas*(g: ModuleGraph; fn: PSym, body: PNode; tooEarly: var bool): PNode =
- # XXX gCmd == cmdCompileToJS does not suffice! The compiletime stuff needs
- # the transformation even when compiling to JS ...
- # However we can do lifting for the stuff which is *only* compiletime.
- let isCompileTime = sfCompileTime in fn.flags or fn.kind == skMacro
- if body.kind == nkEmpty or (
- g.config.cmd == cmdCompileToJS and not isCompileTime) or
- fn.skipGenericOwner.kind != skModule:
- # ignore forward declaration:
- result = body
- tooEarly = true
- else:
- var d = initDetectionPass(g, fn)
- detectCapturedVars(body, fn, d)
- if not d.somethingToDo and fn.isIterator:
- addClosureParam(d, fn, body.info)
- d.somethingToDo = true
- if d.somethingToDo:
- var c = initLiftingPass(fn)
- result = liftCapturedVars(body, fn, d, c)
- # echo renderTree(result, {renderIds})
- if c.envvars.getOrDefault(fn.id) != nil:
- result = newTree(nkStmtList, rawClosureCreation(fn, d, c), result)
- else:
- result = body
- #if fn.name.s == "get2":
- # echo "had something to do ", d.somethingToDo
- # echo renderTree(result, {renderIds})
- proc liftLambdasForTopLevel*(module: PSym, body: PNode): PNode =
- # XXX implement it properly
- result = body
- # ------------------- iterator transformation --------------------------------
- proc liftForLoop*(g: ModuleGraph; body: PNode; owner: PSym): PNode =
- # problem ahead: the iterator could be invoked indirectly, but then
- # we don't know what environment to create here:
- #
- # iterator count(): int =
- # yield 0
- #
- # iterator count2(): int =
- # var x = 3
- # yield x
- # inc x
- # yield x
- #
- # proc invoke(iter: iterator(): int) =
- # for x in iter(): echo x
- #
- # --> When to create the closure? --> for the (count) occurrence!
- discard """
- for i in foo(): ...
- Is transformed to:
- cl = createClosure()
- while true:
- let i = foo(cl)
- if (nkBreakState(cl.state)):
- break
- ...
- """
- if liftingHarmful(g.config, owner): return body
- var L = body.len
- if not (body.kind == nkForStmt and body[L-2].kind in nkCallKinds):
- localError(g.config, body.info, "ignored invalid for loop")
- return body
- var call = body[L-2]
- result = newNodeI(nkStmtList, body.info)
- # static binding?
- var env: PSym
- let op = call[0]
- if op.kind == nkSym and op.sym.isIterator:
- # createClosure()
- let iter = op.sym
- let hp = getHiddenParam(g, iter)
- env = newSym(skLet, iter.name, owner, body.info)
- env.typ = hp.typ
- env.flags = hp.flags
- var v = newNodeI(nkVarSection, body.info)
- addVar(v, newSymNode(env))
- result.add(v)
- # add 'new' statement:
- result.add(newCall(getSysSym(g, env.info, "internalNew"), env.newSymNode))
- elif op.kind == nkStmtListExpr:
- let closure = op.lastSon
- if closure.kind == nkClosure:
- call.sons[0] = closure
- for i in 0 .. op.len-2:
- result.add op[i]
- var loopBody = newNodeI(nkStmtList, body.info, 3)
- var whileLoop = newNodeI(nkWhileStmt, body.info, 2)
- whileLoop.sons[0] = newIntTypeNode(nkIntLit, 1, getSysType(g, body.info, tyBool))
- whileLoop.sons[1] = loopBody
- result.add whileLoop
- # setup loopBody:
- # gather vars in a tuple:
- var v2 = newNodeI(nkLetSection, body.info)
- var vpart = newNodeI(if L == 3: nkIdentDefs else: nkVarTuple, body.info)
- for i in 0 .. L-3:
- if body[i].kind == nkSym:
- body[i].sym.kind = skLet
- addSon(vpart, body[i])
- addSon(vpart, newNodeI(nkEmpty, body.info)) # no explicit type
- if not env.isNil:
- call.sons[0] = makeClosure(g, call.sons[0].sym, env.newSymNode, body.info)
- addSon(vpart, call)
- addSon(v2, vpart)
- loopBody.sons[0] = v2
- var bs = newNodeI(nkBreakState, body.info)
- bs.addSon(call.sons[0])
- let ibs = newNodeI(nkIfStmt, body.info)
- let elifBranch = newNodeI(nkElifBranch, body.info)
- elifBranch.add(bs)
- let br = newNodeI(nkBreakStmt, body.info)
- br.add(g.emptyNode)
- elifBranch.add(br)
- ibs.add(elifBranch)
- loopBody.sons[1] = ibs
- loopBody.sons[2] = body[L-1]