123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389 |
- #
- #
- # The Nim Compiler
- # (c) Copyright 2013 Andreas Rumpf
- #
- # See the file "copying.txt", included in this
- # distribution, for details about the copyright.
- #
- ## This module implements the symbol importing mechanism.
- import
- ast, astalgo, msgs, options, idents, lookups,
- semdata, modulepaths, sigmatch, lineinfos,
- modulegraphs, wordrecg
- from std/strutils import `%`, startsWith
- from std/sequtils import addUnique
- import std/[sets, tables, intsets]
- when defined(nimPreviewSlimSystem):
- import std/assertions
- proc readExceptSet*(c: PContext, n: PNode): IntSet =
- assert n.kind in {nkImportExceptStmt, nkExportExceptStmt}
- result = initIntSet()
- for i in 1..<n.len:
- let ident = lookups.considerQuotedIdent(c, n[i])
- result.incl(ident.id)
- proc declarePureEnumField*(c: PContext; s: PSym) =
- # XXX Remove the outer 'if' statement and see what breaks.
- var amb = false
- if someSymFromImportTable(c, s.name, amb) == nil:
- strTableAdd(c.pureEnumFields, s)
- when false:
- let checkB = strTableGet(c.pureEnumFields, s.name)
- if checkB == nil:
- strTableAdd(c.pureEnumFields, s)
- when false:
- # mark as ambiguous:
- incl(c.ambiguousSymbols, checkB.id)
- incl(c.ambiguousSymbols, s.id)
- proc importPureEnumField(c: PContext; s: PSym) =
- var amb = false
- if someSymFromImportTable(c, s.name, amb) == nil:
- strTableAdd(c.pureEnumFields, s)
- when false:
- let checkB = strTableGet(c.pureEnumFields, s.name)
- if checkB == nil:
- strTableAdd(c.pureEnumFields, s)
- when false:
- # mark as ambiguous:
- incl(c.ambiguousSymbols, checkB.id)
- incl(c.ambiguousSymbols, s.id)
- proc importPureEnumFields(c: PContext; s: PSym; etyp: PType) =
- assert sfPure in s.flags
- for j in 0..<etyp.n.len:
- var e = etyp.n[j].sym
- if e.kind != skEnumField:
- internalError(c.config, s.info, "rawImportSymbol")
- # BUGFIX: because of aliases for enums the symbol may already
- # have been put into the symbol table
- # BUGFIX: but only iff they are the same symbols!
- for check in importedItems(c, e.name):
- if check.id == e.id:
- e = nil
- break
- if e != nil:
- importPureEnumField(c, e)
- proc rawImportSymbol(c: PContext, s, origin: PSym; importSet: var IntSet) =
- # This does not handle stubs, because otherwise loading on demand would be
- # pointless in practice. So importing stubs is fine here!
- # check if we have already a symbol of the same name:
- when false:
- var check = someSymFromImportTable(c, s.name)
- if check != nil and check.id != s.id:
- if s.kind notin OverloadableSyms or check.kind notin OverloadableSyms:
- # s and check need to be qualified:
- incl(c.ambiguousSymbols, s.id)
- incl(c.ambiguousSymbols, check.id)
- # thanks to 'export' feature, it could be we import the same symbol from
- # multiple sources, so we need to call 'strTableAdd' here:
- when false:
- # now lazy. Speeds up the compiler and is a prerequisite for IC.
- strTableAdd(c.importTable.symbols, s)
- else:
- importSet.incl s.id
- if s.kind == skType:
- var etyp = s.typ
- if etyp.kind in {tyBool, tyEnum}:
- for j in 0..<etyp.n.len:
- var e = etyp.n[j].sym
- if e.kind != skEnumField:
- internalError(c.config, s.info, "rawImportSymbol")
- # BUGFIX: because of aliases for enums the symbol may already
- # have been put into the symbol table
- # BUGFIX: but only iff they are the same symbols!
- for check in importedItems(c, e.name):
- if check.id == e.id:
- e = nil
- break
- if e != nil:
- if sfPure notin s.flags:
- rawImportSymbol(c, e, origin, importSet)
- else:
- importPureEnumField(c, e)
- else:
- if s.kind == skConverter: addConverter(c, s)
- if hasPattern(s): addPattern(c, s)
- if s.owner != origin:
- c.exportIndirections.incl((origin.id, s.id))
- proc splitPragmas(c: PContext, n: PNode): (PNode, seq[TSpecialWord]) =
- template bail = globalError(c.config, n.info, "invalid pragma")
- result = (nil, @[])
- if n.kind == nkPragmaExpr:
- if n.len == 2 and n[1].kind == nkPragma:
- result[0] = n[0]
- for ni in n[1]:
- if ni.kind == nkIdent: result[1].add whichKeyword(ni.ident)
- else: bail()
- else: bail()
- else:
- result[0] = n
- if result[0].safeLen > 0:
- (result[0][^1], result[1]) = splitPragmas(c, result[0][^1])
- proc importSymbol(c: PContext, n: PNode, fromMod: PSym; importSet: var IntSet) =
- let (n, kws) = splitPragmas(c, n)
- if kws.len > 0:
- globalError(c.config, n.info, "unexpected pragma")
- let ident = lookups.considerQuotedIdent(c, n)
- let s = someSym(c.graph, fromMod, ident)
- if s == nil:
- errorUndeclaredIdentifier(c, n.info, ident.s)
- else:
- when false:
- if s.kind == skStub: loadStub(s)
- let multiImport = s.kind notin ExportableSymKinds or s.kind in skProcKinds
- # for an enumeration we have to add all identifiers
- if multiImport:
- # for a overloadable syms add all overloaded routines
- var it: TIdentIter = default(TIdentIter)
- var e = initIdentIter(it, selectTabs(c.graph, fromMod), s.name)
- while e != nil:
- if e.name.id != s.name.id: internalError(c.config, n.info, "importSymbol: 3")
- if s.kind in ExportableSymKinds:
- rawImportSymbol(c, e, fromMod, importSet)
- e = nextIdentIter(it, selectTabs(c.graph, fromMod))
- else:
- rawImportSymbol(c, s, fromMod, importSet)
- suggestSym(c.graph, n.info, s, c.graph.usageSym, false)
- proc addImport(c: PContext; im: sink ImportedModule) =
- for i in 0..high(c.imports):
- if c.imports[i].m == im.m:
- # we have already imported the module: Check which import
- # is more "powerful":
- case c.imports[i].mode
- of importAll: discard "already imported all symbols"
- of importSet:
- case im.mode
- of importAll, importExcept:
- # XXX: slightly wrong semantics for 'importExcept'...
- # But we should probably change the spec and disallow this case.
- c.imports[i] = im
- of importSet:
- # merge the import sets:
- c.imports[i].imported.incl im.imported
- of importExcept:
- case im.mode
- of importAll:
- c.imports[i] = im
- of importSet:
- discard
- of importExcept:
- var cut = initIntSet()
- # only exclude what is consistent between the two sets:
- for j in im.exceptSet:
- if j in c.imports[i].exceptSet:
- cut.incl j
- c.imports[i].exceptSet = cut
- return
- c.imports.add im
- template addUnnamedIt(c: PContext, fromMod: PSym; filter: untyped) {.dirty.} =
- for it in mitems c.graph.ifaces[fromMod.position].converters:
- if filter:
- if sfExported in it.flags:
- addConverter(c, it)
- for it in mitems c.graph.ifaces[fromMod.position].patterns:
- if filter:
- if sfExported in it.flags:
- addPattern(c, it)
- for it in mitems c.graph.ifaces[fromMod.position].pureEnums:
- if filter:
- importPureEnumFields(c, it, it.typ)
- proc importAllSymbolsExcept(c: PContext, fromMod: PSym, exceptSet: IntSet) =
- c.addImport ImportedModule(m: fromMod, mode: importExcept, exceptSet: exceptSet)
- addUnnamedIt(c, fromMod, it.name.id notin exceptSet)
- proc importAllSymbols*(c: PContext, fromMod: PSym) =
- c.addImport ImportedModule(m: fromMod, mode: importAll)
- addUnnamedIt(c, fromMod, true)
- when false:
- var exceptSet: IntSet
- importAllSymbolsExcept(c, fromMod, exceptSet)
- proc importForwarded(c: PContext, n: PNode, exceptSet: IntSet; fromMod: PSym; importSet: var IntSet) =
- if n.isNil: return
- case n.kind
- of nkExportStmt:
- for a in n:
- assert a.kind == nkSym
- let s = a.sym
- if s.kind == skModule:
- importAllSymbolsExcept(c, s, exceptSet)
- elif exceptSet.isNil or s.name.id notin exceptSet:
- rawImportSymbol(c, s, fromMod, importSet)
- of nkExportExceptStmt:
- localError(c.config, n.info, "'export except' not implemented")
- else:
- for i in 0..n.safeLen-1:
- importForwarded(c, n[i], exceptSet, fromMod, importSet)
- proc importModuleAs(c: PContext; n: PNode, realModule: PSym, importHidden: bool): PSym =
- result = realModule
- template createModuleAliasImpl(ident): untyped =
- createModuleAlias(realModule, c.idgen, ident, n.info, c.config.options)
- if n.kind != nkImportAs: discard
- elif n.len != 2 or n[1].kind != nkIdent:
- localError(c.config, n.info, "module alias must be an identifier")
- elif n[1].ident.id != realModule.name.id:
- # some misguided guy will write 'import abc.foo as foo' ...
- result = createModuleAliasImpl(n[1].ident)
- if result == realModule:
- # avoids modifying `realModule`, see D20201209T194412 for `import {.all.}`
- result = createModuleAliasImpl(realModule.name)
- if importHidden:
- result.options.incl optImportHidden
- let moduleIdent = if n.kind == nkInfix: n[^1] else: n
- c.unusedImports.add((result, moduleIdent.info))
- c.importModuleMap[result.id] = realModule.id
- c.importModuleLookup.mgetOrPut(result.name.id, @[]).addUnique realModule.id
- proc transformImportAs(c: PContext; n: PNode): tuple[node: PNode, importHidden: bool] =
- result = (nil, false)
- var ret = default(typeof(result))
- proc processPragma(n2: PNode): PNode =
- let (result2, kws) = splitPragmas(c, n2)
- result = result2
- for ai in kws:
- case ai
- of wImportHidden: ret.importHidden = true
- else: globalError(c.config, n.info, "invalid pragma, expected: " & ${wImportHidden})
- if n.kind == nkInfix and considerQuotedIdent(c, n[0]).s == "as":
- ret.node = newNodeI(nkImportAs, n.info)
- ret.node.add n[1].processPragma
- ret.node.add n[2]
- else:
- ret.node = n.processPragma
- return ret
- proc myImportModule(c: PContext, n: var PNode, importStmtResult: PNode): PSym =
- let transf = transformImportAs(c, n)
- n = transf.node
- let f = checkModuleName(c.config, n)
- if f != InvalidFileIdx:
- let L = c.graph.importStack.len
- let recursion = c.graph.importStack.find(f)
- c.graph.importStack.add f
- #echo "adding ", toFullPath(f), " at ", L+1
- if recursion >= 0:
- var err = ""
- for i in recursion..<L:
- if i > recursion: err.add "\n"
- err.add toFullPath(c.config, c.graph.importStack[i]) & " imports " &
- toFullPath(c.config, c.graph.importStack[i+1])
- c.recursiveDep = err
- var realModule: PSym
- discard pushOptionEntry(c)
- realModule = c.graph.importModuleCallback(c.graph, c.module, f)
- result = importModuleAs(c, n, realModule, transf.importHidden)
- popOptionEntry(c)
- #echo "set back to ", L
- c.graph.importStack.setLen(L)
- # we cannot perform this check reliably because of
- # test: modules/import_in_config) # xxx is that still true?
- if realModule == c.module:
- localError(c.config, n.info, "module '$1' cannot import itself" % realModule.name.s)
- if sfDeprecated in realModule.flags:
- var prefix = ""
- if realModule.constraint != nil: prefix = realModule.constraint.strVal & "; "
- message(c.config, n.info, warnDeprecated, prefix & realModule.name.s & " is deprecated")
- let moduleName = getModuleName(c.config, n)
- if belongsToStdlib(c.graph, result) and not startsWith(moduleName, stdPrefix) and
- not startsWith(moduleName, "system/") and not startsWith(moduleName, "packages/"):
- message(c.config, n.info, warnStdPrefix, realModule.name.s)
- proc suggestMod(n: PNode; s: PSym) =
- if n.kind == nkImportAs:
- suggestMod(n[0], realModule)
- elif n.kind == nkInfix:
- suggestMod(n[2], s)
- else:
- suggestSym(c.graph, n.info, s, c.graph.usageSym, false)
- suggestMod(n, result)
- importStmtResult.add newSymNode(result, n.info)
- #newStrNode(toFullPath(c.config, f), n.info)
- else:
- result = nil
- proc afterImport(c: PContext, m: PSym) =
- # fixes bug #17510, for re-exported symbols
- let realModuleId = c.importModuleMap[m.id]
- for s in allSyms(c.graph, m):
- if s.owner.id != realModuleId:
- c.exportIndirections.incl((m.id, s.id))
- proc impMod(c: PContext; it: PNode; importStmtResult: PNode) =
- var it = it
- let m = myImportModule(c, it, importStmtResult)
- if m != nil:
- # ``addDecl`` needs to be done before ``importAllSymbols``!
- addDecl(c, m, it.info) # add symbol to symbol table of module
- importAllSymbols(c, m)
- #importForwarded(c, m.ast, emptySet, m)
- afterImport(c, m)
- proc evalImport*(c: PContext, n: PNode): PNode =
- result = newNodeI(nkImportStmt, n.info)
- for i in 0..<n.len:
- let it = n[i]
- if it.kind in {nkInfix, nkPrefix} and it[^1].kind == nkBracket:
- let lastPos = it.len - 1
- var imp = copyNode(it)
- newSons(imp, it.len)
- for i in 0 ..< lastPos: imp[i] = it[i]
- imp[lastPos] = imp[0] # dummy entry, replaced in the loop
- for x in it[lastPos]:
- # transform `a/b/[c as d]` to `/a/b/c as d`
- if x.kind == nkInfix and x[0].ident.s == "as":
- var impAs = copyNode(x)
- newSons(impAs, 3)
- impAs[0] = x[0]
- imp[lastPos] = x[1]
- impAs[1] = imp
- impAs[2] = x[2]
- impMod(c, impAs, result)
- else:
- imp[lastPos] = x
- impMod(c, imp, result)
- else:
- impMod(c, it, result)
- proc evalFrom*(c: PContext, n: PNode): PNode =
- result = newNodeI(nkImportStmt, n.info)
- checkMinSonsLen(n, 2, c.config)
- var m = myImportModule(c, n[0], result)
- if m != nil:
- n[0] = newSymNode(m)
- addDecl(c, m, n.info) # add symbol to symbol table of module
- var im = ImportedModule(m: m, mode: importSet, imported: initIntSet())
- for i in 1..<n.len:
- if n[i].kind != nkNilLit:
- importSymbol(c, n[i], m, im.imported)
- c.addImport im
- afterImport(c, m)
- proc evalImportExcept*(c: PContext, n: PNode): PNode =
- result = newNodeI(nkImportStmt, n.info)
- checkMinSonsLen(n, 2, c.config)
- var m = myImportModule(c, n[0], result)
- if m != nil:
- n[0] = newSymNode(m)
- addDecl(c, m, n.info) # add symbol to symbol table of module
- importAllSymbolsExcept(c, m, readExceptSet(c, n))
- #importForwarded(c, m.ast, exceptSet, m)
- afterImport(c, m)