123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706 |
- #
- #
- # Nim's Runtime Library
- # (c) Copyright 2015 Andreas Rumpf
- #
- # See the file "copying.txt", included in this
- # distribution, for details about the copyright.
- #
- # Exception handling code. Carefully coded so that tiny programs which do not
- # use the heap (and nor exceptions) do not include the GC or memory allocator.
- import std/private/miscdollars
- import stacktraces
- const noStacktraceAvailable = "No stack traceback available\n"
- var
- errorMessageWriter*: (proc(msg: string) {.tags: [WriteIOEffect], benign,
- nimcall.})
- ## Function that will be called
- ## instead of `stdmsg.write` when printing stacktrace.
- ## Unstable API.
- when defined(windows):
- proc GetLastError(): int32 {.header: "<windows.h>", nodecl.}
- const ERROR_BAD_EXE_FORMAT = 193
- when not defined(windows) or not defined(guiapp):
- proc writeToStdErr(msg: cstring) = rawWrite(cstderr, msg)
- proc writeToStdErr(msg: cstring, length: int) =
- rawWriteString(cstderr, msg, length)
- else:
- proc MessageBoxA(hWnd: pointer, lpText, lpCaption: cstring, uType: int): int32 {.
- header: "<windows.h>", nodecl.}
- proc writeToStdErr(msg: cstring) =
- discard MessageBoxA(nil, msg, nil, 0)
- proc writeToStdErr(msg: cstring, length: int) =
- discard MessageBoxA(nil, msg, nil, 0)
- proc writeToStdErr(msg: string) {.inline.} =
- # fix bug #13115: handles correctly '\0' unlike default implicit conversion to cstring
- writeToStdErr(msg.cstring, msg.len)
- proc showErrorMessage(data: cstring, length: int) {.gcsafe, raises: [].} =
- var toWrite = true
- if errorMessageWriter != nil:
- try:
- errorMessageWriter($data)
- toWrite = false
- except:
- discard
- if toWrite:
- when defined(genode):
- # stderr not available by default, use the LOG session
- echo data
- else:
- writeToStdErr(data, length)
- proc showErrorMessage2(data: string) {.inline.} =
- showErrorMessage(data.cstring, data.len)
- proc chckIndx(i, a, b: int): int {.inline, compilerproc, benign.}
- proc chckRange(i, a, b: int): int {.inline, compilerproc, benign.}
- proc chckRangeF(x, a, b: float): float {.inline, compilerproc, benign.}
- proc chckNil(p: pointer) {.noinline, compilerproc, benign.}
- type
- GcFrame = ptr GcFrameHeader
- GcFrameHeader {.compilerproc.} = object
- len: int
- prev: ptr GcFrameHeader
- when NimStackTraceMsgs:
- var frameMsgBuf* {.threadvar.}: string
- when not defined(nimV2):
- var
- framePtr {.threadvar.}: PFrame
- var
- currException {.threadvar.}: ref Exception
- when not gotoBasedExceptions:
- var
- excHandler {.threadvar.}: PSafePoint
- # list of exception handlers
- # a global variable for the root of all try blocks
- gcFramePtr {.threadvar.}: GcFrame
- when gotoBasedExceptions:
- type
- FrameState = tuple[framePtr: PFrame,
- currException: ref Exception]
- else:
- type
- FrameState = tuple[gcFramePtr: GcFrame, framePtr: PFrame,
- excHandler: PSafePoint, currException: ref Exception]
- proc getFrameState*(): FrameState {.compilerRtl, inl.} =
- when gotoBasedExceptions:
- return (framePtr, currException)
- else:
- return (gcFramePtr, framePtr, excHandler, currException)
- proc setFrameState*(state: FrameState) {.compilerRtl, inl.} =
- when gotoBasedExceptions:
- framePtr = state.framePtr
- currException = state.currException
- else:
- gcFramePtr = state.gcFramePtr
- framePtr = state.framePtr
- excHandler = state.excHandler
- currException = state.currException
- proc getFrame*(): PFrame {.compilerRtl, inl.} = framePtr
- proc popFrame {.compilerRtl, inl.} =
- framePtr = framePtr.prev
- when false:
- proc popFrameOfAddr(s: PFrame) {.compilerRtl.} =
- var it = framePtr
- if it == s:
- framePtr = framePtr.prev
- else:
- while it != nil:
- if it == s:
- framePtr = it.prev
- break
- it = it.prev
- proc setFrame*(s: PFrame) {.compilerRtl, inl.} =
- framePtr = s
- when not gotoBasedExceptions:
- proc getGcFrame*(): GcFrame {.compilerRtl, inl.} = gcFramePtr
- proc popGcFrame*() {.compilerRtl, inl.} = gcFramePtr = gcFramePtr.prev
- proc setGcFrame*(s: GcFrame) {.compilerRtl, inl.} = gcFramePtr = s
- proc pushGcFrame*(s: GcFrame) {.compilerRtl, inl.} =
- s.prev = gcFramePtr
- zeroMem(cast[pointer](cast[int](s)+%sizeof(GcFrameHeader)), s.len*sizeof(pointer))
- gcFramePtr = s
- proc pushSafePoint(s: PSafePoint) {.compilerRtl, inl.} =
- s.prev = excHandler
- excHandler = s
- proc popSafePoint {.compilerRtl, inl.} =
- excHandler = excHandler.prev
- proc pushCurrentException(e: sink(ref Exception)) {.compilerRtl, inl.} =
- e.up = currException
- currException = e
- #showErrorMessage2 "A"
- proc popCurrentException {.compilerRtl, inl.} =
- currException = currException.up
- #showErrorMessage2 "B"
- proc popCurrentExceptionEx(id: uint) {.compilerRtl.} =
- discard "only for bootstrapping compatbility"
- proc closureIterSetupExc(e: ref Exception) {.compilerproc, inline.} =
- currException = e
- # some platforms have native support for stack traces:
- const
- nativeStackTraceSupported = (defined(macosx) or defined(linux)) and
- not NimStackTrace
- hasSomeStackTrace = NimStackTrace or defined(nimStackTraceOverride) or
- (defined(nativeStackTrace) and nativeStackTraceSupported)
- when defined(nativeStacktrace) and nativeStackTraceSupported:
- type
- TDl_info {.importc: "Dl_info", header: "<dlfcn.h>",
- final, pure.} = object
- dli_fname: cstring
- dli_fbase: pointer
- dli_sname: cstring
- dli_saddr: pointer
- proc backtrace(symbols: ptr pointer, size: int): int {.
- importc: "backtrace", header: "<execinfo.h>".}
- proc dladdr(addr1: pointer, info: ptr TDl_info): int {.
- importc: "dladdr", header: "<dlfcn.h>".}
- when not hasThreadSupport:
- var
- tempAddresses: array[maxStackTraceLines, pointer] # should not be alloc'd on stack
- tempDlInfo: TDl_info
- proc auxWriteStackTraceWithBacktrace(s: var string) =
- when hasThreadSupport:
- var
- tempAddresses: array[maxStackTraceLines, pointer] # but better than a threadvar
- tempDlInfo: TDl_info
- # This is allowed to be expensive since it only happens during crashes
- # (but this way you don't need manual stack tracing)
- var size = backtrace(cast[ptr pointer](addr(tempAddresses)),
- len(tempAddresses))
- var enabled = false
- for i in 0..size-1:
- var dlresult = dladdr(tempAddresses[i], addr(tempDlInfo))
- if enabled:
- if dlresult != 0:
- var oldLen = s.len
- add(s, tempDlInfo.dli_fname)
- if tempDlInfo.dli_sname != nil:
- for k in 1..max(1, 25-(s.len-oldLen)): add(s, ' ')
- add(s, tempDlInfo.dli_sname)
- else:
- add(s, '?')
- add(s, "\n")
- else:
- if dlresult != 0 and tempDlInfo.dli_sname != nil and
- c_strcmp(tempDlInfo.dli_sname, "signalHandler") == 0'i32:
- # Once we're past signalHandler, we're at what the user is
- # interested in
- enabled = true
- when hasSomeStackTrace and not hasThreadSupport:
- var
- tempFrames: array[maxStackTraceLines, PFrame] # should not be alloc'd on stack
- template reraisedFrom(z): untyped =
- StackTraceEntry(procname: nil, line: z, filename: nil)
- proc auxWriteStackTrace(f: PFrame; s: var seq[StackTraceEntry]) =
- var
- it = f
- i = 0
- while it != nil:
- inc(i)
- it = it.prev
- var last = i-1
- when true: # not defined(gcDestructors):
- if s.len == 0:
- s = newSeq[StackTraceEntry](i)
- else:
- last = s.len + i - 1
- s.setLen(last+1)
- it = f
- while it != nil:
- s[last] = StackTraceEntry(procname: it.procname,
- line: it.line,
- filename: it.filename)
- when NimStackTraceMsgs:
- let first = if it.prev == nil: 0 else: it.prev.frameMsgLen
- if it.frameMsgLen > first:
- s[last].frameMsg.setLen(it.frameMsgLen - first)
- # somehow string slicing not available here
- for i in first .. it.frameMsgLen-1:
- s[last].frameMsg[i-first] = frameMsgBuf[i]
- it = it.prev
- dec last
- template addFrameEntry(s: var string, f: StackTraceEntry|PFrame) =
- var oldLen = s.len
- s.toLocation(f.filename, f.line, 0)
- for k in 1..max(1, 25-(s.len-oldLen)): add(s, ' ')
- add(s, f.procname)
- when NimStackTraceMsgs:
- when typeof(f) is StackTraceEntry:
- add(s, f.frameMsg)
- else:
- var first = if f.prev == nil: 0 else: f.prev.frameMsgLen
- for i in first..<f.frameMsgLen: add(s, frameMsgBuf[i])
- add(s, "\n")
- proc `$`(stackTraceEntries: seq[StackTraceEntry]): string =
- when defined(nimStackTraceOverride):
- let s = addDebuggingInfo(stackTraceEntries)
- else:
- let s = stackTraceEntries
- result = newStringOfCap(2000)
- for i in 0 .. s.len-1:
- if s[i].line == reraisedFromBegin: result.add "[[reraised from:\n"
- elif s[i].line == reraisedFromEnd: result.add "]]\n"
- else: addFrameEntry(result, s[i])
- when hasSomeStackTrace:
- proc auxWriteStackTrace(f: PFrame, s: var string) =
- when hasThreadSupport:
- var
- tempFrames: array[maxStackTraceLines, PFrame] # but better than a threadvar
- const
- firstCalls = 32
- var
- it = f
- i = 0
- total = 0
- # setup long head:
- while it != nil and i <= high(tempFrames)-firstCalls:
- tempFrames[i] = it
- inc(i)
- inc(total)
- it = it.prev
- # go up the stack to count 'total':
- var b = it
- while it != nil:
- inc(total)
- it = it.prev
- var skipped = 0
- if total > len(tempFrames):
- # skip N
- skipped = total-i-firstCalls+1
- for j in 1..skipped:
- if b != nil: b = b.prev
- # create '...' entry:
- tempFrames[i] = nil
- inc(i)
- # setup short tail:
- while b != nil and i <= high(tempFrames):
- tempFrames[i] = b
- inc(i)
- b = b.prev
- for j in countdown(i-1, 0):
- if tempFrames[j] == nil:
- add(s, "(")
- add(s, $skipped)
- add(s, " calls omitted) ...\n")
- else:
- addFrameEntry(s, tempFrames[j])
- proc stackTraceAvailable*(): bool
- proc rawWriteStackTrace(s: var string) =
- when defined(nimStackTraceOverride):
- add(s, "Traceback (most recent call last, using override)\n")
- auxWriteStackTraceWithOverride(s)
- elif NimStackTrace:
- if framePtr == nil:
- add(s, noStacktraceAvailable)
- else:
- add(s, "Traceback (most recent call last)\n")
- auxWriteStackTrace(framePtr, s)
- elif defined(nativeStackTrace) and nativeStackTraceSupported:
- add(s, "Traceback from system (most recent call last)\n")
- auxWriteStackTraceWithBacktrace(s)
- else:
- add(s, noStacktraceAvailable)
- proc rawWriteStackTrace(s: var seq[StackTraceEntry]) =
- when defined(nimStackTraceOverride):
- auxWriteStackTraceWithOverride(s)
- elif NimStackTrace:
- auxWriteStackTrace(framePtr, s)
- else:
- s = @[]
- proc stackTraceAvailable(): bool =
- when defined(nimStackTraceOverride):
- result = true
- elif NimStackTrace:
- if framePtr == nil:
- result = false
- else:
- result = true
- elif defined(nativeStackTrace) and nativeStackTraceSupported:
- result = true
- else:
- result = false
- else:
- proc stackTraceAvailable*(): bool = result = false
- var onUnhandledException*: (proc (errorMsg: string) {.
- nimcall, gcsafe.}) ## Set this error \
- ## handler to override the existing behaviour on an unhandled exception.
- ##
- ## The default is to write a stacktrace to `stderr` and then call `quit(1)`.
- ## Unstable API.
- proc reportUnhandledErrorAux(e: ref Exception) {.nodestroy, gcsafe.} =
- when hasSomeStackTrace:
- var buf = newStringOfCap(2000)
- if e.trace.len == 0:
- rawWriteStackTrace(buf)
- else:
- var trace = $e.trace
- add(buf, trace)
- {.gcsafe.}:
- `=destroy`(trace)
- add(buf, "Error: unhandled exception: ")
- add(buf, e.msg)
- add(buf, " [")
- add(buf, $e.name)
- add(buf, "]\n")
- if onUnhandledException != nil:
- onUnhandledException(buf)
- else:
- showErrorMessage2(buf)
- {.gcsafe.}:
- `=destroy`(buf)
- else:
- # ugly, but avoids heap allocations :-)
- template xadd(buf, s, slen) =
- if L + slen < high(buf):
- copyMem(addr(buf[L]), (when s is cstring: s else: cstring(s)), slen)
- inc L, slen
- template add(buf, s) =
- xadd(buf, s, s.len)
- var buf: array[0..2000, char]
- var L = 0
- if e.trace.len != 0:
- var trace = $e.trace
- add(buf, trace)
- {.gcsafe.}:
- `=destroy`(trace)
- add(buf, "Error: unhandled exception: ")
- add(buf, e.msg)
- add(buf, " [")
- xadd(buf, e.name, e.name.len)
- add(buf, "]\n")
- if onUnhandledException != nil:
- onUnhandledException($cast[cstring](buf.addr))
- else:
- showErrorMessage(cast[cstring](buf.addr), L)
- proc reportUnhandledError(e: ref Exception) {.nodestroy, gcsafe.} =
- if unhandledExceptionHook != nil:
- unhandledExceptionHook(e)
- when hostOS != "any":
- reportUnhandledErrorAux(e)
- when not gotoBasedExceptions:
- proc nimLeaveFinally() {.compilerRtl.} =
- when defined(cpp) and not defined(noCppExceptions) and not gotoBasedExceptions:
- {.emit: "throw;".}
- else:
- if excHandler != nil:
- c_longjmp(excHandler.context, 1)
- else:
- reportUnhandledError(currException)
- rawQuit(1)
- when gotoBasedExceptions:
- var nimInErrorMode {.threadvar.}: bool
- proc nimErrorFlag(): ptr bool {.compilerRtl, inl.} =
- result = addr(nimInErrorMode)
- proc nimTestErrorFlag() {.compilerRtl.} =
- ## This proc must be called before `currException` is destroyed.
- ## It also must be called at the end of every thread to ensure no
- ## error is swallowed.
- if nimInErrorMode and currException != nil:
- reportUnhandledError(currException)
- currException = nil
- rawQuit(1)
- proc raiseExceptionAux(e: sink(ref Exception)) {.nodestroy.} =
- when defined(nimPanics):
- if e of Defect:
- reportUnhandledError(e)
- rawQuit(1)
- if localRaiseHook != nil:
- if not localRaiseHook(e): return
- if globalRaiseHook != nil:
- if not globalRaiseHook(e): return
- when defined(cpp) and not defined(noCppExceptions) and not gotoBasedExceptions:
- if e == currException:
- {.emit: "throw;".}
- else:
- pushCurrentException(e)
- {.emit: "throw `e`;".}
- elif quirkyExceptions or gotoBasedExceptions:
- pushCurrentException(e)
- when gotoBasedExceptions:
- inc nimInErrorMode
- else:
- if excHandler != nil:
- pushCurrentException(e)
- c_longjmp(excHandler.context, 1)
- else:
- reportUnhandledError(e)
- rawQuit(1)
- proc raiseExceptionEx(e: sink(ref Exception), ename, procname, filename: cstring,
- line: int) {.compilerRtl, nodestroy.} =
- if e.name.isNil: e.name = ename
- when hasSomeStackTrace:
- when defined(nimStackTraceOverride):
- if e.trace.len == 0:
- rawWriteStackTrace(e.trace)
- else:
- e.trace.add reraisedFrom(reraisedFromBegin)
- auxWriteStackTraceWithOverride(e.trace)
- e.trace.add reraisedFrom(reraisedFromEnd)
- elif NimStackTrace:
- if e.trace.len == 0:
- rawWriteStackTrace(e.trace)
- elif framePtr != nil:
- e.trace.add reraisedFrom(reraisedFromBegin)
- auxWriteStackTrace(framePtr, e.trace)
- e.trace.add reraisedFrom(reraisedFromEnd)
- else:
- if procname != nil and filename != nil:
- e.trace.add StackTraceEntry(procname: procname, filename: filename, line: line)
- raiseExceptionAux(e)
- proc raiseException(e: sink(ref Exception), ename: cstring) {.compilerRtl.} =
- raiseExceptionEx(e, ename, nil, nil, 0)
- proc reraiseException() {.compilerRtl.} =
- if currException == nil:
- sysFatal(ReraiseDefect, "no exception to reraise")
- else:
- when gotoBasedExceptions:
- inc nimInErrorMode
- else:
- raiseExceptionAux(currException)
- proc threadTrouble() =
- # also forward declared, it is 'raises: []' hence the try-except.
- try:
- if currException != nil: reportUnhandledError(currException)
- except:
- discard
- rawQuit 1
- proc writeStackTrace() =
- when hasSomeStackTrace:
- var s = ""
- rawWriteStackTrace(s)
- else:
- let s = noStacktraceAvailable
- cast[proc (s: string) {.noSideEffect, tags: [], nimcall, raises: [].}](showErrorMessage2)(s)
- proc getStackTrace(): string =
- when hasSomeStackTrace:
- result = ""
- rawWriteStackTrace(result)
- else:
- result = noStacktraceAvailable
- proc getStackTrace(e: ref Exception): string =
- if not isNil(e):
- result = $e.trace
- else:
- result = ""
- proc getStackTraceEntries*(e: ref Exception): lent seq[StackTraceEntry] =
- ## Returns the attached stack trace to the exception `e` as
- ## a `seq`. This is not yet available for the JS backend.
- e.trace
- proc getStackTraceEntries*(): seq[StackTraceEntry] =
- ## Returns the stack trace entries for the current stack trace.
- ## This is not yet available for the JS backend.
- when hasSomeStackTrace:
- rawWriteStackTrace(result)
- const nimCallDepthLimit {.intdefine.} = 2000
- proc callDepthLimitReached() {.noinline.} =
- writeStackTrace()
- let msg = "Error: call depth limit reached in a debug build (" &
- $nimCallDepthLimit & " function calls). You can change it with " &
- "-d:nimCallDepthLimit=<int> but really try to avoid deep " &
- "recursions instead.\n"
- showErrorMessage2(msg)
- rawQuit(1)
- proc nimFrame(s: PFrame) {.compilerRtl, inl, raises: [].} =
- if framePtr == nil:
- s.calldepth = 0
- when NimStackTraceMsgs: s.frameMsgLen = 0
- else:
- s.calldepth = framePtr.calldepth+1
- when NimStackTraceMsgs: s.frameMsgLen = framePtr.frameMsgLen
- s.prev = framePtr
- framePtr = s
- if s.calldepth == nimCallDepthLimit: callDepthLimitReached()
- when defined(cpp) and appType != "lib" and not gotoBasedExceptions and
- not defined(js) and not defined(nimscript) and
- hostOS != "standalone" and hostOS != "any" and not defined(noCppExceptions) and
- not quirkyExceptions:
- type
- StdException {.importcpp: "std::exception", header: "<exception>".} = object
- proc what(ex: StdException): cstring {.importcpp: "((char *)#.what())", nodecl.}
- proc setTerminate(handler: proc() {.noconv.})
- {.importc: "std::set_terminate", header: "<exception>".}
- setTerminate proc() {.noconv.} =
- # Remove ourself as a handler, reinstalling the default handler.
- setTerminate(nil)
- var msg = "Unknown error in unexpected exception handler"
- try:
- {.emit: "#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || (_MSC_VER >= 1923)".}
- raise
- {.emit: "#endif".}
- except Exception:
- msg = currException.getStackTrace() & "Error: unhandled exception: " &
- currException.msg & " [" & $currException.name & "]"
- except StdException as e:
- msg = "Error: unhandled cpp exception: " & $e.what()
- except:
- msg = "Error: unhandled unknown cpp exception"
- {.emit: "#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER < 1923)".}
- msg = "Error: unhandled unknown cpp exception"
- {.emit: "#endif".}
- when defined(genode):
- # stderr not available by default, use the LOG session
- echo msg
- else:
- writeToStdErr msg & "\n"
- rawQuit 1
- when not defined(noSignalHandler) and not defined(useNimRtl):
- type Sighandler = proc (a: cint) {.noconv, benign.}
- # xxx factor with ansi_c.CSighandlerT, posix.Sighandler
- proc signalHandler(sign: cint) {.exportc: "signalHandler", noconv.} =
- template processSignal(s, action: untyped) {.dirty.} =
- if s == SIGINT: action("SIGINT: Interrupted by Ctrl-C.\n")
- elif s == SIGSEGV:
- action("SIGSEGV: Illegal storage access. (Attempt to read from nil?)\n")
- elif s == SIGABRT:
- action("SIGABRT: Abnormal termination.\n")
- elif s == SIGFPE: action("SIGFPE: Arithmetic error.\n")
- elif s == SIGILL: action("SIGILL: Illegal operation.\n")
- elif (when declared(SIGBUS): s == SIGBUS else: false):
- action("SIGBUS: Illegal storage access. (Attempt to read from nil?)\n")
- else:
- block platformSpecificSignal:
- when declared(SIGPIPE):
- if s == SIGPIPE:
- action("SIGPIPE: Pipe closed.\n")
- break platformSpecificSignal
- action("unknown signal\n")
- # print stack trace and quit
- when defined(memtracker):
- logPendingOps()
- when hasSomeStackTrace:
- when not usesDestructors: GC_disable()
- var buf = newStringOfCap(2000)
- rawWriteStackTrace(buf)
- processSignal(sign, buf.add) # nice hu? currying a la Nim :-)
- showErrorMessage2(buf)
- when not usesDestructors: GC_enable()
- else:
- var msg: cstring
- template asgn(y) =
- msg = y
- processSignal(sign, asgn)
- # xxx use string for msg instead of cstring, and here use showErrorMessage2(msg)
- # unless there's a good reason to use cstring in signal handler to avoid
- # using gc?
- showErrorMessage(msg, msg.len)
- when defined(posix):
- # reset the signal handler to OS default
- c_signal(sign, SIG_DFL)
- # re-raise the signal, which will arrive once this handler exit.
- # this lets the OS perform actions like core dumping and will
- # also return the correct exit code to the shell.
- discard c_raise(sign)
- else:
- rawQuit(1)
- var SIG_IGN {.importc: "SIG_IGN", header: "<signal.h>".}: Sighandler
- proc registerSignalHandler() =
- # xxx `signal` is deprecated and has many caveats, we should use `sigaction` instead, e.g.
- # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/231912/what-is-the-difference-between-sigaction-and-signal
- c_signal(SIGINT, signalHandler)
- c_signal(SIGSEGV, signalHandler)
- c_signal(SIGABRT, signalHandler)
- c_signal(SIGFPE, signalHandler)
- c_signal(SIGILL, signalHandler)
- when declared(SIGBUS):
- c_signal(SIGBUS, signalHandler)
- when declared(SIGPIPE):
- when defined(nimLegacySigpipeHandler):
- c_signal(SIGPIPE, signalHandler)
- else:
- c_signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN)
- registerSignalHandler() # call it in initialization section
- proc setControlCHook(hook: proc () {.noconv.}) =
- # ugly cast, but should work on all architectures:
- when declared(Sighandler):
- c_signal(SIGINT, cast[Sighandler](hook))
- when not defined(noSignalHandler) and not defined(useNimRtl):
- proc unsetControlCHook() =
- # proc to unset a hook set by setControlCHook
- c_signal(SIGINT, signalHandler)