123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174 |
- ## A BiTable is a table that can be seen as an optimized pair
- ## of `(Table[LitId, Val], Table[Val, LitId])`.
- import hashes, rodfiles
- when defined(nimPreviewSlimSystem):
- import std/assertions
- type
- LitId* = distinct uint32
- BiTable*[T] = object
- vals: seq[T] # indexed by LitId
- keys: seq[LitId] # indexed by hash(val)
- proc initBiTable*[T](): BiTable[T] = BiTable[T](vals: @[], keys: @[])
- proc nextTry(h, maxHash: Hash): Hash {.inline.} =
- result = (h + 1) and maxHash
- template maxHash(t): untyped = high(t.keys)
- template isFilled(x: LitId): bool = x.uint32 > 0'u32
- proc `$`*(x: LitId): string {.borrow.}
- proc `<`*(x, y: LitId): bool {.borrow.}
- proc `<=`*(x, y: LitId): bool {.borrow.}
- proc `==`*(x, y: LitId): bool {.borrow.}
- proc hash*(x: LitId): Hash {.borrow.}
- proc len*[T](t: BiTable[T]): int = t.vals.len
- proc mustRehash(length, counter: int): bool {.inline.} =
- assert(length > counter)
- result = (length * 2 < counter * 3) or (length - counter < 4)
- const
- idStart = 256 ##
- ## Ids do not start with 0 but with this value. The IR needs it.
- ## TODO: explain why
- template idToIdx(x: LitId): int = x.int - idStart
- proc hasLitId*[T](t: BiTable[T]; x: LitId): bool =
- let idx = idToIdx(x)
- result = idx >= 0 and idx < t.vals.len
- proc enlarge[T](t: var BiTable[T]) =
- var n: seq[LitId]
- newSeq(n, len(t.keys) * 2)
- swap(t.keys, n)
- for i in 0..high(n):
- let eh = n[i]
- if isFilled(eh):
- var j = hash(t.vals[idToIdx eh]) and maxHash(t)
- while isFilled(t.keys[j]):
- j = nextTry(j, maxHash(t))
- t.keys[j] = move n[i]
- proc getKeyId*[T](t: BiTable[T]; v: T): LitId =
- let origH = hash(v)
- var h = origH and maxHash(t)
- if t.keys.len != 0:
- while true:
- let litId = t.keys[h]
- if not isFilled(litId): break
- if t.vals[idToIdx t.keys[h]] == v: return litId
- h = nextTry(h, maxHash(t))
- return LitId(0)
- proc getOrIncl*[T](t: var BiTable[T]; v: T): LitId =
- let origH = hash(v)
- var h = origH and maxHash(t)
- if t.keys.len != 0:
- while true:
- let litId = t.keys[h]
- if not isFilled(litId): break
- if t.vals[idToIdx t.keys[h]] == v: return litId
- h = nextTry(h, maxHash(t))
- # not found, we need to insert it:
- if mustRehash(t.keys.len, t.vals.len):
- enlarge(t)
- # recompute where to insert:
- h = origH and maxHash(t)
- while true:
- let litId = t.keys[h]
- if not isFilled(litId): break
- h = nextTry(h, maxHash(t))
- else:
- setLen(t.keys, 16)
- h = origH and maxHash(t)
- result = LitId(t.vals.len + idStart)
- t.keys[h] = result
- t.vals.add v
- proc `[]`*[T](t: var BiTable[T]; litId: LitId): var T {.inline.} =
- let idx = idToIdx litId
- assert idx < t.vals.len
- result = t.vals[idx]
- proc `[]`*[T](t: BiTable[T]; litId: LitId): lent T {.inline.} =
- let idx = idToIdx litId
- assert idx < t.vals.len
- result = t.vals[idx]
- proc hash*[T](t: BiTable[T]): Hash =
- ## as the keys are hashes of the values, we simply use them instead
- var h: Hash = 0
- for i, n in pairs t.keys:
- h = h !& hash((i, n))
- result = !$h
- proc store*[T](f: var RodFile; t: BiTable[T]) =
- storeSeq(f, t.vals)
- storeSeq(f, t.keys)
- proc load*[T](f: var RodFile; t: var BiTable[T]) =
- loadSeq(f, t.vals)
- loadSeq(f, t.keys)
- when isMainModule:
- var t: BiTable[string]
- echo getOrIncl(t, "hello")
- echo getOrIncl(t, "hello")
- echo getOrIncl(t, "hello3")
- echo getOrIncl(t, "hello4")
- echo getOrIncl(t, "helloasfasdfdsa")
- echo getOrIncl(t, "hello")
- echo getKeyId(t, "hello")
- echo getKeyId(t, "none")
- for i in 0 ..< 100_000:
- discard t.getOrIncl($i & "___" & $i)
- for i in 0 ..< 100_000:
- assert t.getOrIncl($i & "___" & $i).idToIdx == i + 4
- echo "begin"
- echo t.vals.len
- echo t.vals[0]
- echo t.vals[1004]
- echo "middle"
- var tf: BiTable[float]
- discard tf.getOrIncl(0.4)
- discard tf.getOrIncl(16.4)
- discard tf.getOrIncl(32.4)
- echo getKeyId(tf, 32.4)
- var f2 = open("testblah.bin", fmWrite)
- echo store(f2, tf)
- f2.close
- var f1 = open("testblah.bin", fmRead)
- var t2: BiTable[float]
- echo f1.load(t2)
- echo t2.vals.len
- echo getKeyId(t2, 32.4)
- echo "end"
- f1.close