123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168 |
- #
- #
- # The Nim Compiler
- # (c) Copyright 2012 Andreas Rumpf
- #
- # See the file "copying.txt", included in this
- # distribution, for details about the copyright.
- #
- # Built-in types and compilerprocs are registered here.
- import
- ast, astalgo, msgs, platform, idents,
- modulegraphs, lineinfos
- export createMagic
- proc nilOrSysInt*(g: ModuleGraph): PType = g.sysTypes[tyInt]
- proc newSysType(g: ModuleGraph; kind: TTypeKind, size: int): PType =
- result = newType(kind, g.idgen, g.systemModule)
- result.size = size
- result.align = size.int16
- proc getSysSym*(g: ModuleGraph; info: TLineInfo; name: string): PSym =
- result = systemModuleSym(g, getIdent(g.cache, name))
- if result == nil:
- localError(g.config, info, "system module needs: " & name)
- result = newSym(skError, getIdent(g.cache, name), g.idgen, g.systemModule, g.systemModule.info, {})
- result.typ = newType(tyError, g.idgen, g.systemModule)
- proc getSysMagic*(g: ModuleGraph; info: TLineInfo; name: string, m: TMagic): PSym =
- result = nil
- let id = getIdent(g.cache, name)
- for r in systemModuleSyms(g, id):
- if r.magic == m:
- # prefer the tyInt variant:
- if r.typ.returnType != nil and r.typ.returnType.kind == tyInt: return r
- result = r
- if result != nil: return result
- localError(g.config, info, "system module needs: " & name)
- result = newSym(skError, id, g.idgen, g.systemModule, g.systemModule.info, {})
- result.typ = newType(tyError, g.idgen, g.systemModule)
- proc sysTypeFromName*(g: ModuleGraph; info: TLineInfo; name: string): PType =
- result = getSysSym(g, info, name).typ
- proc getSysType*(g: ModuleGraph; info: TLineInfo; kind: TTypeKind): PType =
- template sysTypeFromName(s: string): untyped = sysTypeFromName(g, info, s)
- result = g.sysTypes[kind]
- if result == nil:
- case kind
- of tyVoid: result = sysTypeFromName("void")
- of tyInt: result = sysTypeFromName("int")
- of tyInt8: result = sysTypeFromName("int8")
- of tyInt16: result = sysTypeFromName("int16")
- of tyInt32: result = sysTypeFromName("int32")
- of tyInt64: result = sysTypeFromName("int64")
- of tyUInt: result = sysTypeFromName("uint")
- of tyUInt8: result = sysTypeFromName("uint8")
- of tyUInt16: result = sysTypeFromName("uint16")
- of tyUInt32: result = sysTypeFromName("uint32")
- of tyUInt64: result = sysTypeFromName("uint64")
- of tyFloat: result = sysTypeFromName("float")
- of tyFloat32: result = sysTypeFromName("float32")
- of tyFloat64: result = sysTypeFromName("float64")
- of tyFloat128: result = sysTypeFromName("float128")
- of tyBool: result = sysTypeFromName("bool")
- of tyChar: result = sysTypeFromName("char")
- of tyString: result = sysTypeFromName("string")
- of tyCstring: result = sysTypeFromName("cstring")
- of tyPointer: result = sysTypeFromName("pointer")
- of tyNil: result = newSysType(g, tyNil, g.config.target.ptrSize)
- else: internalError(g.config, "request for typekind: " & $kind)
- g.sysTypes[kind] = result
- if result.kind != kind:
- if kind == tyFloat64 and result.kind == tyFloat: discard # because of aliasing
- else:
- internalError(g.config, "wanted: " & $kind & " got: " & $result.kind)
- if result == nil: internalError(g.config, "type not found: " & $kind)
- proc resetSysTypes*(g: ModuleGraph) =
- g.systemModule = nil
- g.compilerprocs = initStrTable()
- g.exposed = initStrTable()
- for i in low(g.sysTypes)..high(g.sysTypes):
- g.sysTypes[i] = nil
- proc getFloatLitType*(g: ModuleGraph; literal: PNode): PType =
- # for now we do not cache these:
- result = newSysType(g, tyFloat, size=8)
- result.n = literal
- proc skipIntLit*(t: PType; id: IdGenerator): PType {.inline.} =
- if t.n != nil and t.kind in {tyInt, tyFloat}:
- result = copyType(t, id, t.owner)
- result.n = nil
- else:
- result = t
- proc addSonSkipIntLit*(father, son: PType; id: IdGenerator) =
- let s = son.skipIntLit(id)
- father.add(s)
- propagateToOwner(father, s)
- proc makeVarType*(owner: PSym; baseType: PType; idgen: IdGenerator; kind = tyVar): PType =
- if baseType.kind == kind:
- result = baseType
- else:
- result = newType(kind, idgen, owner)
- addSonSkipIntLit(result, baseType, idgen)
- proc getCompilerProc*(g: ModuleGraph; name: string): PSym =
- let ident = getIdent(g.cache, name)
- result = strTableGet(g.compilerprocs, ident)
- proc registerCompilerProc*(g: ModuleGraph; s: PSym) =
- strTableAdd(g.compilerprocs, s)
- proc registerNimScriptSymbol*(g: ModuleGraph; s: PSym) =
- # Nimscript symbols must be al unique:
- let conflict = strTableGet(g.exposed, s.name)
- if conflict == nil:
- strTableAdd(g.exposed, s)
- else:
- localError(g.config, s.info,
- "symbol conflicts with other .exportNims symbol at: " & g.config$conflict.info)
- proc getNimScriptSymbol*(g: ModuleGraph; name: string): PSym =
- strTableGet(g.exposed, getIdent(g.cache, name))
- proc resetNimScriptSymbols*(g: ModuleGraph) = g.exposed = initStrTable()
- proc getMagicEqSymForType*(g: ModuleGraph; t: PType; info: TLineInfo): PSym =
- case t.kind
- of tyInt, tyInt8, tyInt16, tyInt32, tyInt64,
- tyUInt, tyUInt8, tyUInt16, tyUInt32, tyUInt64:
- result = getSysMagic(g, info, "==", mEqI)
- of tyEnum:
- result = getSysMagic(g, info, "==", mEqEnum)
- of tyBool:
- result = getSysMagic(g, info, "==", mEqB)
- of tyRef, tyPtr, tyPointer:
- result = getSysMagic(g, info, "==", mEqRef)
- of tyString:
- result = getSysMagic(g, info, "==", mEqStr)
- of tyChar:
- result = getSysMagic(g, info, "==", mEqCh)
- of tySet:
- result = getSysMagic(g, info, "==", mEqSet)
- of tyProc:
- result = getSysMagic(g, info, "==", mEqProc)
- else:
- result = nil
- globalError(g.config, info,
- "can't find magic equals operator for type kind " & $t.kind)
- proc makePtrType*(baseType: PType; idgen: IdGenerator): PType =
- result = newType(tyPtr, idgen, baseType.owner)
- addSonSkipIntLit(result, baseType, idgen)
- proc makeAddr*(n: PNode; idgen: IdGenerator): PNode =
- if n.kind == nkHiddenAddr:
- result = n
- else:
- result = newTree(nkHiddenAddr, n)
- result.typ() = makePtrType(n.typ, idgen)